The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1608 It seems to have failed, but it seems that it has not completely failed

Chapter 1608 It seems to have failed, but it seems that it has not completely failed

it's wired?
Zheng Tuo looked at the wall in front of him thoughtfully.

Is it possible to become a wall breaker just by stepping over this thing?


What is behind this wall?
Heifeng's father was a wallbreaker, but according to what Heifeng said, his father was no different from normal cultivators except that he was stronger.

Could it be that the Wall Breaker is just a realm, and there is nothing special about it?

at least.

Judging from the information he knows now, the Wall Breaker is just a realm, far from reaching the end.

Because Heifeng's father seems to have been preparing for something, that is to say, in this world, the Wall Breaker is just a realm.

If this is the case, I believe that there should be nothing behind this wall.

Zheng Tuo thought in his heart, still trying, whether he could break the wall in front of him.

Urging his own half-immortal pattern, trying to break the wall in front of him.

The wall is motionless, not to mention broken, it is impossible to shake it.

Sure enough.

Zheng Tuo had already speculated about this.

He is a Taoist body, and what he walked was a breakthrough with the half-immortal Dao pattern, and he stepped into the half-immortal realm.


His breakthrough itself will not be really strong, because he does not have his own unique power, that is to say, his upper limit is very low.

Because there is no unique power, the upper limit is very low.

But he has no such troubles.

Because he himself is the Dao body, he will eventually merge with the body.

When the nine Taoist bodies fit together, no one will know what his upper limit will be, because he himself doesn't know.

The only thing he knows is that his ceiling will become extremely high.

No matter what, he still needs to collect more information to give the remaining eight Dao Bodies a better breakthrough environment, which is one of the reasons why he was the first to break through.

Try to keep touching the walls and feel the difference here.

In addition to the walls, the surrounding space is also quite different from the world of cultivating immortals.

This place seems to be a closed place, he dare not touch the surrounding space, because the surrounding space seems to be a living thing, because he can see the space wriggling like water ripples, it is a magical feeling.

Where exactly is this place?
Zheng Tuo suddenly had such doubts.

According to his experience, all the powerhouses who have broken through to the half-immortal, except Emperor Xuanyuan, should have been to this place.


The closer to the wall, the stronger it is. I believe that the Lord of Hell should be here, to the point where he can touch the wall with his own hands.


He shook his head.

The strength of the Lord of Hell should not only be able to touch the wall in front of him, but also be able to shake the wall in front of him.


It is impossible for the Lord of Hell to slaughter the entire world of cultivating immortals and behead countless opponents. Even half-immortals will tremble when their name is mentioned.

If it can just stand here, it is obviously not enough to cause such a huge response.

The Lord of Hell can definitely shake the wall in front of him, but he cannot break the wall in front of him.

He makes that judgment because it matters.


If the dao body with the supreme dao pattern breaks through, can it shake the wall in front of it.

To know.

The supreme dao pattern is countless times stronger than him today, definitely countless times, maybe it is really possible to shake the wall in front of him.

As for smashing, he didn't have any expectations.

With a thought in mind, continue to explore the surroundings, looking for useful information.

He explored and searched here, but the outside world has turned upside down.

Originally, there was only one wave of the Wallbreaker, but at this moment, it was a wave of waves. Although the waves were not so strong, they all told everyone what Zheng Tuo was doing.

"Originally, you and I were just guessing, but now it seems that this person has indeed touched the barrier of ascending immortals."

Climbing the Immortal Barrier is what everyone calls that wall.

"It's more than just touching, this person can emit such fluctuations so frequently, I believe he can move freely before climbing the fairy barrier!"

"Who is it? Could it be that the person with the nine strongest physiques failed to break through?"

"Unfortunately, the power of this person is very special, and you and I can't find out a thing or two."

"No matter what, if this person breaks through, he may become the second Lord of Hell."

Such words silenced the old antiques from all walks of life.

Someone wanted to kill Zheng Tuo.

But if they make a move, they will definitely anger the Lord of Hell and Emperor Xuanyuan. Needless to say, the Lord of Hell has slaughtered Xianlu, and his record is there. He can be called an absolutely ruthless character.

Not to mention Di Xuanyuan, the Chosen Son, in this world of cultivating immortals, it is believed that he can beat ten and a half immortals.

With such two guarding the way, which one of them would dare to do it.

"Look at it honestly, such a character, even you and I can't touch it."

After the old man said this, he stopped talking and continued to watch quietly.

But some people gritted their teeth and hated it to the bone, wishing to make a move at this moment.

That person is the Immortal Supreme.

The Immortal Supreme was itching with hatred in his heart.

The half-immortal pattern is definitely his own half-immortal pattern. He even believes that this person's breakthrough and his incredible progress are definitely related to the half-immortal pattern.

It was his own good thing, how could he not be angry when he made a wedding dress for others.

But he tried his best to control himself and not let himself do it.

He is not a fool, on the contrary he is very smart, he knows that if he shoots directly, not only will he not be able to take revenge, but he will even hurt himself.

With the existence of the Lord of Hell and the Protector of Emperor Xuanyuan, they are definitely not ordinary people.

and so.

I absolutely must not make a move, and the only way to get revenge is to befriend this person.

After gaining the trust of this person, find the right time to strike and kill this person to avenge the great revenge.

Thinking of this, the Immortal Supreme slowly let out a foul breath to calm himself down.

Impulse will not allow you to gain any benefits, and impulse will only ruin everything about yourself.



Must be calm.


"It's almost time!"

Zheng Tuo, who was breaking through, felt a call from somewhere, which was a call from the world of cultivating immortals. He knew very well that this feeling was miraculous.


The time is a bit short, if it can be longer, maybe I can collect more useful information.

Zheng Tuo thought in his heart, the pressure on his body was getting bigger and bigger, and at the same time, that pressure was tearing him, trying to drag him into this place.

Hold on.

Thinking of this in Zheng Tuo's mind, he urged the method, kept himself focused, stood firmly on the spot, and tried to fight against the power of the world of cultivating immortals.

You don't say it.

It really made him resist.

The power in the world of cultivating immortals is very strong, but not concentrated enough, not strong enough to really pull him out of this place completely.

That feeling is weird.

It seems that the power under his control has already surpassed the realm of cultivating immortals.

This feeling became more and more obvious as he fought against the world of cultivating immortals.


He also had a strange feeling that something seemed to be passing away during his confrontation.

"Fellow Daoist Wujiang, please hold back!"

Suddenly there was a voice, which made Zheng Tuo's heart skip a beat.

How can there be people here?
He just observed for a long time, there is nothing here, absolutely impossible.

"Fellow Daoist Wujiang, don't be afraid, I am Emperor Xuanyuan, the chosen son of heaven."

It turned out that what was said just now was the voice of Di Xuanyuan.

"It turned out to be the Lord of the Imperial Capital!"

Zheng Tuo responded in this way.

"Fellow Daoist Wujiang, don't fight against the power of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. If you do, you may be backlashed, and you will lose the qualification to set foot on the Half Immortal."

Di Xuanyuan said so.

"I see."

It was Zheng Tuo's first breakthrough, and he didn't know much about it. Now that he heard this, he immediately stopped fighting against that kind of power.


Strange things happen at this moment.

He obviously didn't pull with the power in the world of cultivating immortals, but there was a force around him that was fighting against the power in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Senior, please hold back."

Di Xuanyuan made such a sound, it seemed that there were other people here.

"Little guy, I advise you not to interfere in this matter."

There is a voice.

With such a voice, it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman, whether it was old or young, and it was full of majesty in the erratic.

"Could it be that this senior has an enmity with fellow Taoist Wujiang? Why should he interfere with fellow Taoist Wujiang's crossing the catastrophe at this time!"

Di Xuanyuan didn't follow suit.

He will never allow anyone to disturb Wujiang.

Not only because he is the chosen son of heaven, responsible for the entire world of cultivating immortals, but also because he promised Wujie to help Wujie pass the catastrophe smoothly.


The strange voice in the dark did not appear, and seemed to have left, but looking at the forces around Zheng Tuo, it was obvious that the strong man had not left, and was still interfering with Zheng Tuo.

"what happened?"

Zheng Tuo also felt the mysterious power wrapping him, helping him to stop the power of the world of cultivating immortals from pulling him away from this place.

That kind of power is very domineering, and it doesn't make any sense. Whether he wants to or not, it just wraps him up and shields him from the power of the world of cultivating immortals.

According to what Di Xuanyuan said, if this kind of power exists all the time, if he misses the best time, it may cause him to fail to cross the tribulation and not be able to set foot on the half-immortal.

If he can't set foot on the half immortal, he will be completely crippled.

From ancient times to the present, no one can reach the peak again after failing to cross the catastrophe.

He is just a dao body, not a body. If this kind of thing happens to him, it will probably be even more serious.

"Senior, since you are so stubborn, I can only say sorry!"

Di Xuanyuan shot directly, trying to attack the strong man in the dark.


The strong man in the dark did not respond to this.

Di Xuanyuan's power was actually unable to interfere with the opponent.

"Little guy, this is not the realm of cultivating immortals. Your strength here is far from reaching its peak. Don't waste your efforts."

The strength of the strong man in the dark was extremely terrifying, and he was able to suppress Emperor Xuanyuan.

To know.

Even if this is not the realm of cultivating immortals, Emperor Xuanyuan is also the chosen child of heaven, and his own power is enough to kill half-immortals.

But even so, he couldn't have any idea about the existence in the dark.

Is this person's strength comparable to the Lord of Hell?

I believe that only the Lord of Hell can possess such strength.

big trouble.

Zheng Tuo knew that he was in big trouble.

Facing such an unknown opponent, he seemed at a loss because he had no preparations.

He was protected by Emperor Xuanyuan and the Lord of Hell, but he was blocked by such a strong person.


Lord of hell!

Zheng Tuo suddenly thought of the Lord of Hell.


The Lord of Hell didn't make any sound at this moment.

"Little guy, your breakthrough will hinder some people's plans, so, obediently don't break through, and be a super-ordinary immortal cultivator who does well."

The dark voice actually chatted with Zheng Tuo calmly, telling him not to resist.

"Depend on!"

Zheng Tuo was speechless.

"Old man, I have no grievances or enmities with you, so don't target me like this."

Zheng Tuo had no idea that it was the enemy who came to him.

Although he has many enemies, but there is no such powerful enemy.

"It is true that you have no grievances or enmities with me, but I just want to target you, what can you do to me."


Zheng Tuo was speechless.

The gap in hard power left him speechless.

Strength is the most important thing, the basic law of the world of cultivating immortals, what can he say.

He can only say.

"Master Lord of Hell, if you don't come out, I will really fall!"

Zheng Tuo could only call out to the Lord of Hell, hoping that the Lord of Hell would come forward and help him speak.

"Old guy, you can forget about it, why should you go, this place doesn't belong."

The Lord of Hell finally spoke out.

Trying to stop the old man who shot secretly.

"Little girl, this matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better not interfere, otherwise, I will not be polite to the old man."

It seems.

This person is an old man, and his strength is indeed very strong. He is actually called the little girl of the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Hell is so old that it is unimaginable that he is called a little girl, which shows how old this old man is.

"Little girl?"

The Lord of Hell twitched his eyebrows.

"It's been a long, long time since I've heard this title, or it's been a long time since I've fought with anyone. Come on, let me see, you old guy, what kind of strength is it?"

The lord of hell has a very bad temper, so he directly tried to help Zheng Tuo.

But something creepy happened.

The Lord of Hell's attack could not affect the old man's strength in the slightest. That is to say, the strength of the old man was enough to crush the Lord of Hell. Otherwise, how could there be no effect with the strength of the Lord of Hell.

"what happened?"

The Lord of Hell frowned, completely unaware of what happened.

With his own powerful strength, he can't shake the opponent at all. Could it be that this person is a wall breaker?

If it weren't for this, it would be absolutely impossible to easily take over one's own strength.

To know.

Her strength is already enough to leave a crack on the immortal barrier, even so, she can't match her opponent.

"Little girl, your strength is very strong, but it is limited after all. Besides, when the time is up, even if you can kill the old man, it will be useless. Everything is over, hahaha..."

The old man disappeared completely with a smile of completing the task.

And Zheng Tuo's eyes flashed, and he returned to the outside world, in the small valley where he had crossed the tribulation.

The valley was still sunny, but Zheng Tuo was completely dumbfounded.

He looked at his hands, felt his strength.

His own crossing tribulation actually failed!
However, he who failed to cross the tribulation did not damage his foundation like others, and he didn't seem to have any signs of injury.


Not only did he not show any signs of injury, it seemed, it seemed, he seemed to have become stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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