The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1747 Long Xiaotian's Position

Chapter 1747 Long Xiaotian's Position
The mastermind behind the destruction of the Dragon Realm was right in front of him, and Long Xiaotian seemed very excited.

It's like remembering the days when you were bullied by school bullies.

If it wasn't for this being just a world of memories, Long Xiaotian might have already rushed forward to fight the other party with his life.

As the seventh Dragon King of the Dragon Realm, he shoulders the mission of protecting the entire Dragon Realm.

Of course.

The entire dragon world was destroyed in his hands.

Now that he saw the instigator, Long Xiaotian changed his fear of facing the strange god just now, and he was so excited that he almost ran away.

Looking at Long Xiaotian like this, Zheng Tuo didn't say anything.

Family hatred and national hatred, it is normal to be angry about this matter.


No matter how angry Long Xiaotian was, he couldn't change the facts at this moment.

Everything in front of the two of them is nothing but a memory after all, and it is not impossible to take revenge in this memory.

"Long Xiaotian, I can understand your anger. After the anger is over, you should understand more clearly that anger alone is not enough for revenge."

Zheng Tuo reminded Long Xiaotian that this place is now in Long Xiao's memory, this guy can't have any accidents, if any accidents happen, there will be big troubles.


Long Xiaotian exhaled a long breath to calm himself down.

"What Senior Killing Immortal said is absolutely true, anger can't solve anything, I will bury this anger in my heart, and when I see this person in the future, I will definitely make him repay it ten thousand times!"

Long Xiaotian quickly calmed down.

"It's best for you to have such an idea." Zheng Tuo nodded, "This is about your memory, observe a lot, and hope to gain something."

As soon as Zheng Tuo finished speaking, the strange man suddenly turned his head and looked at where he and Long Xiaotian were.

Such a scene made Zheng Tuo and Long Xiaotian's hearts tremble!
The strange man is a strange creature, is there really something weird about this strange creature?

Could it be?

The strange man discovered the existence of both of them.

Should not be!

The memory of this moment is a thing of the past.

Could it be that this weird man really has such a weird way to peek into the future and discover the existence of both of them?


Zheng Tuo soon realized that something was wrong. The strange man was not looking at the two of them, but at Long Xiaotian at that time.


According to Long Xiaotian's memory, the strange man used some kind of method on him. If you look carefully, that method is nothing but the Eight Immortals Soul Locking Formation.


Zheng Tuo and Long Xiaotian looked at each other, thinking of the continent they had encountered.

In other words.

Among them, the person who sealed himself was this strange man, that is, the existence that destroyed the entire Dragon Realm.

"This man must die!"

Long Xiao's killing intent surged, trying to turn back and kill the strange man.

"calm down!"

Zheng Tuo reminded Long Xiaotian.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. I am afraid that you will not have any results if you go back like this. Even, because you cannot defeat the opponent, you may quickly return to a state of confusion."

Hearing Zheng Tuo's reminder, Long Xiaotian gradually calmed down.


He knew that he was absolutely no match for the strange man, so he planned to use Zheng Tuo's power to help him kill the strange man for revenge.

It seems now.

The immortal-killing senior in front of him was extremely calm, and he might not make a move easily.

"This junior understands that I was dazzled by hatred just now, so please forgive me, senior." Long Xiaotian quickly apologized, lowering his status to a very low level.

"I can understand your feelings. It's not impossible to ask me to help you, but it's not now. You and I need to continue to investigate. After all your memories have been investigated, it won't be too late to make a decision on this matter!"

Zheng Tuo still had some doubts about Long Xiaotian.

He needs to watch all Long Xiaotian's memories to judge whether Long Xiaotian is trustworthy.

"What the senior said is very true, the junior is willing to follow the senior's plan." Long Xiaotian still kept a very low profile.

"Let's go!"

Zheng Tuo continued to move forward, watching Long Xiaotian's memory.

The two continued to dive all the way, and continued to watch all the way. During the whole process, faults began to appear in memory, and many things began to fail to connect together.


Long Xiaotian's instinctive memory was so unstable.

But soon!

A terrible scene appeared in Long Xiaotian's memory.

It was a big world, originally lush and green, and everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

There are strong men who are unrivaled in the world, and there are younger generations who rise up, and everything is so prosperous.


And so it happened!

Long Xiaotian appeared in this big world without warning.

With his strength as a half-step wallbreaker, coupled with his own strange power, he pushed the entire big world horizontally, completely destroying the big world in front of him.

Such a scene.

It is exactly the same as the scene where the strange man destroys the Dragon Realm.

The whole world is filled with terrifying power, the cries of children, the prayers of the elderly without a master, and the shouts of the strong permeate all corners of the world.

But it didn't work.

Facing Long Xiaotian, a half-step wallbreaker, this unknown big world had no ability to fight back, and was brutally slaughtered and finally completely destroyed.


Zheng Tuo looked at Long Xiaotian.

"Senior, don't get me wrong. I really don't know about this matter. It's the first time I saw it, and I was shocked!" Long Xiaotian looked at the picture in his memory, and he was stunned.

He really didn't know that he had done this kind of thing again. From this point of view, his unintentional behavior was no different from that weird man's.


As the two continued to explore, he discovered to his astonishment that he had actually destroyed two more big worlds.


Long Xiaotian was completely dumbfounded!
"I don't know, I don't have any memory of this at all, what happened, why did it happen!"

Long Xiaotian looked very confused!
I want to find revenge for the strange man, because he destroyed his own dragon world.


Now it seems that he is destroying other people's world just like the strange man.

Such a contrast made him froze in place, not knowing what to say.

"Don't be nervous. I believe what you said. I believe you don't know anything about this place. It seems that you were used by the strange man, so you did this unintentionally."

Zheng Tuo said this on the lips, but in his heart, he was still vigilant against Long Xiaotian.

His willingness to be vigilant against Long Xiaotian is not only because he has done these things, but also because this guy has been controlled before. If he is not afraid of ten thousand, he is afraid of what happens. It will be difficult to handle.

"Thank you senior for your trust, I..."

Long Xiaotian himself seemed very tangled.

Now he has lost confidence in himself, and he is so confused when he is so powerful, as if his fate is already doomed, and he can't do anything.

"The strange power is really hard to deal with!"

Zheng Tuo looked so entangled with Long Xiaotian.

If he is entangled by the strange force, even if there is a half-step wall breaker like Long Xiaotian, he will lose confidence in himself and even give in eventually because of the peculiarity of the strange force.

"Senior Immortal Killer..."

Long Xiaotian seemed a little flustered.

"No need to panic, your memory has not been fully read yet, and it's not your fault, you're just being controlled, keep reading."

Zheng Tuo didn't want to judge Long Xiaotian's actions.

That was Long Xiaotian's business, he couldn't just help him make various decisions just because the other party called him senior, it was unnecessary.

What he has to do is very simple, that is, Long Xiaotian is not a threat to him.

As long as Long Xiaotian didn't pose any threat to him, he didn't care what Long Xiaotian did.

The two continue to explore the secrets deep in memory.

As the two continued to explore, the memory of Long Xiaotian gradually became extremely blurred, and in the end, the two fell into a black mist at a high speed.

In this black mist, the two tried to continue exploring.

"Senior Immortal Killer, I feel that there is no need to continue exploring." Long Xiaotian took the initiative to speak out.

"How to explain!"

"I feel that there is nothing calling me below. Maybe there is still a memory below, but I believe that it is no longer my memory, and it has nothing to do with the memory of the strange creature at this moment."

Long Xiaotian said so, he didn't want to move on.

Looking at Long Xiaotian like this, Zheng Tuo hesitated a little.

As he said before, he didn't trust Long Xiaotian, but now, Long Xiaotian actually proposed not to move on.

The reasons for not moving forward are also far-fetched!

"Don't want to go or dare not go?" Zheng Tuo asked calmly.


Long Xiaotian did not respond to Zheng Tuo.

Silence on such a question is itself a response.

"I think, you should have something to tell me now!" Zheng Tuo's inquiry was still calm.


Long Xiaotian still did not respond to Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo was not in a hurry, he quietly waited for Long Xiaotian to organize his words, and then told himself some secrets.

After a while.

"Actually, I know the existence of the strange messenger!" Long Xiaotian spoke.

"Strange Messenger?"

"It's that weird man."

"go on."

"After I died and entered the strange world, in fact I was not completely dead. In the strange world, I came back to life, but I was haunted by the strange and became a special strange creature. In this case, becoming a strange creature is easy It's a matter of time."

Long Xiaotian recalled the past memories.

"Because there is still a trace of spiritual wisdom, so he is valued by the strange messenger and helps him do things."

"What's the reason?" Zheng Tuo asked.

"Let my wife live, let my second daughter live, and let them keep the hope of returning." Long Xiaotian said that his voice became louder. Obviously, in his opinion, he did this for his family. For the sake of his family in this world, he can do anything, and he feels that he should do the same.

"Continue." Zheng Tuo listened calmly.

"Since then, I have started to help the strange messenger to do things, and the strange messenger also promised me that as long as I help him destroy ten big worlds, it will be my own power to let our family leave the strange world."

Long Xiaotian revealed his secret, which is why he prevented Zheng Tuo from continuing to explore.

"Then how close are you to destroying ten great worlds?"


Long Xiaotian's response surprised Zheng Tuo!
Such a blunt response made Zheng Tuo feel the danger, as if he had been transferred from the mountain, and the world of reincarnation was being attacked at this moment.

"That's it!" Zheng Tuo responded calmly, "In this way, as long as you destroy the world of reincarnation, you can complete the transaction with the strange messenger, reunite the whole family, and continue the frontier?"

"From Zheng Tuo's point of view, that should be the case."

"Do you trust the so-called weird messenger?" Zheng Tuo suddenly asked.

"It's not up to me to trust or not. You know, when the lives of your whole family are in the hands of others, you have no right to negotiate any conditions with the other party."

Long Xiaotian looked at it very openly.


He also has his own helplessness.

To know.

For him, his position is not irreplaceable, and he only obtained this position after fighting several strong men.


He has no qualifications to negotiate terms.

"In this way, you are just a tool person, or you know that you will not be trusted by the other party, and the so-called promise is just a sweet date for you to do things well."

Zheng Tuo analyzed the reason.

He didn't believe that the strange messenger would let Long Xiaotian's family go.


Long Xiaotian's silence quickly became a response, which showed that he had thought about this issue.

"Well, you and I will talk as we walk, let me listen to your thoughts..."

Zheng Tuo said.

Actively continue to dive.

Long Xiaotian had no choice but to continue to follow.


Not long after the two dived, they encountered what Long Xiaotian said.

Looking at Long Xiaotian's reunion with his family, Zheng Tuo thought of his parents.

People should have roots no matter when and where.

Normally speaking, parents are their own roots, and children are also their own roots.

Zheng Tuo understood Long Xiaotian's actions, and he would do the same for his family.

"Senior Immortal Killer, I have something to ask."

Long Xiaotian, who had been silent for a long time, mustered up the courage to speak out.

"I know what you're going to say, but..."

Zheng Tuo didn't continue talking, but Long Xiaotian already understood the meaning of the words.

"I know this is very abrupt, but senior is my only hope. I have fought in nine great worlds, met countless powerful people, and countless geniuses, but there is no one as strong as senior. I think, It is my chance to meet senior, not to mention that the ancestor dragon of my dragon clan recognizes senior as your master, I think there must be a big reason in it."

Long Xiaotian's words were full of pleadings, so he almost knelt down to Zheng Tuo and begged him to help save her family.

Looking at Long Xiaotian like this, Zheng Tuo really wanted to help him, but this matter was too dangerous.

What he has to face is not only the emissary of strangeness, but also the god of strangeness, the existence of the level of the wall breaker.

Zheng Tuo was full of hesitation in his heart, whether he should help Long Xiaotian or not.

Some kind of weird fluctuation suddenly appeared.

"What's going on?" Zheng Tuo looked at Long Xiaotian.

"Senior Immortal Killer, I'm sorry, there are some things I can't decide, you know that." Long Xiaotian said, surrounded by black mist.

in a blink!
Zheng Tuo was wrapped in the black mist and disappeared.

"Hahaha...Long Xiaotian, you did a great job."

There was a voice, it was a man wearing a black robe and looked very young.

The man is none other than the strange emissary.

(End of this chapter)

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