Facing Jiang Liuli's proposal, Zheng Tuo refused in his heart.


It seems that he has the ability to make Jiang Liuli see something he wants to see.

"No problem, if you are willing, I will naturally not refuse." Zheng Tuo agreed with a smile.

"Okay, let's look at you first." Jiang Liuli said with a smile, as if I was convinced of you, which made Zheng Tuo somewhat embarrassed.

"No, look at yours first. You know, I need your help now. If I ask you to look at my state of mind first, and if you don't show me your state of mind later, there is nothing I can do. On the contrary, I think you state of mind, if you don’t show me my state of mind, you will definitely not help me leave the world of Emperor Yan, how about it, what I said is not wrong.”

Zheng Tuo has already calculated Jiang Liuli's temper, this person is a donkey, you have to smooth it out, otherwise, he will definitely blow up the temple with you.

"Okay, what you said makes sense, come on."

Jiang Liuli came to Zheng Tuo, raised her hand, and grabbed the corner of Liuliyu.

"What is this for?"

Zheng Tuo was puzzled?

"My fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, you have to understand that now you and I have not yet reached the state of complete mind-to-heart connection, so I need to touch Liuliyu to let you see my state of mind. Why, you are such a confident master , are you afraid that I have some means to fail?"

Jiang Liuli was grinning, as if she was asking if you could do it, Jiang Liuli who looked like this immediately drove Zheng Tuo crazy.

It seems.

I really can't stay here any longer, if I continue to stay here, Jiang Liuli will pick me up if I don't keep it all right.


Leaving this Emperor Yan world is the wisest choice.

Thinking in his heart, he also raised his hand and clamped a corner of Liuliyu with two fingers.

"Shixian, you heard me, Liuliyu's motivating method is this..."

Jiang Liuli trustingly told Zheng Tuo the magic door opened by Liuliyu. After Zheng Tuo understood, with this method, he entered the Liuliyu in the blink of an eye.


Jiang Liuli's soul body also entered it smoothly.


Zheng Tuo just felt dizzy for a while, and appeared in a red valley.

Everything around here is crimson, but the sky here is the color of glazed glass.

The whole world reveals an inexplicable and strange beauty, there is nothing wrong with it, it is an inexplicable and strange beauty.


Strangeness is weirdness, and it has nothing to do with beauty itself, but standing here, Zheng Tuo can feel the strange beauty emanating from here.

"It's a wonderful place."

Zheng Tuo had his hands behind his back, his body was as straight as an ancient pine, and his eyes were like a deep starry sky, looking at everything around him.

That kind of admiring the scenery made Jiang Liuli beside him couldn't help but look anxiously.

"I really didn't expect you to be so calm when I saw my state of mind for the first time. It's not easy!" Jiang Liuli seemed to be sarcastic, but her teammates admired her in her heart.

In my state of mind, there is the power of her soul, which is extremely powerful. When ordinary people enter this place, they will be affected, and thus become their own puppets and be controlled by themselves.

of course.

There are very few people in her who can come here, except for her own father, Grandpa Shoumiao once came to her state of mind, and the Immortal Killer in front of her is the third guy who came to her state of mind.

Could it be that the power in my heart is not strong enough?
Why is there nothing unusual about Killing Immortal, or that Killing Immortal is strong enough to block the attack of his invisible soul body.

Jiang Liuli was puzzled, Zheng Tuo slowly turned around to look.

"Fairy Liuli, I treat each other with sincerity, why are you treating me like this?" Zheng Tuo said calmly in a loud voice.

"What?" Jiang Liuli turned her face away with a look of confusion, "Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, I don't know what you are talking about, I have already unfolded all my thoughts, what do you want from me?"

Looking at Jiang Liuli like this, Zheng Tuo smiled slightly.

"Fairy Liuli, your state of mind is really beautiful, but there is an extremely strong suppressive force here, and there are no soul attacks coming to me all the time. If I am not strong enough, I am afraid that I will be defeated by your invisible and formless attacks. He was tortured in the midst of it and became a puppet for you to drive."

Zheng Tuo said this calmly, and then looked at Jiang Liuli with the look that you still want to say something.

Jiang Liuli was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing what to say.


Her idea is very straightforward, that is to introduce Shi Xian to this place, and then use her powerful means to suppress it and use it for herself.

after all.

Now the Immortal Killer in front of her is nothing more than a Dao body. I believe that a Dao body should not have a strong soul body.

Good guy.

Who would have thought.

The soul body of this Immortal Killing Dao Body is so strong that it is unimaginable, and it can actually compete with him. I really don't know how strong this guy's body is.

"Ahem... Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, you should understand me. After all, this is my state of mind. It is the closest place to the soul body. If I don't set up many precautions here, what if you directly attack my soul body? Once you attack my soul body, and then suppress and enslave my soul body, wouldn't I lose my wife and lose my army?"

Jiang Liuli, you have to understand my appearance, Zheng Tuo smiled slightly after seeing it.

He didn't continue to talk about this topic, because he knew that it was meaningless to continue arguing with Jiang Liuli like this. For him, what he wanted to see was not the case.

"Well, my state of mind is like this, you have seen it, go and see your state of mind." Jiang Liuli said, trying to pull Zheng Tuo out of her state of mind.

"Don't worry, it's hard to come to Fairy Liuli's state of mind, it's not justified if you don't show me around." Zheng Tuo didn't intend to leave directly.

He hasn't found what he was looking for, so how could he leave so easily.

"Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, this is not the time to play leisurely, I have to help you leave quickly, let's not visit here, let alone there is nothing to see, Killing Immortal, Killing Immortal, don't go..."

Jiang Liuli hurriedly followed Shi Xian who took the initiative.

"Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, why are you so stubborn, my mental world is full of these volcanoes and glass, there is really nothing to see."

Jiang Liuli tried to stop Zheng Tuo, but Zheng Tuo looked at her politely.

"Fairy Liuli, since I have come here, if you don't let me see, then you have a ghost in your heart. Why, do you really have a ghost in your heart?"

Zheng Tuo took a step and approached Jiang Liuli, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Jiang Liuli immediately retreated, looking a little inexplicable.


Because of her own inexplicable fluctuations, her entire mood appeared unstable.


Zheng Tuo just saw that there were many clips about himself in this mental world. In the world of one's own state of mind.

"Immortal Killer, don't watch!"

With a wave of Jiang Liuli's hand, all the surrounding images disappeared immediately.

The ground is still crimson, the sky is still glazed, and everything around seems to have not changed, but in Zheng Tuo's view, everything has changed.

"Interesting, interesting." Zheng Tuo smiled.

"What's interesting, it's not interesting at all, Shixian, don't use your methods to make my mood fluctuate." Jiang Liuli tried to say something, but found that Shixian had disappeared before her eyes.


"Fairy Liuli, what did you just say?"

Zheng Tuo's voice came from behind Jiang Liuli's ears, and from the distance so far, he could already feel the gentle fluctuations of Da Zheng Tuo.

For an instant.

Jiang Liuli is not well.

It doesn't matter that she is not well, her state of mind has undergone a huge change at this moment, and everything around her is turbulent with Jiang Liuli's state of mind.

Just now it was just a picture, but at this moment, fragments appeared, and some fragments seemed so real, because it was all kinds of things that happened not long ago.

Zheng Tuo looked at the various clips and fell into inexplicable contemplation.

"Could it be, Fairy Liuli, that you really like me, otherwise, why would your mood tremble violently when I approach you, and then various pictures related to me will appear."

Zheng Tuo turned his head and looked at Jiang Liuli who was staring at him angrily.

"What do you like or not? I just have a better impression of you. After all, you just helped me save the world of Emperor Yan. It's normal for me to have a good impression of you, isn't it?"

Jiang Liuli explained to herself, saying that it was all because of this that I didn't like you.

"Yeah." Zheng Tuo nodded, "I can understand what you said. After all, I am still very handsome and powerful."

"Hey!" Jiang Liuli said disdainfully, "Shixian, I have never seen such a narcissistic guy like you, I really can't see how handsome you are, how powerful you are."

"It's right if you don't see it. If you see it, I'm afraid it will be hard to extricate yourself." Zheng Tuo continued to speak.

"That's enough, Shixian, you don't need to use this kind of thing to test me, because it's meaningless, take a step back, even if I like you, so what, there are some things you know, and I know, but there is no need for any explanation .”

"There is nothing wrong with what you said. You don't need to explain what you know. What you explain is what you already know. Yes, it seems that you and I have begun to have a tacit understanding."

Zheng Tuo smiled slightly, and continued to visit Jiang Liuli's state of mind.

"Shixian, I think it's about the same. Your test of me is over, and it's time for me to test you."

"No, it's not over yet. I haven't asked some questions yet. Come on, walk with me. During the period, I will ask you some questions. If you answer well, I will believe you."

Zheng Tuo took a step in the void and continued to move forward, visiting the whole state of mind.

Jiang Liuli's heart moved, and for no reason, the whole state of mind was filled with another kind of fluctuation called happiness.

Under such fluctuations, Jiang Liuli was in a bad mood.


Shi Xian was still testing her, and she actually felt happy because of the other party's words. What did this mean? It meant that she really had feelings for Shi Xian, but she didn't realize it.


Standing in her state of mind, she felt this kind of fluctuation and saw the thoughts deep in her heart. For a moment, her whole body was in a mess.

How could this be?
This was Jiang Liuli's first thought at this moment.

I am the daughter of Emperor Yan, even if this immortal is one of the protagonists in the world, I shouldn't fall in love with her so easily.

"Don't doubt, your feeling is right." Zheng Tuo said, "Actually, it's not difficult to explain your feeling now."

"Do you know why?"

"of course."

"Tell me about me, I want to hear." Jiang Liuli quickly followed Zheng Tuo.

"Actually, you should have noticed it yourself." Zheng Tuo turned his head and glanced at Jiang Liuli, then withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance, "You were awakened from a deep sleep by being broken, not voluntarily awakened from a deep sleep, that is to say , You woke up at the wrong time, which caused you to be in a state of complete ignorance, in this state, you encountered many, many troubles, and for a while, you lost yourself."

Silent for a while, giving Jiang Liuli some time to think.

"I lost myself?" Jiang Liuli couldn't help being afraid for a while when she heard this.


She did lose herself for a moment and couldn't find her direction. It was at this time that she met...

Jiang Liuli turned her head and looked at Zheng Tuo.

When she was lost, she met the Immortal Killer in front of her.

"That's right, you met me. Actually, when you were with me, I already saw that there was a problem with you, so I used Xiaobai to leave something on you, and it was also because of this little thing. , so that you don't lose yourself completely, so you can find your former self."


Jiang Liuli didn't believe this, but she was indeed lost before, and she thought she had found herself with her own strength.

"Of course, I never lie, but even if I don't help you, I believe you can find yourself, but it will take a very long time, and I believe that during this long time, you may die .”

Said the most serious death in the most plain words, which made Jiang Liuli tremble for a moment.

Will he die?

She never thought about it.

Now that she heard what Shi Xian said, she had this kind of awareness.

If Shixian didn't show up, and if Shixian didn't control the Yandi Divine Formation, then facing the god of death and the god of war, and those dozens of half-step breakers, he might really fall because of this.

"I didn't expect that you did so much for me, but I didn't know it at all." Jiang Liuli fell into a kind of self-blame, and her whole mood also fluctuated because of her emotions, becoming gloomy and terrifying look.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a matter of raising your hands. If you thank me for this, then you will probably be able to thank me forever."

Zheng Tuo responded with a smile, his whole body was like sunshine, exuding an indescribable charm.

Such Zheng Tuo, seeing the words in Jiang Liuli's eyes, made him stand there in a daze for a while, not knowing how to respond.

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