The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 2080 Destroying the Black Lotus

Chapter 2080 Destroying the Black Lotus
The world of light in the ten directions is full of power of light swimming. Zheng Tuo was surprised to find that his control over the power of light has actually improved a level, reaching a level comparable to the supreme dao pattern.

what happened?
Zheng Tuo expressed difficulty in understanding his state at this moment.

He didn't have the ability to practice the power of light, and every time he used it, he borrowed it from Xiao Bai. Of course, he once controlled the power of light, but that power of light was not worth mentioning compared to Xiao Bai's power of light.


He was just helping the Black Lotus Holy Sword to purify the black lake of his own memory, which actually improved his own power of light.

It was a blessing in disguise, and Zheng Tuo felt a little joy in his heart, so he continued to focus and continue to purify the black lake of memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

Because his own power of light practice has improved, Zheng Tuo was surprised to find that the power of light he can display is completely self-sufficient. Although it is still not as mysterious as Xiaobai's power of light, his light power His strength is only second to Xiaobai's.

Having controlled such power of light, he began to use his strength to purify the black lake of the Black Lotus Holy Sword's memory little by little.

"Slaying Immortal, stop, you can't unlock his memory, if you unlock his memory, you will definitely regret it." The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus shouted forcefully to Zheng Tuo, preventing Zheng Tuo from unlocking the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

But in the face of the current situation, it is no longer a question of whether Zheng Tuo is willing or not, but a question that has to be said when the arrow is on the string.

"Holy Mother of the Black Lotus, don't confuse people with your gossip here, I will never be fooled now, you just wait to die."

Zheng Tuo said, and continued to make strong shots.

In the world of light in the ten directions, countless powers of light surged, and the soft white light lightly touched the black lake water, and immediately, the black lake water was purified into a clean appearance.

Little by little, the color of the Black Lake began to become clear, and the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword in it also began to become clear.

Zheng Tuo could clearly see what he looked like in the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

The Black Lotus Holy Sword was born in the endless darkness.

No one knows why he was born, nor how long he was born. Slowly, the Black Lotus Sword has its own memory.

Then there was a long darkness, and finally, he saw a little bit of light.

It was a world, very beautiful, where flowers and plants were overgrown, and everything was so peaceful and wonderful.

Hei Lian approached slowly.

It seems to like this wonderful world very much, and because of this liking, it slowly opened its nine black lotus leaves.

Then, swallow that wonderful world directly into your stomach.


Seeing such a scene, Zheng Tuo froze in place.


Hei Lian actually devoured all the creatures in that world.


Zheng Tuo suddenly felt chills down his spine!

He seemed to sense that something bad was going on.


As the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword was continuously unlocked, he continued to watch, and saw scenes that made him horrified and even shuddered.

The black lotus in the darkness devoured a small world, like a homeless man who tasted the cake, he began to look for this incomparably delicious cake world to continue devouring.

In Zheng Tuo's eyes, one after another, the small worlds that lit up the darkness were eaten by the black lotus, one after another, no matter how big or small.


Someone tried to resist Hei Lian, but he couldn't really resist, and was directly defeated by Hei Lian.

One cake world after another was devoured by Hei Lian, and Hei Lian was also becoming stronger. He liked this feeling very much, because to him, this feeling was incomparably wonderful.

"Shixian, stop."

The Virgin of the Black Lotus appeared with a serious sound transmission.

Zheng Tuo stopped decisively.

He turned his head and looked at the Madonna of Black Lotus.

"That's right, Killing the Immortal. The purpose of Hei Lian's birth is to destroy everything. mission, when the time comes, it will devour everything it sees."

The Virgin of the Black Lotus spoke like this, telling Zheng Tuo the truth at this moment.


Zheng Tuo expressed great doubts about this.

Because just now, the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus tried to use her own means to modify the memory of the Holy Sword of the Black Lotus, and almost deceived all of them.

At this moment, it was hard for him not to believe that what he saw was another memory modification by the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus. If it was the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus who forcibly modified the memory this time, wouldn't it mean that he would make a big mistake.

"Shi Xian, I know your doubts, but I can tell you that the memories you see at this moment, all the memories about the Black Lotus Holy Sword, are the most real. Moreover, I can also tell you that I It was indeed a sneak attack on Hei Lian's breakthrough back then, and the reason is very simple, because Hei Lian destroyed everything I owned, everyone I knew, and everything I cherished was destroyed by Hei Lian."

The Virgin of the Black Lotus spoke like this, trying to make Zheng Tuo believe what she said.

But this kind of words made it difficult for Zheng Tuo to convince him, because the means of the Black Lotus Virgin Mary were too extraordinary, and he was afraid that he would be tricked unconsciously.

Such a difficult situation to judge immediately made him feel inexplicable.

Whether I should continue to unlock the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword, from the current stage, the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword is indeed filled with an indescribable fear.

Eating the worlds as if they were delicious cakes, in anyone's eyes, the Black Lotus is definitely an existence of great fear.

If it is true, as the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus said, that he unlocked all of her memories, and instead causes the Black Lotus Holy Sword to awaken, turn into a real Black Lotus, and then devour the entire cultivation world, wouldn't he become a real sinner.

Thinking of this, he actually became hesitant, making it difficult to make a decision.

"City Lord Killing Immortals, what are you hesitating about, quickly purify the Black Lake of Memory." Hei Ze shouted at Zheng Tuo, trying to get Zheng Tuo to act quickly, because he was going to be unable to hold on anymore.

"Fellow Daoist Kurosawa..."

Zheng Tuo told Kuisawa about his worries, and Kuisawa immediately told Zheng Tuo that everything was false when he heard this.

"City Lord Killing Immortals, everything is the method of the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus. Believe me, the purpose of the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus is to confuse you and me and make you and I lose judgment. Believe me, I have entered the memory of the Holy Sword of the Black Lotus Among them, everything I see is true, and those memories are all about the Black Lotus Holy Sword, which is not a monster that devours everything, but a creature that needs to be guided."

According to what Kurosawa said, Zheng Tuo looked serious.

Whether to believe in Kurosawa or the Black Lotus Madonna, he needs to make a clear judgment.


He still chose to believe in Kurosawa.

Because compared to the Madonna of the Black Lotus, Kurosawa has never done anything against himself. He has been helping himself from the beginning to the end, and helping the practice world to fight against the Madonna of the Black Lotus.


He obeyed what Kurosawa said, continued to activate the power of light, and continued to purify the black lake of the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

"Shixian, you idiot, why don't you believe what I said, stop, stop!" The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus looked extremely anxious, "Kurosawa, did Kurosawa say something to you that caused you to behave like this?" Continue to act firmly, Shixian, you believe me, Heisawa is deceiving you, this guy is very insidious, if he can betray me twice, he can betray any of you."

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus shouted anxiously, trying to make Zheng Tuo stop, but Zheng Tuo would never stop, because the memory of the Holy Sword of the Black Lotus he had seen had already begun to change.


The memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword began to change, and he could clearly see it.

The black lotus transformed by the black lotus holy sword was indeed devouring worlds one by one at the beginning, and he immediately regarded the world as a delicious cake, but suddenly one day, he met a person, a person who radiated light all over his body.

When Zheng Tuo saw this person, his heart skipped a beat.

The appearance of this person is somewhat similar to that of Xiaobai.

Goddess of Light?

Such an idea naturally popped up in Zheng Tuo's mind.

He continued to purify the Black Lake of Memory, and continued to watch the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

Heilian met the Goddess of Light.

Facing such a wonderful light, Heilian naturally wanted to devour it, and then, the two started a battle in this endless void.

The details of the battle are quite rich. The two used their own methods to fight each other to the best of their ability, and the entire void was lit up.


The result of the battle was Hei Lian's failure. However, because the battle between the two sides was too fierce, the Goddess of Light who resembled Xiaobai did not gain any benefits, but suffered heavy losses instead.

The severely injured Goddess of Light was unable to block her injuries in the end. However, she did not choose to transform into a Dao, but put her own Dao Fruit into reincarnation, looking forward to her rebirth and return.

in this way.

The battle between Hei Lian and the Goddess of Light has come to an end, but the real fun has just begun.

The black lotus was defeated, and was even completely dissipated. However, someone secretly shot and collected the scattered black lotus, and this person was the Holy Mother of the black lotus.

After the Black Lotus Holy Mother collected the shattered black lotus, she refined them into nine black lotus holy swords. Using the black lotus holy sword, she began to slaughter big worlds one after another.

To know.

Hei Lian's strength back then was already the pinnacle of Wall Breakers, an invincible existence.

Even if the remaining fragments of the black lotus were shattered, they were as strong as a congenital treasure.

Relying on such nine black lotus holy swords, the Virgin of the Black Lotus has traveled one world after another, which can be said to be overwhelming.

In the constant rush, after continuously absorbing the power of the Black Lotus Holy Sword, the Black Lotus Virgin finally broke through and reached the level of the Wall Breaker.

It was also because of its own breakthrough that the remnant soul of the Holy Black Lotus Sword was awakened, which is why the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus would take action to completely seal the nine Black Lotus Holy Swords and separate the nine Black Lotus Holy Swords at the same time.

If the nine black lotus holy swords remained by her side, they would fuse together sooner or later. After the nine black lotus holy swords were completely fused, the black lotus would definitely return at that time and become the world-destroying black lotus.

If the black lotus returns at the speed, then everything that the Holy Mother of the black lotus controls and possesses will become the wedding dress of the exterminated black lotus.

No one is willing to be someone else's wedding dress, let alone the existence of such an ambitious existence as the Black Lotus Virgin.

The story begins to blur here, it seems that the story has reached the end, but it is not over.

In order to suppress the Black Lotus Holy Sword and prevent it from awakening to become the World-Destroying Black Lotus, the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus has exhausted all possible means.

All kinds of torture, all kinds of means, are all to destroy the soul of the Black Lotus Holy Sword.


The soul of the Black Lotus Holy Sword has inherited part of the memory of the Mieshi Black Lotus, making it impossible to be completely destroyed.

At this point, the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus thought of the former Goddess of Light.

Only the Goddess of Light can eradicate the world-destroying black lotus that cannot be eradicated by all kinds of methods.

and so.

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus instigated the Holy Sword of the Black Lotus to continue destroying one world after another, trying to find the former Goddess of Light, and then rely on the power of the Goddess of Light to completely destroy the Holy Sword of the Black Lotus.

The story comes here, it seems that everything is connected together.


Zheng Tuo looked at such a story, and suddenly something was wrong, but he couldn't tell you what was wrong.

When he thought about it carefully, the so-called Black Lotus and the Madonna of Black Lotus seemed to be inefficient lamps. No matter who he helped, he would probably bring endless troubles.

"Don't worry about the Immortal Killing City Lord, you just need to help the Black Lotus Holy Sword. As far as I know, the battle between the Goddess of Light and the World-Destroying Black Lotus was not as simple as it seems." Kurosawa said.

"What do you mean?"

"Back then, the Goddess of Light probably wanted to guide the Mieshi Hei Lian to awaken her heart of light, so that she would not be able to cause massacres, even at the expense of herself. That is to say, as long as there is the guidance of the Goddess of Light, the Black Lotus Holy Sword It is completely possible not to become the World-Destroying Black Lotus, but the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus is different, the root of her own practice is to destroy everything."

Hearing what Kurosawa said, Zheng Tuo seemed to understand something.

Thoughtful, he continued to think and deduce what he had just done.

"City Master Killing Immortals, what are you waiting for? It's just a little bit close. As long as you continue to move forward, you will be able to completely purify the Black Lotus Holy Sword, and you will be able to destroy the plan of the Black Lotus Holy Mother and protect the entire hundred thousand people. big world."

Kurosawa seemed a little impatient, he was already struggling to suppress the Black Lotus Holy Sword.

"Fellow Daoist Kurosawa, what you said is correct, I should move on and continue to purify the black lake of the memory of the Black Lotus Holy Sword, but I have a question that I have never been puzzled by, and I hope that Big Brother Kurosawa can clear it up for me. "

In Zheng Tuo's very tangled heart, a very abrupt idea suddenly popped up.

A practitioner's sixth sense is very accurate, and it may not be without reason that he suddenly had such an idea.

"City Master Killing Immortals, tell me, if I know any questions, I will definitely answer them for you." Kurosawa responded.

"My question is very simple. Is what I saw just now, all the memories about the Black Lotus Holy Sword, too... a bit complete."

When Zheng Tuo raised such a question, Heisawa was immediately stunned.

Not only Kurosawa was stunned, but Xiaobai and the Holy Mother of Black Lotus who saw and heard from the side were also stunned.


When Zheng Tuo raised this question, they also realized that all the memories of the Black Lotus Holy Sword they saw just now were a little too complete and perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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