"Greetings, Mr. Immortal Killer."

In the world of Emperor Yan, all the strong men and former minions of Emperor Yan bowed down to Zheng Tuo in this hall of Emperor Yan, and believed in Zheng Tuo as the new master.

Zheng Tuo didn't say anything.

He slowly raised his palm.


The scorching flames of Emperor Yan rose up, illuminating the entire hall and the world of Emperor Yan in the blink of an eye.

a time.

The entire world of Emperor Yan seemed to have its own sun, and all living beings looked up at the flame of Emperor Yan.

Without any words, Zheng Tuo has gained everyone's approval by virtue of such means.

"Master Yandi, where will you and I send troops to conquer the gods of the earth!" The red-haired old man Chi Yan looked very excited.

"Send troops, send troops, send troops..."

The sound of dispatching troops rolled and moved, ravaging the world.

Emperor Yan's old department held a breath in his heart, and the resentment in this breath was no less than Jiang Liuli's resentment.

They all followed Emperor Yan to conquer the Quartet, and Emperor Yan was the eternal master to them.

They had witnessed their master being beheaded with their own eyes, and now they met a new master, so they naturally wanted this new master to take action and kill the sinner, Earth God.

"I have my own ideas about the crusade. Now, Yandi's world needs to keep a low profile. You need to step up your practice. There is only one truth in this world, and that is strength. I hope that when the conquest army is assembled, you can let me Feeling strong support, not like this right now, and inside, just anger."

Zheng Tuo's voice rolled and moved, resounding in all directions, echoing in the ears of all Yan Emperor's former troops.


The uniform response could not be dispersed for a long time in Yandi Hall.

"Go back!"

As Zheng Tuo's voice fell, all the powerful people from all walks of life in the Great Hall of Emperor Yan left.

Above the high position, Zheng Tuo was wearing a fiery red robe, exuding an aura of calmness and prestige.

He has the method of cultivating Emperor Yan, so now he seems to have an indescribable arrogance.

This Yandi method is really overbearing, I only practice part of it, but I feel the pain in my body, and I have the feeling that it may be torn apart anytime and anywhere.

Not only the physical body, but also the soul body.

No, Emperor Yan's method is too domineering. Although he can practice it, if he continues to practice, his small body will be destroyed in minutes.

No way.

Now he is nothing more than a Dao body, with such a Dao body, it is impossible to truly practice Emperor Yan's method completely.

of course.

Regarding the method of Emperor Yan, he has a way to practice it. If the main body comes, there should be no problem and he can practice it completely.


take it easy.

Zheng Tuo thought in his heart, just a thought, to communicate with Yandi Divine Formation.


His soul body appeared in the Yandi Divine Formation.

The Yandi Divine Formation covers the entire Yandi world, and Zheng Tuo at this moment is like a fish in the vast ocean.


He should be the Neptune of the vast ocean.

Everything here is under his control.

and so.

He urgently needs to sense carefully, that is, to be able to sense in the Emperor Yan's divine formation, which does not belong to the world of Emperor Yan, but belongs to the backhand set up by the Earth God.

He appeared in an area, raised his hand and punched out.


The Yandi Fist carried a towering fighting spirit, and ruthlessly bombarded a void.

In an instant!
The void exploded, and a figure appeared in it.

"Immortal Killer, I didn't expect you to find it so soon!"

It was an old man with white hair and white beard, and his skin looked ugly. If you look closely, you can tell that it is a ray of the spirit of the earth god.

Without any hesitation, Zheng Tuo made a strong shot directly.

The Yandi Fist covers the world, even if it is cast with the soul body, not everyone can resist it.

Seeing this, a ray of the earth god tried to resist, but he knew that he would die for sure.


The defensive formation he had just formed was easily crushed into slag in front of Yandi Fist like paper.


The Emperor Yan pattern turned into divine flames, directly enveloping it.

"Immortal Killer, don't you even think about searching for my soul..."

The spirit of the Earth God struggled to dissipate by itself, but it was a pity that it was just a remnant soul left here by the Earth God.

In front of Zheng Tuo today, he has no right to self-destruct at all.


The remnant soul was easily suppressed by Zheng Tuo. Later, Zheng Tuo urged the method to directly search for the soul and find useful information in it.

Even though it is just a wisp of the remnant soul of the earth god, the amount of information in it is quite sufficient.

"Not bad……"

Zheng Tuo smiled, and then continued to walk through the ocean of the Yandi Divine Formation, continuing to search for the backhand left by the Earth God.

The Yandi Fist continued to swing, and all the backhands left by the Earth God were destroyed by Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo was not at ease after all the backhands of the earth gods in the Yandi Divine Formation had been cleared away.

The Earth God is the one who breaks into the wall with the way of formation, and his achievements in the way of formation are far beyond his imagination.

The formation it set up must be extremely mysterious, if you don't check carefully, there may be omissions.


In order to check the danger in Emperor Yan's array, he directly used the law power of Emperor Yan's world.

The power of law in Emperor Yan's world comes from Emperor Yan himself, which contains the power of Emperor Yan, which is one of the forces that cannot be shaken by the earth gods.

Relying on the power of the laws of Emperor Yan's world, he really found a few backhands left by the earth gods from the Emperor Yan's array.

Fortunately, I also have some understanding of the formation.

Zheng Tuo thought to himself.

If he didn't know how to play and know how to find it, even with the help of Emperor Yan's world law, he might not be able to find the backhand of the Earth God in Yandi's formation.


He has always been cautious in doing things, and he continued to pay for the backhands of the Earth God in the Yandi Divine Formation.


He simply used the land lines obtained from the Earth God, and using the land lines as the power is to use the Earth God as the foundation to motivate the backhands in the Yandi Divine Formation.


There are still a few backhands that he didn't find.

"Fortunately, I was careful enough to refine the land pattern of the Earth God in advance. Otherwise, this backhand, which cannot be detected by the laws of Emperor Yan's world, will inevitably become one of the means to kill myself."

Through the ground pattern, he grabbed those hidden backhands and wiped them out one by one.

When all the backhands of the Earth Gods were captured, he had a thought to communicate with the entire Yandi Divine Formation.


Personally feeling the entire Yandi Divine Formation being driven by him, based on his perception of the way of formation, and after carefully feeling it, he can finally be sure that the Yandi Divine Formation has been [-]% used by him, and all the earth gods in it The backhands have all been cleared.


He, who has always been cautious, still maintains a worry about this.

With a thought, he released some puppets that were refined based on the ground pattern, and continued to search inch by inch in the Yandi Divine Formation.

In this way, he was relieved.

After getting rid of the great killer Yandi Divine Formation, his next target is the Second Divine Formation of the Earth God.

The second divine formation of the Earth God is a complete divine formation, and it is almost impossible to completely eradicate the complete divine formation.

A long way to go!

Zheng Tuo knew that his time was running out, and he had to destroy the entire Second God Formation before the other bodies of the Earth God came.

let's start.

With a movement of his body, he came directly to the center of Emperor Yan's world.

Sitting here cross-legged, he moved the ground pattern and began to sense the location of the second divine formation in Emperor Yan's world.

It only took a moment for him to feel the location of the second divine formation.

In an instant!
He has entered the world of the Second Divine Formation.

Since this place is different from the inside of the Yandi Divine Formation, it is quite different, because this second divine formation is based on the formation method set up by the entire Yandi World.

In other words.

There is only one possibility to destroy the Second Divine Formation, and that is to destroy the entire world of Emperor Yan.

"What a ruthless earth god!"

Zheng Tuo frowned.

To destroy the entire Yandi world in order to destroy the second divine formation. In this way, if the Yandi world is destroyed, then the Yandi divine formation will not continue to exist.

I have to say that the Earth God's method of killing two birds with one stone is really worth learning.


Zheng Tuo smiled.

The God of Earth would never have imagined that I could refine the land patterns and let the land patterns be used by me.

That being the case.

With a thought, a crystal ball appeared in his hand.

There are dozens of earth gods and spirits in the crystal ball.

These are the backhands left by the Earth God. Originally, he wanted to kill them all in one go, but now it seems that these things are still useful.


With a thought, he directly used the ground pattern to try to refine all the souls.

"What's going on, kid who kills immortals, how could you use my land lines, how did you do it?"

The spirit and soul of the earth god merged into an earth god.

"The world is so wonderful, isn't it normal that there are things you don't understand?" Zheng Tuo responded with a smile.

"Sure enough, you are really different. From you, I have seen countless possibilities. Therefore, as long as I turn you into the root of my fairy formation, the fairy formation will definitely be successful, hahaha..."

The earth god trapped in the crystal still looked crazy. Looking at such an earth god, Zheng Tuo continued to activate the earth pattern, trying to refine it.

"It's useless. The land pattern belongs to me. Even if you can use it, you can't [-]% activate it, let alone destroy the second god formation with this method."

The God of Earth is very confident, the lines of the earth are his power, how could he allow others to use it.

"You're right. I really can't activate the land pattern [-]% in front of you. If I can't activate the land pattern [-]%, then I can't destroy the second god formation, but you can."


The Earth God didn't understand the mystery for a while, and then he felt his soul tremble.

"Come on, I've become a puppet!"

The Earth God instantly knew what had happened.

This guy, Killing Immortal, deliberately put the earth pattern in front of him, and then let himself absorb the earth pattern. At the same time, he secretly manipulated himself, making himself a puppet at his disposal.

"Earth God, I not only understand the way of battle, but I am also proficient in the way of puppets."

Zheng Tuo spoke with a smile.

He naturally knew that the second god formation could not be destroyed by relying solely on the land pattern, so he refined the earth god into his own puppet, and by relying on the earth god as a puppet, he was able to destroy the second god formation.

"Shixian, you think you can really control me, in a dream, I won't let you control me even if I die..." Earth God said, trying to destroy himself.

But he has been suppressed from beginning to end, and now he has become a puppet, unable to self-destruct at all.

"Be honest and obedient. If I'm in a good mood, I might give you a good time. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll give you to Jiang Liuli. I believe that Jiang Liuli will treat you well, right?"

Zheng Tuo showed a wicked smile.


It was obvious that the God of Earth was moved when he heard Jiang Liuli.

after all.

Not long ago, Jiang Liuli's cruel behavior to his Taoist body was still vivid in his memory.

Cruelty is no longer enough to describe what Jiang Liuli has done to her, perhaps it is only a tenth of what is outrageous.

"It's good, it's good to know that it's good to be honest. Next, just help me with things."

With a thought, Zheng Tuo directly urged the Earth God Puppet to communicate with the second God Formation.


With the help of the Earth God Puppet, the most fundamental core position of the Second God Formation was revealed in front of Zheng Tuo.

Looking at the huge eyes in front of him, Zheng Tuo's expression was extremely serious.

The suppression of the Second God Formation is extremely strong, and it needs a powerful magic weapon to destroy it.

The Emperor Yan Sword appeared in his hand.

"Killing Immortals, it's useless. The power of Yandi Sword is indeed powerful, but this Yandi Sword is very special. With your current strength, you can't exert its full power at all. If you can't exert your full strength, you can't destroy it at all. The eye of the second divine formation, after all, this is the divine formation."


Zheng Tuo scoffed at this.

"Earth God, it may be okay for you to fool children, but you almost have no intention of fooling me."

"What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that at the beginning I was indeed deceived by you, thinking that you really set up a divine formation in the world of Emperor Yan, but now I find that this so-called second divine formation is not at the level of a divine formation at all, you are lying I."


The Earth God snorted coldly, as if he had acquiesced.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. You only started to arrange formations in the world of Yandi after the fall of Emperor Yan. It stands to reason that the world of Emperor Yan had already entered this ultimate reincarnation, and this ultimate reincarnation does not allow wallbreaker level With the emergence of power, if you don't have the power of the Wallbreaker level, you can't arrange the god formation. Therefore, according to this reasoning, the second god formation at this time is just a formation disguised as a god formation. In fact... ..."

Zheng Tuo slowly raised the Emperor Yan sword in his hand.


The Emperor Yan Sword suddenly burst into a burst of strong light, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a 500-meter-long scarlet sword.


Zheng Tuo swung the 500-meter long sword in his hand in an instant, and with a whoosh, he cut the second god's eyes horizontally.

next second.

The second god formation directly opened to the outside world until it finally completely dissipated.

"Shixian, you are indeed a bit smart, but so what, those guys outside will definitely become your nightmare, hahaha..."

"You may be right, but next, you have to face your own nightmare."

"what are you going to do!"

"Of course I will give you to Jiang Liuli as a gift, so that you can enjoy the torture, hahaha..."

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