Chapter 854 Don't peek
The little girl wrapped her neck and didn't let go, and He Xiner didn't care about the washtub, she squatted down with her arms around the little girl's chubby waist, and then imitated her, kissing the little girl's smooth face .

"Is the little ancestor satisfied?"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Xusheng, who happened to be rushing to find someone, saw this scene and was stunned. He stared blankly at the two people who were playing around, not knowing what they were thinking, but they remained motionless as if they were pinned.

It wasn't until the little sisters had had enough trouble that they found him.

"Big brother, are you out of school?"

"Big cousin."


Ye Xusheng finally came back to his senses and blinked his eyes lightly, a little unnaturally.

"Hey, after playing for a while, the sun is almost setting, let's go home."

While talking, He Xiner went to fetch the laundry tub, but Ye Xusheng snatched her first, "I'll do it."

"Thank you big brother."

He Xiner smiled sweetly.

The last ray of the setting sun shines on the sky and the earth, and the clouds are red, and the red is very beautiful.

The little girl had already chased Dabai and ran away. Under the sunset glow, the two of them walked on the country road facing the breeze, very leisurely and comfortable.

"My cousin is smart, it would be a pity not to be able to read and write."

"Well, what Xin'er said is that I still have a copy of "Thousand Characters", which is just suitable for enlightening my cousin."

"Hehe, hehe~"

The dry smile sounded very fake.

Ye Xusheng knew her best. Hearing her dry laugh, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, "What's wrong?"

"Aren't there any books for children? I struggled to read Lao Shizi's "Thousand Characters", let alone my cousin."

"Oh, it would be nice to have a book of fairy tales, short stories in vernacular, which are interesting and easy to understand."

Looking fixedly at He Xiner's pale face, after a moment of silence, Ye Xusheng said, "A book of fairy tales?"

"Yes, story books for children are naturally called fairy tale books. To view the world from a child's perspective, you must have rich imagination. Grass, flowers, little ants, everything is novel and interesting. ..."

"Hey! Ant!"

Suddenly thinking of something, He Xiner's eyes sparkled, and she rubbed her hands excitedly, "Hey, my little cousin will definitely like the story of ants."

Ye Xusheng listened quietly, with deep eyes and restrained emotions.

"Haha, the baby is really smart."

"Xin'er wants to write a story by herself?"

"Yes, the story is interesting. Children like to read books. They are at an age that loves to play and move. It's so embarrassing to be forced to learn those obscure words."

Shaking her shoulders, He Xiner raised her face and asked, "Did you skip class when you first started studying?"


"Have you ever cried because you couldn't read?"


"Brother lobby is amazing~"

He Xiner smiled and gave her a thumbs up, with a look of admiration on her face.

Ye Xusheng...

Do not cry, do not skip class is great?

Xiner's standards are a bit low.

Even if she had a goal, He Xiner didn't hesitate. After the little girl fell asleep that night, she went to Dongkua courtyard.

"Hey, I can't calm down by myself."

"As long as the eldest brother is reading at the side, I can think about the story calmly."

He Xiner held a brush in a decent manner, dipped it in ink, and smiled at Ye Xusheng, "Don't make fun of my words, big hall brother."

"Well, no joke."

"Hey, don't peek."

"dont see."

"I trust the eldest brother."

As He Xiner said, when she was alone, she clearly had a story in mind, but she just couldn't calm down and write.

Now, with the eldest brother by her side, her heart is at peace, and she has finished writing a short story without knowing it.

"Easy to understand, unique in conception, lively and interesting."

Hehe, Xiaobaihua is really easy to understand~
 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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