The strange fog ravages the world, covering the entire world of reincarnation.

"The god of weirdness?"

Feeling the strange fog rolling around, Zheng Tuo immediately thought of the God of Weirdness.



An inexplicable force descended in front of him.

A huge figure appeared in front of his eyes like a sacred mountain.

"Shixian, you and I meet again!"

The indistinguishable voice of the God of Strangeness reverberates under the void, the space trembles, the void is sunken, and everything around is trembling because of the words of the God of Strangeness.

Zheng Tuo did not respond, he remained on high alert.

The world of reincarnation was unexpectedly invaded by the strange god in silence. Now it seems that some of the creatures in the world of reincarnation have been severely injured, and even infected by strange forces, becoming strange creatures.

Damn it!
Zheng Tuo frowned.

How could I not discover the invasion of the strange god.

"Shi Xian, I don't have any malice in doing this, it's just a bargaining chip to cooperate with you." The God of Strangeness spoke out, trying to tell Zheng Tuo why he did this.

"no offence?"

Zheng Tuo felt the strange power around him, and the world of reincarnation that was invaded by the strange power.

"There is really no malice!"

Zheng Tuo said in a strange way, he didn't have any good face towards the god of weirdness.

"Shi Xian, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will not embarrass your reincarnation world, and even, I will return everything to you, how about it."

The God of Weird actually wants to cooperate with Zheng Tuo, the purpose is self-evident, obviously for the reincarnation tower.

"That's it!"

Zheng Tuo's response was unhurried.

"Shixian, I know that there are many misunderstandings between you and me, but you should be clear that all misunderstandings can be resolved, and there is no conflict between you and me in essence, what do you think?"

Facing what the strange god said, Zheng Tuo chose to remain silent.

"Shixian, as long as you cooperate with me, I can tell you more information about the Celestial God Group. I think you should need this information very much now."

The God of Weirdness resorted to his own means, trying to lure Zheng Tuo to cooperate with him.

"Information about the Heavenly God Group?" Zheng Tuo was quite interested in it, "Yes, yes, you are a member of the Celestial Clan, so you naturally know some secrets about the Heavenly God Group, so tell me the secrets you know, Let me see the secrets you know, whether it is worth working with me."

"Smart little guy." The strange god's words were full of appreciation, "Shi Xian, I can tell you some secrets, but first, the so-called God of War and Evil God are just afraid that you have the ability to destroy a hundred thousand stars. It's just ability, if you don't have such ability, they will take action directly and suppress you."

"That's it?"

"Of course it's more than that. I can also tell you that there is actually a powerful existence beside you. He is a member of the Celestial Group, but you haven't discovered it."

"You mean..."

"That's right, it's the Rage God!"

"What evidence do you have that Rage God is one of the members of the Tenjin Group?"

Zheng Tuo once had doubts about this, in his eyes, anyone can doubt it, including Rage God. …

It seems now.

Maybe my suspicion is not wrong, the Rage God has a very special position, maybe he is one of the members of the Tenjin Group.

"There is no need to prove that Rage God will definitely join the Tenjin Group after this incident is over, there is no doubt about it."

"Eh..." Zheng Tuo was speechless, "That is to say, today's Rage God is not a member of the Heavenly God Group, and everything is just your fantasy?"

"No need to fantasize, Killing Immortal, you have to understand that a wall-breaker has the difficulties of a wall-breaker. When one day you reach the level of a wall-breaker, you will understand that it is even more difficult to continue to improve, which is why the wall-breaker The reason why those who are willing to put down their bodies and follow the gods to form the gods group is that there is no way ahead, and the wallbreakers need to hug each other and turn into torches to move forward."

Zheng Tuo can fully understand what the God of Weird said.

The Wall Breaker is already the real ceiling of the practice world, and there is no realm above the Wall Breaker.

Walking on such a road without boundaries, the wall-breaker will also be confused, and even fall into the mist due to careless practice, which will lead to his own fall.

and so.

The appearance of the Tenjin group is not accidental, but a kind of necessity.

"Shi Xian, it seems that you understand my words very well, so you should understand that it is only a matter of time before the Rage God joins the Celestial God Group. Against the weather, it seems that she still wants to make a breakthrough by herself, but when she realizes that there is no way ahead, she will join the Tianshen group, become one of them, and create a new path with other wall breakers."

The indistinguishable voice of the God of Strangeness echoed in the world, and also echoed in Zheng Tuo's ears.

He is not Rage God, but he understands Rage God's situation at this moment.


If his position is not too special, he also has plans to join the Celestial Group.

The Celestial God Group is an alliance headed by Wall Breakers. There are eight gods, one high priest, and one God Lord. There are ten Wall Breakers in total.

There is absolutely no harm in cultivating by the side of these ten wall breakers.


He can use such power to make his practice faster and reach the realm of the wall breaker as soon as possible.


For various reasons, he could not join the Celestial Group.

Whether he promised longevity to protect the world of reincarnation, or he didn't want to reveal that he had the Supreme Dao Rune, he missed the Celestial Group.

"Shixian, the information I gave you is useful."

"Information should be useful, but I have already shared these beliefs. Now listening to what you say, it is just confirmation of these things."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, with your intelligence, you will think about it even if I don't talk about it, and you will understand it in the end. It doesn't matter, but what I want to say is to cooperate with you, Shi Xian, you should understand , You won’t be able to hold on for long, the ones who are besieging now are only the gods of war and the evil gods, if those guys in the god group make a move, even if you have a reincarnation order, you will not be their opponent.”

The God of Weird warned Zheng Tuo in this way, telling Zheng Tuo that there are more powerful guys in the Tianshen group.

"It doesn't matter if you are a powerful existence. I have the ability to destroy a hundred thousand star channels in an instant. What can they do to me?"...

"Hahaha... Shixian, you are too naive. You have to understand that not all members of the God Group are interested in the Tower of Reincarnation. Unfortunately, the guys I mentioned have no interest in the Tower of God. If they make a move , will never care whether the so-called star channel is destroyed, if they make a move, the only ending is to kill you."

"I wouldn't believe it if you said that. If the guys you said dared to do this, wouldn't they be afraid of being punished by your so-called gods?"

"This is where you are naive. The status of these guys is equal to that of Lord Tianshen, and Lord Tianshen is just cooperating with them. Therefore, if they make a move, you will not be able to hold back."

After what the God of Weird said, Zheng Tuo was still a little nervous.

"Strange God, as you said, there are a few ruthless characters in the god group who can target me, but so what if I cooperate with you, should they target me or will they target me? Could it be that they won't target me if you are here? me?"

"No, I can't stop them if they want to target you, but I can help you fight them. Don't underestimate me. I am the god of weirdness, a member of the god group, and an existence of the same level as a wallbreaker. , if you and I cooperate, we may not lose to those guys."

It can be seen that the God of Weird is quite afraid of those guys in the Tianshen group, and he dare not say that he will win in cooperation with Zheng Tuo.

"Strange god, you think I will believe your nonsense, you cooperate with me, are you not afraid that they will target your body, you are all members of the god group, I will not have any trust in you."

The God of Strangeness cannot be trusted, the God of Flowers cannot be trusted, and the God of Desolation and the God of War, the Cthulhu God, are even more untrustworthy.

This group of wall breakers has more hearts than one. If he completely trusts the other party, and even gives everything he has to the other party, he can't do it, absolutely can't do it.

"Shixian, it seems that you still don't understand what the Tenjin Group is. The Tenjin Group is just an organization. You join it because of profit, not because of submission, especially the eight gods in the Tenjin Group. We, the Eight Gods, join the Tenjin The group joins the gods as equals, and there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates at all, so the fact that you are being targeted by other wall breakers in your words exists in itself, and since it exists in itself, why are you afraid to say it."

The God of Strangeness has his own pride. As one of the Eight Gods of the Celestial God Group, he will naturally not be afraid of other people, even though those guys are strong enough.

"Is that so?"

Zheng Tuo's response seemed to be no response, he was thinking about the powerful relationship.

have to say.

He really needs to be careful when he walks among the powerhouses of all parties in the Tianshen group.

Whether it is the evil god or the strange god, they are all existences that he cannot really provoke.

After all, the other party's body is a wall breaker, and his strong body strength already explains everything. All he has to do is to stabilize everyone.

"God of weirdness, tell me, what is the purpose of your cooperation with me?"

Hearing Zheng Tuo's question, the God of Strangeness immediately beamed with joy.

Because this shows that Zheng Tuo is moved, otherwise he would not have asked such words.

"Shixian, the purpose of my cooperation with you is very simple, that is to use your river of power to restore my original strength."…

Zheng Tuo couldn't believe it when the God of Weird said such words.

He knew that the God of Strangeness had been injured, and now his body should be sleeping in the strange world.

He wants to use his own river of strength to heal his injuries and revive his body, which he can completely understand.


He believes that the strange god has other purposes, such as the spirit of the reincarnation tower.

The spirit of the Reincarnation Tower is related to the ownership of the entire Reincarnation Tower. He believes that the strange god will not be ignorant of this matter. Now that he knows it, with the character of the strange god, he will not fail to snatch it.

God of weirdness, god of weirdness, as I thought, you have hidden too many secrets.

of course.

Zheng Tuo didn't expose the other party, because even if the other party was exposed, it wouldn't make any sense, that's not what he wanted.

"God of Strangeness, what you want is neither simple nor complicated, so what benefits can I get?"

Zheng Tuo wants more good things.

"what do you want?"

"There are many things I want, such as the original fairy fruit, innate treasures, peerless supernatural powers..."

"You are really greedy, kid, but I like it very much. If you are not greedy as a strong man, you will not be able to achieve your current status and strength."

The God of Weird nodded, admiring Zheng Tuo.

"Actually, I really know where one of the things you mentioned is."


"A congenital treasure."

"A congenital treasure?" Zheng Tuo suddenly became interested.

After seeing the God of War Knife and the God of War Armor, he had long hoped that he could obtain an innate treasure.

But after all, it is an innate treasure, the most powerful magic weapon in the world of cultivating immortals, even a wall breaker cannot achieve a one-of-a-kind innate treasure.

He is a half-step wallbreaker, what ability does he have, and what qualifications does he have to obtain the innate treasure.

"Kid Xianxian, I do know the whereabouts of a congenital treasure, but you have to understand that a congenital treasure has its own spirituality. If he approves of you, he will follow you. If he doesn't approve of you, not only will he not follow you, but he may If you want to know the whereabouts of the innate treasure, I can tell you right now, as to whether to go or not, it all depends on your own choice."

The strange deity turned into a normal human size and appeared in front of Zheng Tuo.

Instead of trying to establish his prestige with a powerful spiritual pressure, he chose to talk to Zheng Tuo in an equal capacity.

"So, haven't you been recognized by that innate treasure?" Zheng Tuo was curious about this.

The strength of Wall Breakers is obvious to all, and they are extremely rare.

He believed.

With the strength of the weird god at its peak, it shouldn't be a problem to get the approval of the innate treasure.

"Shixian, I don't want to lie to you. It's not that I didn't get the approval of the innate treasure, nor did I try to suppress it, but I couldn't catch that guy."

"Can't catch it?"

"The innate treasure I'm talking about is based on speed. If you don't want to be caught, no one can catch it. This is why no one can get it even though you know that there is a congenital treasure. In fact, the innate After all, there is still a gap between the treasure and the wallbreaker, and even this gap is enough for the wallbreaker to take action and suppress the innate treasure, but if he can't catch the opponent, he will naturally be unable to suppress and surrender."

Speaking of this, it seems a pity for the God of Strangeness, he had a chance to obtain an innate treasure.

As long as he has that innate treasure, he will be invincible, but unfortunately, the speed of that innate treasure is too fast, he can't catch up with the opponent at all.

"Since that's the case, how do you know where this innate treasure is when the opponent is so fast?" Zheng Tuo asked.

"Back then, I tried to suppress him. Although I was unsuccessful, I still left a strange divine mark on him. As long as I rely on my strange divine mark, I can find that guy."

"Really?" Zheng Tuo remained skeptical.

"Shixian, believe what I said, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will hand over my strange order to you. With the help of the strange order, you will be able to find this innate treasure, how about it?"

Facing the temptation of the God of Will, Zheng Tuo fell into deep thought.

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