Chapter 824 Two People Are So Childish
Although He Xiner asked to build this pool, she also has a lot of things to do, so she doesn't have time to keep an eye on the progress.

Mancang’s big brother built a house, and her father was going to help, and she and her little cousin also hunted and sent wild game; the construction of their own house was not completed, the bean sprouts business was not interrupted, and the potatoes should be harvested, ah, there are so many things to do. not finished~
Ever since her uncle's family moved into Dongkua Yard, He Xiner hadn't talked to the hall brother alone at night. Alas, the house was noisy, and it might affect the hall brother's study.

Yien remembers that the County Examination in February is the Tongzi Examination; the Mansion Examination in April is the Xiucai Examination, so there are still less than 20 days left, ah, it is so urgent~
Seeing that the sky was so busy, the whole family almost forgot about the important matter of the eldest brother's study.

That night, after dinner, Lao Yetou asked the adults to arrange a six-jin full moon banquet, so He Xiner led Wang Jinling and followed Ye Xusheng out of the main room, "Brother Hall, how about going to see my little sister's fish pond? "

Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing when he said this.

"I am honored to be invited by my second sister."

"Hey, the two of you are so childish, you play on your own, I'll go find Dabai."

Little Wang Jinling shook the goosebumps on her body, shouted "Dabai" and bounced away, leaving two "childish" people facing each other, dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, the little girl learned all these mistakes from He Xiner, and ended up using her to complain about her~
There is no reason to go.

"Big Brother, when are you going to Fucheng?"

The night sky is dotted with stars, which is very charming.

The spring breeze blows on the face, making people refreshed.

The two of them walked slowly towards the west courtyard. He Xiner stretched her arms and twisted her waist while talking. She was so busy all day that her feet never touched the ground, she was really tired.

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyes flashed lightly, he pondered for a while, and said, "Master said that my knowledge is still inexperienced, so I don't need to take the government examination for now."


"No, the hall brother is full of knowledge and knowledge, why is his knowledge so low? Is your master blind? What kind of crappy master, not only encourages and supports his students, but also punishes them!"

Yoho, the little girl was so angry that she stood upside down when she heard this, she stretched out her arms angrily and rudely rolled up her sleeves, pinched her waist and started to curse again, "It's so bad!" As a master, it is really in vain to be a teacher..."

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded, when did Xin'er become so powerful?
No, it's not a matter of being good or not, she's scolding the master!
Ye Xusheng was taken aback, and without thinking, he stepped forward and covered his chattering little mouth, "My dear sister, don't speak nonsense, the master can't scold you."

It is rare to see such a serious and serious expression of the big hall brother. He is always gentle and casual on weekdays. He is a gentle and understanding warm man. Such a slightly serious expression actually carries a trace of coercion, and his aura is special. powerful.

Domineering President~
Blinking and blinking, He Xiner suddenly frowned, her clear eyes were full of smiles, she winked at Ye Xusheng, playful and smart.

Ye Xusheng...

After he reacted, he felt his palms were burning hot, so he hurriedly withdrew his back behind his back, and said with a light smile, "Another mischief~"

"Ah, the big hall brother respects the teacher so much, he is really a good student."

He Xiner smiled and pointed at Ye Xusheng with a thumbs up.

It made Ye Xusheng dumbfounded.

"To tell you the truth, I suggest that the eldest brother go to the academy in the town to study. I heard that the academy in the town is very good. There are three old scholars teaching."

These things are all said by the helpers in the village. It is said that the students who participated in the county examination in Pingning Town this time, except for the big brother, the rest of them are all studying in the academy in the town, and then they are very envious and praise how the academy is. how good.

Regarding the matter of the eldest brother, He Xiner listened carefully.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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