The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 860 Can't We Be Reticent

Chapter 860 Can't We Be Reticent

The eldest aunt is incomprehensible, she can't even tell if her son is comfortable or not, it's so simple~
Alas, the big brother may have suffered a lot when he was a child, He Xiner silently glanced at the big brother, and felt sorry for the big brother in his heart for two seconds.

Ye Xusheng...

What look is this?
"Ah, I said why is my little cousin humming all the time, it turns out that it's stinking."

Cousin, can't we be more reserved?

He Xiner wanted to stroke her forehead.

"Feifeng, go and change your brother's diaper."

Xiaoqian didn't have the slightest sense of being slapped in the face, her face was not red and her heart was beating, she still stared at the braised pork without moving, and casually ordered her daughter to work.

Ye Xusheng finally understood the meaning in Xin'er's eyes just now, his face flushed immediately, his hands under the table were clenched into fists, and he had the urge to lift the table.

He has grown up, he can take care of himself, he doesn't care what his mother is like, but his brother is so young, his mother doesn't care...

But at this time, Ye Feifeng was blushing even more than Ye Xusheng. It was fine to wash diapers on weekdays, but now her mother even ordered her to change his younger brother's diapers.


"Qian Lianhua, you are not worthy of being a mother!"

Ye Laijin, his father and brothers, holding glasses of wine, smelling and tasting them, studying realgar wine happily, were suddenly disgusted by this slut.

To actually order my daughter, a little girl who hasn't left the court, to change her brother's diaper, really, really is muddled in shit.

I'm getting old, don't you know the difference between men and women?
Xiaoqian, whose heart and eyes were full of braised pork, was suddenly startled by his husband, and almost choked to death by his own saliva.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Now, old Mrs. Qian and Ye Guihua didn't want to anymore. They were guarding a table of good food, coughing and coughing, which spoiled the fun too much.

"Hurry up and carry Liujin to your room to pack!"

Old Qian originally wanted to tell her to hug the baby and get away, but wouldn't that scold her grandson too, so she stopped the scolding at the top of her throat, and instead kicked him out angrily.

Ye Guihua also took the opportunity to sarcastically sarcasm, annoyed Xiaoqian so much, but in front of her in-laws, she didn't dare to confront her, she was so angry that she had nowhere to vent, she glared at Wang Jinling fiercely With one glance, he picked up the cradle angrily and left the main room.

What the hell!

She blamed her cousin for yelling about her little cousin.

Could it be that with her weird idea, she has decided that as long as her cousin doesn't shout out, she can eat smoothly?
The uncle was right in scolding, she really was a mother in vain.

The good spirits of the whole room were completely spoiled by Xiao Qian, and they lost all energy to talk and laugh.

The faces of the old Ye Touye were not very good-looking, a little dull, drank a glass of wine, and began to eat.

"Hey, what kind of dish is this?"

Speaking of which, today's food is quite rich, braised pork, boiled pork slices, spicy chicken, fried crispy fish, four hard dishes, and a few seasonal vegetables.

A plate of dried tofu fried with green vegetable stalks, the color matches very beautifully, the old leaf head picked up a chopstick curiously, fresh and crisp~
Not bad!

"This is leek moss."

"Leek moss? The flower stalks that grow from old leeks?"

"Yeah, yum, sister Xin'er and I went to the vegetable garden to pick them, and we even met Grandpa smoking there."

"I didn't expect this thing to be fresh and tender, and it's delicious."

"If Xin'er didn't say it's leek moss, I wouldn't even be able to guess what it is."

The weather was hot, and He Xiner wanted to eat some vegetarian dishes. In the vegetable garden, she saw that many leeks were too old to bloom, so she picked some tender leek mosses, then fried dried tofu, and fried them together. The dish is refreshing and delicious, and she likes it very much.

"Leek moss is crisp and tender, better than leek."

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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