The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1525 Where did the protoss come from

Chapter 1525 Where did the protoss come from
What a shock in Jiang Wei's heart!

The Jiang family is actually related to the God Clan, and it is a pawn left by the God Clan in the world of cultivating immortals.

Now that Er Shenzi said this, Jiang Wei didn't think it was unbelievable.

Because he did feel some kind of power from the second prince that was of the same origin as himself, it was the power of a god, the power that belonged exclusively to the god body.

"so what?"

Jiang Wei's response was cold.

Even if the Jiang family is related to the God Clan, it is a chess piece left by the God Clan in the world of cultivating immortals, so what.


Er Shenzi's smile was full of amusement.

"Jiang Wei, as a protoss, you should abide by the rules of the protoss, that is, surrender to me. I am the son of the second god, one of the future patriarchs of the protoss, you understand."

Er Shenzi has a sense of superiority over Jiang Wei.

It feels like two children of one family, one who grew up in the city and one who grew up in the countryside, and the child who grew up in the city naturally has an inexplicable sense of superiority.

of course.

Jiang Wei, a child who grew up in the countryside, is not an ordinary existence.

He looked at Er Shenzi at this moment, said nothing, and chose to ignore each other.

It seems that the protoss is not very good if they can still say this kind of words in this realm.

Faced with Jiang Wei's attitude, Er Shenzi's method was to activate the secret method.

Jiang Wei felt that the divine pattern in his body was being touched by Er Shenzi.

To be able to control the divine lines in his body from a distance, these two divine sons are indeed extraordinary.

However, with a thought, Jiang Wei suppressed the agitation of the divine pattern in his body, and then used his strength to attack the second god son suddenly.

Er Shenzi obviously didn't expect Jiang Wei to dare to resist him, so he suddenly became a little flustered without precaution, and at the same time revealed his body in front of everyone.

When everyone saw the two gods showing their bodies, they all whispered and each had their own reasons.

Hearing various voices, Er Shenzi looked so angry.

"Jiang Wei, you are really clever!"

Looking at Er Shenzi who was expressing joy and anger, Jiang Wei no longer had any mood to pay attention to this kind of guy.

Compared with all kinds of evildoers in the world of cultivating immortals, this Er Shenzi is like a child, who has not experienced any storms and waves, and shows all emotions on his face.

Such a character is not worth his time.

"Jiang Wei, I'm talking to you!"

Er Shenzi was furious.

He is the son of the second god, a high-ranking existence among the gods, and at this moment he is ignored by the other party, which really makes him explode.


Jiang Wei snorted immediately.

The tyrannical power was released, instantly locking Ershenzi.

"I don't care who you are, please pay attention to your words."

Jiang Wei looked at Ershenzi coldly with murderous eyes.

For those who are familiar with Jiang Wei, he has never seen such a changeable expression.

Jiang Wei is a divine body, aloof, and an existence that does not show his emotions or anger.

Now that the intent to kill is shown, it really makes people worry whether the two sons of God will be beheaded by Jiang Wei.

"Jiang Wei, I am your ancestor, how dare you talk to your ancestor like that."

Ershenzi no longer had the calmness he had just now. He seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and he shouted at Jiang Wei loudly.


Jiang Wei shook his head.

"I am a member of the Jiang family, named Jiang Wei, not a member of the God race. If my Jiang family comes from the God race, then I, Jiang Wei, will tell you and the God race behind you here today. From today on, the Jiang family is the Jiang family. I will Create an era that belongs to the Jiang family and surpass the era of the Protoss."

Jiang Wei's gaze was like a torch, and he spoke loudly.

As a divine body, he is qualified to say such words, and everyone present also believed that Jiang Wei had this ability.

"Jiang Wei, that's enough."

The Golden God will speak at this moment.

He looked a little angry.

The Jiang family came from the God Clan, and Jiang Wei wanted to break away from the God Clan and betray his ancestors, which made him furious.

"It should be enough for you!"

Mr. Jiang took the initiative to speak out at this moment.

"You two juniors, I'm afraid you don't know that the ancestral land of the gods is in the world of cultivating immortals, and that ancestral land is the ancestral land of the Jiang family. Do you know where the power of the gods comes from?"

Mr. Jiang seldom speaks, but whenever he speaks, it is extremely explosive news.

Dao Xuemei and Jiushijian listened with pricked ears, they had already prepared their notebooks and memory crystals, ready to take notes.

Even Zheng Tuo paid a lot of attention to listening.

The Jiang family and he are old rivals.

"What are you trying to say!"

The Golden God will look at Mr. Jiang.

"What I want to say is that the power of the Protoss comes from the Divine Body, and the Divine Body is the ancestor of the entire Protoss, and Jiang Wei in front of you is the ancestor of the contemporary God. How dare you make the ancestor kneel down to worship!"

What Mr. Jiang said completely frightened the Protoss.

They are very young and powerful, and they don't know about some protoss secrets.

They naively meant that the Jiang family was a pawn left by the gods in the world of cultivating immortals, but they didn't know that the Jiang family was the origin of the gods, and the gods were the real ancestors of the gods.


Er Shenzi didn't believe what Mr. Jiang said.

The protoss traversed the immortal road and stood high above.

Everyone under the God Race is an ant, and everyone present is a servant of the God Race.

How could such a protoss originate from the Jiang family? He didn't believe it was true.

"Grandfather of the Jiang family!"

There is a voice that is empty and vast, appearing in the scene.

"How can you talk about such secrets at will, big taboo, big taboo!"

An old man appeared on the scene with a smile, which made people feel good.

"Old God!"

Seeing the old man, the second god son, the golden god general, and other people of the protoss bowed to salute.

The old god seems to have a high status in the Protoss.

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know, my Jiang family has never worried about this kind of thing."

Mr. Jiang straightened his back.

Now the Jiang family has Jiang Wei's divine body, and its overall strength can be called the strongest series.

So what if people knew some of the Jiang family's secrets.

"It's domineering enough. It's worthy of being a member of the Jiang family, the ancestor of the protoss."

The elder god's words confirmed the authenticity of what Mr. Jiang said just now.

"Since Mr. Jiang is so domineering, he knows the importance of the sacred furnace to the gods."

Er Shenzi was scheming, and he made a sound at this moment, obviously wanting Jiang Wei to attack Wujiang, not himself.

"Whoever loses the magic weapon will get it back by himself. A three-year-old child understands the truth, and you people of the gods will not understand it."

There are strong members of the Jiang family who speak so loudly, and they look down on the so-called protoss.

"If you want to use our Jiang family as a spear, are you protoss all using this kind of trick? If so, you really don't deserve the word protoss."

The Jiang family is not vegetarian, especially for the protoss at the moment, they have never taken it seriously.

"The Jiang family, they are really amazing!"

Er Shenzi didn't know how to respond, because he had never encountered such a thing.

The gods have been secluded for many years, and the methods commonly used in the gods are completely useless at this moment.

No one in the Jiang family responded to what Er Shenzi said, because it was unnecessary.

The people of the protoss didn't continue to say anything at the moment, and they didn't expect the scene to be so embarrassing.

"This protoss doesn't seem to work either!"

A very abrupt sound appeared, and after searching for the source, it turned out to be the Nine Stone Sword.

It has to be said that it is quite cheap to say such words at this time.

The Protoss has just lost face, so you are making sarcastic remarks here, what do you make the Protoss think.

"No, I thought God Clan could at least rival the Dragon Clan if they didn't say anything else. Looking back, I found that it was not as domineering as a Jiang family. Disappointed, really disappointed."

Dao Xuemei shook her head.

The word Protoss sounds so domineering and arrogant.

Turns out it was nothing more than that.

"You two dare to insult my protoss!"

The Golden God General shouted loudly.

"No, no, no, we are just telling the truth. Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

Nine Stone Sword spread out his hands to show what you want.

"Hurry up, are the protoss so impatient?"

Dao Xuemei added fuel to the fire.

The two of them are not afraid of anyone, and the two who control the entire Xianlu intelligence organization are guests of many forces.

Even if two hostile forces see them both, they will let go of their past grudges and dare not say anything more.

Everyone in the protoss who didn't know the power possessed by Dao Xuemei and Jiushijian fought against the two in the eyes of everyone, and everyone had to sigh, this protoss is really stunned.

They were also shocked by the word "protoss" at first, thinking that it was at least a dragon-level existence.

Watch now.

It's really missing the taste for a long time.

They just couldn't beat the Jiang family, and they couldn't beat Dao Xuemei and Nine Stone Sword. The Protoss was really aggrieved to death.

As a result, their eyes had to look at where Zheng Tuo was.

Zheng Tuo maintained his focus and paid little attention to the situation on the field.

He has gradually broken through the defense of the fairy tree, and began to effectively search for the soul of the fairy tree.

"Fellow Daoist Wujiang, I'll tell you everything you want to know, please stop, otherwise I won't let you complete the soul search even if I transform into a Dao."

The fairy tree is ruthless, so said.

If he is searched for his soul, his Dao heart will be completely destroyed, and no matter how long he survives, he will be in a daze.

"If I knew today, why did I want to cooperate with you two, but unfortunately, you two want me to be a scapegoat? It shouldn't be!"

Zheng Tuo was indifferent.

"By the way, even if you transform into a Tao, I still have ten thousand ways to search for your soul. Don't threaten me with the so-called Tao of Transformation. It doesn't make any sense to me."

There was not much emotion in the cold voice, Zheng Tuo made a move, and searched for the soul of the fairy tree in front of everyone.

Such a scene makes one's scalp tingle.

The Immortal Tree was an existence that once set foot on a half-immortal. Now that it is down and out, it is simply too cruel to be forcibly searched for its soul.

People sympathized with Xianshu, but they didn't know that if Zheng Tuo didn't do this, he would be the one being bullied.

This is the way things are in the world, if you are not strong enough, you are a city dweller.

Zheng Tuo used his means to search for the soul of the fairy tree, and the fairy tree had no room to resist, so it could only be soul-searched by Zheng Tuo in this way.

"I see!"

After Zheng Tuo got the information about the fairy tree, he knew some secrets.

He originally thought that the fairy tree was very strong, at least in the process of eating, no one could get close to that level of storm.

Now he knows that it is not the power of the fairy tree at all, but the power of the formation here.

The fairy tree is just a key, the key to open the formation.

The infinite immortal energy that is eaten is just nourishment for strengthening the seal, and has nothing to do with the immortal tree in essence.

No wonder you are so weak, you can be forcibly searched for your soul by me, and you need the help of others to suppress me. It turns out that you are already at the end of your strength.

Looking at the almost silent fairy tree, Zheng Tuo completely lost interest in it.

Turn your head.

Zheng Tuo looked at the demon-swallowing man who had been immobilized by the Immortal-killing Spear and was still unable to break free.

"Boy Wujiang, come here, search for my soul, I look forward to you searching for my soul."

The demon-eating man looked quite excited.

Tunmoquan itself has special means to deal with the soul body. If it is searched for the soul, he has his own way to counter Zheng Tuo.

"as you wish."

Zheng Tuo mobilized the power of the Soul Realm to envelop the Demon Devouring Man and start searching for the soul.

The forces that belonged to the soul collided with each other, and immediately created a storm, sweeping all directions.

The powerful confrontation caused people around to retreat, not wanting to get close to the place where the two were fighting.

Just when most people chose to retreat, Wu Guang turned into an attack and rushed towards Zheng Tuo's place in an instant.

Devil Devourer finally found this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Taking advantage of Zheng Tuo's confrontation with the man who devoured demons, he chose to attack and kill Zheng Tuo himself.

Wu Guang's speed was extremely fast, and he was obviously prepared to kill Zheng Tuo in an instant.

next second.


A halo of defense appeared all over Zheng Tuo's body, blocking the Devil-eating boy's attack.

"I knew you would sneak attack."

Zheng Tuo's subsequent response was more direct, raising his hand was a slap.

The strong wind howled, several times faster than that of the Devil-eating boy. With a bang, the Devil-eating boy had no room to react, so he was slapped flying by Zheng Tuo, and hit the ground hard. There was no sound for a long time.

"Demon Devouring Boy, I have no enmity with you, this is my last warning to you."

After Zheng Tuo finished speaking, a dark light burst out of the deep pit where the Demon Devouring Boy was.

Wu Guang possesses the original power of the boy who devoured demons, and he can be called his strongest method to kill with a clang.

"Warnings are useless, I like that."

Zheng Tuo nodded slightly to the boy who devoured demons for daring to attack him like this. The Chaos Emperor has a few men worthy of respect.

In this regard.

He held out a finger and tapped lightly.

"Borderless Dow!"

The fingerings condensed with the supreme dao pattern were simple and rough, without any magnificence, and with a buzzing sound, all the attacks of the demon-devouring boy were wiped out, and then the power did not weaken, and instantly passed through the eyebrows of the demon-devouring boy.

The audience was silent, and the Demon Devouring Boy maintained an attacking posture, but there were no signs of life.

"Second kill!"

Nine Stone Sword's unbelievable voice appeared.

"That's the boy who swallowed demons, even if he is a dao body, he won't be killed in seconds!"

Dao Xuemei couldn't believe it either.

According to their information, there are seven supreme beings in the Shadow Demon Clan. The strength of these seven supreme beings is extremely terrifying, and all of them are ruthless characters.

Now that such a ruthless character is killed in seconds, what is the origin of this Wujiang, and where did it come from.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

They asked themselves whether they could protect themselves in the face of the all-out attack of the Demon Devouring Boy. The answer was yes, they would be instantly killed.

and so.

Wujiang, who killed Demon Devouring Boy in seconds, seemed to be able to kill all of them easily.

"No wonder he is so calm. The strength of this friend Wujiang is really unfathomable. I am afraid that only the strongest physique of the nine or even the legendary Faceless can match it!"

An old man looked at Wujiang and felt that he was really old.

There are too many strong people in the younger generation, and the feeling of powerlessness makes them constantly recognize the reality. This is no longer their era.

(End of this chapter)

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