Chapter 822
It was Ye Guihua who spoke.

She couldn't help it anymore, her mother knew how to pester that little thing, but didn't know how to grab the money, she was really stupid.

Ye Guihua was the same as old Qian Shi, seeing that her father did not protect Ye Laiyin as tightly as in the past, she was emboldened to remind her mother with these words.

Old Qian immediately lifted his spirits!
"Osmanthus fragrans is right, that big dog eats the food from Lao Ye's family, no matter how much silver it earns, it has to be handed over."

Old Qian didn't know anything about the family's garlic yellow business, and only thought that the main business of the family was bean sprouts, but those worthless beans would not be much for money.

Then the second child's extravagant spending was naturally earned by selling his prey.

Ouch, hunting is really profitable!

Hey, from now on all the money will belong to my mother.

Haha, she is still a smart girl~
Ye Laiyin snorted coldly, before he could speak, he was slightly taken aback when Ye Xusheng whistled suddenly.


"Ah! Throw the dog out!"

Dabai's speed is really unbelievable. Hearing the call, he appeared in the main room within ten breaths. The dim candlelight cast a huge black shadow on his huge body, obliquely occupying half of the room.

"My dear, my grandma said that I will raise you in the future."

He Xin'er had a serious grievance on her small face, and she looked very reluctant to part with her, holding her big white fluffy head tightly.


Dabai gave old Qian a faint look, his slightly squinted eyes turned red, and old Qian almost lost his wits in fright, he jumped and ran to the inner room with a scream.

Yeh Osmanthus...

Ye Feifeng...

"Father, you don't care if the eldest nephew and the second girl scare my mother with a big dog?"

Hey, for so many days, Ye Guihua didn't take the initiative to talk to the old Yetou, and now, in order to take advantage, it was considered a gamble, and she actually sued her father in a decent manner.

The old Yetou took a puff of smoke and glanced at her, "You two want money, so you can raise a dog by yourself."

Hearing this, Ye Guihua's eyes widened in disbelief, thinking that her father was letting her mother make trouble, how could she say such things again?
"But, but, no matter who feeds the dog, what it eats is the food from the public."

In the end she didn't want to let go of this opportunity, Ye Guihua stammered and still clung to it.

"Heh~ why don't you tell me how much white rice and white noodles you ate, how much pheasant and rabbit you ate?"

Ye Laiyin's face was cold, but he was impatient. He didn't have enough to take advantage of, and he was not familiar with the food and drink.

Old Qian Shi was so frightened by Dabai that she shivered and hid in the room and dared not come out. Ye Guihua couldn't speak alone, and old Yetou had a clear attitude. The mother and wife got nothing from this disturbance, and they offended the second room again.

Ye Laiyin secretly wrote down the account, and just waiting for the house to be built, he choked up the meat at home.

At the beginning of a new day, the old Ye's family was busy and bustling as usual, the house in Dongkuayuan was completely dry, Xiaoqian moved in impatiently regardless of the fact that he was still confinement.

So far, all the east and west rooms in the front yard have been vacated, and they were demolished in a day, and then the foundation was laid to build the house. Under the supervision of Ye Fuyun, a group of helpers, led by four master craftsmen, were doing all kinds of work in an orderly manner. .

Construction started on the east and west wing rooms at the same time, and within ten days the girders were erected, the walls of the entire mansion were erected, the flower beds in the front yard were completed, and blue bricks were laid in the blank areas.

Only the pool and gazebo on the west side of the courtyard still need some work, and the other places are basically built, only some minor work is done.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer jobs, the helpers in the village were really in a hurry. They secretly stalked the old Yetou and demolished the three upper houses and rebuilt them.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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