The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 934 The Big Bad Wolf Is Coming

Chapter 934 The Big Bad Wolf Is Coming

He Xiner smiled slightly, she knew this was the case.

"From my point of view, since I want to do it, I have to make it more refined and make it a high-quality product, and the price should also go up."

"That's right, that's it."

"The craftsmanship of the three of us, I'm afraid it won't work?"

"Well, what Cuizhi was talking about is, let's not talk about you two, just look at my craftsmanship, but it's really mediocre, a waste of this creativity."

He Xiner sighed faintly.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi met each other, and they both nodded in agreement.

Next, the three of them unanimously decided to trick their mother-in-law into participating in the doll's business together.

Having made up her mind, He Xiner temporarily put aside the fairy tales, took out a pen and paper, and racked her brains to design the doll pattern.

It's just that she is not professional, and the patterns she draws are extremely naive, so no one laughed at her. Instead, they discussed with her very vigorously, how to match the colors; how to make the proportions appropriate...

Little Wang Jinling ate snacks, watched happily for a while, and then ran to the main room with the wolf in his arms to play with his sister-in-law and cousin.

Xiao Xuyang has already passed his first birthday, but the country people talk about false years, that is to say, he is already two years old.

After such a long period of treatment, although the little guy has been silent and unable to walk, he is finally willing to look at people. Although his face is tense and expressionless, and the time for staring at each other is not long, it is not bad. A big improvement.

I don't know how Ye Xusheng talked with his father, but after the heavy snow melted in the first month, Ye Laijin forbade Xiaoqian to detain her youngest son in the East Wing, and ordered her to take him to the upper room and be with the big guy Have a meal.

Xiaoqian couldn't help being overjoyed, and finally raised her head again.

Seeing the sky, he threw the work to his daughter, and soaked in the upper room with his youngest son.

And old Qian had to obey Lao Yetou's advice not to let her yell in front of her little grandson, so she restrained herself a bit.

Little friend Wang Jinling guessed that his little cousin would have come back from town, so he specially brought him the big bad wolf that boys would like to play with.

Sister Cuizhi wants to make her own doll, that's not bad.

It's March, the sun is shining, the clouds are light and the wind is light, the temperature is suitable, neither hot nor cold, it is most suitable for taking children to play outside.

Now the leeks have already turned green, but they haven't bolted moss yet. The potatoes in the vegetable shed are growing well and can be harvested in a few days.

Ye Laijingang and Xiao Xuyang came back from Huichuntang for treatment. There was not much work in the field, and he didn't take Dabai into the mountain when he had time. Wang Jinling came out.

"Ring girl, run slowly, be careful not to fall."

Wang Jinling ran in a hurry, and when she saw Ye Laijin, she couldn't hold back her feet for a while, and almost ran into him, so frightened that she hurriedly twisted her chubby body to hide aside, but she lost her balance. Fortunately, Ye Laijin had quick eyes and quick hands , holding the youngest son in his left hand, and helping the little girl with his right hand without delay.

"Hey, thank you uncle."

"By the way, little cousin, look what this is? Big bad wolf, is it fun?"

She was short and short, and Xiao Xuyang was hugged by Ye Laijin, who was tall and tall, and his eyes were much higher than hers. Wang Jinling was afraid that he would not be able to see, so he put the big bad wolf on his head, and stood on tiptoe vigorously, You Zi was worried, and hurriedly asked, "Have you seen it, little cousin?"

No one in Yejia Village knew about Xiao Xuyang's situation, but Wang Jinling, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi did.

It was also in a moment of urgency, forgetting that Xiao Xuyang could not speak, Wang Jinling asked naturally.

Seeing her like this, Ye Laijin couldn't help feeling, this child and girl Xin are both good children with pure natures.

So, he chuckled and squatted down, helping his youngest son to stand on the ground.

"The big bad wolf is coming!"

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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