Chapter 901 Your face is so red
These people are also greedy for the houses of Ye Dahe's and Ye Shitian's families, so they bet all their hopes of getting rich on wild fruits.

In fact, they really overestimated themselves.

Only Ye Laiyin and his family knew of the largest and densest forest of black wolfberry fruit. They couldn't find so many fruit trees even if they turned over several rolling mountains.

Counting on them looking for something aimlessly, they won't starve to death!
With so many families in Yejia Village, there are naturally people who understand, such as brothers Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng.

They also muttered that Ye Laiyin's family must have found a hidden fruit forest, otherwise they would not be able to do business for so long.

This kind of thing depends on luck, and it is not something that anyone can meet if they want to.

What can you do to get rich with someone else?
Therefore, Ye Changsheng was very disdainful of Lin's way of jumping around in a hurry, "What a fool! How many fruits can you find if you search all over the mountains? Just those handfuls of things, and you still hope to sell a few fruits!" The price of gold?"

Lin was choked by him and barely came up.

After thinking about it, it is also the same reason. No matter how expensive this wild fruit is, it is not as expensive as ginseng.

I was still looking at half-baskets of wild fruits, but after drying, they only filled a bowl.

How much money can you expect it to sell for such a small thing?
"Hey, I see, Ye Laiyin and the others must have found a large fruit forest!"

Lin suddenly became enlightened, "Last year, we were going to follow up the mountain, and it was all because of that damn boy Mancang who stopped us, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

"If it were you, would you let others follow?"


I can't talk anymore today.

Brothers Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian don't care what others think, they do what they should do.

It's just the same, every time I go back to the mountain, I take Dabai with me, one is afraid of any accidents in the mountains, and the other takes Dabai, not afraid of being followed by others.

That piece of fruit grove is enough for the three of them to be busy. This season, at least, there is 200 taels of silver. Isn't it good for them to make money secretly? Why should they mix with others?

So, not to mention that there are no other places that can find such a large fruit forest, even if there is, they are not greedy. These mountains have grown bigger, and valuable things have also disappeared. Can they occupy them all?
Mrs. Liu felt that her family had taken advantage of her, and she was deeply embarrassed. There were three maids serving the fruit, and she couldn't help much, so she racked her brains to make delicious food for the three maids, and asked Cuizhi to take it with her. , so that they can eat and play when they are resting.

"Oh, if I continue to eat like this, I'm going to be fat."

Four girls, three big, one small, and four girls, rummaged through the fruit, and ran to rest in the gazebo, each guarding a large bowl of fried noodles, and four plates of dim sum on the table.

Taking a piece of mung bean cake, He Xiner ate it with a puffy face, like a greedy little squirrel, feeling vaguely while eating.

"Cut, no one is forcing you to eat."

Ye Yuanyuan deliberately raped her angrily.

"Hey, the bigger you are, the less cute you are, who would dare to marry you in the future~"

"Ah, my sister is going to tear the bad girl's mouth out today!"

How could He Xiner obediently wait for her to catch her? She ran away before she finished speaking, and Ye Yuanyuan was so angry that she followed behind, screaming, and the two circled around the fish pond.

"Sister Cuizhi, your face is so red, is sister Cuizhi hot?"

The pair of friends would make a fuss when they got together, Wang Jinling was used to it, and sat quietly drinking her fried noodles and eating her cakes, but suddenly found that Guan Cuizhiyu's cheeks were pink and her eyebrows were shy, and she couldn't help being very curious.

"No wonder Sister Xin'er always says that Sister Cuizhi is beautiful, Sister Cuizhi looks so red~"

Guan Cuizhi, who was already a little guilty, was praised by her, and her face became even redder, as gorgeous as rouge.

(End of this chapter)

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