The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1648 The Mystery of the Fairy's Identity

Chapter 1648 The Mystery of the Fairy's Identity
God old?
Looking at the smiling old man in front of him, Wu Mian seemed somewhat unexpected.

What he didn't expect was that he had hidden himself well, why would he still be found by the elder god.

want to come.

It should be because of the sacred furnace in his hand.

The god furnace is a hot potato to him, he has known it for a long time, but after all, this thing is very useful, and it is very good to keep it in his hand to catch people.

"Old God, what wind brought you here?"

Wumian got up, smiled and greeted the old god.

His relationship with Shenlao is not bad, there is no enmity, and they even get along very well. He likes Shenlao very much.

"Little friend Faceless, I have come here to discuss something with you." The old god said straight to the point.

"Your old man asked me for something, so I was made a joke." Faceless laughed, "You are always the master of the God Realm, there are so many masters in the God Realm, I am only a little legend, what can I do for you. "

Faceless smile haha, I feel that it is not easy for God to come to me.

As he said, if you come to him for help as a god elder, I am afraid that only you can do this.

and so.

The problem should be very difficult.

"Little friend Faceless's supernatural powers are rare in the world, I think, only little friend can help me." There was a trace of pleading in the old god's words, it seemed that he was really in trouble.

"Old God, please tell me. If possible, I don't mind helping." Wu Mian spoke generously, indicating that there was no problem.

"Since Faceless Friend is so open-minded, I don't want to hide the whole story. In fact, God Realm, as the domain that seals the road of no return, has a big problem now. Although this problem is temporarily alleviated, it is only temporarily alleviated. I believe It won't be long before there will still be big problems..."

The elder Shen informed Wumian of the current situation in the God Realm.

Listen without a face, keep it in your heart, and think a lot.

With such a big problem in the God Realm, the souls of no return came from the road of no return, so they must be very powerful, otherwise the old god would not be so nervous.

"So, God, what can I do to help?"

Faceless said so.

Faced with this kind of thing, Banxian couldn't help, it seemed that he had nothing to do.

"I need someone." The old god said such words, which made Wu Mian's heart move.


He knew who the old man was talking about, so he refused without any hesitation.

"My faceless friend, this matter concerns the fate of the entire cultivation world, please tell me the whereabouts of the fairy."


The person the old god is looking for is Shenxian'er.

It's not easy to find Xian'er whoever you are looking for. Naturally, Faceless will not agree to the other party.

Combined with what the old god said just now about what happened in the God Realm, he was even more sure that it was not a good thing for the old god to find Xian'er.


"Old God, why are you looking for Xian'er, and what is the relationship between Xian'er and the God Realm?"

Faceless couldn't help asking.

He has never figured out Xian'er's life experience, where and who Xian'er came from.

He knew that in order for Xian'er to wake up, he needed the heart of the God Realm, which was the core of the entire God Realm, but he still didn't know what it had to do with it, and he had nowhere to find out.

Elder Shen looked at Faceless, pondered for a moment, and continued: "The relationship between Shenxian'er and my God Realm is not complicated, because the entire God Realm was created by Shenxian'er."


Unbelievable faceless.

"You said that the God Realm is a world created by Xian'er?"

"That's right. The God Realm is the world that Xian'er casually created back then, and the God Clan is the doll that Xian'er fabricated back then. The doll possessed spirituality, became the God Clan, and controlled the God Realm."

The elder god revealed such a shocking secret.

Although Wujie had guessed a lot before this, but he was still shocked when he heard this news today.

Xian'er's life experience is really extraordinary.


"So, who is Xian'er, don't you know?"

According to what the old god said just now, the god race was created by Xian'er, and who that Xian'er is, I'm afraid they don't even know.

"This... I really don't know, because Shenxian'er is the creator of the God Realm and our creator god, so we maintain a kind of reverence for Shenxian'er."

When it comes to the gods, the elders seem very respectful.

This is also the reason why he attaches so much importance to Faceless. Their Creator God is willing to follow Faceless. Obviously, the relationship between the two is unusual.

As the children of Creation God, they will naturally maintain a high degree of respect for Faceless, and as the current master of the Protoss, he naturally knows the key to it.

"I see?"

There is no face to think about.

Xian'er was able to create the God Realm and the God Race, but who is it? Damn it, the secret of Xian'er's life experience has become confusing again, but now it seems that the relationship between Xian'er and the God Realm needs to be further repaired.

"Old God, it's not that I didn't tell you the location of Xian'er. The question is whether Xian'er is in danger. After all, Xian'er is very special today, and it seems to be very different from the God of Creation you mentioned. You should It is clear."

Wu Fian Xian'er still understands.

Xian'er is special because it never grows up.

Every once in a while, Xian'er will mutate, allowing herself to return to the status of a lolita.

He had deliberately investigated this situation, but unfortunately, it was difficult to find a result with his means.

and so.

Even today's Xian'er might not be able to help the God Realm through this crisis.

"It doesn't matter, if you have the heart of the God Realm, if you believe that Lord Chuangshishen can awaken the power you once had, and if you have Lord Chuangshishen who controls the entire God Realm, you will be able to seal the way of no return."

The old man said so, appearing to be very sincere.

In this regard.

Faceless didn't quite believe what he said.

He didn't know much about Elder Xian, he didn't know the real character of this old man, what if the old man was acting with him at this moment.

Turning around and handing over Xian'er's body, the old god suddenly attacked him, so he really couldn't do it every day, and the earth didn't work.

and so.

"Old God, didn't you say that many half-immortals have gathered in the God Realm to help, I don't think there is any problem for the time being, how about we make a deal."

Faceless has a new idea, which is quite beneficial to him now.

"Please tell me, little friend without a face." The old god listened attentively.

"It's like this. I'm practicing a special method recently. This method requires the power of half-immortals from all walks of life as a medium. If possible, I need the power of those half-immortals in your God Realm. Of course, in exchange, I I will live in the God Realm and inspect the entire God Realm. If I think there is no problem, I will naturally hand over Xian'er's body. As you said, this matter is related to the fate of the entire cultivation world, so I dare not be careless."

Faceless made such a request for a reason.

Firstly, almost all the half-immortals in the entire cultivation world gathered in the God Realm, because the God Realm is really a big deal.

The gathering of so many half-immortals is simply a great opportunity for him. If he uses it well, it will not be a problem for him to break through and become a half-immortal.

Second come.

He himself doesn't know where Xian'er's physical body is, because Xian'er's physical body is hidden by the body. It can be said that their nine Taoist bodies don't know where Xian'er's physical body is at all. It is also impossible to find Xian'er's physical body.


If he goes to the God Realm, he can guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

One to two to go.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his plan.

After thinking about it for a while, Elder Shen agreed, because he had no choice.

"In that case, let's go now."

Elder Shen returned to the God Realm with Faceless.

In the God Realm, Faceless looked at the resplendent and magnificent world in front of him, and the whole world was filled with divine power, and felt the background from the God Realm.

It is worthy of being detached from the outside world and able to suppress the God Realm of No Return, but judging from the breath, it is countless times stronger than the Immortal Realm.

Even though the Wuxian Realm is strong enough, and there are so many strong people among them, compared with the God Realm, it is really insignificant and not at the same level.

If you have to compare, I believe that only the world of cultivating immortals at its peak can be compared with the world of gods at this moment, and even he feels that it is slightly inferior.

Was it true that Xian'er created such a divine world at will?
Wu Mian learned more about Xian'er's life experience.

With such doubts, Faceless entered the God Realm.

The arrival of Faceless was not publicized, but it was still known by many people, among them were the powerful young generation of the Protoss.

As a living legend, the name Faceless has been a motivation for many people.

Naturally, the younger generation of protoss has also heard stories about Faceless. They know that Faceless has come to their territory today, and they all have a provocative meaning, and they want to fight Faceless.

For this group of guys, the faceless approach is to ignore them.

He didn't come to God Realm to fight these little guys, he came to God Realm to practice.

The closed door made a group of people from the God Realm quite dissatisfied, but after the elder god personally told them to leave, a group of little guys left in despair, not daring to make any mistakes.


Wumian's status is very different from theirs, and the Elder God personally showed up, which shows how much face he has given to Wumian.

Even though a group of contemporaries expressed dissatisfaction, under such strict rules in the God Realm, they dared not say anything.

"Old God, can this Faceless really help the God Realm?" Shen Tianming kept a high degree of concern for Faceless.

Just a little guy at the legendary level, even if he has some fame, he won't be able to help the God Realm today.

To know.

Now there are dozens of half-immortal powerhouses in the God Realm.

This group of strong men is a collection of the highest combat power in the cultivation world today. Even this group of strong men cannot help the God Realm to suppress for a long time without returning. Is it really necessary to rely on this faceless?

"He's not the only one, but he's really the only one of anything in place."

After the elder god finished speaking, he went to faceless residence.

"Little friend without a face, these few days have made you laugh."

Shenlao smiled and apologized to Wumian.

"It's okay, young people like challenges. I was like them when I was young, and I also like challenging things."

Faceless slapped haha, and didn't care about it.

"Thank you for your generosity, little friend Faceless, here is the power you need, please accept it."

God is very quick to do things.

It took out the power from various demigods and gave it to Faceless.

All kinds of demigods don't know about this kind of thing, because if you tell them, these guys probably won't agree.

In addition, the faceless friend also said not to cause extra complications, so the whole incident was carried out in a very secret way.

Looking at the power lines of various half-immortal powerhouses in front of him, there was an undisguised smile on Faceless's face.

"Thank you for the gift from the old god. Now, I have a very good impression of the God Realm. I believe that there will be news about you and me soon."

Faceless doesn't matter too much, let's talk about improving one's own strength first.

He took away all kinds of power, and then entered the secret room to start his own practice.

The power he needs to move forward requires the blessing and fusion of various forces.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, he will definitely not miss it.

In the secret room, Faceless displayed the supreme dao pattern, began to decipher various forces, and then absorbed their essence to bless himself.

The whole process was extremely long, and he had the patience to maintain a high degree of concentration in his practice.

outside world.

The old god didn't take a peek at Faceless's practice, because there was no need for it. An existence of his level knew that if he peeked by himself, it would be self-defeating.

Although he also wants to know what this little guy without face is practicing, and why he needs the power of various semi-immortals.

In the God Realm, nothing seemed to have changed.


There was a shock.

Such vibrations come from the sealed land.

Elder Shen stood on the edge of the sealed land, looking at the battlefield sealed by various forces, with a serious expression on his face.

In this battlefield, there are all kinds of powerful creatures looming in the mist, and they are the creatures of no return. They are extremely powerful and come from the road of no return.

If this group of terrifying creatures passes through the mist, they will descend on the entire practice world, and then the practice world will usher in a terrible event that is more dangerous than the Great Destruction.

"Sure enough, it is a very strong soul of no return!"

A half-immortal spoke out at this moment, feeling the horror of not returning to life.

Even though they are half-immortals, they still feel the existence of power that can threaten their lives.

The soul of no return seems to be able to tear them apart and kill them. This feeling has not appeared for a long, long time.

The road of no return is really a terrible road!

Among them, the non-returning creatures possess such terrifying power. If they come to the cultivation world, not to mention the immortal road, even the immortal cultivation world, all the stars in the black void will be swallowed.

And this kind of engulfment is probably different from the destruction of the Great Destruction.

The destruction of the Great Destruction will not destroy the origin of the world of cultivating immortals. As long as the origin of the world of cultivating immortals exists, the world of cultivating immortals can be revived and life can be bred.

But if this non-returning soul comes, I am afraid that the origin of the world of cultivating immortals will be swallowed up.

If the origin of the world of cultivating immortals is swallowed up, the whole world will always be in chaos, and there will be no restart.

In that case, they will also be affected, and will eventually die in their own small world.

Terrible thing!
The demigods of all walks of life began to realize how terrible the whole thing was.

at the same time.

In the secret room where Faceless was, Faceless slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the battlefield of the gods.

He felt the existence of a very special power, which actually caused the supreme dao pattern in his body to fluctuate greedily.

Just let the power that can make the Supreme Dao Run reveal greedy, it seems that there seems to be something better in this God Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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