The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 800 Baby's Imagination Is Too Rich

Chapter 800 Baby's Imagination Is Too Rich
There is nothing to do in the first month. Ye Xusheng is either nesting in the Xikua courtyard to write novels, or going to Zhang's house to compete with Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang, and then write it down bit by bit.

On the other hand, He Xiner held Ye Xusheng and let Zhang Dongqiang read some books that Zhang Dongqiang specially found.

The scripts she bought in the town before were all written in vernacular Chinese. Although there were a few traditional characters that she didn’t understand, they seemed to be unobstructed.

He Xiner didn't make things difficult for herself, just watch what she understands, and pass what she doesn't understand, just watch the excitement.

That day, Ye Xusheng didn't go to Zhang's house, the two of them were still nesting in the Xikua courtyard, one was reading and the other was writing, the brazier in the house was burning vigorously, and it wasn't cold at all.

Dabai was not there, so he went up the mountain with Ye Laiyin and his brothers.

"Xin'er, there is a move that I don't understand, can you cooperate with me in making gestures?"


He Xiner was seeing something difficult to understand, and she didn't dare to interrupt the big brother's thoughts to ask him, so she just wanted to turn the page, and she was overjoyed when she heard this.

He threw the book away with a smile, stood up and rolled up his sleeves, "Brother Hall, what are you gesticulating? Do you want my sister to perform a nine-yin white bone claw for you?"

Ye Xusheng...

That excited little appearance is really dumbfounding.

"Cough, cough, let's demonstrate to Brother Nine Yin White Bone Claw."


He Xiner snapped her fingers happily, but she was not in a hurry to show her claws. Instead, she lowered her head and approached Ye Xusheng, "Brother Hall, help me untie my hair tie."

"Why is this?"

"Mei Chaofeng always has loose hair, I have to let my hair loose to look like me~"

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he stretched out his hand to carefully untie the beads and hair tie on her hair bag, and said with a light smile, "Brother, comb it for you."

"Yeah, comb it more smoothly, haha."

After combing her hair, He Xiner couldn't wait to stretch out her little hands to pretend to be Mei Chaofeng.

"Hey, shouldn't it be windy here?"

A certain person kept a serious face, stretched out two small meaty claws in a unique manner, flicked his hair gracefully, and said in a gloomy voice:
"In the dark night, when you can't see your fingers, the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River used their housekeeping skills to besiege Tie Shiyi. They relied on their ears to make moves. If they didn't pay attention, they would become dead souls under their claws. It was extremely dangerous.

Suddenly a flash of lightning illuminated the desert of yellow sand, and I saw a slim and beautiful woman with waist-long hair and no wind, two lines of blood and tears rolled down her pale face, her hands were clawed, and there were bright red drops of blood on her long nails. tick tock..."

Someone used too much force and managed to scare himself so much that he had goose bumps all over his body.

Ye Xusheng stared straight at He Xiner's small face, dazed in a daze, but saw her suddenly jump up on the spot with her arms folded, "Ah, it's so scary, so scary!"

Ye Xusheng laughed dumbfounded~
"Is this scaring yourself?"

"The baby's imagination is too rich, the sense of picture is too strong, hehe, hehe..."

With a dry smile, He Xiner herself felt that her smile was so fake.

"Since you are afraid, don't think about the Nine Yin White Bone Claws. Big Brother thinks of a few tricks for capturing hands. Are you interested in learning them? In case of danger, you can save yourself."

"Hey, if you follow me in broad daylight, what's the danger?"

He Xiner waved her small hands indifferently, and said, "I'm small and I have little strength, so it's useless to learn routines in vain!"

"Well, you can't do it if you have to work hard. These moves are all about using cleverness to get rid of the opponent's restraint."

"Huh? You can have this!"

He Xiner looked at the eldest brother with a smile, her eyes stared at the stars.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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