The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 695 I Forgot This Stubble

Chapter 695 I forgot this

"Good! I just took my cousin to the town to play. If I didn't serve the bean sprouts, I could take my mother with me."

With the eldest brother here, she was thinking wildly, those centuries-old past events have long been blown away with the wind, and the current her is the real her.

After thinking about it, He Xiner didn't worry about it, her big eyes were still wet, her thick eyelashes were even more moist, but her small face was full of smiles.

It took only a few seconds from the crying face to the smiling face, and the contrast was a bit big. Ye Xusheng was a little incapable of accepting it, and couldn't keep up with her rhythm.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to work. Although the ox cart at home runs to the town every day, the carriage is full of things. We can't sit in it?"

"Well, brother also thought of it. Let's go in the afternoon. It will only take about an hour to go back and forth to the town. We have time."

Although he didn't understand why she suddenly became happy, but it was a good thing anyway, Ye Xusheng poured her a cup of hot water and handed it to her, "Drink slowly."

"Haha, Brother Hall, this is a good idea~"

Taking the water glass, He Xiner held it in her hand and said with a smile, "Minger will take my mother to the town for a stroll no matter what."

"Well, the matter of pouring bean sprouts with water can only be done by father and second uncle."

"Hey, that's exactly what I mean. My brother and I really have a good understanding, haha..."

He Xiner winked at him and smiled like a little fox. She was playful and smart. She was originally extremely beautiful, but in a second, she broke her power and the magic sound reappeared.

Ye Jisheng was a little dazed, until the magic sound pierced his ears, he came back to his senses, he couldn't laugh or cry~
It was still early, so they were not in a hurry to go to bed, the two discussed it, and then continued to read and write.

After breakfast on the second day, He Xiner helped her mother tidy up the soaked beans, and then she and her cousin and cousin took Dabai into the mountain. He ran to the mountains and didn't come today.

With the eldest brother here, He Xiner felt at ease and had a great time playing. Dabai and the little girl ran around like having fun when they returned to the mountain, and He Xiner was not worried.

"The frozen Sapphire Lake must be extremely beautiful, but it's a pity that it's too far away, and it's not easy to go into the deep mountains with such thick snow."

"Well, I'll take you there next time when Big Brother rests, okay?"

"Okay, hee hee."

He Xiner smiled sweetly.

The sky is blue and the clouds are clear.

The snow on the trees has already melted, and the snow water has not yet evaporated. The cold wind blows at night and freezes into ice. There are layers of ice ridges hanging on the dry branches, which are crystal clear and shiny under the sun. flash~
Wrapped in plain silver makeup, piled with jade and built with snow, the rolling mountains are as beautiful as a new layer of white clothes.

Such a beautiful weather, such a beautiful snow scene, walking in it with the eldest brother, He Xiner's heart is peaceful, and the smile on the corner of her mouth has never faded~

"what happened?"

"It's been a long time since I went to the hot spring pool, and I almost forgot about it!"

He Xiner's dark eyes were shining brightly, and her smile was as bright as the sun, "There is a steaming hot spring deep in the snow-capped mountains, ah, it's so poetic!"

In winter, Ye Xusheng didn't take He Xiner to the hot spring because of the cold weather in the mountains. Ever since Wang Jinling's little friend came to stay with her, He Xiner was even more busy playing with her and taking care of the bean sprouts. A bunch of messy things, but I forgot this one.

"Oh, soaking in the warm spring water and enjoying the beautiful snow scenery, that feeling... Tsk, tsk, it would be best to add a few snowflakes to suit the occasion, it must be wonderful!"

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curled up, his handsome eyes looked softly at the intoxicated He Xiner, and he responded softly, "Well, what Xiner said is true."

"Brother Hall agrees? Let's go when it snows someday?"

"it is good".

"Haha, I'm so happy~"

(End of this chapter)

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