Chapter 1865 Strange Heartbeat
The atmosphere is tense, and war may break out at any time.

Zheng Tuo glanced across the audience, looking at the state of everyone present.

Except for sister Fairy and Bai Jingtian, the strength of the rest of them is only half fairyland, and this group of people can barely reach the level of half-step wallbreaker by virtue of the formation.


It is also easy to break the formation of this group of people. He needs to find a direction and escape from this place.

And the direction of escape must not be the other party's territory. Fortunately, he had chatted with Bai Jianxian and knew some information about this place.

"Bai Jianxian, you and I are destined to end here, and we are leaving." Zheng Tuo said and walked forward, wanting to leave this place.


Bai Jingtian shot directly, attacking Zheng Tuo.

Faced with such an attack, Zheng Tuo's heart skipped a beat.

Killing intent!
He actually felt the killing intent from Bai Jingtian's body. What's the situation, he and Bai Jingtian met for the first time, and the other party actually wanted to kill him.

With a movement, he dodged Bai Jingtian's attack.

"You Ultimate Clan are really unreasonable!" Zheng Tuo shook his head, not entangled with Bai Jingtian.

His figure was erratic, with several ups and downs, he had already reached the edge of the formation that imprisoned him.

Without any hesitation, he raised his hand and punched out.

The powerful force carrying the power of reincarnation turned into an attack, and with a bang, it slammed hard on the formation in front of it.



The screams of wiping came and went one after another.

The surrounding digital half-immortals who were in charge of setting up the formation were blown out on the spot, causing the entire formation to collapse instantly.

Without any hesitation, Zheng Tuo stepped away from here, and after a few ups and downs, he could only see a figure from his back.

"Want to go!"

Seeing that his formation was broken, Bai Jingtian was immediately annoyed.

"Wu Ming, you don't want to escape from my palm today."

Bai Jingtian followed closely behind to catch up, and his elder sister Fairy Bailu and Bai Jianxian also followed closely behind, so the three of them chased after Zheng Tuo.

Four beams of light passed through the void, heading towards the inner direction of the ultimate reincarnation.

"Sister Bailu, Brother Jingtian, stop chasing me. Brother Wuming is my savior. It's wrong for you to do this."

Bai Jianxian yelled anxiously.

On the one hand, there are older brothers and sisters who watched her grow up and protected her from being bullied, and on the other hand, the savior Wuming who just saved her life. She was very sad to be caught in the middle.

"Little Bai, do you know the identity of Wuming?" Bailu said.


"This Wuming is the descendant of Emperor Reincarnation."

"Reincarnation Emperor?" Hearing these three words, Bai Jianxian immediately thought of something, "Could it be that the Reincarnation Emperor my sister mentioned is the greatest enemy of our Ultimate Clan?"

"There is only one Reincarnation Emperor in the world, and there is no one else except this Reincarnation Emperor." Bai Lu's eyes were full of anger.

There is an ancestral precept among the ultimate clan, that is, any existence related to Emperor Samsara will be killed without mercy.


The reincarnated emperor came to their ultimate clan like this nameless to ask for directions. They treated him as a guest of honor, but in the end they brought disaster to themselves and almost caused their own clan to be wiped out.

And as the instigator of the whole incident, Emperor Reincarnation escaped and abandoned their ultimate clan.

Since then, the Ultimate Clan has made an oath to kill any living beings related to the Emperor of Samsara that they encounter.

Zheng Tuo didn't know the reason, but he knew that the other party would not let him go, because that Bai Jingtian showed killing intent towards him.

As a half-step wall breaker, he can perfectly control his killing intent, but if Bai Jingtian shows his killing intent to himself, it means to really kill himself.

Keep running.

Zheng Tuo didn't choose to stop fighting the next three, because it was not yet time.

His understanding of the Ultimate Clan came from Bai Jianxian. There are several ruthless characters in this Ultimate Clan, especially the patriarch, who are said to be extremely powerful.

and so.

Absolutely must not have any entanglement with the other party, otherwise, if the other party's reinforcements arrive, he will be besieged by several half-step wall breakers.

He is naturally not afraid, but it is better to be more cautious in this kind of thing.

Running at full speed, at the same time, he was using his methods at high speed, trying to confuse the three people behind him. After all, his move was very useful for the snake girl, and he hoped it would be useful for the three people behind him as well.


His methods worked a little bit, but the elder sister Fairy Bailu seemed to have some special methods, and was able to lock his body all the time, making him chased by the three crazily.

It's really difficult!

Zheng Tuo looked at the three behind him intentionally or unintentionally.

Bai Jianxian's pursuit of him was just to explain, and to stop Bai Lu and Bai Jingtian at the same time, but Bai Lu had no intention of killing, and Bai Jingtian wanted to kill himself.


Continue to run at full speed, and in the process, mountains, rivers and rivers keep passing by.

This running lasted for three full days, and three days later, Zheng Tuo suddenly felt moved and looked to the side.

Not far from his side, he saw a number of people.

It is actually not accurate to say that it is a person, it is a woman, the lower body is a snake, and the upper body has four arms, there is no mistake, that is actually a snake girl.

Depend on!
Seeing such a scene, Zheng Tuo couldn't help cursing inwardly, asking if he should be so unlucky.

When he was in such a dangerous moment, he unexpectedly met this snake girl again.


The snake girl didn't look at herself, but at the trio of Bai Jianxian.

The trio of Bai Jianxian stopped and looked at the snake girl at the same time, and the snake girl also stopped and looked at the three.


Both parties seem to know each other.

But Zheng Tuo didn't care so much, and continued to speed up and run wildly.

As a result, the snake girl who originally wanted to kill him unexpectedly helped him, allowing him to escape from this place smoothly.

Not long after, the sound of battle started!

The trio of Bai Jianxian and Snake Girl fought frantically. When the powerful wave came, Zheng Tuo understood that the two sides might be fighting to the death.

Good thing, good thing!

Zheng Tuo nodded slightly.

You fight as you like, I will just run away.

I thought about leaving quickly.


"Brother Anonymous, Brother Anonymous, wait for me!"

Bai Jianxian turned into a stream of light and caught up with Zheng Tuo at this moment.

"Brother Wuming, I'm sorry, I didn't know that things would turn out like this." Bai Jianxian seemed to have no malice towards Zheng Tuo, and the apology in her words was like her personality, which made Zheng Tuo believe it a little bit.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, I accept your apology, but for now, you and I will leave now. We will meet each other if we are destined. Let's go." Zheng Tuo said and left.

He didn't want to have anything to do with Bai Jianxian.


He didn't know what kind of existence Bai Jianxian was, in case this girl acted with him, she would kill him later.

Second come.

If Bai Jianxian is with him, if he fails to keep them together, he will attract more ultimate clans, which is too dangerous for him, and the gain outweighs the gain.

With these two points in mind, he hurriedly left the White Sword Immortal, not wanting to have any entanglement with him.

On the other hand, Bai Jianxian, like a rascal, directly relied on Zheng Tuo.

"Brother Wuming, you are going to the inside of the ultimate reincarnation!" Bai Jianxian is very fast, and she has recovered her strength, and her combat effectiveness can be regarded by Zheng Tuo.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, your brother and sister are fighting with others, why don't you help?" Zheng Tuo couldn't tell what this Bai Jianxian was thinking, and deliberately alienated him.

"No need, brother and sister are very strong, and the snake god can't do anything to them."

"Snake God?"

Zheng Tuo seems to have won the title of Snake Girl.

"That's right! Snake God, one of the Five Poison Gods, the villain named after that old poison." Bai Jianxian couldn't help but glance back at this point, as if he wanted to go back to punish rape and eliminate evil, but in the end Still hold back, continue to follow Zheng Tuo.

"Since you are one of the Five Poison Gods, you, as the existence that controls the power of light, should not help. What is the use of you following me?"

Zheng Tuo continued to urge Bai Jianxian to leave.

"No, although it is indeed my mission to kill the snake god, the snake god is not so easy to be killed. After all, it is one of the five poison gods. Even the patriarch can't kill it. Even if I go It’s useless, it’s better to go on an adventure with the nameless brother.”

Bai Jianxian's eyes were full of twinkling little stars, and he looked very excited, which made Zheng Tuo even more suspicious that this Bai Jianxian's heart was not only eighteen years old.

Eighteen-year-old half-breaker?

Looking at the innocent Bai Jianxian in front of him, without the domineering name of Bai Jianxian, Zheng Tuo believed in him in a trance.

It was the first time he had seen the White Sword Immortal, why did he believe in him so much, even, that kind of inexplicable trust made him quite convinced.

Zheng Tuo is highly vigilant about this!

Trusting a person for the first time, in his opinion, is a very dangerous signal, because you never know what tricks the other person has used to make you feel this way.

He has the confidence to face any half-step wall breaker, but the methods of some half-step wall breakers are really hard to guard against, so there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, are you planning to go on an adventure with me?"

"Yes, yes, brother Wuming, you can take me with you, okay?" Bai Jianxian put on a flattering look, and actually called him brother instead of brother Zheng Tuo.

Bai Jianxian in such a state made Zheng Tuo even more vigilant.


Absolutely must not have anything to do with Bai Jianxian, this woman is not simple, she can actually make him feel good.


Turn around and take a quick step to escape.

Seeing Zheng Tuo who fled so resolutely, Bai Jianxian immediately smiled.

"Brother Wuming, I knew you were the best, wait for me, let's go on an adventure together." Bai Jianxian followed closely behind.

You don't say it.

Also a half-step wall breaker, Zheng Tuo, relying on his body skills, was unable to shake off Bai Jianxian, and was followed by him relentlessly.

Is it that strong?

With the method of shrinking the ground to an inch, he couldn't get rid of it. What kind of identity is this Bai Jianxian using.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Bai Jianxian no matter what, Zheng Tuo could only choose to compromise. After all, he couldn't directly kill Bai Jianxian.

During the run.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, aren't you afraid of falling because of taking risks with me like this?" Zheng Tuo told the other party that there was danger and told him not to follow.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Life and death are inherently impermanent. I've thought about it a long time ago, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to the old poison's territory to fight the old poison."

Bai Jianxian looked like a mature young man, and he was actually very happy when he spoke.

"Although I said this, if you do this, your family will definitely worry. Go back. If you want to take risks, I think your brothers and sisters will definitely accompany you. With them accompanying you, you will definitely lose a lot of money." Dangerous, if you follow me, it will be too dangerous."

Zheng Tuo continued to persuade, since he couldn't get rid of it, he could only persuade him with words.

"Brother Wuming, I know, I know that brother Wuming is stronger than sister Bailu and brother Bai Jingtian, and he is much, much stronger. I can feel that brother Wuming's strength is unfathomable, so following brother Wuming to take risks is definitely better than following brother and sister Safety."

Bai Jianxian seemed to be convinced of Zheng Tuo, and even said that Zheng Tuo was stronger than Bai Lu and Bai Jingtian.

"Your elder sister Bailu and elder brother Bai Jingtian are both outstanding, so it may be unfair to say them!" Zheng Tuo didn't know how to persuade Bai Jianxian.

"Brother and sister are indeed very powerful, but they are not as powerful as brother Wuming. Brother Wuming, you saved me from the old poison. I believe that brothers and sisters can't do it, even the patriarch can't do it. , Brother Wuming, just take me on an adventure, I will definitely not hold you back."

As Bai Jianxian said, the power of light surged in his hand.

"Brother Wuming, my power of light is very powerful. With me by your side, you will definitely be able to find your friends and save them. And I have very special abilities. As long as you give me their breath, I will be able to follow their tracks with the power of light."

Bai Jianxian said that he was very useful, and even told Zheng Tuo how useful he was.


What Zheng Tuo was looking for was the spirit of the Tower of Samsara. Before that, he didn't have any aura of the spirit of the Tower of Samsara, so he didn't need Bai Jianxian at all.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, this is the end of the matter, I will tell the truth, I don't like you following me, because you have too many secrets and dangers, if you follow me, it will definitely bring disaster to me, you go."

If you can't be soft, you can only be tough. Fortunately, the relationship between him and Bai Jianxian is only superficial, and the other party can break through the defense and leave soon after he talks like this.


Bai Jianxian does not seem to be within this range.

"It's fine, it's fine, I can take care of myself, if it's dangerous, brother Wuming will just leave me behind, I'm fine." Bai Jianxian blinked his eyes, because his beautiful face made himself a little cute, and for a while Zheng Tuo's heart moved.

what happened?

Why is there a feeling of heartbeat.

When I met Bai Jianxian for the first time, I had experienced life and death at best, so how could I feel excited.

Zheng Tuo was instantly alert!

Because what's happening right now is obviously not right.

He had seen too many beautiful women and knew too many, so how could he be suddenly moved.

Thinking of this, he immediately checked himself. Could it be that he has been poisoned or has some kind of supernatural power?

After careful inspection, he suddenly felt something.


It's not that my heart is moving, but the reincarnation emperor pattern on the Immortal Killing Halberd is moving.

(End of this chapter)

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