Chapter 2052
Jiang Liuli's departure made many people in the Hall of Reincarnation eager to try.

As Jiang Liuli said, such a level of battle, such a large-scale battle, has never been seen in his life.

They are now watching the battle happening beside them, and it is absolutely false for anyone who does not want to participate in it.


If they participate in it, it is very likely that they will perish here.

Life is extremely important to them, not to mention such a large-scale battle, there will be no accidents when they are buried here.

Because in their eyes at this moment, the battle outside is almost crazy.

In the frenzied fighting of strong men from all walks of life, no single supernatural power can shake the world, and under every supernatural power, a strong man will fall.

Such a level of combat is too scary.

It is believed that in the history of the practice world, there has never been such a large-scale battle.

after all.

Because of the particularity of the Samsara Tower, some passages in the Hundred Thousand Worlds were opened, so the best of the creatures in the Hundred Thousand Worlds appeared in the Samsara Tower and participated in the battle at this moment.

Not only that.

I don't know if it's because of the high priest's means, but at this moment, there is a ray of light constantly shining in the tunnel of [-] stars.

More and more strong men came through the channel of stars and joined the battle at this moment.

A battle of this level can be called a battle like a meat grinder. The supernatural powers of all kinds of powerhouses are raging in the world, and the entire Samsara Tower is being affected except for the Samsara City.

The frightening battles border on frenzy.

in this way.

Some people in Samsara City couldn't help but join in and participate in this epic battle.

As more and more people joined, the entire battle continued to escalate, and Zheng Tuo's pressure skyrocketed crazily.

He was originally in a state of balance, but who would have thought that there would be strong people coming from the channel of stars to participate in the battle at this moment.

a time.

The new force was also infected by the high priest, and they frantically fought Zheng Tuo like chicken blood, trying to kill Zheng Tuo.

What is the high priest to do?
Such a scene makes the visitors inexplicable?
With the high priest's current means, he is fully capable of personally taking action to kill Shi Xian.

But he didn't make a move, instead he kept summoning all kinds of strong men to target Shi Xian.

Someone asked why, Zheng Tuo also asked why, but now, he has no time to ask.

The boxing technique is still steady, punch after punch, with some kind of dao rhyme.

Although his physical condition is extremely poor now, because in the process of continuous fighting, his body has been hit by various magical powers, and he is already scarred.

But Zheng Tuo didn't care about it.

He's at his best right now.

The practice of Daoquan is getting better and better, and the whole person is perfectly integrated into the boxing.

His Dao fist is fused with various powerful and unparalleled Dao patterns. These Dao patterns have different attributes and conflicts in themselves, but because of the existence of the supreme Dao pattern, these Dao patterns can be perfectly integrated in it, and because of the perfect The fusion makes these Dao patterns exert more wild power.

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

The boxing technique is exquisite and stable, Zheng Tuo's whole body is covered in blood, and he continues to practice his boxing technique meticulously.

"Shixian, you have reached your limit, you know it."

The voice of the god of death came, trying to influence Zheng Tuo at this moment.

To know.

Now Zheng Tuo is in the most perfect state of practice, and he is fully devoted to it. If he is suddenly distracted by interruption, it may be difficult to enter that perfect state.

The god of death is convinced on the surface, but he is still unhappy in his heart.

The body of the Wall Breaker that I managed to obtain was easily snatched away by this immortal boy, and it seemed that he had completely controlled the body of the Wall Breaker.

and so.

He made a sound, trying to interfere with Zheng Tuo.

Not only that.

In order to get rid of Zheng Tuo, all the powerful people around him also used various means to try to interfere with Zheng Tuo's state at this moment.

All the powerhouses present at the scene were old-fashioned existences, and they had quite a lot of fighting experience. They had clearly seen that Zheng Tuo was using them as a whetstone to hone his boxing skills.

Such a scene made them extremely angry.

Who is not the proud son of heaven, who is not the boss of the ruling party, and now he is besieging a person here, and he is still regarded as a sharpening stone by this person.

People suddenly feel that they are being humiliated.

One by one, they used peerless methods, trying to defeat Zheng Tuo and achieve their own supreme prestige.

The idea is good, the means are powerful, however, the development of things obviously will not go forward as people think, because in this reincarnation tower, Zheng Tuo is the only true god.

If outside.

At this moment, Zheng Tuo had been exhausted by everyone's consumption and died on the spot.

Because in the outside world, his power is limited after all, but here, with the blessing of the river of power, his power is endless, even infinitely stronger than him with the Yandi Divine Formation.

The river of power is mixed with power of various attributes, and other people cannot directly absorb the power in the river of power for their own use, but Zheng Tuo is such a special person.

His supreme dao pattern can easily absorb the power in the river of power for his own use. With the blessing of the river of power, he himself is a perpetual motion machine with inexhaustible power.

Unless someone can close all the channels of the [-] stars, thereby blocking the source of the river of power, otherwise, as long as the river of power exists, Zheng Tuo will be called an invincible existence.

Zheng Tuo waved his fists.

His dao fist has begun to evolve, from the original full of killing intent to now only fighting intent.

Killing intent can certainly make a person stronger, but the particularity of killing intent will eventually affect the practitioner's state.

On the other hand, the fighting spirit is very different.

The will to fight will not damage itself, and even because of the particularity of the will to fight, it will make itself stronger and climb the peak.

not enough!

Even though his boxing skills have shed the cloak of killing intent, leaving only a strong fighting intent to fight with everyone, but Zheng Tuo is very clear that it is not enough, it is still not enough.

To make his Dao fist perfect, it is not enough just to have fighting intent, what he needs is Dao intent.



Comprehending the meaning of Dao, and integrating this meaning into boxing, such a punch is the tangible embodiment of Dao. At that time, his Dao fist is the real mastery.

But this road is not easy to walk.

Even though now he has strong enemies looking around, his practice can be called crazy progress, but there is still a long, long way to go before the so-called Taoism, the so-called great achievement, and even at this moment, he can't see this at all. the end of the road.


When he completes Daoquan Dao in the true sense, he has the ability to set foot on the wall breaker and become an existence at the level of the wall breaker.

Zheng Tuo took this as a goal to practice.


His boxing has become very special.

Originally, the attack was swift and fierce, and the boxing technique was extremely domineering, but suddenly there were various strange changes.

Sometimes fierce, sometimes soft, sometimes even shrinking...

The sudden change of such a strange boxing method made everyone present feel guilty.


Some people realize that Zheng Tuo is breaking through his own body, and more people are beginning to have such awareness.

The emergence of such a situation made everyone even more unhappy.

Their identities are quite noble, some are the leaders of a major sect, some are even the founders of sects, and some are even supreme figures who unify the world.

This group of them was actually regarded as a whetstone, and it was a very useful whetstone.

a time.

The heroes are passionate, and their combat power has increased several times, and they are about to defeat Zheng Tuo here.

The improvement of everyone's combat effectiveness has doubled the pressure on Zheng Tuo.

Even though he has endless blessings of power, his physical body has its own limit after all.

As such a large-scale battle continued, his physical body gradually began to fail.

Wounds spread all over his body, blood poured out like a river, and his soul body was so exhausted that he might pass out anytime, anywhere.

Such a large-scale battle is too terrifying. Even though Zheng Tuo has an invincible will, even if he is still invincible, and even severely injured most of the surrounding enemies, and even killed many, he is still a mortal body. May not hold up.

In this case, Zheng Tuo did not use the body of the Wall Breaker as a weapon in battle.


The body of the Wall Breaker has never made a move, and Zheng Tuo is completely using his body to fight everyone at this moment.

He had to do this, because only in this way could he clearly feel the touch from the physical body and truly practice Daoquan.


In order to practice Daoquan, he did not use many powerful trump cards, such as the world of ten directions, the cauldron of killing immortals with Dao patterns, black bricks, black coffins...

He did not use all kinds of powerful means.

At this moment, he only uses his Dao fist to fight with everyone.

"Immortal Killer, you will definitely lose today!" The God of Death looked at such a scene and said so, but he already recognized Zheng Tuo in his heart.

The recognition between the strong and the strong is so simple.

A strong man can tell whether his opponent is strong or not, this is the sign of a strong man.

Zheng Tuo did not use other means, and those means were extremely powerful in the eyes of the god of death, especially the physical body of the Wall Breaker.

If the physical body of the Wall Breaker is used, I believe that the Immortal Killer will not be injured at all, and will even sweep everyone away to win the final victory.

But it didn't use it, it completely used its own Dao fist to fight, and it was fighting, using its own fighting to practice its own boxing.

Such a bold and daring guy really has the potential to become a strong man, no, Shi Xian is already a strong man, a strong enough to become a wall breaker.

Zheng Tuo did not respond.

He is seriously injured now, and he can no longer do other movements. The only thing he can do is punching.

Punch after punch, punch after punch...

Zheng Tuo maintained his own state, and the whole person entered a state of selflessness.

Even though his flesh and blood were flying everywhere, and blood was splashing, he didn't care about it.

He still shot with all his strength, his boxing skills were superb and steady, punch after punch, fighting against enemies from all directions.

Looking at such a scene, everyone had a feeling that they could feel the Tao rhyme from Zheng Tuo.

The dao rhyme of the boxing is so clear, it also marks that the opponent's boxing has improved.

Everyone was astonished!

The more tyrannical and ferocious their attack, the more swift and violent this immortal killing practice will be.

Is it necessary for everyone to stop in order to stop the other party's practice?
The appearance of such an idea immediately caused everyone to retreat.

They don't want to be anyone's whetstone, but some people still attack strongly, because their own strength is also rapidly improving under the continuous attack.

Zheng Tuo is practicing, so why not other smart people.

Many people's cultivation has been stuck in their own realm for many, many years. During such a long period of time, they have tried countless ways to practice, but it is difficult for them to make an inch of progress in their realm.


They were guided by the high priest, and they felt that their blood was boiling, and their cultivations that had remained static had finally loosened.

They have been waiting for such an opportunity for too long, and during this long wait, they finally have their own opportunity. They know that no matter what, no matter what, they must seize this opportunity.

The fierceness of the battle has been extreme from the very beginning, and now it has been fighting for a long time, and it still maintains a certain extreme.

People were crazy, using their own means to fight and fight against everyone present.


Some lunatics no longer only target Zheng Tuo, but choose to be enemies with everyone. As long as the creatures appear in front of him, no matter who they are, he will fight against them crazily.

The emergence of such a situation caused the entire Samsara Tower to be extremely chaotic.


There is a river of power in the tower of reincarnation, and the river of power can absorb all chaotic power, thus preventing more terrible things from happening.

It is also because of this.

The River of Power absorbs the power of all the powerful people present, and then, the River of Power supplies Zheng Tuo with continuous power. In this way, a very unexpected phenomenon appeared for Zheng Tuo. The supernatural powers and powers that come.


Those supernatural powers and methods that were killing him at this moment were actually perceived by him, and even with his own boxing skills, he was able to influence them.

Such a strange scene explained one thing, that is, at this moment, Zheng Tuo was unintentionally refining the power of everyone present.

His supreme dao pattern possesses the uniqueness of refining any kind of power for his own use. Now, through the medium of the river of power, he actually quietly refines the power of all the attackers around him during the battle.

If he continues to fight, as long as the fighting time is long enough, Zheng Tuo will definitely be able to refine all the dao patterns of everyone present and become dao patterns that can be used by him.


Zheng Tuo did not expect that such an unexpected situation would appear in the process of practicing Daoquan.

of course.

Such a situation is of great benefit to him.

The only way to practice his supreme dao pattern is to refine other dao patterns for his own use. Now, with this kind of opportunity, doesn't it mean that his supreme dao pattern has the opportunity to upgrade his level.

Thinking of this, Zheng Tuo took a deep breath, and while keeping himself focused, he had to prolong the fighting time.

(End of this chapter)

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