Chapter 958
He Xiner was so disappointed that she couldn't cheer up like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

I really want to go~

Seeing her daughter's listless appearance was funny, Wang said a few words of comfort in a soft voice, saying that it was the most exciting time when they got married, and then she could play however she wanted.

After hearing what her mother said, He Xiner immediately regained her spirits, joyfully brought out her hand stove, happily picked up the red charcoal with iron tongs, and placed it in the hand stove.

"Mother's rough working hands, how can they be worth using those precious things? You keep them for warmth."

This portable brass hand stove was bought by Ye Laiyin from the county seat for his daughter a few days ago. The whole hand stove is small and exquisite.

At that time, He Xiner was so happy that she screamed again and again.

She is really rare for such a small and exquisite object, she can't put it down.

"Hey, I'm staying in the house and warming up without the hand stove."

"Besides, this hand stove was originally used to keep people warm, so it won't be used now. Don't we have to wait until June to use it?"

"Also, mother's hands are hardworking and capable hands, so they are not rough hands, even if they are rough hands, we are not afraid. I will buy more facial oil for mother's hands, and keep them white and tender..."

What Wang said was funny and moved, and said straightly, "Okay, okay, I will listen to you, but I am not in a hurry to buy facial fat, my mother has not used up yet."

"Hey, then buy it when it's used up."

While talking, He Xiner stuffed the stove into Wang's hand, and then ran back to her room to get a elegant blue rabbit fur cloak. This is the darkest color among her cloaks, and it is more suitable for Wang to wear. .

"Mother will be warmer in a cloak."

But this time, Mrs. Wang said nothing about wearing a cloak, only saying that it was inappropriate for a country woman to wear a cloak, and it was too eye-catching.

Regarding this, He Xiner was quite speechless, "There's no such thing as what's appropriate or not. It's best to dress yourself warmly. Otherwise, if you suffer from the wind and cold, wouldn't you be suffering yourself?"

But no matter what she said, Mrs. Wang was determined not to let her go, and said that she was accompanying the elders of the woman, she was wearing a cloak and a hand stove, and she was dressed like a young lady from a rich family. What would people think?
Think about it, it really makes sense.

He Xiner had no choice but to give up.

As soon as she said goodbye to her mother, her father came back from the town, took a sip of hot water, and hurriedly took Dabai into the mountain to hunt.

He Xiner...

Father's enthusiasm for making money is too high, right?
It's a cold day, it's freezing and snowy outside, so why fight so hard?

The family is not without money.

I can't figure it out~

The little cousin returned home early, her good friends didn't come to visit, her parents were too busy, even Dabai wasn't there, He Xiner was so bored, she just stayed in the room and wrote some fairy tales.

"I don't know if my little cousin is back yet?"

A certain person was a little distracted and could not calm down. After writing for a while, he got stuck. He simply put down the pen, stretched his waist and said to himself, "I'm so sleepy, I'll go to my little friend when I get up after a while." Cousin to play."

Since Xiao Xuyang got the big bad wolf doll, he said "wolf, wolf" from time to time, and then, the more he said it, the more clear it became.

With Ye Laijin's unremitting efforts, just two days ago, Xiao Xuyang suddenly called out "Dad" clearly. The excited Ye Laijin burst into tears, and the whole family was overjoyed.

He Xiner has been busy making dolls and has no time to spare. She seldom plays with her little cousin. She only teases him when the whole family eats, and tries to lure him to interact with her, but it doesn't work.

She was not discouraged either, and she talked to Xiao Xuyang with a smile every time, full of patience.

Now, He Xiner said that she is too sleepy and needs to take a nap~

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~~
(End of this chapter)

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