The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 936 Asking Quite Seriously

Chapter 936 Asking Quite Seriously
He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi were devoting themselves to designing various animal shapes, and they were suddenly startled by Wang Jinling who hurried back.

"Cousin, you slow down... hey, hey, run slowly."

It turned out that Wang Jinling didn't care about talking at all, clutching the little fox doll in one hand and the pig's head doll in the other, panting heavily, turned around and ran away.

The three of He Xiner were confused, so she hurriedly put down the pen and paper in her hand, and ran after her.

"Little, little, little cousin, look, look what is this?"

Little Wang Jinling was out of breath from running, panting heavily while holding up the doll in his hand for Xiao Xuyang to see.

"Pig head, this is a pig's head, and this is a little fox..."

At this moment, He Xiner and the three also chased after them. Seeing this scene, they immediately understood what was going on, and all of them surrounded them.

This one says "pig, pig."

The one said, "Wolf, wolf."

"Little fox, little fox."

Ye Laijin's heart warmed seeing the girls with clear and bright eyes, all smiling, cherishing their son from the bottom of their hearts.

At the moment, he just smiled and watched them tease the youngest son.

It's no wonder that they disturbed his son's "elegant interest."

"Little cousin, which doll do you like?"

He Xiner fixedly looked into Xiao Xuyang's eyes, and asked quite seriously.

"Wolf, wolf..."

"Oh my god! Xu Yang has spoken!"

"Ah, that's great!"

Xiao Xuyang's murmured voice, soft and waxy, like a dream chant, was heard in He Xin'er's ears, but it was as shocking as a thunderstorm on a sunny day.

Immediately, everyone was ecstatic, and the little girl Wang Jinling screamed with excitement.

After a while, the whole family got the good news, and they were all overjoyed, even Ye Guihua, who didn't care about things, was also very happy.

It's a good thing that the little nephew recovers from his illness, so he doesn't have to look at his father's bad face anymore.

Old Yetou was really overjoyed, and happily drank two cups with his two sons during lunch.

The person involved, Xiao Xuyang, remained expressionless, and did not respond to anyone or anything, but the big bad wolf in his hand was hugged tightly, and he was always hugged in his arms when he took a nap.

In other words, on the second day, both the Bai family and the Liu family happily brought their daughters and Wang's wife to meet up, happily discussing the business of making dolls, and each family contributed 50 taels of silver as the starting point funds,

All of them were gearing up with excitement, ready to do a great job.

Finding a free time in the afternoon, I asked Ye Laiyin to drive them to the town in a mule cart to order a batch of cotton cloth, silk thread, cotton and other goods.

Then, in the east wing of the west courtyard, work started in a hurry.

Whenever a new doll is made, Wang Jinling's children will immediately use it to tease Xiao Xuyang, but they can't arouse Xiao Xuyang's interest.

So, He Xiner made a big bad wolf with the same appearance again, and asked him to take turns to play, and if it got dirty, he had to take it apart and wash it, right?

Although Xiao Xuyang only called wolf twice occasionally, and never said a word of father and mother, Ye Laijin was not discouraged, even in high spirits, and would happily accompany his little son to play with the big bad wolf every day.

She is much more patient than Xiaoqian's own mother.

Now there is no way to make a living with black goji berries, and the women in the family are not needed for field work. Although Wang and Bai have bean sprouts, they don't take much time, and they don't waste any time making dolls.

Several families were rich and powerful, and the generous ones had prepared 150 taels of funds, but they were really well prepared, with all kinds of cotton cloth, silk, brocade forging, silk thread, even small beads, silk flowers, etc., everything that one expects to find.

The things are complete, and there are many ways to match them. Wang Shi, Bai Shi, and Liu Shi are all dexterous, and they know how to do it after a little touch by He Xiner.

He is also very calculating, and there is almost nothing that can be wasted.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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