Chapter 2069 The Only Light
The Temple of Light is holy and extraordinary, but the people standing in it at the moment have their own thoughts.

Wallbreakers are also human beings, they also have emotions and desires, they also have things to fear, and they don't want to die in vain.

and so.

They will never let their bodies take risks easily, and their bodies stay in their own big world.


They were actually asked to take Xiaobai to such a dangerous place as the Primordial Immortal Realm, and if they took Xiaobai to the Primordial Immortal Realm, they would have to take care of Xiaobai until Xiaobai broke through and became a wallbreaker-level existence.

To know.

If one breaks through to become a Wall Breaker in the original fairy world, the movement will be very huge, and it will definitely attract the prying eyes of many powerful people.

Under such circumstances, if they are not careful, they may suffer severe injuries, and may even be beheaded.

How could they, who had lived for such a long time, do such a stupid thing.

Everyone has their own ghosts, making the whole situation very quiet.

"Everyone, I advise you to put away your little thoughts, otherwise, Hei Lian will expel the second petal." Bai Ze's calm voice awakened everyone from a certain state.

When everyone woke up, they immediately looked at Heidan, where Heilian was.

At this moment, the black lotus turned slowly, and there seemed to be nothing unusual, but they all felt the warmth they had felt before.


The negative power they had just produced was absorbed by the black lotus and became the nourishment of the black lotus.

"This place is not suitable for talking, everyone, come with me."

Zheng Tuo felt that the life in the black lotus seemed to be able to listen to everyone's conversations, so he directly asked everyone to leave the Temple of Light and return to the Hall of Reincarnation.

The formation was fully opened, and everyone was divided into four directions to continue discussing the matter just now.

"It seems that you don't want to take the risk of taking Xiaobai into the original fairyland." Zheng Tuo has seen everyone's thoughts.

Everyone present included the two Wall Breakers who were allied with him, the Rage God Flower God, and they didn't want to take any risks.

after all.

They all know the dangers of the primordial fairy world, not to mention taking Xiaobai around to play, and they don't know when Xiaobai will be able to break through.

"City Master Killing Immortals, it's not that we don't take Xiaobai to the Primordial Immortal Realm, but you have to understand that the Primordial Immortal Realm is too dangerous, and I won't go there alone unless a few of you present form a team to go together."

Reaper took the lead in expressing his thoughts.

He once wandered alone in the original fairyland for a period of time. During that time, he experienced several life and death, and almost fell into the original fairyland.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid that I will be just as miserable as I was back then if I wandered through the primitive fairyland alone with my current self.

"Brother Killing Immortal, you have to understand that the Primordial Immortal Realm is a very special place. It's not that we don't want to go, but that we dare not go."

Flower God took the initiative to speak at this moment: "The original fairyland is too dangerous, and the wall-breaker may be able to survive in it, but it is also very difficult."

Following the words of Death God and Flower God, several other people also expressed their views.

Without exception.

Several people said that the original fairyland was too dangerous, unless several people went together in a team, otherwise, they would never go alone.


The reality of a few of them teaming up is not realistic.

Several people present came from different forces, if they let themselves go to the original fairyland just because of Xiaobai, they would definitely not be willing.

"Actually, Xiaobai's practice does not necessarily require going to the original fairyland." Bai Ze spoke suddenly at such a moment.


The god of death jumped out first, "Bai Ze, since you know you don't need to go to the primordial fairyland, why didn't you tell me earlier, you scared me to death."


The rest of the people were also relieved to hear that they didn't need to go to the original fairyland.

Bai Ze didn't continue talking, he looked at Zheng Tuo, as if he wanted to say something to Zheng Tuo, but Zheng Tuo knew exactly what Bai Ze wanted to say to him.


Bai Ze was telling him that these wall-breakers in the arena cannot be trusted. It's good that they don't encounter critical issues on weekdays. If they encounter problems related to themselves, they will turn into a different face.

"Bai Ze, is it because Xiao Bai is the Goddess of Light?" The evil god thought for a while, and felt that only Xiao Bai's status could make Bai Ze say such words.

"That's right." Bai Ze nodded, "Xiao Bai is the Goddess of Light, the darling of a hundred thousand worlds, she doesn't need to go to the original fairy world to break through, because any rules of the realm have no effect on her, what this girl did The road is different from yours and mine."

Zheng Tuo was extremely surprised by what Bai Ze said!
Xiaobai is actually walking on a different road, and this road is obviously the road of practice. Xiaobai is not a practitioner in the traditional sense, so the realm has no meaning to Xiaobai.

Since realm doesn't mean anything to Xiaobai, doesn't it mean that as long as the power of light in Xiaobai's body reaches the level of a wallbreaker, he will have the level of a wallbreaker.

Thinking of this, he seemed to have found a way how to help Xiaobai, but he was so vague that he couldn't see clearly the way forward for Xiaobai.

"The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Light." Bai Ze chanted the words "Goddess of Light", "Since she is the Goddess of Light, she must naturally turn her heart towards the light. The direction must be related to the light."

"That's right, I've thought about it too." The evil god nodded, "Since she's called the Goddess of Light, if she wants to become stronger, it's naturally related to light."

Following this line of thought, everyone continued to deduce, trying to find Xiaobai's practice method or law.


Xiaobai has no interest in this.

For her, there is only one greatest interest, and that is adventure.


She knew that the current situation was very urgent, so she could only endure it and not leave.

The discussion among the strong men present was quite heated. For the strong men present, especially the wall-breakers such as Huashen, they saw a possibility in Xiaobai, a cultivation system completely different from theirs, and even Well, they couldn't even touch Xiaobai's practice system or even understand it.

Such a strange thing is very interesting to them, maybe they can gain insight from Xiaobai, and then use it in their own practice, maybe their chance lies in this, maybe they will be caused by Xiaobai Break through by yourself and become an existence beyond the level of a wall breaker.

Although since ancient times, including in the original fairy world, no existence beyond the level of the wall breaker has ever been seen.

But every wall breaker believes that he is the one who can break the shackles.

Everyone discussed very enthusiastically, only Zheng Tuo saw Xiaobai's boredom.

"Everyone, you guys continue to discuss this matter. I will take Xiaobai out for a walk, and maybe I will find something new." Zheng Tuo said and left with Xiaobai who had long been impatient.

The two left, and the discussion in the field was still not over.

Everyone present is strong, including the snake girl Black Dragon King, they are all monsters.

Such discussions were very fruitful for them, so they were able to continue the discussion.

Zheng Tuo took Xiaobai to change his appearance and walked in the city of reincarnation.

The Samsara City is vast and boundless. It is clearly a city-state, but it is like a big world, giving people a feeling that it is difficult to read.


The reincarnation city is full of rivers and rivers, and there are all kinds of creatures from the [-] worlds. At the same time, there are also all kinds of reincarnation creatures from the original ultimate reincarnation world and the original inhabitants of the reincarnation tower.

With such a huge base of creatures, various collisions are naturally inevitable.

In this reincarnation city, battles happen every day.

At first Zheng Tuo wanted to suppress it with an iron fist and prevent anyone from fighting, but the fighting still happened all the time.

No matter how he suppressed it, he couldn't suppress people's restless hearts. Therefore, he changed his strategy and directly followed the law, allowing people to fight, but they must go to a specific place to fight, and at the same time, no death is allowed.

in this way.

Nuo Da Samsara City has finally become much more peaceful. Although there are still battles every day, it is more than [-]% better than before.

Zheng Tuo took Xiaobai to play in Samsara City.

To be honest, it was rare for Zheng Tuo to play so leisurely in Samsara City, even though he was the only city lord of this Samsara City.

But this is the first time that I have played leisurely like today.

The road of practice is really difficult, with a talent like him, he still has too many problems to solve.

Forget it.

Putting these things aside for the time being, today I will concentrate on playing with Xiaobai in Samsara City, no, it shouldn't be today, in the days to come, he will accompany Xiaobai to play around.

Such a huge reincarnation city naturally has countless interesting and novel things.

after all.

There are creatures from all walks of life in Samsara City. These creatures have different shapes and sizes, their living habits, the languages ​​they use, etc., are all different.

Such a chaotic collision made the entire Samsara City extremely lively.

Some people were allowed to approach the river of strength to concentrate on cultivation, while others did not have enough cultivation resources to approach the river of strength, so they started business in this city of reincarnation.

Others joined the army in the city, because the army in the city was qualified to practice close to the river of strength within a few days.

There is no weak person in the so-called reincarnation city.

The existences that can enter the city of reincarnation through the tunnel of [-] stars are all the strong among the strong, and the evil among the evildoers. They come here with only one purpose, and that is to practice, and that is to make themselves stronger.

Zheng Tuo and Xiaobai are walking on the street. Xiaobai doesn't like everything around him, because there are too many incredible material collisions and too many incredible creatures collisions. This place is simply the cultural exchange center of the entire [-] worlds. .

The wonderful sparks make this place full of vitality, and everyone has a momentum, a momentum that makes people yearn for.

Xiaobai turned into an elf, playing wantonly on the streets of this reincarnation city.

Looking at Xiaobai who is so happy, has no scruples, and trusts anyone, Zheng Tuo doesn't know how to face Xiaobai.

He couldn't bear to urge Xiaobai to practice quickly, because this kind of thing was painful for Xiaobai, besides, Xiaobai didn't need to practice at all, all she needed was to play.

Zheng Tuo's heart suddenly moved, as if he had caught something, but he didn't catch anything.

The very vague feeling made him feel a little uncomfortable, and the feeling of nothing seemed to make him collapse, but every time he saw Xiao Bai's happy appearance, the anxiety in his heart disappeared.

Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and calmly look at everything in front of you.

He continued to play with Xiaobai, and in the process, he gradually forgot the troubles he should have had, and began to enjoy the experience of playing in the city of reincarnation.

have to say.

All kinds of thoughts and all kinds of creatures in the Hundred Thousand Worlds gathered here, and the sparks generated by them shocked him.

In the process, he actually learned a lot of useful abilities and methods. With this practice, he believed that his Daoquan would make a small improvement.

To know.

Now that he has achieved a little success in dao boxing, he can still improve on the basis of the little success, which is enough to make him ecstatic.

It seems that occasional relaxation can indeed help oneself practice, but the current situation is still not optimistic.


At this very moment, he could feel that the power of Hei Lian was getting stronger.

Even with the power of light such as the Temple of Light, it is obviously impossible to stop the growth of Hei Lian.

He couldn't help putting away his relaxed mood, and began to think about the countermeasures.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise.

There was an argument ahead, what appeared to be two different races.

"You outsiders, what qualifications do you have to enjoy the river of power!" A reincarnated creature shouted, looking very upset.

"Hey! You can't do it yourself, and you can't use the river of power to help you practice, so why blame us." The man replied forcefully, without any fear of reincarnation creatures.

"It is because of your existence that you have occupied my place, which makes the qualifications to be close to the river of power higher. If it were not for your existence, we would naturally enjoy the blessing of the river of power."

What the reincarnation creature said made some sense, the river of power itself belonged to the reincarnation tower, and he was a reincarnation tower creature.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have the ability, you don't need to entangle with me here. You have already gone to practice near the river of strength. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for not being able."

The creature responded forcefully, and its disobedient appearance made the reincarnated creature want to do it.

The two sides were at war with each other for a while, and neither of them was happy with the other, and they had the intention of directly fighting.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing!"

Xiaobai stepped forward very bravely and stopped the two sides who were about to attack.

"Don't quarrel, it's wrong to quarrel." While Xiaobai was speaking, a soft white light radiated from his body, his whole body was like a warm little sun, and he immediately calmed down everyone present.

"Master Light Goddess!"

Someone recognized Xiaobai's strength and immediately knelt down, and at the same time, everyone around him also knelt down.

after all.

Everyone in this reincarnation city knows how high the status of the Goddess of Light Xiaobai is. Even, in the eyes of many people, Xiaobai's status is much higher than Zheng Tuo, the city lord.

Looking at such a scene, Zheng Tuo lamented Xiaobai's extraordinary in his heart.

and many more!

While lamenting Xiaobai's extraordinaryness, he was shocked to find that not only Xiaobai's body was emitting light at this moment, but also the bodies of the people around him were emitting light.

And these lights flocked towards Xiaobai as if they were alive.


(End of this chapter)

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