The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1483 Preparations are complete, moving towards the legendary level of the realm

Chapter 1483 Preparations are complete, moving towards the legendary level of the realm

Zheng Tuo's goal has always been clear, and he is willing to make a lot of efforts for it.

The sound of the piano is melodious, ravaging the world, defeating opponents one by one, and achieving one's own invincible road.

Some of the defeated powerhouses are convinced, saying that the real person has extraordinary means and are willing to bow down, while some are not convinced and are ready to continue the challenge next time.

Facing many opponents, Zheng Tuo has only one piano to suppress enemies from all directions.

The calm and calm Zheng Tuo maintained his high-end combat power, did not hide much, and went all out to defeat every opponent and win the innate mark.

With the acquisition of each innate imprint, Zheng Tuo started his own plan.

"I've seen a real person!"

There is an old man named Kandi.

With a faint smile on his face, Kandi was very happy to meet Zheng Tuo.

"Fellow Daoist Kandi is looking for me for something."

Zheng Tuo knew why this guy came, so he deliberately asked.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Luoxian for winning every battle and winning the title of Hundred Crown King."

Kang Di smiled and cupped his hands to congratulate Zheng Tuo, as if he and Zheng Tuo had been friends for many years.

"It's all just false names, let Fellow Daoist Kandi laugh at you."

"No, no, the name of the Hundred-Crown King of Fellow Daoist Luoxian was earned with practical fists. If anyone in Nuo Daxiu Immortal Realm dares not to recognize the name of the Hundred-Crown King of Fellow Daoist Luoxian, I, Kandi, will be the first to refuse."

Candy is a ghost, old fellow.

Zheng Tuo's strength is so tyrannical, so he naturally wants to win him over, even if he can't win him over, don't become an enemy.

He is not one of those young people who clamors every day that he wants to be number one in the world and suppress an era.

An old man like him clearly knows that the most important thing is to live.

"Fellow Daoist Kandi, please speak up."

Zheng Tuo looked at Kandi in front of him, this old guy is really snobbish.

"Since Fellow Daoist Luoxian said so, I don't hold back, I am here this time because of the innate imprint in the hands of Fellow Daoist."

Kandi knew that as the real Luoxian, he would be looked down upon if he played too much.

Simply explaining the purpose of coming here can get a straight-forward character, so that the real Luoxian has a good impression of him, isn't it?

"For the innate mark in my hand?"

There are many bad words in Zheng Tuo's words.

"Fellow Luoxian, please be happy and angry, and listen to me slowly."

Seeing Zheng Tuo's vigilance in his words, Kang Di hurriedly explained.

"To be honest, this innate imprint contains the origin of the world of cultivating immortals. For legends like you and me, it is really a good thing among good things. No one wants it, no one wants it."

Candy confides.

"So, I came here this time to ask Fellow Daoist Luoxian if he is willing to give up his love and give me an innate imprint. Of course, if Fellow Daoist Luoxian has any suggestions, just say, I can do it, I must be obliged."

What Kandi said was very straightforward, he really wanted the innate mark.

The innate mark is not only related to whether you can set foot on the immortal road, but also contains the origin of the world of cultivating immortals, which is an absolute good thing.

Zheng Tuo's heart was full of smiles, he was Kang Di who came here.

And this Kandi is a well-known good old man, similar to Uncle Yunyangzi.

So behind this guy, there should be several old antiques waiting to watch. If it is feasible, these several old antiques will come to me in the same way to exchange innate imprints.

Old antiques are old antiques, and they would be willing to sacrifice some resources in exchange for the innate marks they need.

"No change."

Zheng Tuo's response was decisive.

"Since Fellow Daoist Kandi knows the benefits of this innate imprint, he naturally knows that it is of great use to me. How can I be willing to exchange it for such a great use."


Kandi didn't expect Zheng Tuo to refuse straight away.

He thought about it, and immediately understood the reason.

I came here to ask for help, but in turn let the other party say what I want, which is completely dishonest.

"Fellow Daoist Luoxian, it's my fault, it's my fault. I originally came to Fellow Daoist Luoxian's place to obtain an innate imprint. How dare I turn my back on the guest and ask Fellow Daoist Luoxian to ask for it."

Candy decisively admits his mistake.

"Fellow Daoist Luoxian, please listen to me slowly. A few days ago, I heard from a few friends that the Pagoda of Luoxian Daoist Luoxian has entered their domain. Di Resources opened up a large domain, allowing the Luoxian Pagoda of Luoxian Daoist to live in it."

When Zheng Tuo heard this, he knew that Kandi was very tricked.

But he did not speak, but continued to listen.

Seeing that Zheng Tuo didn't speak, Kang Di continued.

"Of course, besides this matter, I have all kinds of spiritual objects here, which can be regarded as compensation for this time. Fellow Daoist Luoxian, please take a look."

Kandi had been prepared for a long time, took out a universe bag and opened it, and there were all kinds of treasures in it.

When Zheng Tuo saw it, he couldn't help but feel his heart move.

This old man Kandi really has a very rich family background, and there are some treasures in it that he will be moved when he sees them.


Zheng Tuo still looked at Kandi without any response, looking like he was not enough, which made Kandi very painful.


This real Luoxian is really greedy.

I have already opened my own big domain, which is full of sincerity, and now I am offering all kinds of precious spiritual objects, this guy is still unmoved, and wants more.

But having said that, if I have this kind of opportunity, I am afraid that I am even more greedy than this real Luoxian.

"Fellow Daoist Luoxian, I believe you have already felt my sincerity. If you have any requests, please ask Fellow Daoist Luoxian."

Kandi really doesn't have any good things anymore, so he can't give away his methods and treasures.

"My request is simple."

Zheng Tuo saw that there was really nothing good for Kandi, so he said.

"I let you form an alliance with the Luoxianzong."


Candy was overjoyed.

He once thought about forming an alliance with the Luoxianzong, but the Luoxianzong's status is extraordinary, and it maintains an alliance with many forces in the Eastern Region, which is enough to be able to fancy him.

Now hearing what the real Luoxian said, he nodded immediately.

"Fellow Luoxian Taoist can think highly of me, Kandi. I, Kandi, should swear by the way of heaven, and I am willing to form an alliance with Luoxianzong."

Kang Di is very knowledgeable, and directly swears an alliance with the way of heaven, for fear that Zheng Tuo will regret it.

Zheng Tuo nodded, accepting this alliance.

After the alliance was completed, Condi was puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Luoxian, since you and I are allies now, I need to ask you what your attitude is."

Candy was very cautious and asked many questions about it.

"what do you mean."

"The attitude after the opening of the Immortal Road in the future is whether to push this era across the board and achieve the highest achievement, or choose to endure and let the entire Luoxianzong survive the most chaotic period in peace. Some sense of security."

The old guy Kandi wanted to know more, but Zheng Tuo's response was very sincere.

"Cultivating immortals is not about fighting and killing. Cultivating immortals is a matter of sophistication. Our purpose has never been to suppress or kill anyone. Our purpose is to live long and achieve immortality."

Zheng Tuo's eyes were deep, and he looked at the fairy road above his head that was looming and could come at any time.

"A Taoist friend is enlightened."

Some sleeping things in Kandi's heart were awakened, and then immediately suppressed by the suppressed Dao heart.

As Zheng Tuo said, he also dreamed of cultivating immortals, but the reality is cruel.

If you don't fight, you will be suppressed by others. If you don't fight, you won't get good spirits to improve yourself.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

"I know, this kind of thinking is very naive, but it's also very interesting, isn't it?"

Zheng Tuo saw some clues from Kandi's subtle movements, knowing that this guy is very indifferent to his thoughts.

It's best to have no sense, you don't know what I really think.

"No, no, what Fellow Daoist Luoxian said, I have thought about it carefully. Some roads are always special, and there will always be some people who choose to go forward. Since you and I both know that the end of the immortal road is a dead end, maybe Luo The road that fellow immortals walk, can pass through a dead end and move forward to a higher level."

Kandi's awareness is still very high, and his conversation is full of everyone's demeanor.

The alliance has been negotiated, and Zheng Tuo will naturally not be stingy about the innate imprint.

Kandi opened up his big domain and let Zheng Tuo's Luoxian Pagoda live in it. At the same time, he added some magic weapons and other additional conditions in exchange for Zheng Tuo's innate mark.

After the transaction was completed, Kandy cupped his fists and turned to leave.

Zheng Tuo immediately checked his Immortal Realm.


In the city of reincarnation, a new passage appeared to help them cultivate in the reincarnation of souls in the city of immortality.

A little bit.

Zheng Tuo could feel that he was one step closer to breaking through and reaching the legendary level of the realm.

Don't worry, wait slowly, I believe there will be an opportunity soon.

as he thought.

A few days later, finally, Old Antique couldn't bear it, and came to Luoxianzong to discuss with him about exchanging innate imprints.

There must be old antiques behind Kandi, and these old guys came one by one to discuss with Zheng Tuo about the exchange of innate imprints.

With this, Zheng Tuo brutally slaughtered this group of old antiques.

All kinds of treasures and spirits are soft-handed, and all kinds of magical supernatural powers are open-mouthed, and the opening of the Great Domain is a necessity.

As one old antique after another was willing to be blackmailed by him, Zheng Tuo obtained more and more large domain connections.

The feeling of breaking through at any time is getting stronger and stronger.

Suppress it.

Zheng Tuo kept his heart and was not in a hurry to break through.

Now that dozens of old antiques have been occupied by Luoxian Pagoda, he can clearly feel that he can break through at any time, but it is very reluctant.

If you break through now, there is a chance that you will fail due to reluctance.

To know.

If a strong man of his level fails to break through, it will be a very terrible thing.

At least not completely destroying the Immortal Realm, at worst, his whole body will die because of it.

At this juncture, he will not allow himself to fall because of a breakthrough.

Keep your heart, continue to participate in the battle for the innate imprint, and then use the innate imprint in exchange for more old antiques to open up.

Such news quickly spread like wildfire.

"What is the purpose of this real Luoxian, to form an alliance with all the foreigners? Could it be that he is targeting you and me?"

The Southern Region Alliance is now dominated by the Jiang family and the Qin family.

Both of these two families have enmity with Luoxianzong. If Luoxianzong is allowed to accumulate alliances like this, it may be detrimental to their two families.

But they couldn't stop it.

Zheng Tuo's alliance in exchange for the innate mark is unbreakable. If they want to stop it, they will only burn themselves.

If it is not complete, there will be big forces attacking them against the Southern Region Alliance in exchange for the innate mark in the hands of the real Luoxian.

To know.

The major foreign forces are not used to their Southern Region Alliance.

The entire world of cultivating immortals is brewing in a general trend.

The forces of all parties began to form alliances with each other, and strive to ensure that they will not be violated after the fairy road is opened.

Everyone knows.

At such a critical moment, if anyone falls, it is really a ghost and there is no peace.

They have waited too long for the day to open the fairy road, and no one will allow themselves to fall at this moment.

Among these allies, Luoxianzong is the most.

It's no secret that the real Luoxian used his innate mark to win over all the old antiques.

In addition, this real Luoxian is the king of a hundred crowns. He has won a hundred victories in the battle for the innate imprint, and has suppressed a hundred legend-level powerhouses.

This made Luoxianzong the most dazzling star in this era.

Very flamboyant, not very good.

After Zheng Tuo won another battle for the innate mark, he thought so in his heart.

The emergence of such an idea is not accidental.

He often uses the great technique of reaching the sky to observe the immortal road, and during one observation, he found that the immortal road is one step closer to coming.


In the world of cultivating immortals, someone broke through again. As for who and where, it is quite secretive, and no one has discovered it.

The number of strong people in the world of cultivating immortals is related to the coming of the immortal road, that is to say, the coming of the immortal road is inevitable.

It is not surprising that all kinds of powerful people are born in this world where the aura is fully recovered, even far surpassing the ancient times.

Almost, it's time to find a suitable time to break through.

Zheng Tuo returns to Wuxian Realm.

He looked at his vast and boundless Immortal Realm, and his heart was full of pride.

Today's Wuxian Realm is full of vitality, and all things coexist, and there are countless immortal cultivators living in it.

They are like their former selves, showing their own demeanor, trying to reach the peak and become the strongest in this world.

Very similar.

Zheng Tuo looked at his Immortal Realm, and thought of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, the two obviously have something in common.

The number of creatures in the Immortal Realm determines the level of one's own strength, and the number of strong people in the Immortal Cultivation Realm determines the speed of the immortal road.

Is there any connection between them?

Zheng Tuo turned his head to understand this, but unfortunately the result was a cloud of fog, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and couldn't grasp anything.

In any case, strength is always the number one priority.

Zheng Tuo locked himself in a small black room for retreat. He was no longer participating in the battle for the innate imprint, nor was he in charge of the affairs of Luoxianzong and Wuxianyu. He concentrated on adjusting his own state to welcome his breakthrough.

years later.

Zheng Tuo walked out of the small black room.

He felt that deep feeling, and he knew that it was the opportunity for a breakthrough.

Without any hesitation, Zheng Tuo mobilized his own strength and began to break through.

The entire Immortal Realm began to vibrate.

Countless cultivators looked up at the void. At this moment, they seemed to see a huge phantom reflecting the sky.

The phantom of the two is the only true god in the entire Immortal Realm.

"let's start!"

Zheng Tuo whispered, completely entered the state, and began to break through his own shackles.

(End of this chapter)

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