Chapter 807
At first, the old Qian wanted to pass it once, but Ye Laicai coaxed him by giving him a hundred coins. He said that he didn't take the rest of the money with him, and he would hand it in when he got it back.

Later, the bursts of sweet words coaxed old Qian's heart to be full of joy, and thinking that the first month was not yet out, he was not in a hurry to push him to take the silver.

In short, Ye Laicai had done enough rough work and eaten enough boiled cabbage, so he left without saying a word.

Old Yetou was so annoyed that he was furious, and scolded Old Qian's bloody head.

Even if old Qian kept his head down and let him scold him enough without saying a word, old Yetou still couldn't understand his hatred.

Originally, I discussed with my two sons to use the public money to build three brick and tile houses in Dongkuayuan for the third child to get married, and then move the eldest grandson to the front yard, which means that all Dongkuayuan will be given to him. Ye Laicai.

It's not fair.

After all, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin lived in two earthen huts when they got married, and they were already the pillars of the family at that time, not to mention the work in the field, and the money they earned from odd jobs during the slack season did not leave a penny. All submitted to the public.

But Ye Lai, the treasurer, has not made any contribution to the family at such a young age. He ate the food grown by his two brothers for nothing, did not stretch a finger for the work in the field, and did not pay any money when he went out to work for two or three years.

It was also Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin who were generous, and they were more lazy to care about it, so they agreed to Lao Yetou's arrangement.

The brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin originally built a house, so they didn't want to argue with his father about this matter.

But now the old Yetou has changed his mind. Whether the second child wants to build a few houses in the west yard by himself, or the eldest wants to build a few houses in the front yard by himself, they are all private property of their house.

And the house he built with money in Dongkuayuan is still for the grandson to live in. It's okay if the dead thing doesn't come back. If he wants to come back, he will break one of his legs first to see if he will run away in the future?
Hmph, as for getting married, it's not too late to wait two years.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, more than a dozen bullock carts carrying bricks and tiles entered Yejia Village, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole village.

You pass it on to me, I pass it on to you, and soon many people know about it, and rush to the street to see the scene.

A group of people you inquired about me and I inquired about you, and it didn't take long to figure out what was going on.

It turned out that Ye Dayou's family and Ye Dahe's family wanted to build a new house.


How much money would it cost for a cart of blue bricks and a cart of gray tiles?

From the time these ox carts entered Yejia Village, they were surrounded by circles of people, and it was almost impossible to move an inch. The driver who led the way was so anxious that he shouted, "Everyone gives way, we are in a hurry."

"It's not even noon yet, what's the hurry?"

"That's right, that's right, brother, tell us how much the bricks and tiles cost?"

"Let's have a chat. It's not too late for you to deliver it to your door after noon. Maybe they still have food left."

"That Ye Dahe's family has pheasants and rabbits, and they keep eating meat every day."

A group of old men were more eager to inquire than those old women, and they stopped the bullock cart noisily and refused to let it go.

"Who has the time to grind your teeth with you? After unloading these goods, we have to run a few times, and we have to deliver all the bricks and tiles before dark, and we are busy~"



What a great handwriting!
Immediately, someone was red-eyed, and wanted to take advantage of it secretly. Anyway, there were so many people watching the excitement, and there was no way to get around the bullock cart.

It is said that there is more than one person who has thought about it~
"Get out of the way!"

A violent roar almost deafened everyone's ears, and the group of people were stunned, and the one who thought about it was even more frightened and staggered.

Covering their buzzing ears, everyone turned their heads to look, and saw nine brothers Ye Mancang leading a majestic Dabai walking quickly with great momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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