The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 903 Don't Worry After You Listen

Chapter 903 Don't Worry After You Listen

"Xin'er, let's go shopping in the town while we have time tomorrow?"

He Xiner's smile froze slightly.

"It's really weird. I used to like shopping the most. People who say they like big shopping don't even go to town on such a lively day as August [-]th."

"Speaking of which, it was a festival and a market day, so there were quite enough people. If Brother Mancang didn't protect us tightly, Yuanyuan and I would have been swept away by the crowd. I'm afraid even thinking about it."

"You can't speak in a tone that doesn't look frightened at all..."

He Xiner gave Guan Cuizhi a 'you know' look, full of humor.

"Hey, we just aren't afraid, we just haven't played enough, so what can we do?"

"Give me a quick word, will you go to the town tomorrow?"

Ye Yuanyuan's pretty face was tense, her almond eyes were wide open, her hands were on her hips, and what she said was unreasonable.

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry.

This is coercion~
"Xin'er, let's go, it's going to be September soon, it's getting colder every day, let's go buy some thick clothes for preparation."

It's the end of August~
The days go by so fast.

On August [-]th of this year, her third uncle Lao Shizi did not come home. Her father was so angry that he scolded her grandma severely, and then sent her father to search for someone in the town. Like.

Hey, what the hell.

The end of August, the end of August.

My little cousin is six months old~
It's strange to say that her grandma and her eldest aunt both raised several children, yet they didn't find anything wrong with the little cousin.

It can't be delayed any longer, she has to remind the big cousin about this.

How much the big brother likes the little cousin, she knows it very clearly, I'm afraid that as she thinks, the big brother will be so sad...

After that incident, Ye Xusheng studied martial arts more diligently, and told He Xiner in every possible way, to stay at home obediently and not go anywhere, and naturally he also specifically told Dabai to take good care of He Xiner.

Apart from going up the mountain with Ye Changyin and the others, Dabai really never left.

On the other hand, He Xiner is the one who stays at home and doesn't move. Ren Cuizhi has been dating several times, but she is not tempted.

But obviously, this time there is no excuse.

He Xiner had no choice but to agree, anyway, she was protected by Dabai, so she was not afraid.

The little sisters went back to playing, but they didn't delay the business at all, carefully turned over the wild fruits again, and then put them into the house early.

This black wolfberry fruit is most afraid of tides, so don't be careless.

He laughed and sent off the ladies, but when she turned around, He Xiner let out a deep breath, alas~
"My dear, my sister is so embarrassing..."

The little cousin went to the upper room to play with her sister-in-law. He Xiner was not in a good mood, she didn't want to be seen by others, and she didn't dare to walk around carelessly, so she could only squat outside the gate of the house, half lying on Dabai's back, gently stroking Its big head, talk to it.

Before, no matter what happened, she would discuss it with her eldest brother, and she never made any embarrassments.

Now, this matter is heavily stuffed in her chest, and it is about to suffocate her to death~
"Hey, how do you tell the hall brother these words? I really worry about my sister..."


"Ah? When did the hall brother come back?"

He Xiner felt ashamed of being caught, she hurriedly let go of Dabai, stood up and giggled.

Perhaps she was too engrossed in thinking about things, and even the eldest brother came to the front, but she didn't notice it at all, and just kept chattering with Dabai.

As a result, it was all heard.

"Is there anything I can't tell my brother directly?"

Taking two steps forward, Ye Xusheng looked at the little girl with gentle eyes, and there was a little smile in his clear eyes.

She had made up her mind to say it.

"Big brother, I'm going to tell you something, don't worry after you hear it..."

Alas, thought a lot of the opening words, but when it came to the critical moment, it was still so, so dry and empty.

(End of this chapter)

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