The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1570 I will not give up until my goal is achieved

Chapter 1570 I will not give up until my goal is achieved
The ant king came to kill him, and there was no way to avoid it.

Xianding disappeared in place, deftly dodging the collision of the ant king.


When Chi Xiao and the others saw this, their expressions were inexplicable.

"Depend on!"

Cang Tianzi couldn't help shouting.

"Wu Mian, you are too unkind. You can dodge it yourself, but you want us to help you resist the ant king!"

"Don't fool around!"

Zheng Tuo's serious voice came.

"The strength of the ant king's dao body is extremely terrifying. I can only dodge it once or twice, and it is impossible to dodge it completely. If you don't help me, we will all be buried here."

Zheng Tuo spoke out, telling the three how urgent things are now.

Just as he was talking, the king of ants was coming to kill.

The ant king, who has no intelligence, only has instinct, rushes to where Zheng Tuo is at Zaidu, trying to knock Zheng Tuo to death on the spot.


Two figures blocked the way of Ant Wang Dao.

Ye Wudi and Chi Xiao are still brave, but also quite smart.

The two were not fighting head-on with the Ant King Dao body, but chose to attack from the side, trying to blow it away and deviate from the original impact route.

The scarlet owl pattern and the invincible pattern flickered, sending out a tyrannical blow, and slammed into the body of the ant king who only had instinctive consciousness.


The ant king dao body was really bumped and deviated from the original trajectory, and almost hit Zheng Tuo's immortal cauldron.


Chi Xiao uttered a sound, concentrating on locking the ant king's body.

Ye Wudi followed closely behind.

The two are eager to fight, and the stronger the opponent, the more excited they are.

With such a powerful existence as the Ant King Dao Body, they couldn't wish to fight against it. Even if they were injured, even if they suffered serious injuries, they would not hesitate to rush to the forefront.

"What two lunatics!"

Cang Tianzi looked at Chi Xiao and Ye Wudi like this, and said that he did not have such a sense of fighting.

There are tens of thousands of ways to cultivate immortality, and the most important thing is to find the one that suits you.

He did not participate in it, but chose to observe secretly to protect where Zheng Tuo was.

He also knew.

Now they can only go out if they protect the Immortal Cauldron and don't faceless being harassed.

Among the fairy cauldrons.

Zheng Tuo felt that the ant king's body was restrained by Chi Xiao and Ye Wudi, so he felt relieved for the time being.

He continued to urge the ten-direction world, compressing the power of the Dao pattern into the stars of the Dao pattern, and stored them in the immortal cauldron.

One after another powerful Daowen stars were condensed by Zheng Tuo, as if there was no end to it.

It is indeed the power that can help people step into the existence of half immortals in one go. I believe that in a short period of time, I am afraid that it will not be possible to condense all the power of the dao pattern into the stars of the dao pattern.


The Undead Supreme has been beheaded, why the power that moves this world still exists.


After the Undead Supreme was beheaded, everything in Daowen World should stop.

Zheng Tuoduo was puzzled, but remained vigilant all the time.

outside world.

Chi Xiao and Ye Wudi fought against the Dao Body of the Ant King, and the two continued to shoot, knocking the Dao Body of the Ant King into the air, preventing it from colliding with the Immortal Cauldron.

As the two fought like this, the fighting power of the Ant King Dao body began to decline continuously.

In such a berserk mode, the consumption of its own power is already huge.


Chi Xiao and Ye Wudi were able to make a move, causing damage to the ant king's body.

But two against one, it is still difficult to tell the winner.

The ant king's dao body is too powerful, in fact, he is a real half-immortal dao body, even with only instinct, he can fight back and forth with Chi Xiao Ye Wudi.

"Why does it feel weird?"

Cang Tianzi's heart moved, and he felt some strange fluctuations permeating the world of Dao patterns.


Zheng Tuo in Xianding also felt some strange fluctuations.


His heart moved.


There was a loud rumble from the land of Daowen World, as if some terrible creature was burrowing out of the ground.

After just a few breaths.

The land of Daowen World began to collapse.

The immortal cultivators from all walks of life who were fighting against the undead army all gathered at the place where the immortal cauldron was.

People don't know what's going on.

He looked at the empty darkness under his feet, and he felt an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

"what happened?"

Chi Xiao, Ye Wudi and the two stopped fighting, because the ant king turned around and burrowed into the darkness under his feet.

People seem to be standing at the mouth of a dark well, not knowing what kind of monster is hidden in that dark deep well.

brush brush...

Under the mobilization of uneasy emotions, everyone urged their magic weapons to protect themselves.

To avoid sudden danger, kill them on the spot.

woo woo woo...

Sorrows came from the earth, and the voice that seemed to come from the depths of hell was heard in the ears, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Ominous breath!"

Cang Tianzi looked at the dark hole under his feet, then got up, trying to find an exit around him, and leave this place.

"You and I have to leave here, or I feel like I'm going to be buried here."

Someone uttered a voice, feeling that the great fear was coming.


The power of Daowen World suddenly intensified.

As if being blessed by gravity, an irresistible force pressed them to chase into the abyss under their feet.

"what's the situation!"

Although everyone resisted with all their strength, except Zheng Tuo, the others could not resist this kind of power at all, and they were suppressed and chased madly into the abyss.


Zheng Tuo found the key to the problem.


The celestial cauldron trembled, and everyone was collected into the celestial cauldron.

Everyone was saved, it was too late to thank Zheng Tuo, when they heard the sound of mourning from the abyss.

"It seems that the power of this streak is not suppressing you and me, but the things under the abyss!"

Zheng Tuo made such a sound, and everyone was watching, it seemed that it was true.

They were just being affected, and the power of the Dao pattern didn't pay attention to them at all.

"What should we do now!"

Cang Tianzi asked aloud.

Now they are stuck here, it is useless to go up, and they can't find the exit, and it may be dangerous to go down, maybe everyone will be buried here.

They, who were stuck in the middle, seemed to be in serious trouble.

"Everyone, my suggestion is to read and talk first."

Zheng Tuo put forward such words.

He doesn't know how to deal with it now, but in this case, he can still absorb the power of the Dao Run for his own use.


Because the power of this streak is not aimed at him, it is quite safe for him to absorb it, without any danger.

Everyone seemed to have no better way, they all listened to Zheng Tuo's words, and watched the changes quietly in the fairy cauldron.

During this time.

Zheng Tuo quietly dispatched an elite scouting puppet driven by the power of Daowen to go deep underground to check the situation.

The result surprised him!
There seemed to be a world barrier [-] meters below them. After his elite scouting puppet entered it, it disappeared.

According to his analysis, their thoughts may have a small world.

The powerful creatures in the small world are devouring the power of the half-immortal pattern.


This creature devouring the power of the half-immortal is very likely to be the existence of the half-immortal realm.


With his elite scouting puppet, it's impossible to get inside and disappear.

Very tricky!

He still can't afford to provoke the existence of a half-immortal now. If this half-immortal is in a bad mood and takes the risk of being punished by the immortal road and catches himself in that small world, wouldn't he be enslaved, or even killed? die.

It took him a lot of hard work to absorb the power of the half-immortal pattern, and he must not die prematurely because of it.

thought here.

With a thought, he wrapped the immortal cauldron with the power of the Dao pattern, completely integrated into the power of the Dao pattern, and became a part of the power of the Dao pattern.

I believe that by doing so, it may be able to block the life detection in the small world below, I hope so.

Zheng Tuo remained focused.

Continue to absorb the power of the Dao Runes in the Dao Rune world, hoping to find the critical point and take away the half-immortal Dao Rune.

If I can take away the half-immortal dao pattern, I believe that even if the half-immortal in that small world comes out, they will not be able to do anything to me.

Waiting is exhausting after all, because you never know what will happen next second.

In the Immortal Cauldron, although it is quite vast, there are still some people who are impatient and want to leave.

"You and I are wasting time waiting like this!"

Someone spoke up, expressing dissatisfaction with the waiting at this moment.

"Otherwise what can you and I do, now..."


The entire Immortal Cauldron trembled suddenly, as if a creature attacked them from the outside world.

"The body of the Ant King!"

Zheng Tuo looked ugly.


The impact of the ant king's Taoist body struck at a high speed, and the entire fairy cauldron trembled crazily.

Zheng Tuo had no choice but to push the immortal cauldron to rise continuously and return to the world of Dao pattern.

The whole Daowen world still seems to belong to him alone, the surroundings are closed, and it is impossible to leave.

But Zheng Tuo urged the fairy cauldron to come to a certain edge.

at this time.

The ant king came forward and slammed into the fairy cauldron fiercely. At this moment, the fairy cauldron moved sideways in an instant.


The body of the ant king slammed into the barrier of the Daowen world.


The entire Daowen world flickered brightly, and those who were hit almost collapsed and dissipated on the spot.

The impact of the ant king's Taoist body was quite terrifying. It seemed that he had replenished his strength in the small world of the abyss and returned, so he had to kill Zheng Tuo.

"Good trick!"

Cang Tianzi obviously knew why Zheng Tuo was like this.

"That's right, with the help of the ant king's body, you and I may be able to break through the Daowen world barriers and leave this place."

Zheng Tuo urged the fairy cauldron to guide the ant king's Taoist body, and kept crashing into the barriers of the Daowen world.

clang clang...

clang clang...

clang clang...

The ant king's dao body was really iron, and the whole dao pattern world couldn't help trembling when he hit it, and that barrier really cracked after being hit.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo waved his hand.


Except for Chi Xiao Ye Wudi and Cang Tianzi, all the remaining immortal cultivators were planted with contracts by him.

"I'm sorry everyone, you know too many secrets, so you can only offend."

Zheng Tuo was still very cautious.

"what did you do to me?"

Someone made a sound in horror, feeling that there was something in his mind.

"It's nothing, I have set up a trick on your altar, if any of you tell what happened today, you will be turned back immediately."

Zheng Tuo set up means with the supreme dao pattern, and in the entire world of cultivating immortals, the only person who can safely remove his means is a half-immortal.

But today's half-immortal can't come to the world of cultivating immortals at all, so his methods are invincible.


Someone in the crowd held his head in his hands, in great pain, and the next second, with a bang, his whole body turned into dust and was beheaded on the spot.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, don't try to unravel my method, because it will kill you immediately. Of course, as long as you don't tell what happened today, such a method will never happen. At the same time, that day Reaching the semi-immortal state, such means will be automatically disarmed."

Zheng Tuo warned everyone present not to play tricks.

When everyone heard this, they could only nod their heads in agreement, because they had no choice.

Such is the case with weak strength, it can only become a plaything in the hands of others, what others say is what they say, and there is no room for resistance.

Seeing that his method worked, Zheng Tuo nodded slightly.

"I said no face, you are not afraid that the three of us will tell about you."

Cang Tianzi grinned, feeling that Faceless is really cautious.

Zheng Tuo looked at Cang Tianzi, looking at Chi Xiao and Ye Wudi.

"The three of you have practiced all the way here. I already know how to behave. I think the three of you should not speak out about this place."

It's not that Zheng Tuo didn't want to set up tricks for the three, but because it would be very troublesome.

Not to mention others, Chi Xiao will never let people set up tricks in the altar, and Ye Wudi will not let anyone touch his altar. As for Cang Tianzi, there is probably a king of heaven in this guy's altar, who would dare to move? All will suffer.

"Brother Wumian trusts so much, we will never tell anything about this place."

Cang Tianzi clasped his fists, indicating that he would not speak.

"I won't say either."

Ye Wudi nodded and said so.

Chi Xiao didn't speak, but just nodded in agreement.

In this way, Zheng Tuo felt relieved.

The reputation of these three guys is still very good and worthy of trust.

Just when Zheng Tuo set up his means, the ant king's Taoist body kept hitting the barriers of the Daowen world.

at last.

With a mournful cry and trembling, a gap opened in the world of the Dao pattern.

Through such a gap, one can clearly feel the breath of the outside world.

But Daowen World has its own repair means, and the gap between the breath will be healed.


Zheng Tuo left Xianding in an instant and appeared outside.

He urged the world of ten directions to forcibly hold the crack that was knocked open.

At this moment, the Ant King Dao body came to kill him unexpectedly.

Seeing the ant king rushing towards him with all his strength, Zheng Tuo had an idea.

The world of ten directions is fully opened.

This space was frozen, and the speed of the ant king who rushed to kill suddenly dropped.

Looking at the ant king's body whose impact force remained undiminished despite the decrease in speed, Zheng Tuo moved slightly sideways to avoid the fatal impact.

Then he shot out suddenly, and with all his strength, he slammed into the back of Ant Wang Dao.

His punch became a booster, and the impact force of the ant king's body instantly rose to a higher level, and it slammed into the barrier of the Daowen world.


at last.

A big hole was knocked out of the barrier of Daowen World.

Take this opportunity.

Zheng Tuo opened the celestial cauldron, and all the powerful people among them tried their best to activate the magic door and escaped from the world of dao pattern.

at this time.

"Why don't you go?"

Chi Xiao looked at Zheng Tuo who had no intention of leaving, and couldn't help asking.

"The purpose of my coming here is the half-immortal dao pattern. If I don't get the half-immortal dao pattern, I won't leave." Zheng Tuo said calmly.

Hear this.

Chi Xiao looked hesitant.

At last.

She seemed to have made a lot of determination to stand by Zheng Tuo's side and choose to stay here.

(End of this chapter)

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