The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 123 Shocked!A certain man did something to a puppet late at night...

Chapter 123 Shocked!A certain man did something to a puppet late at night...

"Moon God Slash Half Moon."

Maotu kicked his leg suddenly. On the leg, there was ice attribute spiritual energy condensed, and then a crescent moon formed, and with a whoosh, it scraped over the three fighting puppets.

The three-headed puppet was immediately frozen into ice lumps.


I just reviewed my melee level.

Remote words.

Naturally, it is necessary to be familiar with some small supernatural powers.

He will find a special time to learn the big supernatural powers, as for these small supernatural powers, such as making a fireball, a wind blade, an ice pick... He can learn it just by looking at it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to cultivate vigorously is also a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

The long-range attack lasted for four full hours.

It includes body skills, how to deal with enemies, how to run away if you can't beat... and so on!
It can be said that Zheng Tuo showed all his fighting skills without any reservations (maybe)
Wait until the battle is over.

He heard beep beep, beep beep, beep beep from his chest, similar to the alarm sound of Bumpman's dead battery.

Maotu is a puppet after all, not a cultivator.

The aura it possesses is provided by its own body.

Fortunately, he is prepared.

Take out a colorless elixir, open your mouth and eat it.


The dantian array in the body is running at high speed, filled with ice attribute aura.


Zheng Tuo left Maotu's body.

"Maotu, turn on the battle mode."

As the words fell, Maotu's body was chattering, and there was a sound of switching like Transformers.

can be seen.

A set of snow-white battle armor appeared on Maotu.

Set off the Uto, who was originally just a maid, like a goddess of ice and snow.

of course.

It was also specially arranged by Zheng Tuo.

He is a rabbit made with ice-attribute spirit stones as the core, and its own attribute is naturally ice.


At the foot of the mountain appeared a fighting puppet tiger that only knew how to fight, and its aura was around the fifth level of Qi training.

Maotu said nothing.

With a sudden force on the powerful long legs, the whole body turned into a white light with a whoosh and rushed towards the tiger.

Under Zheng Tuo's order, the tiger howled and rushed towards Maotu.

The two collided instantly.


The explosive loud noise shook all directions, destroying all the surrounding turf.


The tiger roared, raised its palm, and slapped Maotu.

Maotu, as a puppet, doesn't know what fear is, and has the fighting skills taught by Zheng Tuo just now, so it's like a god at this moment.

He didn't take it hard, and stepped back, making the tiger's slap empty, then swung his long legs and kicked the tiger's head hard.


Under the muffled sound, the tiger was kicked and scrambled, flying tens of meters away before barely stopping.

When it just got up, a graceful shadow descended from the sky and kicked its lower back.


With a crisp sound, the bones in the tiger's waist were kicked to pieces on the spot.

The tiger lost its ability to move, and the rabbit immediately moved away.

Afterwards, he muttered words, exuding an incomparable ice-attribute aura throughout.

"Moon God Slash Half Moon."

Maotu suddenly kicked out his long legs, and the beautiful long legs drew a moonlight arc in the air.


The arc of moonlight left a string of blue light of ice crystals in the void, passing through the tiger's body in the blink of an eye.

The tiger was frozen into an ice lump on the spot.

There was an extra explosive charm in Maotu's hand, and he was about to throw it over.


Zheng Tuo called Maotu to stop.

Hearing the master's order, Mao Tu immediately stopped attacking and put away the explosive talisman.

It seems that the fighting skills I just taught you are not bad.

But obviously the heat is still far behind, and it needs continuous practice and running-in.

Raise your hand.

Invite another battle puppet, whose strength is the sixth level of Qi training period.

After receiving the order, Maotu stepped forward with long legs and rushed to fight to hone his skills.

In the following days.

Uto begins to hone his skills by fighting the battle golems.

Zheng Tuo carefully observed the records, looked for deficiencies and wrote them down in preparation for improvement.

The refining of a puppet requires a lot of effort, which is why few people can refine it.

One is because it is too complicated, and there are very few talented people.

In one, you have to spend a lot of time on it. If you have that time, you might as well go to practice the incense that came.

Zheng Tuo is actually fine.

The puppet is tasteless to others, but to him, it is an absolutely indispensable magic weapon in the future.

And it was an important part of some of his grand schemes.

Maotu's ability to learn is extremely strong. In just a few days, he went from fighting with one battle puppet to a dozen.

And it seems to be able to do a job with ease, and has won his own essence.


Zheng Tuo called to stop Maotu's fight.


Maotu returns.

It can be seen that the battle armor on his body has been damaged, and his clothes are even torn into strips.

The originally clean face is also full of Wugou, just like the one who fled famine, without any image at all.

Maotu's battle has reached its limit. After all, it is only the body of the spirit wood. If it is the spirit iron, it may still be able to resist.

The spirit wood puppet is okay in long-range combat, but it is really a disadvantage in close quarters.

"Lie down on the bed."

Zheng Tuo issued an order.

Mao Tu lay directly on the bed, motionless.

Zheng Tuo looked at Maotu lying on the bed, rubbed his hands, and moved his shoulders.

let's start.

Raise your hand and press on Maotu's dantian, and then Maotu's dantian opens.

among them.

There is a dantian array, and in the middle of the array is an ice-attribute spirit stone.

This is the core of Maotu's strength.

Just like a person's dantian, all auras come from here.

Zheng Tuo recalled some shortcomings in the record, and began to transform it with a spiritual pen, making Maotu more perfect and powerful.


The transformation of the dantian array is complete.


He began to improve Maotu's shortcomings in combat.

Normally speaking, for a powerful and perfect puppet, the spirit patterns in the body are all formed in one stroke, without any breakpoints in the middle, so that the purpose of perfectly running the spirit energy can be achieved.

But Zheng Tuo didn't have that state in the first place, so he has only been a puppet for so long.

Second come.

He didn't know what kind of spirit pattern was most suitable for Maotu.

Even if you can write a line, it is useless if what you write is wrong.

People obviously need the ice attribute, you write a fire attribute, not only the combat power has not increased, but if it doesn't explode, thank the second uncle and grandpa.

and so.

He needs to keep practicing and practicing on Mao Tu, and strive to be able to finish writing all the spirit patterns in one breath as soon as possible.

And at the same time.

Through continuous experimentation, find the perfect spirit pattern belonging to Maotu.

When both are aligned.

He will have an incomparably perfect puppet.

Zheng Tuo focused on his own affairs.

Little by little, transform and study Maotu.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye.

Three years have passed since the ten-year plan.

And his comprehension of the way of puppets has risen sharply.

It has not only refined a puppet of Maotu.

Because of such crazy refining, the consumption of materials is extremely fast.

this day.

When he came to the exchange office and was about to buy spirit wood, he was confused by a sentence from Senior Sister Lou.

(End of this chapter)

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