The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1041 Lunzhang was born with immortal bones to show his power, the embarrassment of the emper

Chapter 1041 Reincarnation's natural immortal bone shows its power, the shame of the reincarnation emperor's heart demon

"Okay, I'll start preparing now."

As the Great Emperor of Samsara said, he immediately got up and went to the ancient battlefield.

In the ancient battlefield, the Great Emperor of Samsara looked at the born of Samsara who was devoured in the Primal Chaos Furnace, without any mercy.

The reincarnation family looks pitiful, their flesh and blood have been devoured, which makes people feel distressed.

In fact, this guy itself is not a good thing.

Relying on his own strength and overbearing his own reincarnation tree, he almost beheaded himself.

If it weren't for his reincarnation fruit, which can repair his body, he might have been dead for an unknown amount of time.

Since ancient times, poor people must have something to hate.

This reincarnation is naturally self-inflicted, no wonder others.

Instead of pitying this reincarnation, it is better to think about how to send him away.

Sending him away is the greatest kindness.

The Great Emperor of Samsara thought in his heart, and moved the spell in his hand, which would immediately envelope the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

"Don't don't..."

Chaos Immortal Stove yelled, looking very impatient.

"I don't want to enter reincarnation, don't bring me in!"

The Chaos Immortal Furnace has obviously experienced something, and he yelled not to.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Emperor Reincarnation responded like this.

Next, he activated the Dharma Gate and enveloped the world.

There is an inexplicable force surging in a trance, which looks like a black hole, and the power of reincarnation rotates in it.

From a distance, it looks like a hole in the sky, full of fantasy.

"The bridge of reincarnation has been built. As long as reincarnation wakes up, I can summon him into the river of time."

Emperor Samsara is fully prepared and ready to go.

As long as he heard Zheng Tuo's password, he would quickly attack and start a war against Samsara.

After Zheng Tuo received the message from Emperor Reincarnation, he communicated with the Seven-Color Immortal Killing Shark to complete the final devouring.

The seven-color immortal-killing sharks took the lead, rushing in groups to the last piece of flesh and blood of the reincarnated half-immortal body.

The speed of devouring was very fast, and the last piece of flesh and blood of the half-immortal body was also devoured.

Seen from a distance, only the crystal clear fairy bones are left in the reincarnation, everything else has been swallowed up.

This kind of scene is indeed somewhat rare.

"What should we do next? This guy, born in reincarnation, still doesn't seem to want to wake up."

The Great Heavenly King asked, feeling that he was now in a stalemate.

Zheng Tuo looked at the crystal skull like a fairy bone.

"Emperor Reincarnation, you can try it now and see if you can drag it into the long river of time."

Zheng Tuo said so.

"Well, I'll give it a try."

The Great Emperor of Samsara opened his mouth, and immediately activated the Dharma Gate, flocking to the birth of Samsara.


At this moment an accident happened.

"Quack quack... quack quack... quack quack..."

When the crystal-like skull of Samsara opened and closed, there was a very strange laugh.

The audience was inexplicably silent, everyone didn't speak, they held their breath, watching the reincarnation who opened and closed his mouth and let out a weird laugh.

"What does it feel like, quack quack... what does it feel like..."

Samsara Tiansheng looked at his fairy bones, moved his palms full of skeletons, and looked extremely excited.

"This is the feeling of rebirth, there is nothing wrong, this is the feeling of rebirth, quack quack..."

Samsara naturally laughed, and the whole person seemed extremely happy.

"Emperor Reincarnation, hurry up."

Zheng Tuo secretly transmitted the sound to the Great Reincarnation, telling the Great Reincarnation to do it.

Without saying a word, Emperor Samsara immediately activated his supernatural powers, trying to drag Samsara into the long river of time.


Samsara was born to attack, and I don't see what happened to him. Emperor Samsara's method was immediately fixed in place, unable to continue to use it.

"Hehehe...Little guy, your methods are still a bit inferior to me."

Samsara was born to attack, and immediately suppressed the power of Emperor Samsara.

The method of the reincarnation emperor has the power of the soul, which belongs to the supernatural power of the soul.

Under the supernatural powers of the soul, the heavenly king-level soul of the reincarnated emperor is simply not comparable to Hui Hui's natural legendary-level soul.

"How does it feel to be suppressed, little one."

Samsara naturally showed a playful smile, and with a movement of his body, he manipulated the immortal bones and was about to leave the chaos furnace.

"Stop him, don't let him get away!"

Zheng Tuo immediately shouted loudly.

brush brush...

The group of colorful immortal-killing sharks exudes a colorful halo, each of them is full of energy, and they seem to be desperate to kill the reincarnation.

"What a group of cute little guys, I should thank you."

Saying that, Samsara was born to fight directly, using the fairy bone to fight the colorful immortal shark.

clang clang...

There was a sound like iron striking, and the immortal bone was extremely hard, hitting the body of the Seven-Color Immortal Killing Shark, making a clanging sound.

The Seven-Colored Immortal Killing Shark was beaten up one by one, unable to cause any harm to Samsara.

Just now they couldn't bite the fairy bone, and now they can't even bite the fairy bone. The only thing they can do is to prevent it from leaving.

The battle between the two sides was really sparks flying, and all kinds of forces were berserk and unparalleled.

"Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy!"

Chaos Immortal Furnace shouted at this moment, and the whole person seemed to be unable to bear it, and was about to collapse.

Samsara Tiantian used his immortal bones to fight against the seven-colored immortal-killing shark, and the seven-colored immortal-killing shark was continuously blasted and hit him.

It's also fortunate that his magic weapon itself has the level of an innate spirit treasure, otherwise it would have been smashed into countless holes.

"Chaos Immortal Furnace, hold back, I will have golden fruit for you to eat later."

Zheng Tuo is now tempting Chaos Immortal Furnace.

Otherwise, this guy might just spit out Samsara Naturally.

Hearing that there was a golden fruit, Chaos Immortal Furnace suddenly became energetic.

"Are you talking about the golden fruit, one of the nine spiritual fruits?"

"Yes, stop reincarnation, and I will give you a golden fruit to eat."

Zheng Tuo said so.

"Okay, leave it to me, leave it to me..."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace is really useless.

Hearing that there was a golden spiritual fruit as a reward, the whole stove went berserk.

The nine spiritual fruits all have extraordinary features.

And the extraordinary thing about this golden spiritual fruit is that it can repair the injured body, physical body, soul, magic can be repaired.

He was originally injured and fell from an innate spirit treasure to an acquired spirit treasure.

If there is a golden spiritual fruit to help him repair his injuries, wouldn't he be able to dominate the crowd again in the Chaos Immortal Stove.

Immediately, the Chaos Immortal Furnace felt like it was back on its feet.

Mobilize your own strength.

In the Chaos Immortal Furnace, the Chaos Qi surged, clattered, and turned into countless chains, instantly binding the reincarnation into a tight bond.

"Legendary level is nothing. Your grandpa of the Chaos Immortal Stove, I once ate a real immortal. You are so cruel as a half-immortal, and you dare to shout in front of me."

The entire furnace of Chaos Immortal Furnace is very inflated.

This feeling.

It was as if he had already eaten the golden fruit, healed his injuries, returned to his peak, and became an innate spirit treasure.

"Hmph! A broken furnace has already lost its innate qualifications. If you dare to shout here, I think you are courting death."

Samsara spoke naturally, and his words were full of ridicule towards the Chaos Immortal Stove.

"Oh... you brat, how dare you talk like that to your grandpa Chaos Immortal Furnace."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace was very upset, and immediately activated all the chains.

Above the chains, chaotic energy surges, entwining samsara naturally.

"Mine, mine, all mine."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace screamed, and by binding the chains born in Samsara, it began to devour the power of the immortal bones in Samsara's body.

This situation obviously did not even occur to Samsara.

What the hell is this chaotic fairy furnace, it can devour the power of fairy bones.

Although the strength of the devouring is a drop in the bucket for the fairy bone.

Even if it is devoured for five hundred years, it will be difficult to injure the immortal bone.

But that was indeed devouring the power of his own fairy bones, and this situation made him angry.


Reincarnation is born to erupt.

Even if it is strength, even if it has no flesh and blood.

But he is still invincible by virtue of the fairy bones.

Shattered all the chaotic chains in one breath, and followed him to the edge of the chaotic furnace.

Without further ado, just raising your hand is a punch.


The Chaos Immortal Furnace vibrated.

"Your uncle, it hurts... it hurts..."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace howled, and the whole furnace was trembling with all the bullish aura just now.

"Quack quack... didn't you yell a lot just now? Why don't you stop yelling and keep yelling!"

Samsara taunted the Chaos Immortal Stove with his mouth, but his movements didn't stop.

He raised his hand and punched again, hitting the furnace wall branch.


The loud noise shook all directions, and the entire Chaos Immortal Furnace trembled three times, almost cracking.

"Your uncle, pain... pain pain..."

The Chaos Immortal Stove howled, and the entire furnace failed.

After all, the fairy bone is a fairy bone, its strength is unrivaled, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Relying on his physical fitness, he was so beaten that he trembled all over and couldn't hold himself back.

After going on like this for a few times, he was afraid that it would really crack.

To know.

The body of his stove itself has cracks, and Samsara was born with these few punches.

His wound that had just healed a little bit was so painful at this moment that it was about to burst open.

"No, no, no, I can't hold on, no, no, I can't hold on..."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace yelled loudly, saying that it could no longer hold on,
That broken gong-like voice is simply crushing.

With the howling of the Chaos Immortal Furnace came.

clang clang...

clang clang...

Bang ding ding ding ding ding...

There was a sound like iron.

Samsara was born to strike, and his crystal-like fist danced, turning into gusts of fist wind, all of which bombarded the furnace wall of Samsara Immortal Furnace.

In the entire Chaos Immortal Furnace, the sound of clang clang clanging can be heard endlessly, and it really makes people collapse when they hear it.

Under such circumstances, even the Colorful Immortal Killing Shark can hardly help the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

Because Samsara naturally doesn't care about the Seven-Color Immortal Killing Shark at all.

Letting the Seven-color Immortal Killing Shark bite his own fairy bones, he didn't have to defend himself at all, and he couldn't bite anyway.

He beat the Chaos Immortal Stove with all his heart, trying to escape from this place.

"No, no, no..."

Chaos Immortal Furnace yelled that it couldn't do it, and it looked like it really couldn't do it.

"Chaos Immortal Furnace, hold on, completing this mission will give you two golden fruits."


The air was quiet at this moment.

"I said, trap the reincarnation and prevent him from escaping. I will give you two golden fruits."

"Are you sure you have two golden fruits?"

Chaos Immortal Furnace immediately suspected Zheng Tuo.

"It doesn't make any sense to lie to you at this time, you should trust me."

Zheng Tuo said so.


When Chaos Immortal Furnace heard the two golden fruits, it hurried again.

"Samsara was born to be a little bastard, today, I will let you see what your grandpa Xianlu is capable of."

The Immortal Chaos Furnace erupted immediately, and on the furnace wall, there were countless Chaos Dao patterns.

That is the most original power of chaos, full of divinity.

This is also the strongest power of the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

This kind of power is really difficult for him to use now.

There was no way, he was injured too badly back then and almost fell.

This once belonged to his own power, and it was difficult for him to control it.

But it's no problem to try hard for a while.

If Zheng Tuo hadn't lied, two golden spiritual fruits would be enough to help him make up for his losses.

And he felt that Zheng Tuo must have more golden fruits in his hands.

It's time to extort money.

Thinking of this, the Chaos Immortal Furnace suddenly sprang up again.

"Little bastard, look at the trick."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace erupted, and by virtue of the Chaos Dao Pattern, it forced Samsara to be suppressed in the Chaos Immortal Furnace so that he could not move.

"Faceless boy, figure out a way, I won't be able to suppress it for too long."

The hurried voice of Chaos Immortal Furnace came.

Hearing this, Zheng Tuo knew that this time the Chaos Immortal Stove did not lie.

This guy is not lying, in fact, he can only suppress reincarnation for a while.

"Go away!"

Samsara Tiansheng shouted angrily, tried his best to resist.

No matter what.

The Chaos Immortal Furnace at this moment is simply turned on berserk.

Even the reincarnation at this moment is difficult to completely match, being trapped in the furnace, unable to move a little bit.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo immediately left the magic weapon hut and appeared on the ancient battlefield.

"His spirit power is too strong, I can't fight against it."

Emperor Reincarnation shook his head.

He had contact with Samsara just now, and the two were not at the same level at all, and he was easily suppressed by the other party.

"It's okay, I'm prepared, but you, are you ready?"

"The preparations are complete. As long as you can suppress its spirit, you can summon it into the long river of time."

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation said so.

"very good."

Zheng Tuo nodded.

"After a while, the Chaos Immortal Furnace will let go of the reincarnation, and I will help you fight him. You are responsible for summoning and pulling him into the long river of time."


Emperor Reincarnation is doubting Zheng Tuo's ability.

Anyway, I am also a strong person in the Heavenly King Realm, so I can't beat the reincarnation.

And Zheng Tuo's strength is only in the Little King Realm. He really doesn't know what means Zheng Tuo has to suppress the reincarnation of the legendary soul body.

"Trust me, as long as you do your own thing, you can successfully complete the plan."

Zheng Tuo didn't explain much, do I have to tell you that I have endless soul liquid, do I have to tell you that I still have a soul world?
Zheng Tuo's lack of explanation made Emperor Samsara look puzzled.

But at this moment, he didn't think too much, and could only choose to trust Zheng Tuo.

"When does it begin."

The Great Emperor of Samsara finished his preparations and asked aloud.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Zheng Tuo looked at the erupting Hundu Immortal Furnace, wanting to see where the limit of this guy was.

He is not worried about Hundu Xianlu at all, just like Heifeng, this guy is smart.

If something goes wrong, he will be able to deal with it immediately, and he will never be tough.

"Faceless boy, are you alright, are you alright..."

The impetuous voice of the Chaos Immortal Furnace came, and it sounded like it could not hold on at all and was about to explode.

"Hold on, wait, wait..."

Zheng Tuo echoed like this.

"Wait for your sister, I can't hold on anymore, he is too powerful."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace screamed, and the whole person was so irritable that it almost exploded.

"If you can't hold on, just think about two golden fruits. Those are two golden fruits. After eating them, what kind of power will you gain."

Zheng Tuo tempted Hundu Xianlu.

Don't tell me, this method seems simple, but it really works.

The aura of Chaos Immortal Furnace had dropped a bit just now, but after mentioning the golden fruit, it actually rose.

"For the golden fruit, for the golden fruit, for the golden fruit..."

Chaos Immortal Furnace yelled that for the golden fruit, it was really a dead end.

Zheng Tuo saw the Chaos Immortal Furnace that suppressed the reincarnation after the outbreak, and had a reassessment of the strength of this product in his heart.

have to say.

Things like potential are forced out.

If you don't force the Chaos Immortal Furnace, who would have known how powerful it is.

That reincarnation was born with fairy bones, and the soul body was even legendary, but it was suppressed by the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

This suppressing force is simply out of the scale, unprecedented.

The Chaos Immortal Stove finally revealed its true strength under this kind of persecution.

Zheng Tuo looked at such a scene, and calculated whether the Chaos Immortal Furnace had a stronger strength that he had not yet displayed.


His thinking is too much.

The Chaos Immortal Furnace has just branched out for three seconds.

Three seconds later, he immediately started yelling for help.

"No, no, no, I can't stop seeing this!"

Chaos Immortal Furnace's broken gong yelled that he couldn't hold on anymore.

Zheng Tuo didn't reply, and continued to look at the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

Seeing that Zheng Tuo didn't answer, Chaos Immortal Furnace continued to yell.

"No, no, I can't stop seeing this. If I want to keep going, I need a golden fruit."

Chaos Immortal Stove showed his fox tail.

Either this guy can't hold on, or he just wants the golden fruit.

Zheng Tuo couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows when he heard this.

His thoughts on the Chaos Immortal Furnace are correct, this product is simply stinky and shameless to the extreme.

At such a critical moment, they are still doing this kind of thing.

For this kind of thing, Zheng Tuo didn't care about him.

"Chaos Immortal Stove, let go of Reincarnation, and I will deal with him."

Zheng Tuo said so.


The Chaos Immortal Furnace was still planning to take advantage of the fire to loot it and grab it hard, so why did it suddenly get better.

"Can not be done!"

Chaos Immortal Furnace turned his head.

"This guy is very powerful. If I don't suppress him, everyone will finish playing in minutes. For everyone's safety, I must not let him go."

As the Chaos Immortal Furnace spoke, it even increased its strength a little bit, and the repressed Samsara was born a little dazed.

Where did this Chaos Immortal Furnace come from, and its strength is so tyrannical.

With his current strength, he was unable to suppress it.

"Brother Chaos Immortal Furnace, it's really hard work for you."

Emperor Samsara had a naive look on his face, and he actually believed what Chaos Immortal Stove said.

"Although the Chaos Immortal Furnace is a magic weapon, you are more loyal than others, and you burst into tears..."

The Great Heavenly King looked like he was about to wipe away his tears while he was talking.


The four heavenly kings came with two words, and the four heavenly kings immediately broke the defense.


Lao Bai looked at the Four Heavenly Kings, and at the Chaos Immortal Stove, what the hell.

This Chaos Immortal Furnace is obviously nonsense, how much these guys drank, they actually believed it.

Not only Lao Bai was speechless, but Zheng Tuo was also speechless.

This group of guys have been with the demons for a long time, and all of them have become naive.

The Chaos Immortal Furnace believes everything.

"Chaos Immortal Furnace, remove the suppression, otherwise the big event will be broken, and you will never get a golden fruit."

Zheng Tuo's words are full of lethality.

Just now I looked at me willingly sacrificing my Chaos Immortal Stove for you, but in the blink of an eye I removed the suppression.

"Say it earlier, I almost got hurt!"

The transformation of the Chaos Immortal Stove and Immortal Stove should not be too fast.

"Bastard, how dare you suppress me!"

Samsara was born furious, and wanted to take action to destroy the Chaos Immortal Stove.

But in the next second, the means of Emperor Samsara came and enveloped him.

"Reincarnation Beast, I said, with your strength, you can never compete with me, get out!"

Samsara was born to seek revenge from the Chaos Immortal Furnace, and at this moment he shouted angrily and counterattacked forcefully, intending to shatter Emperor Samsara's methods.

But as soon as his power was stimulated, he felt an extraordinarily powerful power of the soul, which instantly suppressed him in the Chaos Immortal Furnace.

"What power is this!"

Reincarnation was born shocked!

This soul power is very pure and powerful, although the level is not very high, it is very rare.

At this moment, he was suppressed for a short time.

He was suppressed for a short time, and the means of the reincarnation emperor have been adjusted.


The black hole at the stage behind the Samsara Emperor began to rotate.

As it rotates, Samsara naturally feels dizzy and sleepy.

"You want to summon me into the river of time!"

Samsara knew a lot by nature, after all, he had owned the Samsara Tree for a while.

Samsara Tiansheng immediately mobilized the power of his soul and counterattacked Zheng Tuo's power.

"Go away, I'll settle accounts with you later."

Samsara was born to erupt, trying to get away.

No matter what.

Zheng Tuo protects and gives him this opportunity.

"Don't look back at me to settle accounts, your and my bills, settle them now."

Zheng Tuo spoke in the void behind him, and powerful soul weapons appeared.

These soul weapons are all condensed with the power of the soul, and it is one of Zheng Tuo's methods to specifically attack the souls of others.

"Soul Immortal Treasure!"

Zheng Tuo raised his hands high, like a god, and lowered the final judgment.

brush brush...

The invisible soul weapon turned into a river of weapons, rushing towards reincarnation.

Faced with this kind of impact, Samsara was born to dodge out of the way as soon as he moved his body.

"I want to leave, I asked your grandpa if I'm gone."

The Chaos Immortal Furnace is very vengeful, and he made a move at this moment, urging the Chaos Dao Rune, trapping the reincarnation in the same place.

"Go away, go away, go away!"

Samsara panicked.

He struggled frantically, trying to break free.

But Hundu Xianlu is not a vegetarian.

Desperately besieging him here, it only takes a moment for Zheng Tuo's soul to kill him.

There was no loud noise, only mournful screams.

Shenshun Xianzang slammed heavily on Samsara Tiansheng's body, unable to move on the spot, he could only mobilize his own soul to defend.

"Boy, do you think you can suppress me!"

Samsara was born with unparalleled rage, so he immediately activated his magical powers and encountered a counterattack.

But in the next second, he discovered to his astonishment that he was being firmly suppressed at this moment, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Zheng Tuo's Divine Soul Immortal Treasure attack can be called terrifying.

He maxed out his soul attack in one breath, and was bombarded wildly when he made mistakes.

The disadvantage of this kind of attack is also obvious, that is, it consumes very, very much power of the soul.

The good news is that Zheng Tuo has enough spirit liquid to replenish.

This is also why he has such a terrifying relationship with the soul art.

It is true that this kind of technique can suppress the legendary experts, but it is only suppressed.

Only after being locked to death by the Chaos Immortal Furnace can he hit the reincarnation.

Otherwise, with his strength, even if the attacking attribute of the Immortal Soul Immortal Treasure is strong and domineering, it will not be able to defeat Samsara Tiansheng at all.

He is now.

It is said to suppress reincarnation, but in fact it is just trapping the other party.

If reincarnation is not allowed to stop the reincarnation emperor from urging the method, he will be considered successful.

Looking at it now, his method has indeed succeeded.

"Boy, with your strength, let me see how much power of your soul you have that can be consumed like this."

Samsara Tiansheng fully understands how terrible the consumption of Zheng Tuo's great technique is.

Other people's soul attacks are condensed into a magic weapon, an attack.

Good guy.

This faceless condensed a big river in one breath.

There is no water flow in the big river, it is completely formed by the condensed soul blade.

To be honest, he had never seen this kind of method before.

This means that one's own strength is stronger than the opponent's. If the two of them are equal in strength, they may be killed by the opponent in minutes.

This kind of great technique consumes a huge amount of spiritual power in exchange for terrifying and unparalleled lethality.

But as he said.

With the strength of the little mud king, how long he can perform such a great skill, he believes that the great skill will disappear after a few breaths.

as he thought.

This kind of great technique, relying on the power of the soul, is indeed difficult to sustain for too long.

and so.

Zheng Tuo took out a gourd from Qiankun.

Open the gourd, the spirit liquid in it is colorful and exudes an attractive luster.

Without further ado, Zheng Tuo opened his mouth, gulped, poured the soul liquid into his mouth and drank it.


The power of the soul that was originally deficient was instantly filled.

It doesn't smell much, but the stuff does work.

Zheng Tuo acted like this, in the eyes of Samsara Tiansheng, he immediately had the urge to scold his mother.

What's the situation, are you still playing with a sample?

This guy actually took out something to replenish halfway, and judging from the appearance, that thing can't be the soul liquid.

Divine soul liquid is very precious to immortal practitioners.

The more powerful the immortal cultivator, the more precious it is.

Because the stronger the immortal cultivator, the more he knows the importance of the soul body.

What is the origin of this faceless, to take out the soul liquid so casually and use it, judging by the level of proficiency, it seems to use the soul liquid frequently.

Samsara is born to only remember this, and then he will start to fight back.

Absolutely can't go on like this, if you go on like this, you will be brought into the long river of time by the reincarnation emperor.

If so, his strength will be greatly reduced.

And if he dies in it, that is true death.

This kind of unknown, he will definitely keep it in the cradle.

The reincarnation was born to show its power and stimulated its supernatural powers, and it actually forcibly carried the real Kobe Senzo supernatural powers to stand up.

"I said, with you ants, you are also worthy of fighting with me!"

Reincarnation is born to go crazy, and the whole person is unparalleled.

Zheng Tuo's attack was still sharp and even stronger, but he just couldn't suppress it.


The Chaos Immortal Furnace has also begun to decline because it has been consumed too much just now.

"Damn! I can't control it anymore!"

The Chaos Immortal Furnace played his old life, and the eruption for such a long time has exceeded his limit.

The cracks that had already been repaired on his stove appeared at this moment. Looking at it from a distance, it was shocking and distressing.

"No, no, no, I can't hold on anymore."

The Chaos Immortal Stove spoke frustrating words, but he did not slack in his actions, and still firmly controlled the birth of reincarnation.


This reincarnation is inherently difficult to control.

"Open it for me!"

Samsara was born to drink violently and stomped his feet suddenly.

Boom... boom...

Two voices, front and rear separated.

The Hundu Immortal Furnace was kicked away by Samsara Tiansheng, and at the same time a huge crack was kicked out at the bottom of the furnace.

From that crack, you can even see the outside world.

"I split!"

With a howl and a bang, the Chaos Immortal Furnace smashed on the ancient battlefield.

Suffering such a severe injury, the Chaos Immortal Furnace completely lost its sound and almost died.

And the escaped reincarnation naturally ignored the Chaos Immortal Furnace, and with a movement of his body, he immediately avoided the suppression of Zheng Tuo's Divine Soul Immortal Treasure.

Breaking away from the suppression, Samsara was born to look at Emperor Samsara immediately.

The Great Emperor of Samsara sits on the void here, and the black hole-like roulette behind his back rotates crazily, with a mysterious method, covering this world.

"You still failed after all!"

Samsara was born to attack, and killed Emperor Samsara.

Zheng Tuo immediately blocked it.

But in the face of reincarnation, it is difficult to survive a round, and it will be blown away.

Right now.

"Darkness is coming!"

The crisp sound appeared.

Xiao Jiu, who was hiding in the dark, made a move immediately, and immediately used her innate magical powers.

As night falls, everything is swallowed by darkness.

Samsara was stunned!
He had never seen this kind of method before, and it was hard to understand for a while, and he didn't know how to get rid of it.

"It happened!"

Reincarnation was born to feel bad, but it was too late.

The means of the Great Emperor of Reincarnation have been completed, and the power of reincarnation descended, covering this place.

next second.

He just felt that the darkness in front of his eyes had completely disappeared.

The sun was shining brightly and the grass was lush, and he appeared in a wilderness.

"here is?"

Samsara looked at the surrounding scene without panicking.

With a thought, he checked his own strength.


His current strength has dropped to the level of only a king-level powerhouse.

The other party used the power of time and river to pull him back to his own king-level strength.

Reincarnation is born to know.

If one's own strength is weaker than the opponent's, the opponent is fully capable of weakening one's strength to nothing and becoming a mortal.

And if one's strength is stronger than the opponent's, the opponent can only weaken oneself to a certain extent.

"Emperor Reincarnation, do you think that you can defeat me who is a king?"

Samsara is naturally confident, looking around, calling for the figure of Emperor Samsara.

But there was no sound around.

"Okay, since you guys don't show up, I'll look for a breakthrough. When I find a breakthrough, all of you will die."

Samsara was born to measure the land.

This is a kind of rule under the law of heaven, and in this rule there is an escaped one.

Reincarnation is born to find a way to leave here, as for what this way is, it needs to be found.

Samsara Tiansheng began to look for a way to leave here. If he left, he would not be able to be summoned for a period of time.


In the dense forest, Zheng Tuo and Emperor Samsara breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the reincarnation go away.

"The king-level reincarnation is born, and the strength of the soul is so tyrannical. I'm afraid we can't beat him alone."

Zheng Tuo said so.

"If I'm not wrong, this guy has also used the reincarnation tree for a long time, otherwise he would not be so clear about summoning. You know, in this world, the reincarnation tree and the reincarnation well are the only two A medium capable of time travel."

Zheng Tuo also understood that the Great Emperor of Reincarnation said this.

Such a thing as stepping into the river of time is indeed unimaginable.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't have believed that he could go upstream and return to the past.

But since this kind of thing already exists, then consider how to act next.

"Listen to my command. It is true that Samsara's natural strength is very strong, but it is not invincible. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and the aura is abundant. I can not lower than the seventh-order top-level formation here. You make a move and help me attract the main force. I will set up the formation and stay there." I will give you a signal after I have set up the formation, and you will introduce it into the formation and kill it directly."

When Zheng Tuo experienced the long river of time last time, he had experimented.

In reincarnation, he can indeed form formations, and his power is also huge.

"Okay, I'll get his attention."

Emperor Reincarnation looked very serious.

He had waited too long for this revenge.

Reincarnation was born to occupy my homeland and my reincarnation tree. He endured it for too long. Today, it's finally time for revenge.

At this moment, the natural strength of Samsara is the Heavenly King Realm, and his strength is also the Heavenly King Realm.

Against him at the same level, he, the Great Emperor of Reincarnation, wanted to get back this place and let out such a bad breath.

The killing intent surged in the eyes of the Great Emperor of Samsara, his whole body was already burning hot, and he wanted to have a showdown with Samsara.

Seeing the appearance of Emperor Samsara, Zheng Tuo spoke immediately.

"Emperor Samsara, I know that you and Samsara have a natural enmity, and I also know that you want revenge, and I will not stop you from taking revenge, but you must know that it is your loss to perish with him. You and I have the advantage now, and we are both hurt. You can only be ridiculed by him, so just play well, don’t risk your life, there are many ways to get revenge, these methods are just tools, your purpose is revenge, not risking your life, you can understand.”

Zheng Tuo said this, on the one hand, because he saw that something was wrong with the Great Emperor of Samsara, and he was afraid of accidents.

After all, he is the little brother of the heart demon, and also his own little brother, so he might be able to use it in the future.

In There.

If something happens to Emperor Reincarnation, how can he go back!
This is the time point of Emperor Samsara's house. If this guy dies, he won't be able to go back.

To sum up, it is his responsibility to persuade Emperor Samsara to calm down.

"Well, don't worry, I won't be dazzled by hatred."

It's good that Emperor Reincarnation didn't talk like this, but Zheng Tuo didn't know what to say.

But there is no bottom and no way, but to bite the bullet and let the Great Emperor Samsara take revenge.

The Great Emperor of Samsara rushed towards Samsara Tiansheng without saying a word.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo shook his head.

You don't turn a corner and rush from other places.

If the reincarnation knows that I am coming, it will definitely follow this road to investigate, and I will be discovered by then.

Zheng Tuo shook his head.

After all, he is not a puppet under his own hands, so the requirements should not be too high.

It is not too late.

He immediately started to arrange the formation.

The difficulty in the layout of the seventh-order top-level formation lies in how to use the existing appearance of the world.

The so-called appearance of heaven and earth refers to the mountains, big rivers, jungles, flowers and plants where the breeze passes by...

All of this was arranged by Heaven himself.

He needs to use these things, arrange these things, within the scope allowed by the rules, into a formation, a formation that can exert great power.

With a movement, Zheng Tuo began to arrange formations according to the shape of the world.

the other side.

The Great Emperor of Samsara was so aggressive that he completely managed to attract attention.


Reincarnation is born in Changzhong.

"Yo Yo Yo...Look who this is, you dare to come out, this is something I didn't expect."

Samsara was not panicked at all.

In the king class, he was invincible in the world in reincarnation.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will kill you today, and I will avenge my revenge for many years."

Emperor Reincarnation is really not stupid.

He looked menacing, trying to kill Samsara's natural appearance.

In fact, he did it for reincarnation to see.

He wants to delay Zheng Tuo's time, the longer the delay, the more powerful it will be for him.

Zheng Tuo was right.

There are many ways to take revenge, and the method is just a tool, and revenge is the result.

If there is a better and safer way to take revenge, he will naturally not fight with his life and die with the other party.

"You are not afraid of me, which surprises me."

Samsara was born unaware that Zheng Tuo followed him.

He thought there was only Samsara Land alone.

"I'm afraid of you. You used to be really scary, but you at this moment, why should I be scared? My strength is at the level of a heavenly king, and your strength is also at the level of a heavenly king. In a life-and-death fight, it is not certain who will lose. .”

The Great Emperor of Samsara was full of momentum and firmly gained the upper hand.


When Samsara heard this, he laughed.

"Emperor Reincarnation, you don't really think that your Heavenly King class is the same as mine, right?"

Samsara naturally looked at Emperor Samsara with the eyes of a fool.


He chuckled, full of contempt.

"Reincarnation Great Emperor, Reincarnation Great Emperor, hehehe...not just a dog under the reincarnation tree, not worthy of the name of Great Emperor."

The contempt in Samsara's natural words made Emperor Samsara want to fight directly and start a life-and-death battle with him.

But when he thought that Zheng Tuo was arranging a large formation, he didn't know when it would be completed.

He immediately suppressed the thought.

Delay the time first, if you really can't delay it, it's not too late to start.

Anyway, sooner or later, I have to do it. I have been waiting for so many years, and I don't care about such a little time.

Emperor Reincarnation is indeed a man with a big heart.

He suppressed his will to fight.

"I'm a dog, so what are you? You are not even as good as a single hair of the Third Immortal of Samsara. You are a coward who dares to come out and throw you only when the Third Immortal of Samsara is about to die. You are so cowardly that you deserve to be called a heart demon, it is really embarrassing for all the heart demons, and there is a scum like you among the heart demons, it is simply a shame for the heart demons."

Samsara Earth's lip service is quite good.

Three times, five divisions and two divisions, said reincarnation, blushing naturally.

"Little bastard, you are courting death."

Samsara was born to shout angrily, turned into a black light, and killed Emperor Samsara.

"Good time, today, let's see how I will kill you."

The Great Emperor Samsara made a move without showing any weakness, and the two immediately started fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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