The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 809 How can I find time to pick up people?

Chapter 809 How can I find time to pick up people?
For a while, Lao Yetou was a little distracted thinking about eating meat, while Ye Changshou looked distressed.

No matter how rich your meal is, you can't manage to be full for a day!

"In these ten miles and eight villages, people who build houses have always been in charge of three meals. If you change the rules so suddenly, I'm afraid it's not right! Big brother, if you worry about it..."

Speaking of which, Ye Changshou's attitude is really not high, it is quite a bit of earnestness.

More or less it is because of the face of Ye Xusheng, a scholar, that he is like this. From the bottom of his heart, he is optimistic about the boy Sheng who is both civil and military, and believes that he is not a thing in the pool, and one day he will soar into the sky.

Set up some friendship now, and when the family is prosperous in the future, not to mention the benefits, if there is a difficulty in the family, it is good for them to help out from the old friendship.

Lao Yetou, who secretly swallowed his saliva, came back to his senses, almost choking on his own saliva.

"Cough, cough, blame me for not saying everything."

"What my grandfather meant was to save two meals for the big guy and convert it into cash, so that our family can save effort and the big guy can get benefits."

"Is that so?"

Ye Changshou lifted his spirits, let's just say, his family is so rich, and he is not afraid of being ashamed if he picks and searches.

The two thought it over, and Ye Changshou left. He wanted to inform the people in the village that anyone who was willing to help should sign up with him.

So, as soon as the news came out, the whole Ye Family Village was in a state of eruption.

Ye Dahe's family hired someone to help build the house, paid ten copper coins a day, and even managed a rich lunch!
It was the time when the crops were not harvested, and some families were about to run out of food, so they waited for wild vegetables to pop up, and dug some wild vegetables to fill their stomachs.

The work of Lao Ye's family is simply timely rain!
The elders of the family have a place to eat and can bring money back home. Where in the world can they find such a good thing?
When they came back to their senses, everyone was so anxious, they were afraid that there would be nothing for him after the registration was over, so they rushed to Ye Changsheng's house in a hurry.

Before we reached the door of the village chief's house, we saw circle after circle of people, crowded to the brim.

"Big fellows, don't crowd or rob. Listen to me. Brother Ye Dahe has spoken. The more people who help, the better, and try to build the house in the shortest possible time."

"So, as long as they are willing to do it, each family will arrange for one person."

Hey, Ye Changshou has experience in this kind of thing. Some people in the village have seven or eight sons. If they all flock to Ye Dahe's house, they may not be helping, but causing trouble.

The chaotic scene was finally choked up by Ye Changshou's voice, and finally suppressed the scene.

Ye Changshou wiped off his sweat and jumped to the ground from the teacher's chair.

Good guy, if he was a step too late, these people might have to knock down the walls of his courtyard.

Ye Changshou called out the name of his eldest son who had studied for two years, and Ye Changshou planned his work arrangements with his hands behind his back and his eyes squinted.

On the first day of February, Lao Ye's family was very busy. Mrs. Yuanyuan brought a few sisters-in-law and Mrs. Liu to help with the cooking. Cuizhi and Yuanyuan took Dabai to the mountains and came back after hunting a bunch of wild game.

Then he helped to deliver water to the big guys, and even took over the job of watering soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts.

Don't look at her smiling and busy, but she is really anxious~
I agreed to pick up my little cousin, but now that the family is so busy, how can I have time to pick up someone.

Building a house is a major event, and it’s the first day. Although the village chief and his father helped arrange the manpower, and the five brothers Ye Shitian and their nine nephews ran back and forth to help, but there were too many things to do, Ye Laiyin was busy. I can't catch up with Wang Ling.

It was Ye Xusheng who remembered clearly, because he was afraid that He Xiner would be in a hurry and would not be able to help out after school, so he drove the ox cart directly to Wangjiazhuang to pick her up.

(End of this chapter)

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