The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1817 Take the God of War as the whetstone

How to defeat the God of War and win the final bet is not difficult for Zheng Tuo, but how can he win the final victory without revealing his true strength.

While Zheng Tuo was thinking, the God of War had already arrived.

The terrifying power ravaged the world, as if the gods had descended, and without leaving the slightest, it just went straight to Zheng Tuo's face.

Facing such a god of war, Zheng Tuo disappeared in the blink of an eye, easily dodging such a blow from the god of war.

"Running fast!"

The God of War was surprised that his means were actually avoided.


He is also very excited, because this shows that the opponent's means are strong enough to rival him.

"In a small reincarnation tower, there are not only enchanting characters like the Black King Emperor Xuanyuan, but also an existence like you, the Immortal Killer. It's interesting, interesting, really interesting!"

The God of War was immediately killing Zheng Tuo, and the speed was so fast that everyone only saw an afterimage in their eyes.

Facing such a god of war, the only thing Zheng Tuo could do was to run away.

brush brush...

brush brush...

brush brush...

The figure kept disappearing in place, easily dodging the pursuit from the God of War.

The two are like two ghosts, chasing and dodging in this reincarnation tower.

after a few seconds.

"Kid Immortal, you are too unkind, you have the strength to fight against me, why don't you do it, what kind of character is hiding in such a way."

God of War is quite upset.

This Immortal Killer actually played with himself like a toy and kept dodging, leaving him speechless.

"Senior God of War, rest your anger, you fight in your way, I fight in my way, as a junior, you can't let me fight in your way."

Zheng Tuo replied in such a relaxed manner while dodging, which led everyone to guess how strong Zheng Tuo was.

Of course.

After continuous observation, everyone came to a conclusion.

In this reincarnation tower, Zheng Tuo's strength is beyond imagination, even in this reincarnation world, because he has a reincarnation order under his control.

Possessing the power of the Reincarnation Order is the power to control the laws of the world of reincarnation. With this power, this Immortal Killer is probably one of the strongest beings in the field.

In the midst of such guesses, Zheng Tuo made his move.

He directly used the power of the reincarnation order.

He, who didn't want to reveal his own strength, found this method, that is to use the reincarnation order.

Because everyone on the scene knows that he has the Reincarnation Order and can use the Heavenly Law of the Reincarnation Realm, so it doesn't matter whether he exposes the power of the Reincarnation Order.

The important thing is.

He can't reveal that he has control over the existence of the upper Dao pattern.

To know.

The god of war in front of him, as well as the evil god and the god of wildness, are all wallbreakers.

Not only are these guys extremely terrifying in strength, but their knowledge is also very rich. If they are allowed to know whether they have the upper Dao Mark or not, there will be a big problem.


I am afraid that the wild god will spy on his own power.

As his practice continued to deepen and his strength continued to grow stronger, he felt more and more that his supreme pattern was too extraordinary to be exposed.

in this way.

He urged the reincarnation order.


A small token appeared in Zheng Tuo's hand, and the word "reincarnation" on it exuded a strange magic, which made everyone couldn't help but raise their eyes to peep, and even were attracted to it.

"The breath of the reincarnation emperor!"

After feeling the breath of the reincarnation order, the four elders immediately judged that this was the breath of the reincarnation emperor.

"Is it the Reincarnation Order of the Reincarnation Emperor?"

After the God of War saw the reincarnation order, the originally relaxed expression suddenly became serious.


He had played against the Reincarnation Emperor before, and he was obviously a strong man at the same level, but he was ridiculed because he couldn't defeat the opponent.

His self-esteem has been greatly damaged, so he even gave birth to a demon.


After so many years have passed, he is now feeling the breath of the Reincarnation Emperor.

An inexplicable excitement surged into my heart.

"It's this feeling, there's nothing wrong, it's this feeling, I practice day and night, I'm not slack in the slightest, I'm just waiting for this day, there's nothing wrong, it's this day."

The God of War recalled the past, and suddenly anger rose from his heart, and the whole person became extremely irritable.


The killing intent was soaring, filling the entire Samsara Tower.

The God of War took the initiative to attack and killed Zheng Tuo.

Facing such a god of war, Zheng Tuo slowly raised his palm, "Lei Lai!"

The voice just fell.


A thunder of heaven's punishment containing the power of the law of reincarnation, like a big dragon, fiercely stomped towards the god of war.


The huge thunderous sound ravaged the world, and at the same time, the God of War was blasted out on the spot in front of such a violent thunder.

from a distance.

The tall figure of the God of War is already full of scorched lakes, and the whole person exudes an inexplicable smell, and he is extremely embarrassed. It is difficult to imagine that this person is a strong man with the name of the God of War.


Zheng Tuo froze in place.

Is it a little too hard? No, I only used [-]% of my strength, how did it become like this.

No way!
No way!
No way!
Zheng Tuo thought to himself.

He didn't dare to push the reincarnation order with all his strength.

Reincarnation makes this kind of magical magic weapon, he has not fought with all his strength. If it is too powerful, it will be too shocking and cause unnecessary trouble.

and so.

He only used [-]% of his ability to use the Reincarnation Order. With such [-]% of his power, he actually forced the God of War to such an extent that he even showed signs of injury.

The God of War was covered in scorched lakes, smoking blue smoke, and a look of embarrassment, which made people laugh.



The hearty sound of laughter came from the mouth of the God of War. His eyes flashed with excitement, and he looked at Zheng Tuo like a hungry wolf seeing food. Zheng Tuo was covered in hair, and he couldn't help tightening his collar. , secretly said, this God of War does not have any special hobbies, why is he looking at himself with such eyes.

"Reincarnation Emperor, it really is the power of Reincarnation Emperor, hahaha... happy, really happy!"

The God of War laughed and was very excited. He seemed to think of all the things that happened in the past, and the resentment in his heart began to dissipate.

But the next second.


The thunder ravaged the world, and another thunder dragon descended, biting at the god of war like a thunder dragon in the wild.


The God of War stood alone, tall and straight, raised his head, and directly caught such a terrifying Thunder Dragon of Heaven with his face.

The smell of Jiao Lake filled the air, and the God of War maintained his cool posture without any movement.

"That's it?"

The God of War smiled contemptuously and looked at where Zheng Tuo was.


He didn't like the intensity of the Thunder Dragon of Heaven's Punishment at the moment, and even such an intensity of Thunder Dragon of Heaven's Punishment made him have no interest in doing anything.

"Immortal slayer, don't keep your hands. Old man, I had a fight with the Samsara Emperor at the peak of the year. It's hard for me to have any interest in raising your hand with your Heaven Punishment Thunder Dragon of this strength."

The God of War looked at Zheng Tuo with a look of enjoyment.

"Since the senior thinks so, the junior can only be offended."

Zheng Tuo's thoughts moved, and he increased the motivation of the reincarnation order.


The strength of Tiandao Thunder Dragon began to increase, and it even contained traces of reincarnation patterns.

Such strength of the Thunder Dragon of the Heavenly Dao was all blessed on the flesh of the God of War.

can be seen.

The whole body of the God of War who was killed by the bombing trembled, and it looked like he might be smashed to pieces at any time.


In fact, for the God of War, such a strong Heavenly Punishment Thunder Dragon is just a tickling.

"Comfortable, comfortable, really comfortable, I haven't felt such a comfortable smell for a long time, hahaha..."

The God of War was bathed in thousands of thunder, and the whole person was laughing in the sky, enjoying the enjoyment of the moment, and seeing everyone present.


Infinite inarticulateness, many unbelief.

At this moment, the Thunder Dragon's strength is top-notch. If he fights, he must use all his powers, otherwise he will be wiped out on the spot in minutes.

of course.

He is only a Taoist body now, and his combat power cannot match his body.

But even if he comes here, facing such a level of power, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

Contrary to God of War.

He was bathed in thunder, like a real god, enjoying the beauty that thunder brought to him.

The power of the Wallbreaker's body made everyone look serious.

Compared with the powerhouses of this level, their half-step wall breakers seem so insignificant.


They are all strong people who have experienced strong winds and waves. They know that in the face of this situation, they should practice harder to make themselves stronger.

after all.

Along the way, they encountered the same situation. They always looked up to an opponent who was stronger than themselves, and then worked hard to become such an opponent, surpassing such an opponent, and step by step, to reach this state.


Looking at the God of War in such a state, Zheng Tuo felt the pressure.

Is this the strength of the Dao Body of the Wallbreaker?
He hadn't felt such an intense duel for a long time. At this moment, the God of War did not make a move, but the pressure on him was even greater than when he just made a move.

Wonderful feeling.

Zheng Tuo also likes to fight, because for a man, fighting is a natural instinct.

But he doesn't like fighting, because fighting will bring him a lot of trouble, you know, trouble is the most boring thing.


It seems now.

His battle at this moment is unavoidable.

Since it is unavoidable, it is natural to go all out, or, try to see what level the strength of the reincarnation order can reach, and I also have a number in my heart.


The intensity of the reincarnation order has been greatly increased.

"Not enough...not enough..."

The God of War shouted loudly and looked very domineering. In the face of thousands of days of punishment and thunder, I stood still and fought purely with my flesh. I believe that few people in this world can do it.

But the next second.


A thunder came, and the God of War flew out in an instant.


The God of War rubbed his head, feeling that his skin was sore, and looked up, since it was cracked.

"You hurt me!"

The God of War was very surprised.

With his physical strength, since he was injured by that little thunderbolt, he couldn't believe his eyes.


He immediately sensed something was wrong.

There were other forces mixed into the Thunder of Heaven Punishment just now, this is...

He looked at his wound. In the wound, there was actually a flashing spirit pattern. From then on, it turned out to be the Reincarnation Emperor's pattern.

"The reincarnation emperor pattern, the source of the reincarnation emperor's power, good boy, you can actually use the reincarnation emperor's power source, it seems that you are the chosen son of this reincarnation world!"

The god of war said, his wound that was just injured has healed.

For a powerhouse of his level, such a wound would be completely healed in minutes, not at all...

He thought in his heart that the wound that had just healed suddenly exploded. Looking at it, the reincarnation emperor pattern exuded a powerful fluctuation of power, which actually made his body unable to heal, and could only bear the injury at this moment.

"Reincarnation Emperor, after so many years, you still make me unhappy!"

The God of War looked at the reincarnation emperor pattern, and the unhappiness in his heart was about to come out.

With blood surging, the God of War tried to forcibly remove the reincarnation emperor pattern on his body, because if the reincarnation emperor pattern existed forever, the wound on his body would never heal.


Zheng Tuo would not give him such a chance.


A huge roar ravaged the heavens and the earth, and countless robbery thunders containing the reincarnation emperor pattern descended, and rumbled to the place of the God of War.

In the face of such a mighty magical means, the God of War finally took action.

He kept moving, dodging one after another tyrannical robbery thunder, trying to keep himself from being attacked.

Looking at such a god of war, Zheng Tuo nodded slightly. It seems that the robbery thunder with the reincarnation emperor pattern is really extraordinary. Even if it is as powerful as a god of war, it needs to be avoided with all his strength.

That being the case.

Round up!
He directly used the power of the reincarnation order to open the reincarnation formation alone in this reincarnation tower.

"Kid immortal, you are playing with me, aren't you!"

After the God of War felt the existence of the Samsara formation, his expression changed immediately.

he knows.

With his current physical strength, I'm afraid he really can't match this Immortal Killer with the Great Reincarnation Formation.

To know.

This is the reincarnation tower of the reincarnation world. Under the law of heaven that can use the entire reincarnation world, the strength of the reincarnation array will inevitably reach a terrifying situation.

"What Senior God of War said, the power I can use is my means, and I use my means to fight with the seniors, how can it be considered insidious."

Zheng Tuo doesn't have the will to fight head-to-head like the God of War. His fighting style has always been to use whatever he can use, and whatever is easy to use.


The safest way is to use the Great Samsara Array to fight the God of War with the strength of the Great Samsara Array.


He also wanted to use the whetstone, God of War, to help him hone the use of the Great Reincarnation Array.

He has long wanted to learn such a powerful formation, and now he is just taking advantage of the opportunity to learn a lot, and strive to fully understand the essence of the reincarnation formation, and then take it for his own use, become his own strength, and use it to his own incompetence. in fairyland.


The great formation of reincarnation was fully activated in the dimness, and Zheng Tuo and the God of War were wrapped in the breath, making it difficult for the outsiders to see what happened.

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