The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 999 It's all because the picture was so beautiful at that time

Chapter 999 It's all because the picture was so beautiful at that time
And the person who caused trouble was even more surprised.

She, she didn't seem to say anything, did she?

Judging by their expressions, they must have heard it.

This, this is embarrassing~

"Hey, that, that, that..."

It seems that it is inappropriate to say anything now, or should I just get out of the way?
Ye Xusheng, who had been cast with a fixing spell, suddenly jumped up on the spot like a cat whose tail was stepped on. First, he glared at the red-eyed and red-faced person fiercely, and then realized belatedly that it is not suitable to be with him now. There is contact, including eye contact.

Then, the sunny boy's handsome face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, no, the whole person was like the cooked prawns, hot, red and bright.

Ye Xusheng washed his face very quickly, put on his coat, and then quickly wrapped up a certain little girl who was staring at him in a daze, and walked out holding hands.

"Hey, hey, obediently follow..."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in He Xiner's mind, and she remembered an extremely important matter.

"Brother Hall, wait, I'll tell Brother Zhang something..."


Ye Xusheng couldn't calmly look into He Xiner's clear eyes right now, naturally he wasn't guilty, maybe he was afraid that she would think too much.

What is this girl thinking about in her little head all day long?
I just don't know what to say.

As for what she said she wanted to talk to Dongqiang, Ye Xusheng said that she didn't want her to continue talking to that person.

Therefore, people who have always followed her, who have never disobeyed her, suddenly bent down to be hugged by a princess, and strode out of the Zhang family.

The sky and the earth are vast, and wherever the eyes can see, it is all white.

The little girl was wearing a moon-white cloak, with a circle of snow-white rabbit fur on the brim of the hat, which was tightly buttoned on her head, revealing only her palm-sized white face, a pair of black and white almond eyes, chattering. He turned around in a hurry, not daring to look at Ye Xusheng at this moment.

Hey, the big brother seems to be angry.

Thinking of this, He Xiner pursed her lips lightly, lowered her eyelids, and stopped looking around.

At that time, she must have had water in her head!
Or go crazy!
Oh my goodness, what should I do?
Miserable, miserable, miserable...

Ye Xusheng hugged him tightly, walking fast but quite steadily.

Dabai, who followed behind him, was obedient and obedient without making a sound, almost hidden in this snow-white world.

At this time, Zhang Dongqiang, after the two of them left together, had a red face, and suddenly laughed heartily, "Haha..."

Just say that girl is a clever ghost, she really dares to think about anything.

It's so funny...

"Yes, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, don't be angry, brother hall, okay?"

Ye Xusheng remained silent, and He Xiner felt even more ashamed.

The lobby brother is beautiful, how could she think that way?
Alas, it's all because the picture was so beautiful at that time!

The weather was so cold that people's ears would freeze off, He Xiner covered her tightly, so she was naturally not afraid, but Ye Xusheng only wore a not-so-thick cotton robe, no hat and gloves, snowflakes fell on his dark blue scarf, It's all white.

"Big brother, are you cold?"

"Brother is not cold."

The cold voice seemed to come from the sky, and it felt a little unreal.

Yo ho, the big hall brother is quite temperamental. He just apologized to him and ignored him. He obviously didn't want to talk about that topic.

Fortunately, I can still respond to her if I ask other words.

That’s it, don’t be so awkward, let’s chat~
"That, that, big brother let me down, I'll go by myself."

Hey, big brother, what kind of look is this?
"Are you sure you won't run back to Zhang's house?"

"Hey, why are you running back after everyone has left? There is no rush left or right. It will be a while."

Seeing what she said, Ye Xusheng became very curious.

"Really? What's the matter?"

"Find a wife for Dabai! Dabai is also an older young man now, it's time to start a family..."

(End of this chapter)

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