Chapter 898 Failure is Failure
Bai always knew the temper of his sister-in-law, so he didn't bother to talk to them. The key is that no matter how clearly you speak, you won't be able to stand up to others who say a lot of reasoning, which is more serious than yours.

In fact, it's not a matter of reason at all. They only care about taking advantage and getting benefits, just like garlic yellow and bean sprouts, they are happy when they make money haha.

But how can everything in this world follow your wishes?

Besides, if the price of the wild fruit was spread, it would cause so much trouble to the family, and she was not stupid, so she would not take that risk.

Bai didn't want to waste their words in vain, but Ning and the others got worse and kept pestering her, but they were ridiculed by Ye Mancang, which made Ning and the others blush, but they took advantage of this thorn to find a solution nor.

All in all, they are still in the light of the big house, so they don't dare to go too far.

Yuanyuan took this matter as a joke, and she chatted with He Xiner and Cuizhi to hear it. Both of them were exhausted for her. It's also annoying enough.

Fortunately, the uncle and the eldest brother can hold the scene, otherwise there will be more troubles.

Hey, grown-ups are responsible for those messy things, they just care about taking care of the wild fruits, so why bother?
Haha, it’s the season of making money again, so happy~
That's it, He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Yuanyuan and a little tail Wang Jinling let their business go, and only focused on earning their money.

Speaking of which, there was such a commotion last year. After listening to Mrs. Liu's remarks, those with a heart thought more and more and felt that it was reasonable. No wonder that Huichuntang didn't accept their wild fruits. It turned out that they didn't clean them up neatly. .

Just imagine that things in the pharmacy can be fooled?

That is the medicinal material for curing diseases and saving lives.

Well, let’s not mention the troubles of last year, and now it’s the season of fruit picking, we must seize the opportunity to earn some money to subsidize the family.

It’s not hard for farmers to bear it. Besides, although the work of turning and drying fruits is delicate and cumbersome, it’s not too tiring after all. As long as you pay attention to it, don’t expose it to the sun and be careful of moisture, the fruits after serving are still pretty good. Kind of.

Well, except for being slightly sticky.

Can it not be wet?

Mrs. Liu is not stupid, and he will not tell them the most critical step of pouring lye.

In any case, the weather was fine and the fruits dried quickly, so some people, ignoring the work in the field, impatiently brought their own wild fruits to Huichun Hall in Pingning Town.

"Look at the cabinet, there is not a single bad fruit in the sun-dried fruit at our house, why doesn't Huichuntang accept it?"

The so-called greater hope, greater disappointment.

The autumn harvest is the worst, but it is not good to eat. The men who work are so tired that their eye sockets collapsed. They are waiting for money to buy some oil and salt, and then cut two catties of pork for adults and children.

Unexpectedly, Xingxing has been working so hard these days, Huichuntang dismissed him without saying a word.

Naturally, I was anxious, and I was still full of anger, but I learned a lesson before, and no one dared to fight against others in Huichuntang.

Shopkeeper Zhao didn't care if these people were angry or not, if he dared to make trouble, he would never let it go.

"This wild fruit is sticky and wet, unqualified."

"We did it according to the method of Ye Laiyin's girl. We didn't slack off at all, so why didn't we pass the test?"

"I don't care what method you use, if you are not qualified, you are not qualified."

Glancing at the thick-necked man who blushed anxiously, shopkeeper Zhao said lightly, "To tell you the truth, we only accept this wild fruit from Brother Ye Shitian and Brother Ye Laiyin at Huichun Tang, and we don't accept any from anyone else." receive."

"Hey, why?"

"Is that old boy Ye Laiyin playing tricks?"

The person who said this couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Even if Ye Laiyin played tricks, he didn't dare to go to others to settle accounts. Ye Laiyin's big dog is not a good-looking one.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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