Chapter 890
Now that the eldest brother said there is no need to worry, He Xiner would not think about it any more, she turned her head and forgot, and said cheerfully, "This afternoon, my mother and I made a lot of Liangpi, and we also made the tiger noodles that the eldest brother likes. Pijianjiao, hey, it's all my fault for delaying work, Brother Hall, hurry home and eat."

"Well, watch your step."

Now that the matter was settled, when Ye Xusheng brought back the whole piece of saltpeter, He Xiner didn't have any psychological burden. Instead, she was overjoyed. She and her little cousin, Cuizhi, and Yuanyuan played ice in a copper basin and never tired of it .

Although Lao Yetou was a little disappointed that he couldn't make a living selling ice cubes, it was a great comfort that he, an ordinary farmer, could use ice in this hot day.

Get up early and take advantage of the cool weather to go to the vegetable garden to do some work, and the day's income will be enough. When the sun is hot, he stays in the house and drinks herbal tea with an ice basin, without a trace of heat.

Such a day is not satisfied, but it is too greedy.

Large pieces of saltpeter can be used repeatedly, and He Xiner gave some to Cuizhi and Yuanyuan's family, so that each family does not have to go to the town to buy a large amount.

The hottest summer season has passed with the company of ice basins. After the beginning of autumn, although the sun is still hot at noon, it is no longer humid and stuffy. It is cooler in the morning and evening, and you even need to wear a summer coat at night. .

Before it entered August, Ye Laiyin discussed with Wang that he would go back to his natal family on the second day of August. It was obvious that he didn't want to meet the old Cao's people at all.

Naturally, Mrs. Wang also has the same thoughts. Her elder sister is just a careless person, or maybe it's because they don't get along.

On the first day of the new year, Ye Laiyin went to the town to buy a lot of gifts, while Wang brought He Xiner, Wang Jinling baked cakes, peach cakes, fried cat ears, and fried dough twists. Sanxing Xingxing made a lot of battles.

After working for more than an hour, Niangsan made a bunch of food. He Xiner lowered her head and pulled the corner of her apron to wipe the thin sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile, "Mum, rest first, don't worry about dinner."

"Okay, listen to my daughter."

Mrs. Wang responded with a smile, but she quickly took a round plate with a few pieces of cake, "Send it to your grandma and sister-in-law, her mother and daughter love to eat this soft cake."

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

"Well, my cousin is carrying it, let's go together."

"it is good."

Recently, my sister-in-law often takes her cousin to enjoy flowers and fish together, and she is closer to her and Ye Feifeng's two nieces, which is funny to say.

In any case, the cousin lived at home for so long, and her grandma and sister-in-law never said anything, which is still rare.

From this point of view, He Xiner is willing to be filial. Whether it's food or other things, as long as it's not too out of the ordinary, she doesn't care.

No, it's almost Mid-Autumn Festival again, and she and her mother had already planned to go to the town to buy a few feet of cloth for her grandma and sister-in-law.

As for jewelry, let’s wait for the Chinese New Year.

The two sisters chatted and laughed and entered the main room, only to hear the sharp laughter of the eldest aunt, it seemed that the eldest wife and wife were also in the room.

The two women were referring to Xiaoqian and Liujin. At this time, Ye Feifeng was either washing clothes by the river or picking up beans in the house. She didn't have time to play, and she didn't like to go to her milk.

"Grandma, auntie, sister-in-law."

Little Wang Jinling has always been polite and thoughtful, just as the muslin curtain was lifted, before anyone could see clearly, she yelled out loudly.

"Hey, girl Ling, come up quickly."

Hey, is her sister-in-law overly enthusiastic?
"The freshly baked cake, grandma, aunt and sister-in-law eat it while it's hot."

"If you want me to say that the second girl has such a good skill, she should go to a big restaurant to find a job. I heard that the chefs in the restaurant make a lot of money."

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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