The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 691 How dare you plot against Xiner

Chapter 691 How dare you plot against Xiner
"Hey, by the way, who is that person from sister Xiaolian?"

The little ancestor Wang Jinling, who had just been appeased, suddenly pointed to Yang's position and asked Chen Xing.


Mrs. Yang brazenly admitted that she was Chen Xiaolian's mother, but the brothers of the Chen family heard those words clearly, but now when asked by the little girl, they didn't know what to say.

They didn't know what kind of madness Mrs. Yang was smoking, and what she was doing so well was to lie and deceive people.

Although the brothers did not speak, their expressions were not very comfortable. What else did He Xiner not understand?
Co-authoring and pretending to be someone else's mother is really weird!

"Cousin is gone~"

"Sister Xin'er, sister Xiaolian called her 'big aunt' just now..."

"Never mind our business, let's go."

Chen Xing on the other end hugged Chen Xiaolian expressionlessly, and walked away. Chen Fu, Chen Wang and others quickly followed.

This He Xiner also carried the pannier and pulled Wang Jinling's hand into the alley.

"I still want to invite sister Xiaolian to eat fried chicken nuggets~"

He Xiner's face darkened, still eating?

She didn't want to get into any more trouble.

Immediately, he held the little girl's hand a little harder, and the speed was obviously accelerated, and he rushed home in a hurry.

Dabai automatically followed without calling, and before leaving, he bared his teeth at Yang Shi, which almost didn't scare Yang Shi out of his wits, and just stood there stupidly without daring to move until everyone was gone. Only then did Yang move her numb legs and staggered back.

With that big dog around, it's really hard to touch that dead girl. Yang was furious, and the more she thought about it, the more she hated it. This would be twenty feet away from the alley of Ye Dahe's house. At noon, there were no people on the street. Yang couldn't help but gritted her teeth and cursed, "Damn girl, you cheap girl, you hunt so much game, and you don't know how to honor my mother. Let's wait and see, and see how I will deal with you!"

"And that bastard, dare to scare my old lady. I will give you a pack of rat poison tomorrow. If the medicine doesn't kill you, you are my old lady!"

Hey, this is a good idea. I still have a big bag of the rat poison I bought two years ago, and I just use it to feed that beast!
"Haha, let's do it like this. Without the life savings, let's see what the dead girl can do. Hmph, when the old lady uses a little tricks, Ye Laiyin will obediently take out the silver and beg the old lady to give it away. The Langhoof's marriage is settled, haha... hiccup~"

By the way, Mrs. Yang is not stupid at all, no matter how angry she is in her heart, she will not be so stupid that the streets are full of people drinking, but just seeing that there is no one on the street, she can't help cursing pettyly to express her anger, but good Undead happened to meet Ye Xusheng who came back from school.

Ye Xusheng's hearing is amazing. He came from the direction of Lijia Village in the northeast. He walked the dirt road behind the village. Before he turned into Nanbei Street, he heard Yang's curse in a low voice. At that time, he frowned subconsciously. Well, the girls in the village hunt game, besides He Xiner, he can't think of anyone else.

Later, when he heard Yang say about using rat poison, he was almost sure to scold Dabai. The unknown fire rose, and his eyes, which were always gentle and clear, were cold as frost. The more he cursed, the worse it sounded. Ye Xusheng walked up to Yang Shi in a few strides, grabbed her by the neck, and said in a cold voice, "You dare to scheme against Xin'er, you want to die!"

Yang Shi was pinched so hard that she couldn't breathe, she opened her mouth wide but couldn't make a sound, her throat was sizzling, as if it was going to break at any moment, her face was flushed from holding back, her lips had turned blue-purple, and her eyes were even worse. It was a burst of blackness, and he waved his hands indiscriminately for a few times. As Ye Xusheng's strength increased, he slowly drooped down, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier...

Ye Xusheng was really furious to the extreme, and he decided to kill him. It was obvious what General Yang's words meant. If she wanted to plot against Xin'er, she deserved to die!
(End of this chapter)

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