Chapter 857 Is Too Childish
"Sister Xin'er, your handwriting is not as beautiful as that of your big cousin~"

Hmph, little cousin is so cute!
He Xiner glared at the little girl angrily, "The baby is very angry, and the consequences will be serious!"


Little Wang Jinling's waist was crossed, shaking wildly with laughter.

After finally stopping the laughter, the little girl lay down on the Eight Immortals table, stretched her head and leaned forward, staring at He Xiner with flickering eyes, grinning and saying:

"How serious are the consequences?"

"I won't teach you how to read."

Someone raised his chin proudly, pretending to be angry.

The little girl was not afraid of her, she smiled, and threw her arms around her neck, "Baji" just said, "My sister Xin'er is a kind and beautiful little fairy, the best and the best..."

"Haha, you have eyes~"

The two little sisters giggled and hugged you, poked me, and I scratched you, making a fuss.

After finally tossing and tossing enough, I seriously taught my little cousin how to read and write.

"Wow, can people get smaller? It's so fun."

"Wow, the little ant is so powerful!"


"Cousin, your task now is to recognize characters, don't keep pestering you to listen to stories, okay?"

"Sister Xin'er read it a few times so I can remember it."

What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless.

With nothing else to do, since the little cousin liked it, He Xiner couldn't help but follow her and read it over and over again. The little girl was indeed a smart one, and she could memorize it fluently after two days of listening.

Then I held it and read it by myself, recognizing each word, learning very hard.

The fairy tale "Don't Mess With Ants" written by He Xiner not only coaxed the little girl, but also made Yuanyuan and Cuizhi very rare. Whenever she had time, she would pester He Xiner and ask her to write new stories .

"Don't Mess With Ants" is an excellent children's movie. He Xiner has long forgotten the plot, and only borrowed a name. Oh, of course, after bullying ants, the ant mage uses potions to make her smaller. This thread is still necessary.

As for the little protagonist's experience of living with the ants, He Xiner wrote it very simply, completely based on her rich imagination, hehe~
Originally, she just let the little girl learn while playing.

She thought, girls in this day and age can't go to school, let alone take the imperial examination, so there's no need to compete with those Four Books and Five Classics, it's really exhausting.

But literacy is necessary, you can't be a blind person, you don't know if you are sold, right?
In this way, under the constant urging of Yuanyuan, Cuizhi, and Wang Jinling, He Xiner wrote a few more short stories.

What little tadpoles are looking for their mother~
What a race between the tortoise and the hare~
What little white rabbit is pulling radishes~
He Xiner often laughed out loud while writing, she was really too childish.

However, the three little sisters love each other very much, especially Wang Jinling, who can recite every short story backwards and forwards, without knowing it, she has learned a lot of new words.

Well, her method is still very good, continue!
There are two little sisters, one is serious about teaching and the other is serious about learning, and they both enjoy it. Even their favorite Dabai is neglected by the two, and they have no time to play with it.

But Dabai was not idle.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin would take Dabai into the mountains to hunt whenever they had time, and they would harvest something every day. Ye Laiyin brought the wild game to the town and sold it for money.

The eldest family has added more people, and the eldest nephew spends a lot of money on studying. Ye Laiyin intends to supplement the elder brother. No matter how much money is given, Ye Laijin will share half of the money. Ye Laijin refuses but accepts it.

Xiaoqian's wife didn't know how the two brothers divided the accounts, and they felt a little resentful when Ye Laijin was doing the work for the second room for nothing.

Ye Feifeng didn't dare to say anything, but Xiaoqian dared, relying on her two sons, and felt that her status was different from before, so she tried to provoke her whenever she had time, but Ye Laijin beat her up before she finished speaking. He reprimanded her and warned her to go back to Lao Qian's house if she dared to be a monster again.

Xiaoqian fell on his back when he was angry, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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