The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 120 New hole cards: The way of puppets begins

Chapter 120 New hole cards: The way of puppets begins

Luoxianshan, in the puppet research room, Zheng Tuo took out a colored drawing from the bronze ring.

On the colored paper is a blueprint of a squirrel puppet.

The refining, data, and proportions of each component are clearly marked.

The source of the blueprints is unknown. There are many such blueprints in the bookstore, most of which are harmless small animals.

For example: squirrels, white rabbits, various birds...etc.

The colored drawings in front of you are the ones for beginners to get started.

Zheng Tuo spread out the drawing and pressed the four corners with four spirit stones.


There are two types of puppet refining.

A kind of puppet called spirit.

Spirit puppets are the most common species of puppets, more than [-]% of the market are spirit puppets.

The characteristic of spirit puppets is to add their own blood essence during the process of refining puppets.

Because of the essence and blood, you can [-]% control the words and deeds of the puppet, and the other party has a part of your own strength.

As for how much.

That depends on how exquisite the technology of refining puppets is.

generally speaking.

The refined puppet has [-]% of its own strength, even if it is the top puppet master.

Also known as.

Spirit puppets can be regarded as a relatively different kind of avatar.

As for another kind of puppet, it is called soul puppet.

Compared with the soul puppet that draws the essence and blood from its own body, the soul puppet directly extracts the soul of others, and injects the extracted soul into the puppet to become a soul puppet.

Compared with spirit puppets, soul puppets are obviously stronger.

Because the soul puppet is a new life with absolute self-awareness, it is not like a spirit puppet, it is just a branch of the maker's own life.

of course.

The soul puppet is an evil thing that violates the laws and regulations of the imperial capital, and also violates the morality of the world of cultivating immortals.

Anyone who dares to refine soul puppets, anyone in the world of cultivating immortals, and any force can attack them together.

Zheng Tuo naturally didn't have the thought to refine soul puppets.

What he wants to refine is a spirit puppet.

A piece of spiritual wood, a spiritual brush, and a spiritual knife were brought in, and the spirit gathering array was opened.

Zheng Tuo picked up the spirit wood and used the spirit knife to carve the spirit wood into the required parts according to the method in the drawing.

In terms of the method of refining puppets, the more powerful the puppets, the more parts they have.

Like the squirrel puppet in his hand, it only has six parts.

Limbs, torso, and head.

Although Zheng Tuo had never learned sculpture, he was an immortal cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period after all, and his hands were still very steady.


The limbs, torso, and head of the squirrel puppet are all carved.

He didn't rush to assemble the squirrel puppet, but soaked all the parts in the spirit array he had already prepared.

The spirit array is called the clear and turbid array, and its purpose is to remove the turbid air on the parts.

The spirit wood has been handed by many people, so it is inevitable that there will be some turbidity on it. If you don't remove it, write spirit patterns on it, I am afraid that the quality of the puppet will be greatly reduced.

The clearing speed is very fast.

After clearing the turbidity, Zheng Tuo took out the parts one by one and put them in the dust-free array, forming the shape of a little squirrel.


Take it out.

Zheng Tuo picked up the spirit pen and began to meticulously write the spirit patterns on the drawing on the little squirrel's body.

Because the little squirrel is only the lowest-level puppet, it can be driven only by writing spirit patterns on the outside. If it is replaced by a more complicated one, such as a humanoid puppet, it needs to write a lot of spirit patterns inside and install a core device. Complicated things.

Zheng Tuo's hand was steady.

Because he had arranged arrays, refined elixirs, and carved talismans.

All of the above lay a solid foundation for making puppets.

The spirit pattern on the squirrel puppet was completed in one stroke, without any pause, and the rhythm was very good.

After it's done.

Zheng Tuo was very satisfied.

Turn on the activation formation and put the squirrel puppet in it.

Then he cut his finger and dripped a piece of blood into the activation array.

With the violent shaking of the activation, everything became so... Bah, it was the squirrel puppet's originally dull eyes that shone with a flash of light.


The squirrel puppet screamed, and then it really came alive.


Zheng Tuo could feel that in his mind, there seemed to be a faint thread connected with the squirrel puppet.

After all, it is just the most common puppet.

It's not easy to feel connected.

"Run two steps if you're not sick."

Under the control of Zheng Tuo's mind, the squirrel puppet was extremely active.

Qi jumped up and down in the cage, trying to have a positive contact with Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo took out his magic weapon of glasses and observed carefully outside.

a long time.

He shook his head.

The squirrel puppet looked very active, and it was exactly the same as an ordinary squirrel, but in his observation, there were obviously many deficiencies.

For example, although it is fast when running, it is slightly hard.

And the spirit pattern on the body is obviously flawed, which makes the breath more like a dead thing, which will be judged immediately.

Although the squirrel puppet is the lowest-level puppet, it is a sample for people to get started.

But Zheng Tuo clearly knows that the foundation is the most important.

Whether it is the method of formation or alchemy, they all evolved from the most basic aspects.

The way of puppet is even more so.

So Zheng Tuo didn't dare to be sloppy.

It is necessary to make a perfect squirrel puppet before learning other aspects.

Confirming the target, Zheng Tuo nodded.

Get the spirit knife, continue to carve the parts of the puppet squirrel, and start working wholeheartedly.


The second squirrel puppet is finished.

This time.

When he was sculpting, he made the joints of the squirrel puppet much rounder, instead of sharp and angular as before.

In the activation formation, drip blood essence.

Follow Zheng Tuo's instructions.

look in.

The squirrel puppet starts running in the cage, and then... pushups, situps, squats, levator ani, thomas gyrations...etc.

From various perspectives, it is indeed more spiritual than the first one.

But Zheng Tuo was still not satisfied.

It always feels like something is missing.

Continue to observe, and then continue to improve.

in this way.

Modify, modify, modify, modify.

After seven days.


A vivid little squirrel jumps in the forest.

It bounced to the market, jumped onto a young girl's booth, and looked for something with dazed eyes.

"Little thing, come here, come here..."

Seeing the cuteness of the little squirrel, the girl became childlike.

Take some food from the purse and put it in the palm of your hand, trying to attract the little squirrel's attention.

The little squirrel looked very cautious, and jumped to the girl's hand, sniffed it first, then hugged it and stuffed it all into its mouth.


The girl looked very happy, and stretched out her little hand, trying to pet the little squirrel.

While the little squirrel was enjoying the food, it didn't notice that the girl's jade hand was already stroking its silky fur.

"What a cute little thing."

The girl carefully picked up the little squirrel, put it next to her face, and rubbed the little squirrel's silky fur with her cheek affectionately.


The little squirrel yelled, and then nimbly jumped to the ground along the girl's shoulders. It accelerated and disappeared from sight.

An old tree top.

The little squirrel squatted on it, looking at the bustling crowd below, its big eyes were full of curiosity.

"Interesting, really funny."

In Luoxianshan, in the puppet research room, Zheng Tuo spoke in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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