Chapter 948 Hmph, Be Quick

Unexpectedly, Ye Laiyin didn't say a word about the business, and the same old Ye Tou didn't ask a word.

Both old Qian and his wife were a little disappointed.

The old Yetou, who was originally a little cautious, was interrupted by Xiao Qian, and he didn't force him anymore. He just wentssip with his son.

Soon, Mrs. Wang took He Xin'er and Wang Jinling to prepare the meals, and Ye Laijin and Ye Xusheng also rushed over from Dongkuayuan.

Old Yetou drank some wine and asked his second son and eldest grandson about the situation in Fucheng with great interest, but Ye Laijin ate in a hurry and went to the vegetable shed to look at the brazier.

Xiao Qian was even more depressed, and secretly stared at Ye Laiyin several times.

Ye Laiyin didn't bother to hit her up.

After dinner in a harmonious manner, old Ye Tou stopped talking to his son and urged Ye Laiyin to go back to rest earlier.

Ye Laiyin was not too polite, and it would not be too late to go to the vegetable shed to watch the night tomorrow.

Five days away from home, he misses his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, but he hasn't had time to make a good kiss~

On the second day, the generals of the old Ye family cleared the dining table, and Guan Xiuyuan's family of three and Ye Shitian's family of four came to the door against the cold wind.

Mrs. Wang hurriedly regenerated the brazier, making tea and pouring water, busy with joy and anger.

Last night, no matter what she asked, Mr. Xiang didn't tell the truth, and said that when everyone was here, they would settle the accounts together.

She is not a fool, her husband's face is full of joy, and she can't hide it, but she still pretends to be mysterious.

Such an obvious thing, what else can't she understand?
"Let's go to Fucheng this time, not to mention how smooth it is. If it wasn't for the delay in stuffing those dolls, I'm afraid we could make it back in the same day."

Wang Shi, Bai Shi, Liu Shi and He Xiner's little girls were all full of joy, good luck, good luck.

"Speaking of which, thanks to Brother Zhang's help, we brothers didn't have to think about Fei Ding, and the money came to us."

"Oh, then we have to thank you very much."

Wang, Liu, and Bai all said that Zhang Tieniu deserved a share of the money for helping him so much. It was Ye Laiyin who said that Brother Zhang didn't want anything, and a few people would give up. Find an opportunity to invite Zhang Tieniu well.

Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan were eager to know how much money the dolls were sold for, but their mothers were enthusiastically discussing what to cook.

"Second Uncle, did Xin Er's well-designed Hello Kitty sell for five taels of silver?"

The impatient Ye Yuanyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and simply asked the question openly.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole hall immediately fell silent.

All women and children turned their eyes to Ye Laiyin.

Being stared at by fiery eyes, Ye Laiyin didn't feel any pressure at all, but was incomparably happy, and said with a light smile, "Brother Guan is in charge of collecting money and keeping accounts, and girl Yuanyuan asked the wrong person."

Guan Xiuyuan, who had been smiling and silent since he entered the room, was amused by Ye Laiyin's childish behavior, until his own daughter Guan Cuizhi interrupted him anxiously, and then tried hard to suppress the unstoppable smile .

"I took the money back, but it's not in my custody."

Uncle Mei gave his daughter a helpless expression, expressing that he couldn't help her.

The handsome and dignified man suddenly winked, his appearance was quite funny.

Ye Shitian couldn't hold back his laughter, and Ye Mancang also opened his mouth wide, laughing foolishly.

No matter how stupid the members of the Wang family are, they can see their tricks.

"Don't be silly, just hand over the account quickly."

"That's right, hurry up and hand in the money, we won't lose your errand fees."

"Hmph, be quick..."

Never expected that Aunt Liu and Second Aunt are so stubborn.

Also, what happened to her mother?

Talking to her father like that?
He Xiner was dumbfounded.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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