Chapter 820

All the helpers gasped in unison.

How rich is Ye Laiyin's house?
And this is how much he spoils his daughter, a half-grown child, such a dressing table, such a large wardrobe, and the furniture is more complete than the people who have been with them for most of their lives.

It's really eye-catching~
The crowd couldn't help discussing, they all squeezed to see the scene, and unconsciously the commotion became louder, and Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng knew it right away, they were all a little unbelievable.

The second room did not use the helpers in the village at all to move things, only Ye Laiyin took the Ye Mancang brothers to do the work, and even sent a group of helpers to Dongkuayuan to clean up the work, but there were so many people in the village. Love to see the scene.

Soon, the old Qian who was enjoying everyone's love in the house and the little Qian who was confinement in the east wing also knew about it. Not the youngest son, he covered himself tightly, and rushed to Xikuayuan in a hurry.

Lin Shi, Widow Zhang and others also followed to watch the excitement.

Originally, I wanted to see how the old Qian was making a fuss, but when I arrived at the new house, a group of old ladies couldn't use their eyesight enough. Looking at this and that, they just felt that everything was good and everything was exquisite.

Something seems wrong~
Old Qian did not scold anyone!

Lin and the others were wondering, but Xiaoqian's sharp scolding was startled suddenly.

"Ah, I'm not going to live anymore. Old Ye's family is so biased. I, the eldest daughter-in-law, gave birth to two golden grandchildren for your family. Life is not as good as a hen that doesn't lay eggs..."


Before Xiaoqian could finish her sentence, Ye Laijin, who arrived in time, covered her mouth and dragged her out. If it wasn't for her confinement, she might have swung her fists up.

Lin and the others looked at each other, what's going on?
I'm afraid Ye Laijin is not a fool, is he?
What Xiaoqian said was right, he is the eldest son, and the eldest son is promising, and a new big fat boy has been added. At a time when the scenery is boundless, he is willing to be overwhelmed by the second wife who can't give birth to a son...

It's really weird~
There are also those who are honest, knowing that Ye Laijin is honest and brotherly, and will not turn against his brother for a little thing.

Didn't everyone say that Ye Laiyin paid for the construction of the house by Ye Laiyin alone?

Look at these two brothers, they are really brothers and sisters!
But having said that, Ye Laiyin is really rich~
Someone with a quick mind wants to get He Xiner's idea. Alas, it's a pity that everyone's surname is Ye, so they can't get married.

A group of people were foolishly thinking about this and that, before they could come up with a reason, Ye Mancang directly drove them away, "Everyone get out, don't stay here and delay the brothers to clean up the house."

We all know that Brother Ye Mancang is not to be messed with, and Lin and the others are also afraid of his unscrupulous temper, so they have to hold back their anger and leave Xikuayuan.

"Mancang, that brat, looks like he's about to get married, and he's so ignorant that he doesn't even know how to respect the elderly. Let's see which girl dares to marry him."

"That's not sure, isn't his family going to build a house? After the blue brick house is built, I don't know how many people are rushing to be in-laws."

"It's true, hey, it's better to have money~"

"Who doesn't talk about it, my eldest son has reached the age to say goodbye, and he is still squeezed into two wing rooms with a group of hairy children, alas~"

"Huh? It's too weird that Mrs. Qian didn't scold anyone, isn't it?"


The old Qian, who was being talked about by a group, had a pair of old eyes shining, and his hands were trembling with excitement, stroking Wang's walnut dressing table.

In the near future, Ye Laiyin went to talk to his elder brother, and Wang's mother and daughter were both busy in the backyard, and it was not easy for Ye Mancang brothers to chase her away, so they had to stay with her and close the door as soon as she went out.

(End of this chapter)

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