The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1037 Wait, wait, the second plan to kill immortals begins

Chapter 1037 Wait, wait, the second plan to kill immortals begins

"You are so ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, then I will help you!"

Samsara was born to make a move, and several streaks of glare came to kill him.

Dazzling, dazzling, with inexplicable power.

Zheng Tuo couldn't match this glare, and since the Emperor of Samsara was not around, Zheng Tuo could only urge Kunpeng to dodge.

His dodge is to give way.

Without saying a word, Samsara passed Zheng Tuo and killed the Great Emperor Samsara.

"It's true that I can't beat you, but it's not easy for you to leave."

Zheng Tuo displays the world of ten directions.

The realm of the world of the ten directions is wide open, and reincarnation is naturally captured in it.

The reincarnation in the sudden rapid flight was born like a quagmire.

His physical body is indeed tyrannical, but facing this kind of siege, his physical tyranny does not seem to spit out very much.

"Water is coming!"

Zheng Tuo urged the water attribute method.

The world of ten directions immediately turned into a deep ocean.

"Frozen Ten Directions Realm!"

Zheng Tuo whispered.


The world of the ten directions, which was still an ocean just now, was frozen in an instant along with its reincarnation.

A set of trapped people's combination package is completed, temporarily sealing the birth of reincarnation.

Zheng Tuo looked serious, looking at the frozen reincarnation.

Just a breath of time.


There are countless cracks in the solid ice in the world of ten directions.

Then there was a loud bang, and Samsara was born to break through the ice.

"Small tricks, dare to block my way."

Samsara was born to disdain Zheng Tuo's methods.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo felt quite helpless.

Although I am now a Taoist body, the world of the ten directions is not as strong as the main body.

But it wouldn't be so easy to get rid of, right? I don't want to lose face?
Zheng Tuo has nothing to do about it.

Who calls someone a half-immortal, even if he is already half-crippled, he is still a half-immortal.

"It's not that simple to want to go."

Zheng Tuo clasped his hands together.

Under the original solid ice in the world of ten directions, countless green vines drilled out, like swimming snakes, rushing towards the birth of reincarnation.

"Get out of here!"

Just as Samsara was about to take off, he was pulled down by the vines, and he exploded in anger, emitting countless lightsabers from his body, killing all the vines that bound him.

"Boy, you still have skills!"

As Samsara spoke, his feet felt like he was mired in mud.

Looking down, he didn't know when, there was a swamp under his feet, and he was halfway into it without knowing it.

"I have a lot of means, so enjoy it slowly."

"That's it?"

Reincarnation naturally stirs the physical body violently.

The swamp couldn't bear his strength at all, and was immediately stirred up.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo said yes, mobilizing the Heavenly Dao and Immortal Mountains in the world of ten directions.

Tiandao Xianshan came to kill and smashed at Samsara Tiansheng.


The world in the ten directions shook.

The power of Tiandao Xianshan is relatively objective.

Although it is certain that reincarnation cannot be smashed to death, it is more than enough to block it for a while.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off..."

Samsara was born to be so angry that he exploded.

He punched hard, and with a bang, he shattered the Heavenly Dao Fairy Mountain from the middle.

This Heavenly Dao Immortal Mountain, which can suppress kings, is as fragile as tofu in front of reincarnation.

Zheng Tuo was very distressed.

Tiandao Xianshan is not easy to condense, it is a consumable, and one is used less.

Zheng Tuo had no choice but to use Heavenly Dao and Immortal Mountain to smash Samsara inborn, trying to block it and buy time for Emperor Samsara.

He seems to have so many movements, but he actually traps the time of reincarnation's natural three breaths.

It's faceless, it's just so unreasonable.

Zheng Tuo tried his best to block the opponent for only three seconds.

Fortunately, no one knew, otherwise, this would definitely be a black spot on his legendary road.

Three seconds is not much, but for some people, it is enough.

Patriarch Kunpeng and Lao Bai did not fly away alone.

This place is three days away from the ancient battlefield.

If they fly, I am afraid they will be caught halfway.

So they used these three seconds to sit on the teleportation array leading to the ancient battlefield and leave.

Thinking in his heart, Zheng Tuo quickly withdrew from his ten directions world.

He urged the Kunpeng method to leave this place immediately, and ran towards the ancient battlefield.

"Stop for me!"

Samsara innately urges his movements to catch up with Zheng Tuo.

have to say.

The body of a half-immortal is the body of a half-immortal, and the flying speed is simply unimaginable.

Zheng Tuo pushed the Kunpeng method with all his strength, but he was caught up in an instant.

"With you as a king, you want to escape from me, dreaming."

Samsara made a move and grabbed Zheng Tuo.

Without Great Emperor Samsara, Samsara was born to be able to use the power in his body.

This power is so powerful that it cannot be matched, and it can completely suppress Zheng Tuo.

"Yes, yes, you are strong, you are old and strong, I can't beat you."

Zheng Tuo had a tone of fooling a child, and the next second he didn't move at all.


Samsara is naturally quick to react and immediately realizes that it is fake.


As the strong wind blew, Zheng Tuo turned into a substitute talisman and disappeared.

Samsara was naturally puzzled, since he was fighting this guy all the time, when did this guy become a substitute talisman.

Samsara was naturally puzzled, and in the next second, he disappeared in place.

in appearing.

There is a teleportation array in front of you.

The teleportation array is being opened at this moment, as long as he steps into it, he will be teleported away.


This is a trap.

On the other side of the teleportation array, there should already be a net, waiting for his arrival.


Samsara had a natural look of disdain.

"It's just a few little kings. What powerful means can I have? I am a half-immortal body. No one in this world can do anything to me."

Samsara is born with a heart demon, and the heart demon itself has no scruples and has a flamboyant personality.

Without hesitation, he took a step and stepped into the teleportation array.

With a flash of white light.

Reincarnation was born on the ancient battlefield.

"Ancient battlefield?"

Seeing this, Samsara Tiansheng couldn't help frowning, feeling slightly apprehensive in his heart.

The reason for being frightened is of course because of the battle that year.

They reincarnated the Nine Immortals and fought against the Demon Emperor. Eight of them were killed, and only they escaped.

In other words, only the main body escaped by chance.

It is also because of this that the main body suffered heavy damage, and had to use the reincarnation tree to step into reincarnation and restore the soul body.

And as a heart demon, I finally got the chance to infect the body and become what I am today.

Even though the main body participated in the battle back then, he felt deeply.

The demon emperor's unrivaled power is still in front of his eyes, as if it was just yesterday.

Samsara naturally thought like this and looked around.

The black desert, the infinitely vast space, the air full of bloody smell.

Everything shows that this place is not a good place.

"Come out, I have come, show your tricks, let me see what gift you have prepared for me."

Samsara spoke naturally, trying to get Zheng Tuo and others to come out to confront him.


After a long time, there is still no sound here.

Not only was there no sound, there was not even a hair.

But reincarnation feels strange by nature, as if someone is staring at him secretly.

He believed that it was definitely the group of guys who just targeted him.

Outside the ancient battlefield, in a certain sand dune.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the grass is like a bacterium.

This place is Zheng Tuo's magic weapon hut, and there is a big mirror in this hut.

The large mirror is a magic weapon made after imitating the ancient bronze mirror, possessing a trace of the power of the ancient bronze mirror.

Although it is impossible to observe the myriad worlds, at such a close distance, it is more than enough to observe the reincarnation.


Zheng Tuo and a group of people gathered in front of the mirror, looking at the reincarnation in the mirror, expressing their opinions.

"I didn't expect that this reincarnation was born with a heart demon. The world is so big, there are so many wonders!"

The heart demon said so, with a look of sudden enlightenment.

But from Zheng Tuo's point of view, he doubts whether the heart demon has long known that reincarnation is born to be the heart demon of the third immortal of reincarnation.

"Whether it is a demon or not, the natural strength of this reincarnation cannot be underestimated."

Lao Bai is calm and has the demeanor of an elder.

"The physical body is the body of a half-immortal, and its strength is difficult to break through even the innate spirit treasure. Although it is injured, its strength is definitely legendary. Its only weakness is the soul body. This demon is weak in the third immortal of reincarnation. It was born at a young age, so it's not weak. If you feel it, it may only be at the level of a heavenly king, but don't underestimate the soul body of this king level. Its soul does damage."

Lao Bai shared his own experience for everyone to share.

Lao Bai with such an elder posture gives people an inexplicable sense of security.

"Old Bai is right. Don't underestimate the nature of reincarnation. Everyone present can't beat this guy. The half-immortal is also a half-immortal. Not everyone can provoke him."

"Then what should I do, do you just look at it like this?"

Emperor Reincarnation was a little anxious.

If you don't kill Samsara, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Samsara is born with the power of the Samsara Tree. If he has the means, he can use his own strength to sense the position of the Samsara Tree.

If reincarnation is born immortal, it can find itself if it wants to find itself.

"Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, take your time, everything is under control."

Zheng Tuo leisurely drank a cup of hot tea, very leisurely.

Several people looked at Zheng Tuo with nervous expressions.

It was their first time doing this kind of thing, and they were both excited and nervous.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, you can't rush anything, hold on, and leave it to Wumian to deal with."

The inner demon didn't panic, he knew Zheng Tuo too well.

Not to mention too much, I can only say that reincarnation is inherently unlucky, and nothing else needs to be said.

"Then what shall we do now?"

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation asked in a hurry.


Zheng Tuo stretched his waist and began to recover his strength.

The battle just now seemed to be very fast, but it actually consumed a lot.

Recovering strength, keeping yourself in peak condition, and responding to any emergencies that may arise in the best condition, this is the business.

Several people looked at the Youzai Youzai Zheng Tuo, and said they couldn't understand it at all.

The enemy is less than [-] meters away from them, and it is an enemy that cannot be dealt with. It is an enemy that they will die when they encounter it.

Turning around, they actually wanted to wait here.

"Hehehe...that's right, wait."

Lao Bai is very smart, and immediately discovered Zheng Tuo's method.

No wonder I came here to measure the ancient battlefield in the first place, so it is.

A few people were puzzled, but they were all smart people, and they all understood it later.

"Brother Faceless, are you going to use the army of demons and the army of reincarnated creatures to kill that reincarnation?"

Xiao Jiu's words were full of surprise.

She has experienced the experience of that war, and he knows how cruel that war is.

Even if it is a king class, it will be beheaded every minute.

If you can really use this power, maybe you can really kill the reincarnation.

"Is that so?"

The rest of the people suddenly realized.

"Wait for a good show."

The old god Zheng Tuo was lying on the rocking chair, looking at the mirror in front of him, thinking.

On the ancient battlefield.

Samsara Tiansheng looked at the ancient battlefield in front of him, and did not act rashly.

He moved the magic weapon in his hand, and tried to find the trace of the reincarnation tree through the power in his body.

"what happened?"

Samsara's natural expression changed.

"I can't feel the position of the reincarnation tree. How could this be? Could it be that there is a ban here?"

Samsara raised his head naturally, looking at the void filled with black mist above his head.

With a movement of his body, he came to the void.

Feeling carefully, I didn't feel the existence of any special power.

Weird, weird.

This group of guys lured me here, why did they disappear?
With a movement of his body, he began to look for an opponent in this ancient battlefield.

But after searching for a whole day, no one appeared.

In this ghost place, not to mention human figures, there is not even a shadow of a creature.

Because there will be great battles every three days or so in the ancient battlefield, this place is filled with strong demon energy and the power of reincarnation. These two atmospheres make people seldom dare to set foot here.

The magic energy is very special, it can infect other forces with different attributes, and if it is completely infected, its strength will drop greatly.

And the power of reincarnation here is not pure and cannot practice.

As a result, there are no creatures who want to set foot on the ancient battlefield, and are willing to set foot.

Reincarnation was naturally puzzled, so he continued to search.

He was absolutely confident that those guys who attacked him must have some special means waiting for him.

But the problem is, he has been searching here for a day, but he still hasn't seen anyone.


He found a very serious problem.

That's where he seems to be stuck dead.


He activated the method and flew towards the side of the ancient battlefield.

Came to the edge of the ancient battlefield.

There is a black mist here.

The fog is heavy, blocking the way forward.

Samsara was born to continue flying. With his strength, there is nothing to be afraid of in the black mist.


He never expected that in this dense fog, he still encountered something that frightened him.

The fog was thick, and after passing through, Samsara Tiansheng looked at the picture in front of him, not only frowning.


After passing through the dense fog, the place he came to was actually an ancient battlefield.

The black desert, the smell of blood, and the disgusting demonic energy, reincarnation can be sure that this place is the ancient battlefield.

But just now I clearly entered the black mist to move forward, could it be that the formation method failed.

Samsara Tiansheng looked at the black mist in front of him, and suddenly let out a breath.

The golden phoenix howled, turned into a strong wind, and was sucked into the black mist.

In the magic weapon hut.

A group of people looked at the scene in the mirror, all nervous.

If Samsara was born to break the formation, then their positions would be discovered within minutes.

The tension didn't last long.

Samsara Tiansheng blew a storm in front of him, trying to blow away the black mist.

No matter what.

He was shocked to find that the more he blew, the denser the black mist became.

It feels like reincarnation is born to add firewood to the fire, the more you blow the fire, the more it burns, the more you blow it, the more it burns, the more you blow it, the more it burns.

"Sure enough, there are tricks!"

Samsara Tiansheng stopped immediately and stopped attacking.


Colorful lights emanated from his body to wrap himself, and he disappeared into the mist in a flash.

Wrap yourself with your own strength, if the opponent's strength is not as strong as your own, it will be easy to get out of trouble.

Reincarnation was born to wrap itself and travel quickly, trying to pass through this black mist with absolute speed.

It would be best if he encountered an obstacle, so that he could smash the obstacle with one head, and then get out of trouble directly.

With his semi-immortal body, there is nothing he can't smash with his head.

Physical strength means that you can do whatever you want.

Urging the Dharma Gate to attack with all its strength.


As he continued to fly, changes gradually appeared around his body.

That was the fluctuation of the formation due to his impact, which made him more sure that he was trapped in the formation at the moment.

"A group of ants, An Neng traps my dragon, wait until I find you, and see how I deal with you."

Samsara's natural words are full of cruelty, if Zheng Tuo and others are caught, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Brother Faceless, what should we do, this guy looks so powerful!"

Jiu'er looked nervous, afraid that Samsara would come out.

They can't beat reincarnation at all, and they can only be abused in the future.

"It's okay, it's okay, my formation, anyone can escape."

As Zheng Tuo said, his thoughts moved.

An inexplicable force descended on the ancient battlefield.

Zheng Tuo used his footsteps to measure the ancient battlefield, looking for a suitable place to arrange the formation.

After searching for more than half a year, he finally completed this ancient battlefield formation.

The rules of this large formation are unprecedented, but it is arranged according to the magic energy and the power of reincarnation in the field.

Among them, Taiji, Qiankun, reincarnation... various types of upside-down formations are added.

It is specially used to trap people, not to kill enemies.

So this formation method traps people quite well.


Even if you are an immortal cultivator who knows the formation, you can't easily find out where the gate of life is, and you can't easily find where the eye of the formation is.

What's more, reincarnation is born with no understanding of formations.

Trapped here is inevitable.

As Zheng Tuo thought, Samsara was born to sprint with all his strength, passing through the fog. It was originally a sunny outside world, but he did not expect that he was still in the ancient battlefield.

The feeling was bad for him.

The unknown that cannot be controlled in one's own hands is full of danger in itself.

Samsara was naturally thinking about what these guys were going to do.


In his perception, he felt the breath of the reincarnation tree.


After all, you still showed your flaws!

As Samsara said, he immediately mobilized his movements and rushed towards the place with the aura of the Samsara tree.

He's fast, the blink of an eye.

"Reincarnation Tree!"


On the endless black desert, the Samsara Tree stood there quietly and motionless, exuding colorful and mysterious halos.

The reincarnation tree is very important to him, very important.

He was absorbing the power of the tree of reincarnation to bless himself. If he could absorb all the tree of reincarnation, he would be able to return to his peak.

But this kind of smoking has just entered the right track, and it will take an extremely long time to complete the smoking.

Even worse.

He has already set foot on the path of the reincarnation tree, without the power of the reincarnation tree, his practice speed will be as slow as a snail.

Even if he is a half-immortal, he will be as slow as a snail.

Therefore, this tree of reincarnation is very important to him, and it must not be lost.

When reincarnation was born, when he saw the reincarnation tree, he descended immediately and came to the reincarnation tree.

"My little baby, why do you have the heart to leave me, hahaha..."

Reincarnation is naturally very happy, as long as the reincarnation tree is by his side, he is not afraid of how many people come.


As soon as he got close to the reincarnation tree, he felt something was wrong.

The breath of this reincarnation tree is wrong.


Samsara frowned.

He hates cheating, let alone this kind of cheating.

"Are you trying to piss me off with this?"

Samsara Tiansheng raised his hand and slapped the fake Samsara tree into a flyback.

He looked around like a torch, as if he could see Zheng Tuo and others through the thick black fog.

"If you have any means, just use it, let me see what you guys have prepared, don't hide like this, come out, come out..."

Samsara was naturally loud and immediate, expressing his dissatisfaction.

He was very angry that these little fellows played with him in the palm of their hands.

Who is he, he is a half-immortal, the supreme existence in this world of cultivating immortals.

Just relying on a few king-level ants to treat him like this, how can he bear this tone, how can he bear it.

Samsara is naturally furious, like a lion, with colorful brilliance in his eyes.

He activated some kind of supernatural power, trying to see the truth through the thick fog.


Even though his means are so powerful and extraordinary, it is still difficult to see through this dense fog.

Zheng Tuo had put in a lot of effort, but he didn't know that such a formation even contained the power of the Demon Emperor.

Although the power of the Demon Emperor is thin, it is indeed pure power of the Demon Emperor.

With the power of the Demon Emperor, then there is only one thing left, and the reincarnation will never want to leave here.

Not only that.

The eyes glowed, and the samsara born to activate the supernatural powers suddenly withdrew his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, and immediately activated the method to wrap himself tightly.

"What's going on? Why did the aura of the Demon Emperor appear just now? Could it be that the Demon Emperor is also here?"

Samsara didn't know that the Demon Emperor had been beheaded, and he didn't know anything about the situation after the war.

At this moment, I feel the breath of the Demon Emperor, although it is very slight, but it is indeed the breath of the Demon Emperor.

"The Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor, the Demon Emperor..."

Samsara gritted his teeth, his eyes flickered, and he kept looking around.

Zheng Tuo and the others saw the frightened look, and they all looked inexplicable.

"How can this reincarnation be so afraid of being like this?"

Emperor Reincarnation was puzzled and kept shaking his head.

"It should be some past events. I added the shadow of the Demon Emperor in the formation. This guy is probably instinctively afraid when he saw it. After all, they were violently beaten by the Demon Emperor back then, beheading eight of them. Only this guy survived."

Zheng Tuo said so calmly, and did not reveal that he possessed the power of the Demon Emperor.

It's better to say less about the power of the Demon Emperor.

He was wary of these guys present and did not fully trust them.

No way.

He was born like this, not because he looked down on these people, but because he was instinctively relieved and full of doubts about everything.

"What a coward, to be so scared by the phantom of the Demon Emperor."

Lao Bai shook his head with a smile.

"That's right, the Demon Emperor's unrivaled power is unmatched in the past and the present. Whoever is targeted by him will probably leave a lifetime of shadows. The stronger the person, the easier it is to be impressed. Isn't this reincarnation inherently the third one in reincarnation?" The immortal's invisibility, that is to say, is for the sake of being beaten out of the inner demon."

When Lao Bai said this, he had a brand new explanation for why the Third Immortal of Samsara suddenly appeared with a heart demon.

"It's like looking at what kind of unrivaled figure this Demon Emperor is."

Zheng Tuo looked in the mirror as if he saw a cat and a mouse, he was extremely flustered, and the reincarnation of thugs and mice was born.

It's really hard to imagine what kind of person this Demon Emperor, his own father-in-law, is.

Everyone present was not quiet.

Everyone expressed their opinions, chatting about the plan, about the devil emperor, and about the information about the birth of reincarnation.

Only Zheng Tuo seemed very quiet.

Tasting spirit tea, looking at the big mirror, thoughtful.

On the ancient battlefield, Samsara was born to calm down after a period of intense psychological games.

It's just the breath of the Demon Emperor, not the real existence of the Demon Emperor.

do not be afraid.

It should be the third immortal of reincarnation who should be afraid, I am a heart demon, everyone is a demon, I am afraid of what you, the demon emperor, will do.


In the first battle back then, even though the Demon Emperor had made great contributions to good fortune, he reincarnated the Nine Immortals and killed the Eight Immortals with an invincible posture.

But it has also been hit hard.

That kind of trauma will definitely not get better easily, and may even fall away.

Reincarnation naturally analyzed the pros and cons and came to this conclusion.

"Demon Emperor, you'd better not fall, I want to seek revenge on you, if you fall, I hope your demon clan will not reincarnate, because I want to avenge blood hatred."

Samsara's natural killing intent is surging, and his self-confidence is recovering rapidly.

next second.

He turned his head instantly and looked somewhere in the ancient battlefield.

There was a powerful force there.

"This is... demon energy, demons, there are demons here!"

Samsara's innate killing intent surged immediately, his figure was erratic, disappeared in place, reappeared, and had already arrived in front of several demons.

"This is?"

Samsara Tiansheng looked at the digital demon powerhouses in front of him, his complexion moved slightly.

"How is it possible that you are still alive?"

Samsara Tiansheng looked at the several Heavenly King level Demon Race powerhouses in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He has seen these guys before. In the first battle, these guys were the absolute main force and slaughtered countless reincarnated creatures.

But even though these guys were brave back then, they were also beheaded. Why are they still alive today?

Reincarnation was naturally puzzled, but several strong demons had already attacked and killed him.


When Samsara was born to see this, he immediately discovered the problem.

"So that's why you were resurrected by the power of reincarnation. You can't transform into Tao for eternity. You are trapped here, and you will live forever and suffer the torment of war."

Samsara was born to see the truth of the problem at a glance.

With a movement of his body, he dodged the attacks of several people.

"Huh? There is still power?"

Samsara turned his head and looked to the other side.

There are reincarnated creatures there, and their strength is also at the level of a heavenly king. At this moment, they are attacking them.

"What's the situation, why didn't you die?"

Looking at the samsara creature that was killed, the eyes of reincarnation were even more horrified.

These reincarnated creatures killed were actually his subordinates back then.

At this moment, these guys could not help but kill him.

"Bastard, you dare to touch me, don't see who I am."

Samsara is born to drink too much.

The king-level powerhouse who followed him back then actually attacked him at this moment, he couldn't bear this kind of thing.

After drinking violently, those powerful king-level reincarnated creatures still didn't stop, and all kinds of supernatural powers roared towards him.

At the same time, the Heavenly King level powerhouse of the Demon Race also came to kill him.

He was in the middle of the battle between the two sides, so all the kings came to kill him.


Samsara was born to drink violently, so he shot immediately, and slapped a reincarnation creature away with a slap.

He was angry, very angry.

This group of guys dared to attack themselves, it was really upside down.

But his anger was useless.

Regardless of the king-level demons or the king-level reincarnation creatures, they have already experienced countless battles, and they have already become numb.

Now it is not the spirits that are controlling their bodies, but the bodies are attacking instinctively and with memories.

The two sides confront each other and fight wildly.

As long as it is not a person of the same origin as oneself, it is to kill.

Reincarnation itself is neither the third immortal of reincarnation.

His power has become the power of the reincarnation tree, and his soul is very different from the third immortal of reincarnation.

He only has a physical body or the physical body of the Third Immortal of Samsara, but the reincarnation creatures don't recognize the physical body at all.

That being the case, it is to attack and kill it as a demon.

The same is true for the Mozu side, who regard the reincarnation as a reincarnation creature, and attack and kill without distinction.

All of a sudden, several heavenly king-level powerhouses began to besiege Samsara Tiansheng.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Samsara is naturally furious, this group of trash dares to attack and kill him like this.

Shot with all your strength, without reservation, and started a war with both sides.

This kind of battle is not a small consumption of reincarnation, because this group of demons and reincarnation creatures are not like walking dead.

They have rich combat experience and will not rush without thinking.

Seeing that Samsara's natural physical body is strong and invincible, he no longer chooses to fight with him in close quarters, but chooses to attack from a long distance, and it is a long-distance attack of the soul type.

This attack works really well.

The weakest thing in Samsara is the soul body, and its strength is only at the legendary level.

Under the attack of so many heavenly king-level powerhouses, he can only spare part of his mind to protect his soul and body from harm.

This caused Jean's body to be constantly attacked.

Although the attack of a king-level powerhouse can't cause any effective damage to his body, this kind of attack will cause internal friction and consume his internal strength.

"Damn flies, die for me."

Reincarnation erupted naturally, knocking back all the powerhouses of the Heavenly King Realm.

No matter what.

This group of Heavenly King Realm powerhouses were like flies, just after being shaken back, they rushed up in a swarm, attacking and killing Samsara Naturally.

The battle is still going on, a group of king-level powerhouses from the Heavenly King Realm, the Great King Realm, and the Little King Realm are all veterans in the battlefield.

False and real, real and false, and samsara are inherently back and forth.

They are one-on-one and no one is a natural opponent of reincarnation.

They are ten against one, twenty against one, and they are also not natural opponents of reincarnation.

But there were thirty, forty, fifty of them...

So many king-level powerhouses took action, surrounded the lights of Samsara in the dark night, and launched a fierce attack.


In the magic weapon hut, everyone watched the fierce scene in front of them, and their admiration for Zheng Tuo in their hearts was impeccable.

"This reincarnation is really unlucky by nature. In such a situation, I'm afraid it's impossible for a legend to come out alive."

Emperor Samsara nodded, indicating that Samsara's natural luck is really bad.

"Things shouldn't be like this. Samsara is born weak, and his strength is also at the legendary level, and his body is even half-immortal. How can he fight so hard against this group of king-level powerhouses?"

Xiao Jiu asked in confusion.

"Normally speaking, that's true. Legend-level powerhouses have the level to crush king-level powerhouses, and this reincarnation is born, and it does have the level to crush this group of king-level powerhouses, but this guy is suspicious by nature. Reserve your strength, wait for you and me to appear, and then explode to suppress you and me."

Lao Bai patiently explained to Xiao Jiu.

"So it is."

Xiao Jiu nodded, expressing his understanding.

"However, if we continue to fight like this, it seems impossible to cause more damage to the reincarnated half-immortal, let alone beheaded."

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation said so.

He has an inherently positive attitude towards beheading reincarnation.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Zheng Tuo said at this time: "You and I have to be clear, the natural strength of this reincarnation is not weak, even very strong. It has the means to kill you and me. To deal with this kind of existence, it is tough You can’t beat it, you need to be patient and consume it slowly.”

Zheng Tuo smiled.

"This ancient battlefield is very special. The demons and reincarnation creatures in it will fight regularly, and the aura of this place is very special and cannot be absorbed and used. That is to say, reincarnation is born to fight here, and it cannot recover its strength at all. Only passive Consumption, the physical body is like this, the spirit is already like this, if you continue to consume like this, one day this reincarnation will naturally enter a weak state, and at that time, it will be the time for you and me to make a move, remember, this is a long time to compete with endurance."

Zheng Tuo tried his best to explain clearly to a few people, and the few people in the province did not know the reason and missed the big thing.

After hearing Zheng Tuo's words, several people understood the key point.

"Wait, after all, he is a half-immortal, how can he be killed so easily."

As the heart demon said, he stopped watching the battle, but went back to the secret room and began to practice in seclusion.

The rest of the people are still nervously watching the situation in the arena, hoping that there will be no changes, and they will consume the reincarnation and nature to death like this.

On the ancient battlefield.

The battle seemed extremely fierce.

The so-called shooting the first bird, reincarnation is born to erupt, trying to suppress all the kings with his own strength.

The result of this was that all king-level shots targeted him.

The dissatisfaction in self-esteem made Samsara born to never give in even if he was besieged.

"You don't think that a group of little king-level powerhouses can kill me."

With a movement of Samsara's hand, a broken knife appeared.

Broken Knife is so pitch black, exuding a force that takes people in.

Reincarnation was born with a broken knife in his hand, he shot and swept past.

Immediately, several kings were beheaded on the spot, and their bodies and souls were all eliminated invisibly.

"Xiantian Lingbao?"

Seeing this scene, Lao Bai said worriedly.

"It should be a disabled innate spirit treasure, not a complete innate spirit treasure."

Emperor Reincarnation said, seeing it very clearly.

"It is indeed not a congenital treasure, I can testify."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace was turning around, looking decent, just like a person, watching the battle with Zong Lian.

After seeing the broken knife, he could completely tell that the broken knife was not an innate treasure.

"Even if it's not an innate spirit treasure, this broken knife is a bit strong!"

Lao Bai said, in the mirror, Samsara is born to show his supernatural power.

With a broken knife in his hand, he killed decisively and fought against the kings.

With such an attacking speed, the kings were hard to match for a while, and they had no power to resist, and they were crushed and beaten violently.

A king-level powerhouse was beheaded, and the balance of the battle in the field was therefore tilted.

King-level powerhouses can no longer pose a natural threat to reincarnation.

"Little kings, existences like ants, die to me!"

Samsara was born to attack, beheading all the kings in the field.

This method made everyone in front of the mirror look a little ugly, and even felt dangerous.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that there are no legendary powerhouses in the reincarnation battlefield here, otherwise, the effect may be better."

Lao Bai shook his head, expressing helplessness.

The legend-level powerhouse is different from the king-level powerhouse. When they fight in this kind of place, it is easy to cause the suppression of heaven.

Therefore, there is no duel between legendary powerhouses on the battlefield of reincarnation.

The opponents of the legendary powerhouse are all in the black void, and they will all die in the black void, and they will not die here.

Several people were a little anxious, but seeing that Zheng Tuo was not in a hurry, they calmed down and continued to watch the battle.

The battle in the field had just ended, and Samsara felt an inexplicable force coming.


On both sides of the reincarnation battlefield, armies appeared one after another.

The army that appeared this time was naturally not as strong as the king-level powerhouses, but they couldn't hold back much.

Wuyang Wuyang, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, came to kill him in a mighty way.

"These guys have also been resurrected?"

Seeing this, Samsara frowned slightly.

He had just beheaded a king-level powerhouse, and he was indeed somewhat exhausted.

Now that the two armies are attacking, although they are not as powerful as the king-level powerhouses, they are really too many.

If the two armies are beheaded, I am afraid it will also be consumed.

Samsara was born thinking like this, and with a movement of his body, he escaped into the void.

He doesn't want to participate in this kind of battle, this kind of battle is only exhausting for him, without any real meaning.

He also saw that the other party wanted to consume him, and would not fight him head-on.

That being the case, how can I do what you wish.

Samsara was born to escape into the void, watching the demon army below collide head-on with the army of Samsara creatures.

But obviously.

Zheng Tuo will not let reincarnation be so comfortable.

brush brush...

From nowhere, several lights appeared, instantly lighting up his place.

It seems that he hid very well last second, but now he has become the brightest boy in the audience.

The demon army and the reincarnation army suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of them.

According to their own settings, as long as they see someone different from themselves, they will attack.

Not surprisingly.

The army of demons and the army of reincarnated creatures shot immediately.

The overwhelming supernatural powers turned into two galaxies, rushing towards the natural place of reincarnation.

"Damn guy, so cunning."

Seeing this, Samsara immediately cursed aloud.

Under such circumstances, there is still such a means to dedicate himself.

"Okay, good, let me catch you, let me catch you, I will let you know what pain is."

Samsara was born to grit his teeth, and immediately activated the method, trying to dodge the galaxy's attack that shook the starry sky.

But the next second.

He was shocked to find that at some point, he was bound by a chain.

The momentary delay has turned into a golden opportunity.

"It happened!"

This is the last thought of reincarnation.

In the next second, he was swallowed by two supernatural powers of the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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