Chapter 1613 Black Gate
The means of longevity are so terrifying.

To actually turn a half-immortal into a general under his command, what kind of strange method is this, it is simply creepy.

Even Wujie felt chills down his spine when he saw such a scene.

The strength of this guy Changsheng has always been fascinating, it seems that he has never seen him make a full shot.


Changsheng walked out of his own path, and achieved very good results on this path, and was able to subdue Banxian.


The road to longevity is very good, and compared to many strong people who walk the road of half immortals, they can be said to be stronger.

Such a long life, I believe many people dare not provoke it.

"Good trick!"

Wujie said with a smile, and had a new understanding of Changsheng in his heart.

The birth of Changsheng is the fusion of countless personalities. He himself seems to be full of flaws, but in fact Changsheng has a perfect personality.

Because he has integrated countless personalities, Changsheng has experienced everything that those personalities have experienced.

Because of too much experience, he himself has infinitely approached perfection.

The path of such a long life is obviously an extraordinary path in itself.

"Brother Zheng Tuo laughed."

Changsheng raised his hand to suppress a half-immortal, and even accepted this half-immortal as a servant, without any joy.

He was so calm it was unbelievable.


This is why Changsheng can have such a powerful means.

After a brief exchange with Changsheng, and congratulations, Wujie left Lingshan.

Return to the Immortal Realm.


Godless asks about the feelings of the unbounded.

"Strong, very strong."

Wujie gave such an evaluation.

"Well, it is indeed very powerful!" Wujiang said at this moment.

Although he didn't come into direct contact with Changsheng, but judging from Changsheng's method of suppressing the half-immortal, his own strength may not be weaker than his own, or even stronger.

"I really didn't expect that Changsheng, who has been silent for a long time, has such potential and has walked out of his own way, and on this way, he has unparalleled strength."

Wujiang relies heavily on Changsheng. Although he has not fought against Changsheng, the feeling of belonging to the strong is not wrong. Changsheng is definitely a ruthless character.

"How to say!"

Wushen asked aloud.

"Today's Changsheng is so powerful, if we are enemies with you and me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to target or even resist."

Godless worries are not unreasonable.

Although Changsheng has a good relationship with Noumenon, everyone knows about the world.

Moreover, Changsheng is not a member of their camp, so it is not close at all.

Look now.

Changsheng walked his own path, and the most important information was Changsheng's behavior style, which no one could guess.

It was as if no one would have thought that at such a time, he would suddenly stop his breakthrough, and then walk out of his own path.

Such a person is difficult to grasp.

"Hard to say!"

Boundless shook his head.

"Normally speaking, although the relationship between Changsheng and you and me is not very close, at least they can be regarded as friends, but..."

Unbounded seemed a bit hesitant.

"But after seeing Changsheng at this moment, I feel very unfamiliar with it. I don't have the same feeling as before. If your temperament has changed because of the improvement of strength, it makes sense, but Changsheng's original straight His personality seems to have disappeared, and Changsheng now gives me a feeling of seeing flowers in a fog, and I can't see through them at all. This kind of inability to see through is not because I can't see through, but because he doesn't want me to see through."

Unbounded to say what's on your mind.

Regarding Changsheng, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions, because it was an existence that could rival him, and a person of this level needed to be handled with care.

"It's okay!"

Wujiang made a sound at this moment.

"Changsheng, you don't have to worry about becoming your enemy, because he himself has no ambition to fight for hegemony, and his way of cultivation is different from ordinary people."

As Wujiang said, Wushen and Wujie are quite reassuring.

"It's best not to threaten, otherwise a half-immortal of this level becomes an enemy, and accidents are easy to happen."

After the meeting confirmed that there is no problem with longevity, everyone continued to do things and practice step by step.

After this incident, under the leadership of Emperor Xuanyuan, the world of cultivating immortals was thriving as always.


Somewhere in the world of cultivating immortals, in an unknown corner, a little black light suddenly flickered.

The black light was only the size of a thumb at first, then the black light flickered, and finally turned into a portal.


Some kind of terrible strong wind blows from it, as if some terrible creature is waking up.

There is a golden light descending on the scene.

Di Xuanyuan had a serious expression on his face, looking at the dark gate in front of him, he was on high alert.

"what happened?"

A half-immortal follower beside Di Xuanyuan spoke out.

"What is the existence of this black door? Why do I feel a terrible breath? This breath, I just feel it, and I tremble."

The man's words were full of disbelief.

He is a semi-immortal-level powerhouse, and he actually felt afraid when facing such a black door.

That's right, it's just fear, the most primitive kind of fear, which he had felt when he was a weak immortal cultivator.


From the seemingly non-threatening black door in front of him, he felt the kind of deep fear.

In his opinion, this kind of horror is enough to kill him. There is no mistake, it is this kind of terrible power.

As a strong half-immortal, he could feel such a terrifying power from the black gate, he couldn't believe it.

Di Xuanyuan kept silent and looked at the black door in front of him, he looked extremely serious.

No wonder I was able to become the Chosen Son, no wonder why the Immortal Cultivation World didn't choose to look for the Chosen Son when the half-immortals were raging in the Immortal Cultivation World, there was a reason for that.

If he guessed correctly.

Facing this black door is the black door leading to the lair of destruction.

According to the information he knew, the destruction of the world of cultivating immortals started from this door.


He came here too fast!

Think about it, from the opening of the Immortal Road to the present, how long has it been? In such a short period of time, the world of cultivating immortals is about to be destroyed. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit different to look for.

According to the information from every era in the past, there will be a long, long period of stability after the Immortal Road comes to the world of cultivating immortals.

During this period, the realm of cultivating immortals and the road to immortality will be closely integrated, giving birth to countless powerful people, making the whole world extremely bright, but what happened today.

Why does the black gate appear at this time, the fairy road has only come for a hundred years.

Is it because too many half-immortals have broken through, leading to signs of instability in the world of immortality.

He thought so.

In fact, the problem may have this reason.

The breakthrough of the half-immortal will consume the power accumulated in the world of cultivating immortals. The source of these powers is the power naturally emitted by living beings.

Because it is not prosperous enough, this kind of power is very rare.

In addition, there are half-immortals constantly breaking through, even if the breakthrough of Wujiang and Changsheng did not set foot on half-immortals in the end, the power they consumed in the world of cultivating immortals was less than that of any normal half-immortal.

This ebb and flow has caused today's world of cultivating immortals to become what it is today. Perhaps this is also the reason why the black gate appeared.

Di Xuanyuan has such an analysis.

He shot.

Suppress this place directly with the Emperor's Bell.

The Destroyer is extremely powerful, and it is extremely cruel. If the Destroyer descends from the black gate to the world of cultivating immortals, it may be ruined.

Although the destructive creatures were not very powerful when they first appeared, they can devour the creatures and bless their bodies. After they devour the creatures and bless themselves, they will become extremely powerful.


There is no bottleneck in destroying creatures, as long as they have enough power to devour them, they will reach the semi-immortal realm in one breath, and then destroy the entire world frantically.

Such a terrifying destruction of living beings, he must suppress it from the source.


The black door trembled slightly, and when he fixed his eyes, it was obvious that it was expanding.

He made a direct move and used the Emperor's Bell to forcefully suppress Heimen.

The appearance of Heimen is irreversible, it can only be suppressed.

the present.

He seemed to have suppressed the Black Gate, but in fact he didn't. The Black Gate was still expanding at a very weak speed.

One day, the black gate in front of him will become gigantic, and the destructive creatures inside will come to the cultivators.

This is a necessity.

I just don't know how long he can suppress it, but I hope it can last long enough, because it can buy time for the world of cultivating immortals.

Di Xuanyuan thought a lot, then with a wave of his hand, the surrounding area of ​​ten thousand li was completely sealed.

in the imperial capital.

Emperor Xuanyuan issued a summoning order, anxiously coming from all the immortals in the world of cultivating immortals, and looking for help from all the powerful people in urgent matters.

Emperor Xuanyuan's imperial decree is very useful in today's world of cultivating immortals. Half-immortals from all walks of life, who want to mix in the world of cultivating immortals, will come to the imperial capital to attend the meeting, regardless of the monk's face or the Buddha's face.

In the secret room of the imperial capital.

The powerhouses from all walks of life hid themselves well and did not show their faces, quietly waiting for the start of the meeting.

Di Xuanyuan sits in a high position and is the only one who shows his face.

He looked at the strong men who were hiding himself in front of him.

"I'm looking for you today because there is a very difficult matter. This matter is the appearance of the black gate."

The word Heimen was shot, and the atmosphere in the entire meeting room suddenly became extremely dignified.


There are old antiques who know the story about the black gate, and they have even experienced the destruction that destroys life.

Now when I hear the word Heimen, I feel chills down my spine and want to hide in my own little world immediately, waiting for the world to be destroyed.

"How could the black gate appear at this time, Emperor, you must not be mistaken!"

Someone uttered a voice, asking whether Di Xuanyuan was true or not.

"I am the chosen one, you think I will be wrong."

Di Xuanyuan did not inform everyone present of the location of the black gate.

He wasn't sure about the temperament of this group of guys, and if he had any other intentions to attack Heimen and destroy the whole world, he couldn't guard against it.

"The Immortal Road has only come for a few hundred years, and the Black Gate is about to come at this moment. How could it be like this?"

Someone found the crux of the problem.

"This is also the reason why I gathered you here. The black gate appeared at the wrong time. It should not have appeared at this moment. Seniors, but if anyone knows the reason, please let me know."

Di Xuanyuan looked very humble, and asked everyone in the field for their opinions.


Silence without any response.

Perhaps some old antique knew the reason, but no one spoke, and everyone remained silent.

"Emperor, since the black gate has appeared, you and I have to hide in the small world, so why be so serious." Someone expressed the true meaning.

Every time the black gate appears, the half-immortal and strong can enter their own small world to avoid disasters.

Now that there is a black door, they are hiding.

"You're right, and it's not the first time you've faced the Black Gate. You and I both know how terrifying he is, so hiding is the best way to avoid it. Even if you're a half-immortal, don't destroy creatures with a bang. "

The semi-immortal strongman took this matter for granted.

They would never consider that the power without a half-immortal powerhouse would be completely wiped out by the destruction of creatures. In the eyes of everyone, the death of creatures in the world of cultivating immortals is very common, and to them, it has no meaning.

"Things can indeed be said in this way, but I feel a different atmosphere. The appearance of the black gate this time may not be so simple. If there is a change in the appearance of the black gate this time, it may be a change for everyone in the small world, that is, Say, you yourself may be able to escape into the black void and avoid being beheaded, but your little world will have nowhere to escape."

Di Xuanyuan's words had been spoken very clearly, and everyone present could hear them clearly.

If others said this, they might not believe it, but when Di Xuanyuan said it, they had no reason not to believe it.

As the Chosen One, Di Xuanyuan definitely knew some information that they didn't know, and the timing of the appearance of the Black Gate was obviously wrong, maybe there was something wrong with it.

It is acceptable for them to give up the small world by themselves, but that is the worst plan.

Besides, things haven't reached that tense moment yet. They don't want to lose their small world, so they want to see if things are turning around.

"Di Xuanyuan, what do you mean, let's hear it."

An old man spoke up and asked Di Xuanyuan for his opinion.

As the true master of the world of cultivating immortals, no one present was more convincing than Di Xuanyuan's words.

All the half-immortals looked towards where Di Xuanyuan was, waiting for Di Xuanyuan's response.

Di Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, and finally said, "My meaning is very simple. Now that the black gate has just appeared, you and I may send people to investigate the situation inside the black gate. Knowing more information will be more beneficial to you and me. .”

Such a bold idea kept everyone silent.

"Di Xuanyuan, you are still young. I have the obligation to remind you that the black gate is the lair of destruction of life. Anyone who goes there will have bad luck. You know that you will not be able to bring back more information."

An old man reminded Emperor Xuanyuan that things were not as simple as imagined.

"I can understand your fear, but my plan will not change in any way, and the purpose of my coming to you today is just to do my duty. As the chosen one, I am obliged to inform you of this matter. As for whether you will obey me in the future Dispatch, I don't have any hope, just let it go."

Di Xuanyuan was quite decisive. After speaking, he got up and left directly, leaving all the old antiques in the field alone while looking at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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