The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 1840 The practice method of evildoers

Chapter 1840 The practice method of evildoers

Looking at Zheng Tuo who disappeared from everyone's sight, the rest of the people looked at each other.


Now he is facing the same pressure and the same danger, so it can be seen which of them is stronger and whose talent is stronger.

The closer to the center of the battle, the stronger the strength and the superior talent.

I thought.

The Martial Dao Black King is already a powerful and invincible existence. Who would have thought that Shi Xian is actually above the two, and has even thrown all of them away. It is completely hard to hold a candle to.


The corner of Black King's mouth twitched.

He had fought against Shi Xian before, and knew that this guy was very powerful, but according to his inference, Shi Xian was only strong enough because he controlled the order of reincarnation.


In this great world of the wild gods, why is Shixian still so powerful, even so powerful that he is difficult to approach and cannot see his back.


Wu Dao rarely smiled.

Compared with everyone's incomprehension of Zheng Tuo's strength, he somewhat understood it.

To know.

His younger brother was known as the real Luoxian back then, the totem of the entire Luoxian sect. Before he became a generation of powerhouses, his younger brother had already achieved fame, and he was kind and kept a low profile.

Now that he saw that his junior brother had such a talent, he was a little surprised at first, but immediately he understood that his Zheng Tuo's strength could never be judged by common sense, it used to be like this, and it still is like this now.

There is no discouragement, no jealousy, some just want to compare with this junior.


Take a deep breath.

Immediately took a big step and continued to move forward steadily.

Unknowingly, Wu Dao also gradually distanced himself from the crowd behind him, and after a few short breaths, Wu Dao's figure also disappeared from everyone's sight.

Zheng Tuo and Wu Dao, two people who are so amazingly talented and beautiful, immediately attracted everyone behind to compare.

Who is not a genius monster, who can step half a step to break through the wall, and who can have the achievements of today, they were all absolute monsters back then.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if they are not evildoers, they are all people with great perseverance. How could such a person be willing to submit to others.

We can't compare to a wall-breaker like the God of War, Rage God, or a monstrous character like the Black King Budao.

Grit your teeth.

Powerful people from all walks of life used their means to try to get close to the center of the battle, and feel the experience brought to them by the battle of the Wall Breaker.


There is nothing wrong with the idea, but when it is actually operated, it is discovered that every step forward is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Some people strode forward and gradually disappeared from sight, and they have never been seen since then.

Some people walk forward steadily, even if they don't have super talent, they still gain a lot.

Some people were unlucky, they were swept away by the aftermath of the battle, turned into ashes on the spot, and fell on the spot. Some people were favored by luck, and their strength was obviously not enough, but they were able to move on...

In this muddy quagmire, the half-step wall breakers from all walks of life struggled hard to move forward.


Zheng Tuo didn't realize that he was already number one. When he found out, he looked back and couldn't see the shadows of the people behind him.


Zheng Tuo slapped his forehead, suddenly feeling reckless.

In the world of reincarnation, he showed a little helplessness. After all, in the world of reincarnation, he has the order of reincarnation. No matter how he uses methods, the opponent will think it is because of the order of reincarnation.

Now in this great world of Rage Gods, if he actually showed such an extraordinary talent, he might be noticed by others, which would lead to some suspicion and trouble.

But the matter has come to this point, and he doesn't want to save anything, because for him now, at this moment, he is experiencing something called chance.


Look up and look into the distance.

The battle between the Rage God and the War God Knife was right in front of him, and at his distance, he could already see the figures of the two fighting.

The figure was enormous and rather vague.

One is in the shape of a human being, as tall and mighty as a god, and the other is in the shape of the God of War Knife, spanning the entire void, like a huge mountain range, giving people an unparalleled shock.

The battle between the two behemoths made the space where the two were located extremely dangerous.

He didn't dare to get close, if he got any closer, he was afraid that he would die instantly if he was affected.

Just right here.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, with his eyes closed, he felt the power passing through him seriously.

Feeling like this made him gain a lot.

very good!

Zheng Tuo was content and happy, so he sat upright and did not continue to move forward, even if continuing to move forward could bring him more experience in practice, he did not continue to move forward.

People must have self-knowledge, and Zheng Tuo still has a self-knowledge of himself.

If it is said that the main body comes, and cooperates with the magic weapon of the Immortal Killing Halberd Reincarnation Order Black Coffin No. [-], he doesn't mind continuing to move forward.

but now.

He didn't bring out anything, he just came with his current Dao body.

In such a state, if he proceeds rashly, he is afraid that there will be big problems in a few minutes.

Maintain this state of mind, sit cross-legged on the void, and enter the state of practice.

very far.

The battle between the Rage God and the God of War Sword is still going on, the two powerhouses seem to have not fought with their bodies for a long time, and neither of them is doing their best at this moment.

For the wall breakers, they are high above, they look down on all living beings, and at the same time, they are always in danger.

To know.

Because the Wall Breaker's own strength is too large, it is very difficult to replenish his strength after a desperate battle. In other words, no one should fight desperately because it will make him enter a weak state.

If the Wall Breaker enters a weak state, it is easy for people to take advantage of it, and it is because of this that the Reincarnation Emperor was beheaded by the God Group.

Rage God is deeply involved in fighting, so she looks fierce when she strikes, but she doesn't seem to follow, but in fact she keeps her hands, and she doesn't go all out to kill her life.


The innate treasure of the most wallbreaker level, the God of War Knife also understands the truth.

Don't look at him as the God of War Knife, don't look at him as a magic weapon. His own situation is almost the same as that of the Wall Breaker. However, he is the God of War Knife. In addition to having his own special power, he also has an extremely sharp blade.

of course.

Even so, he will not go all out to shoot, the reason is similar to Aragami.

He would be invincible if he shot with all his strength, but for him, if he shot with all his strength, he would be injured, and he would be injured.

The biggest thing is that because of weakness, someone will sign a contract with me to move forward.

Don't underestimate such a contract, a contract at the level of a wallbreaker is destructive, and if you are not careful, you will be wiped out physically and mentally.

and so.

Rage God and God of War Knife seemed to be fighting fiercely, as if they were firing real fire, but in fact, both of them were fighting back, not showing even [-]% of their own strength.

Even so.

The battle between the two still affects all corners of the entire Rage God World.

A wall breaker is a wall breaker after all, the ceiling of the practice world is no joke.




The duel between Rage God and War God Knife is still going on. The two are so unhappy that they need to vent their anger through fighting, and at the same time, to demonstrate their powerful deterrent power.

In this way, it is cheaper for Zheng Tuo and others.

Zheng Tuo sat on the spot, feeling the battle of the two Wall Breakers, and was ecstatic in his heart.

Not to mention anything else, he has learned too much just from the use of power by the two.

What's more, the fighting styles of the two, and the use of their methods by the two, from all aspects, Zheng Tuo seems to have returned to the era when he had just set foot in cultivation.

I still remember that time, when he just set foot in cultivation, he was full of curiosity about everything, and maintained an attitude of eager to learn about everything.


He felt the beauty in it.

In front of the Wall Breaker, he is just a newcomer who has just set foot in cultivation.

Zheng Tuo was not discouraged by this, but was very happy to enjoy everything at this moment.

As he enjoys it.

A figure appeared not far from him.

Zheng Tuo saw that it was his senior brother Wu Dao.

Wu Dao said nothing, just looked over.

It did not reveal the relationship between the two as brothers and sisters, which was also what Zheng Tuo told Wu Dao.

Now the relationship between the two of them is best to maintain a state of just getting to know each other.

Neither of the two said anything, and Bu Dao didn't choose to move on and chose to stand still and watch the battle in the distance seriously.

Martial arts are physical training, and Zheng Tuo doesn't know what martial arts can learn in this kind of battle, and he feels strange in his heart.

After thinking about it, he saw Wu Dao standing on the spot and started punching.

Martial arts boxing doesn't appear to be very strong, but is full of Dao luck.


Zheng Tuo has never seen this boxing method before, so it is rare that the martial arts brother learned the boxing method from somewhere.

It didn't look like that at first glance, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this boxing technique was full of mystery, and even, after looking more anxiously, he almost fell into it.

What a wonderful boxing technique!

Zheng Tuo used the word wonderful, not the word weird.


The boxing techniques that can attract people to demons are all weird boxing techniques, but the boxing techniques of martial arts are full of righteousness, without the slightest bit of evil.

It's really rare to see such a kind of boxing that lasts for a long time. I don't know who the person who created such a boxing technique is. In other words, is the person who created such a boxing technique brother Wu Dao?

After all, the martial brother's strength is that of a half-step wallbreaker, and he can completely understand the creation of a set of boxing techniques of his own.

Zheng Tuo didn't bother the Martial Dao senior, he understood after just a few glances.

Brother Bu Dao has incorporated the combat aura of Rage God and God of War Knife into his boxing techniques.

Using boxing as the basis to assist one's own practice, and being able to absorb the aftermath of other people's battles, it's no wonder that martial brother's practice is so fast.

Thinking about it, everything is because of this righteous boxing technique.

Thinking of this, Zheng Tuo didn't pay attention to martial arts, but chose to continue his practice.

Zheng Tuo and Martial Dao, two senior brothers, are not far apart in this way, and practice separately.


Some people have set foot here.

Looking up, there is no one but Black King.

Needless to say, the talent of the Black King, Zheng Tuo even suspected that the Black King was transformed by the demons of Emperor Samsara.

He is not surprised that this product can reach this place.

"What a strange boxing method?" Hei Wang obviously also saw the difference in martial arts boxing. Unlike Zheng Tuo, Hei Wang's reaction to such a boxing method was disgust.

"It's really a boxing technique that makes people feel dissatisfied!"

The Black King gave Wu Dao a hard look. After all, he had been defeated by Wu Dao before, and the unhappiness in his heart had been going on for a long time.

How can he be happy now that Wu Dao is using this kind of boxing that he hates.

But after thinking about it, he finally decided.

The most urgent task is not to be unhappy with martial arts, but to seize the time to watch the battle and practice as soon as possible.

Battles at the level of a wallbreaker are rare, no matter how many strong people, how many evildoers, I have never seen a battle at the level of a wallbreaker in my entire life.

He could meet the black king, it was a chance that God gave him, he had to seize it.

Not much nonsense, the black king took a step forward and moved on.

Seeing such a desperate Black King, Zheng Tuo didn't say anything to stop him.

The black king has his own ideas, and it doesn't mean that he can stop it.


The black king really has his own ideas.

He stepped forward and entered the restricted area in front of him. It only took a moment for the black king to turn into a black mist of death with a bang.


Zheng Tuo was dumbfounded?

What's the matter with the black king? After all the hard work and hardships to get here, he just gave up on himself.


After observing for a while, Zheng Tuo immediately understood.

Just like martial arts brother's boxing method, Black King also has his own way of practice, and this guy's way of practice is to keep dying.


The black king practiced the power of death, and he was like a god of death.

Only through continuous death, using continuous death to return, and returning after death, so as to understand the battle of the wall breaker, can he become stronger.

It's just that the black king's practice method is too extreme, and it actually exploded directly.

Zheng Tuo shook his head.

Practitioners all have their own way of practice, especially evildoers, not to mention the evildoer among evildoers like the Black King.

I ignored it, just looked at the black queen who was constantly hovering between self-explosion and rebirth, and continued with his practice.

The practice was a little quiet and a little noisy, but they were all proceeding in an orderly manner.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the battle between the Rage God and the God of War Sword is still going on, and the fluctuation of the battle does not mean to decrease in any way.


Zheng Tuo slowly opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at a woman who was walking towards him not far away.

The woman was wearing a long dress made of petals of various colors, her snow-white skin could be broken by blows, and she was walking towards him step by step with her small white feet like a blooming peony flower.

Zheng Tuo quickly searched his memory, but did not find such a woman.

In other words.

In his experience of cultivating immortals, he did not know this woman.


There is nothing wrong with such a woman clearly walking towards him.


Zheng Tuo immediately understood the need to be vigilant after a moment of thinking.

In nature, the more beautiful things are, the more deadly they are.

And this noble woman like a peony flower in front of her is obviously not an ordinary existence, because from the beginning to the present, Zheng Tuo has not noticed the depth of the other party's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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