Chapter 912 Later
Beads of sweat rolled on the forehead, itching, very uncomfortable.

He Xin'er, who was soaking the chicken nuggets, had her hands covered in sauce, it was very inconvenient, so she could only ask her cousin for help.

Hearing Zhao Huan, Ye Xusheng who was burning the fire quickly put down the fire stick in his hand, stood up and cleaned his hands quickly, then took out the handkerchief and gently wiped it for her.

"How about it?"

"Thank you big brother."

"Several stoves are lighting a fire together, and it is indeed getting hotter. Brother, open the window, and Xin'er should move to a different place. Don't let the cold wind blow."


Ye Xusheng first helped to move the vegetable basin, and then went to open the window, but he didn't dare to fully open it, and only half opened it with a fork to support it.

A strong cold wind poured in immediately, and the hot air in the kitchen was blown away a lot.

"Xin'er, is it cold?"

"It's not cold, it's just too hot to bear, and it can be cooled by a little wind."

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly and told her not to go to the window, and then continued to look at the fire.

"Brother Hall, do you want to take a few dishes and send them to Uncle Zhang?"

"It will be later, when the time comes, I will pack it in a food box and send it away together."

"it is good."

With the same thoughts as her father, He Xiner wanted to make the New Year's atmosphere up, and she also thought that after a year of busy work, He Xiner could have a happy New Year's Eve dinner, but it took a lot of work for He Xiner .

Roast duck, spicy rabbit, spicy chicken, braised pork, pickled fish, boiled pork slices, egg custard, soybean trotter soup, stewed elbow with red dates, Sixi meatballs, ten meat dishes.

In addition, there are four vegetarian dishes of lotus root slices in ginger sauce, sesame spinach, cabbage heart in spicy oil, and hot and sour potato shreds.

I specially baked chicken cakes, fried cat ears, and two desserts.

It can be described as very rich.

I also carefully boiled thick millet porridge for my little cousin.

It's strange to say that Xiao Xuyang sprouted teeth early, so he should be able to eat egg custard, noodles, etc., but he only recognizes millet porridge, and he doesn't open his mouth even if other foods taste so tempting.

He Xin'er and his wife took care of the food at home, so they knew Xiao Xuyang's habits.

He Xiner secretly sighed.

Although the little cousin is detained by the aunt in the East Wing every day, she also knows that the ten-month-old little cousin has not spoken yet.


A clear voice sounded.

He Xiner, who was full of wild thoughts, immediately came back to her senses, and with a decent smile, she asked, "What's the matter, brother?"

Ye Xusheng hadn't chatted with He Xiner for a long time, and he was busy with his chores, so he didn't care about it. Now, he was deeply hurt by He Xiner's decent smile, and felt very uncomfortable.

Is Xin'er separated from him?

It's all because he's busy with this and that, and rarely stays with her.


"Big brother?"

"Oh, I'll send it to Uncle Zhang and the others first, and I'll be back later."

"Okay, brother, be careful on the road."

He Xiner hurriedly helped him pack the food box, smiling and admonishing him.

Still smiling decently.

Ye Xusheng's face was calm, and he went to Zhang's house very quickly with the food box, without saying a word, put down the food box, turned around and left, causing Zhang Dongqiang and Zhang Tieniu to look at each other, and they didn't know what kind of nerves he had.

In winter, the days are short, and when you first arrive, the light dims, making it extremely dull and gray.

The cold north wind blew the bare branches whimpering, and the old Yetou sat on top with a sullen face, silently rubbing the tobacco stick.

Doesn't the third child plan to come back for the Chinese New Year?

Don't worry about one or two.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin sat on the lower armchairs respectively, neither speaking.

Although their father scolded the third child over and over again, he was still thinking about it in his heart.

In other words, what parent does not miss his children?

Even if the dog is out of tune, it is still father's flesh and blood.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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