The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 2034 The Arrival of the Invincible King

Chapter 2034 The Arrival of the Invincible King

Zheng Tuo was silent, and the others present did not speak.

They were all waiting for Zheng Tuo's response.

"You're worried about me, aren't you?"

Tiger God broke the silence at this moment.

Zheng Tuo didn't respond, which was a kind of response.

"You are worried, if you take out the spirit of the reincarnation tower, I will use means to snatch his spirit of reincarnation. After all, my understanding of the ultimate law of reincarnation in the spirit of the reincarnation tower far exceeds your understanding. Right."

Tiger God is very smart, knowing that his position at this moment is very embarrassing.

Zheng Tuo remained silent. In fact, for him, this was indeed the case.

What he is most worried about is Tiger God, this guy can do anything for his own purpose.

Under such circumstances, Tiger God might not do what he just said.


For him, if he doesn't need the help of the Tiger God, he won't be able to awaken the spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

a time.

He was caught in a dilemma.

A moment of silence.

Zheng Tuo found a way.

"Actually, what you said is not wrong. I am only worried about you. However, I have a way to solve this matter."

With that said, Zheng Tuo looked at Xiaobai.

"What does Brother Killing Immortal need me to do!"

Xiaobai is eager to try.

She had just heard what the Tiger God said, and she was already so excited that she wished she had participated in it and enjoyed that extreme adventure.

"Xiaobai, you want a spirit beast." Zheng Tuo said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tiger God's mouth twitched.

"Yes, yes, I want it!"

Xiaobai smiled, as if he wanted the spirit beast very much.

She obviously didn't realize that the spirit beast Zheng Tuo mentioned was the Tiger God beside her.

"Tiger God, what do you think?"

Zheng Tuo's method is very simple, that is to make the tiger god become Xiaobai's spirit beast.

With the particularity of the power of the little white light, the Tiger God dare not appear against his will.

in fact.

He originally wanted to take back the Tiger God himself, and let the Tiger God become his spirit beast, so that he could control the Tiger God [-]%, so that the Tiger God would not dare to go against his will.


He thought about it.

The Tiger God has been entrenched in this ultimate reincarnation for a long time, and ghosts know what special means it has.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if Tiger God has other means to shield the contract between the two parties, wouldn't he be restrained by the other party.

On the other hand, Xiaobai is different.

Xiaobai is the Goddess of Light, and by virtue of her status as the Goddess of Light, once the Tiger God signs a contract with her, she will be suppressed by her.

Tiger God looked very embarrassed.

Even though Xiao Bai is the Goddess of Light, even though his status is so special, he doesn't want to be anyone's spirit beast.

But now.

If he doesn't do this, he will lose Shi Xian's trust. Compared with his own freedom, if he loses Shi Xian's trust, he will lose everything.

Isn't it just to become someone else's spirit beast, which is nothing compared to the great things you want to accomplish.

"I agree."

As the tiger god said, he handed over his imprint of soul and body.

"Xiaobai, is it your turn?"

Xiaobai is very smart. Seeing the tiger god like this, he understood the spirit beast that Zheng Tuo said.

"That's not good!"

Xiaobai didn't expect that the spirit beast mentioned was actually the tiger god.

The Tiger God was very kind to her, but she was not used to why he suddenly became her own spirit beast.

"It doesn't matter, my body is a reincarnation tiger. It stands to reason that there is no difference from the monster race. It doesn't matter if I become a spirit beast."

As the Tiger God said, he simply appeared beside Xiao Bai in the shape of a tiger.

Seeing the Tiger God in such a state, Xiaobai accepted the Tiger God as a spirit beast without even thinking about it.

Wait until Xiaobai recovers the Tiger God.


A soft and wonderful white light radiated from Tiger God's whole body.

next second.

The Tiger God directly condensed his physical body and appeared in front of everyone.

Look up.

The Tiger God is tall and mighty, covered in snow white, exuding an incomparably holy aura, not only that, but there is actually a pair of wings on the tiger's back.

The wings are also white, with many light lines flashing on them, which is mysterious and wonderful.

"This is?"

Tiger God was amazed by his changes.

Everyone was equally astonished at the change of Tiger God at this moment.

"What's going on here?" Zheng Tuo looked at Xiao Bai in confusion.

"I don't know what happened, but it might have something to do with the power of light." Xiaobai didn't know what happened, but what happened at this moment seemed to be a good thing.

"The power of reincarnation in my body has all disappeared, and it seems to be replaced by... the power of light?"

Tiger God's eyes were full of astonishment!

"That's not the power of light, that's the power of ice."

There was a voice, and when I looked up, it was the God of Flowers.

It is not surprising that the Flower God appeared in the crowd, because Zheng Tuo sent a message to tell the Flower God the location of the people very early.

"The power of ice?"

Tiger God was puzzled and tried to ask why.

"Xiaobai is the goddess of light. As the goddess of light, she has the ability to bestow power on everything. Therefore, just now, Xiaobai unintentionally gave you the power of ice. From now on, you will no longer be a reincarnated creature, you It will be a creature of light, a creature that belongs exclusively to the Goddess of Light."

With Flora's interpretation, everyone understood the reason.

"I can't see that Xiaobai has such an ability, the means to bestow power on everything!" Zheng Tuo rarely smiled.

"The name of Goddess of Light is not something anyone can call casually. Xiaobai represents light, the unique light."

Flower God looked at Xiaobai, but his eyes were full of distress.

The result of the goddess of light is to turn into light, illuminating everyone.

Death is doomed, and this is true of any generation of goddesses of light, at least from the legend, there has never been any special.

"I'm not a reincarnation!"

Tiger God looked at his huge claws, as well as his snow-white skin and wings.

a time.

He didn't know how to face it.

To know.

He has been a reincarnation since he uttered his voice, and his ultimate reincarnation is his hometown. At this moment, he is no longer a reincarnation.

"Little white tiger, don't worry, I'm here, and I will help you find your wife."

Xiaobai stretched out his hand to touch the silky skin of the Tiger God, and he seemed to treat him like a pet, which was a little inexplicable.

after all.

Tiger God was still the King of Remnant Blood just now, and he became a spirit beast in the blink of an eye, and everyone didn't accept it for a while.

On the contrary, it was Xiaobai, who turned his brain faster than anyone else, and directly raised the Tiger God as a spirit beast.

Tiger God has no choice but to accept his own fate.

Spirit beasts are spirit beasts, anyway, they are better than dead ones.

Tiger God became Xiaobai's spirit beast, and the power of reincarnation in him was eradicated. Such an accident made Zheng Tuo very happy.

The Tiger God's power of reincarnation was washed away, which meant that the threat to him had been reduced several times. In this way, he could rest assured that the Tiger God would help him awaken the spirit of the Tower of Reincarnation.

"This is the end, Tiger God, come with me."

As Zheng Tuo said, he directly led Tiger God into the world of Emperor Yan.

In the world of Emperor Yan, with the existence of the Emperor Yan Formation, even if the Tiger God has any means, he can quickly counter it, so that he will not let the Tiger God restrain him.

"Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, you are really cautious enough!"

Looking at Zheng Tuo who was so cautious, Tiger God was somewhat speechless.

of course.

He also knew.

Killing the Immortal should be cautious. If it were me, I am afraid that I would become more cautious, and even set up all kinds of terrifying evil formations to help me complete this matter.

"What is the method?"

Zheng Tuo asked directly, Tiger God didn't hide anything, and just told Zheng Tuo the method.

Zheng Tuo listened to the method, and then nodded.

He took out the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

It can be seen that the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower exudes a soft white light, and that looming appearance seems to be about to fall at any time.

"He's very weak!"

Seeing this, Tiger God said.

"Well, he's been through a lot, and it's normal to be weak."


He urged the reincarnation emperor pattern, and began to try to awaken the spirit of the reincarnation tower.

The process didn't last too long, just dozens of breaths, and the spirit of the reincarnation tower came to fluctuate.

"The ancient method of reincarnation?"

The Spirit of the Reincarnation Pagoda heard such fluctuations and asked Zheng Tuo.

"You know him."

Zheng Tuo pointed to Tiger God.

"Are you? Little Tiger?"

The spirit of the reincarnation tower made such fluctuations, as if it knew the tiger god.

"My name is Tiger God now."

Tiger God's forehead was covered with black lines.

He knew the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, and had fought side by side before, and now they met, and it was too late to sigh, but he was called a little tiger.

"Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, don't gossip, I heard that you know the whereabouts of the three ultimate laws of reincarnation, tell me where they are."

Zheng Tuo asked directly, not wanting to waste time.

Now at this moment, I don't know when I will be discovered by King Samsara and others, so I have to be quick.

"Who told you, little tiger?"

Faced with such a situation, the Spirit of the Tower of Reincarnation appeared very sophisticated.

"That's right, I told Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal, and I also told Fellow Daoist Killing Immortal what happened back then." Tiger God told the truth without any concealment.

"What happened back then?"

Mentioning this matter, the Spirit of the Reincarnation Pagoda was very angry.

"Are the damn reincarnation king Invincible King and Longevity King still alive?"

It can be heard that the spirit of the reincarnation tower is extremely angry.

In the battle back then, those three guys were extremely insidious, if not for this, the master would not have lost at all.

It's just the ultimate nine kings, and the master didn't just behead him casually.

"The three kings are still alive, not only that, they are devouring the power of my law, and when their devouring is over, they will become stronger."

When the Tiger God said this, the spirit of the Samsara Pagoda became even more aroused.

"Shixian, now that you have the body of a wallbreaker, you are completely capable of killing those three guys. Go, avenge your master."

The spirit of the reincarnation tower directly ordered Zheng Tuo to do things, trying to get Zheng Tuo to take action, kill the three kings, and avenge the reincarnation emperor.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

There was a lot of displeasure in Zheng Tuo's words.

This fellow, the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, has never been able to tell what his identity is.

The last time this guy woke up, he looked like he was invincible.

Now when I wake up this time, it still looks like this.

"Immortal Killer, you should be very clear that you need me." The Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower said so.

"No, no, it should be that you need me." Zheng Tuo smiled badly, "Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, you should be very clear that I can protect you, and I will not use you to do any bad things, but if you Falling into the hands of other people, such as the Three Kings, I believe they have ten thousand ways to make your life worse than death, and make you hand over the power of the three ultimate laws."

Hearing this, the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower was taken aback!
He thought about it.

It seemed that this was indeed the case, the current self really couldn't bargain with this Immortal Killer.

"Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, take ten thousand steps back, even if you will not be taken down by the Three Kings, if you are snatched away by the group of gods, you will become their slave and be the one who beheaded your master, Emperor Reincarnation. Your slave, such a humiliation, can such a face-saving person like you bear it?"

Zheng Tuo continued to use strong medicine and continued to intimidate the spirit of the reincarnation tower.


The spirit of the reincarnation tower thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Allowing myself to do things for those bastards who beheaded their master will make him collapse more than beheading him.


If those guys forcibly refine themselves, they will not have any ability to resist.

"Spirit of the Tower of Reincarnation, at this moment, only by cooperating with me can you survive and accomplish what you should accomplish."

"What should I do?"

The Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower fell into deep thought.

Zheng Tuo didn't disturb the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower, he looked at the other side so quietly, waiting for the response from the Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

for a long time.

The Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower finally understood the powerful relationship among them.

"Shi Xian, I can cooperate with you, I can even become your magic weapon, but you have to promise me one thing, as long as you promise me this thing, I can be used by you, how about it."

"You want to say, let me avenge the reincarnation emperor."

Zheng Tuo had guessed what the spirit of the reincarnation tower was thinking.

"That's right, as long as you promise me to avenge my Lord Reincarnation Emperor, kill the three kings, and kill those bastards who killed my master, I will help you do things. Otherwise, even if I destroy myself, I will not help you do things." .”

The Spirit of the Reincarnation Tower was very decisive, and he had obviously considered it.

As the magic weapon of the Emperor of Reincarnation, he fought with his master all the way forward, and even though he had reached the peak, he still fell.

If it wasn't for the fact that the master was seriously injured back then, and his state was not at its peak, how could those little trash from the god group be able to kill the master.

"Let me think about it."

Zheng Tuo didn't agree in one word.

Emperor Reincarnation's vengeance is not complicated to say, but this vengeance wants to kill the wall breakers, including the Flower God.

"Shixian, you know, you don't have any room for consideration, because you also need my help now." Following the words of the reincarnation tower, Zheng Tuo nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

"Okay, you and I cooperate and make him turn upside down." The spirit of the reincarnation tower has endured and wants to make a big fuss.

Just when the two sides negotiated and cooperated.


Zheng Tuo felt an indescribable terrifying force coming quickly

Just a moment.

Then there was a figure descending on the field.

Looking carefully, the man was broad and fat, with a big beard.

"The Invincible King!"

After seeing this person, Zheng Tuo recognized his identity.


Tiger God's words were full of astonishment, because the Invincible King who appeared in front of them turned out to be the main body.

(End of this chapter)

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