The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 2091 The state of insanity that cannot be chaptered

Chapter 2091 The state of madness that cannot be turned back

Zheng Tuo, who was blessed by the power of the nine laws, was in extreme pain, and his whole body even showed a distorted state.

This appearance is enough to see what Zheng Tuo is enduring.

"The power of the nine laws, killing the immortals, killing the immortals, you are really brave enough to bear the blessing of the power of the nine laws alone."

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus couldn't help shaking her head when she saw such a scene, saying that Zheng Tuo was hopeless.

Zheng Tuo didn't respond, because his current state didn't allow him to say a word.

Blessed by the power of the nine laws, his whole body has completely fallen into it, and he can even feel that he seems to be being disintegrated.

what happened?
Why do I have the illusion that I will be broken down all the time.


Such an idea suddenly popped up in Zheng Tuo's mind.

His state at this moment seems to be transforming?

He obviously has the power to refine the nine laws, but he himself is in an uncontrolled way of transformation.

It's hard to imagine that he will be in such a state now. Why, normally speaking, shouldn't the overall strength become stronger after refining the power of the nine laws?

Why at this moment, I am actually in a passive transformation.

"Shixian, you still don't seem to understand what you are doing?" The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus couldn't help shaking her head, "Shixian, your current state is called ascension, and the position you ascended to is the position of the Dao of Heaven, there is nothing wrong with that." , if you continue like this, you will become the next heaven in the ultimate reincarnation world."


Hearing what the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus said, the other spectators couldn't sit still.

Zheng Tuo was ascending to become the Dao of Heaven. No matter what, they never thought that things would turn out like this.

"Brother Shixian, stop quickly, if you continue like this, you will become a god!"

Xiaobai shouted with all his might, trying to get Zheng Tuo to stop.

But now Zheng Tuo couldn't stop at all, he couldn't control the whole process of ascension, everything was proceeding step by step like a set program.

"Interesting, Shixian, with your appearance like this, could it be that you want to become the new Heavenly Dao, and then use the power of Heavenly Dao to drive me away?"

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus raised her hand as she spoke.

She will not allow any accidents to happen, and now that things have reached the whole point, she will naturally not hold back.

The sword light flickered and rushed directly in front of Zheng Tuo.

Looking back at the current Zheng Tuo, he seemed to be in a state of madness.

The original elegance was completely gone, what was left was disheveled hair, the whole person's eyes were blood red, and he looked like a devil.

Seeing the sword light coming, Zheng Tuo raised his hand and grabbed it.


Jian Guang was directly caught in Zheng Tuo's hand, and then he suddenly crushed Jian Guang with force.


Zheng Tuo let out a painful roar.


His figure was as fast as the wind, and he was in front of the Black Lotus Virgin in the blink of an eye.

There is nothing fancy, just raising your hand is a punch.

The Virgin of the Black Lotus was hit by one of his punches without any reaction, and the whole person was blown up with a bang.


The Virgin of the Black Lotus is said to be immortal, as long as the Black Lotus continues to exist, she will continue to be reborn.

Zheng Tuo, who hadn't completely lost his mind, obviously understood this truth, so he set his sights on where Heilian was.

As soon as he moved, he came to Heilian.

Looking at Hei Lian who was only the size of a washbasin in front of him, he made a move without hesitation and swung his Dao fist.


A powerful force raged from the place where the two collided, and the entire space was dented because of his punch.


Even though his fists are so powerful and domineering, they can't smash Hei Lian's defense at all.


Zheng Tuo let out a furious voice, and then continued to shoot wildly.

The fists danced and turned into countless fist shadows, attacking Heilian frantically.

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

bang bang bang...

Bursts of powerful sounds ravaged the world, with the two as the center, showing irregular fluctuations in space, and where the two were located, the space barrier that had been hit long ago was shattered, revealing the dark and boundless black void inside.

Zheng Tuo shot wildly like a madman.

Under the full swing of the Daoquan, the terrifying impact is simply staggering.

"The Immortal Killer is simply a lunatic, such a terrifying fist, even if it hits my body, it won't be able to bear it!"

The god of death smacked his lips, looking at Zheng Tuo who was in a state of madness at this moment, he couldn't help talking.

"You haven't figured out what's wrong. At this moment, the state of killing immortals is to spend life. This kind of consumption may not be repaired at all. It is an irreversible process. I believe that killing immortals will maintain this state until they die in battle. .”

The God of War who rarely spoke said so.

In terms of the way of fighting, God of War is what he says, because no one knows better than victory.

"Uncle God of War, there is a solution to this state." Xiao Bai asked anxiously.

It seemed that Xiaobai was the only one who really cared about Zheng Tuo. As for the others, he didn't seem to care about Zheng Tuo's life or death.

The God of War looked at Xiaobai, "This state is an extension of City Lord Zheng Tuo's fighting spirit. Unless he has no fighting spirit at all at this moment, otherwise, this state will not be lifted."

"Don't you have any fighting spirit?"

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became more anxious.

She is very smart, so she knows how it is possible that Brother Shixian has no fighting spirit at this moment.

Brother Shixian is protecting the living beings in the [-] worlds. It is absolutely impossible for such brother Xianxian not to have the will to fight.


She was extremely worried that her elder brother who killed the immortal would fall.

The worries in her heart were all written on her face, and she approached the reincarnation gate uneasily. I believe that if Zheng Tuo looked poor and dead, she would rush in to help Zheng Tuo without hesitation.

"Xiaobai, don't worry about your elder brother who kills the immortal. Your elder brother who kills the immortal will not be so unlucky. His fate is very hard." The Flower God patiently persuaded Xiaobai, but for Xiaobai, such persuasion was obviously useless .

He still looks eager to try, so he will rush into the reincarnation gate to help Zheng Tuo while the people around him are not paying attention.

"Xiao Bai, in fact, this situation may be an opportunity for your elder brother who kills immortals." Bai Ze's words immediately aroused Xiao Bai's joy.

"What opportunity?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Everyone has a chance, and at this moment, it is the opportunity to kill the immortal. Although no one has been able to refine the power of the nine laws since ancient times and not become the way of heaven, this city master of the immortal is very special. Perhaps, he can To break this kind of rhetoric from ancient times, after all, since its appearance, the gears of fate have already started to turn."

Bai Ze spoke calmly, you couldn't see any fluctuations on his face, he seemed to be telling something that had nothing to do with him, and he seemed to be conveying some kind of information to everyone.

But no matter what, Xiaobai has a lot of information after hearing this.

The two people she trusts most in this world are Grandpa Bai Ze and Brother Shixian, and Grandpa Bai Ze is well-informed and knows many interesting things, so if Grandpa Bai Ze said it was a chance, it must be a chance.

Zheng Tuo maintained a happy state and continued to watch the game.


In the world of ultimate reincarnation, Zheng Tuo continued to dance with his twins, attacking Hei Lian frantically, trying to knock Hei Lian by mistake.


His fist is powerful, but it has no effect on Hei Lian at this moment, it can't break Hei Lian's defense at all.

"Useless to kill the immortal, the defense of the black lotus is the strongest defense. It has the defense of the innate treasure level of defense. Even if your physical body is a wall breaker, even if your Dao fist is strong enough, but for you, how can you fight against it?" It may break through the defense of the innate treasure level."

The Virgin of the Black Lotus did not stop Zheng Tuo, because this was the best situation.

She just needs to watch like this, and after Zheng Tuo's strength is completely exhausted, she can easily handle Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo didn't respond, his fists were still fierce, his Dao fist was still terrifying, and he was in a state of madness.

That's right, it's just madness. Normally speaking, Zheng Tuo's boxing should be luck, but now, his boxing not only has luck, but also terrible emotions.

All kinds of disturbing shots continued to be vented directly in the form of boxing, so it was unimaginable.

The display of such a situation made the whole battle seem much easier.

The Madonna of the Black Lotus will not make a move, but chooses to watch quietly from the side, but some people can't sit still.

Kurosawa hid in the dark and observed for a long time. It has to be said that now he is like a mouse crossing the street, to the point where everyone shouts and beats him.

But he still wants to come out, because he knows that if Zheng Tuo dies, he will die too.

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus will not let herself go, she will never let herself go, even, the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus may not kill herself at all, but use various means to torture herself.

Thinking of this, he knew that he had to help Shixian.

"City Lord Killing Immortals, you will surely die if you continue in this state, why don't you let me get rid of the Holy Mother of the Black Lotus for you?"

Kurosawa is looking for a way to survive.

He is very clear about one thing, that is, he is not qualified to negotiate terms with the Immortal Killer and the Black Lotus Virgin at all.

Naturally, the Madonna of the Black Lotus doesn't need much, she exists at the level of a wallbreaker, and she is a ruthless character who is invincible by herself.

On the other hand, Zheng Tuo, judging from the fighting power he showed at the beginning of the battle, this guy's strength is definitely higher than his own. Even with the blessing of the black lotus holy sword, he will not be his opponent.

and so.

All he needs to do is to survive, to live, and as the choice between Hei Lian's birth mother and Shi Xian, he will naturally choose Shi Xian.


His voice transmission did not respond.

At this moment, Zheng Tuo is in the craziest moment. He swung his killing fist like catharsis, and attacked Hei Lian frantically, trying to smash Hei Lian in one breath, and then exposed to all dangers, so that the entire [-] world returned to peace. .

But haste makes waste.

Zheng Tuo's crazy shots seemed very domineering, but the damage to Heilian was minimal.

The black lotus still maintains its own stability, and it is still devouring all the yin forces in the ultimate reincarnation world.

The ultimate reincarnation world is being destroyed, everything looks so disturbing, it seems that the entire ultimate reincarnation world may be completely destroyed anytime, anywhere.

But all of this depends on Zheng Tuo's ultimate means.


Now Zheng Tuo seems to have established some kind of connection with the world of ultimate reincarnation.

Because he refined the power of the nine laws, he was soaring in the direction of the heavens, so the two established some unknown connection.

Under the influence of such an unknown connection, Zheng Tuo became the ontology of the ultimate reincarnation world.

Since Zheng Tuo is the ultimate reincarnation world, and the ultimate reincarnation world is Zheng Tuo, in such a scene, the yin power that Black Lotus wants to absorb comes from Zheng Tuo.

On the other hand, Zheng Tuo showed a strong and invincible state. In this state, his whole body was full of energy and blood, and all his strength was rushing upwards. Therefore, there were very few yin forces in his body. .

The yin energy absorbed by the black lotus is very little, and she is not rapidly becoming stronger, but in such a state, the power of the black lotus will become less and less, less and less.

It seems that the black lotus without power blessing will be smashed by Zheng Tuo's fist sooner or later, but the process and time may be extremely long.

The Madonna of the Black Lotus apparently also discovered this, and she naturally would not allow such things to happen.


She communicated directly with Hei Lian and counterattacked Zheng Kuanzhan.

The black light flickered, hitting Zheng Tuo's body on the spot.


Zheng Tuo only took half a step back, but he didn't suffer any harm.

His current body is of the strength of a wallbreaker, and with Hei Lian's attack, it is impossible to cause any damage to his physical body.

Seeing such a scene, the Madonna of the Black Lotus immediately changed her strategy.

Hei Lian flickered black light at high speed, and instantly rushed towards Zheng Tuo.

On the other hand, Zheng Tuo, with his flexible body, even dodged such an attack in advance, but the speed of dodging was a little slower, and he was hit directly on the shoulder.


Zheng Tuo felt dizzy for a while, and there was a short blank.

The power of the Black and Blue Madonna is very strange. She tried to smash Zheng Tuo's soul body and make Zheng Tuo lose consciousness.


Compared with Zheng Tuo's physical body, his own soul body is quite fragile, only half-step wall breaker.

and so.

It was not wrong for the Black Lotus Virgin to directly attack Zheng Tuo's soul body. There was nothing wrong with his choice, and Zheng Tuo was indeed affected.




Zheng Tuo's fist slowed down a bit, obviously, he was very uncomfortable being affected.

Even though his soul is protected by many bright marks, for him, it is still not enough to protect his soul.

"It works!"

The Holy Mother of the Black Lotus saw her hope of winning, and immediately urged the Black Lotus to perform a soul attack, trying to influence Zheng Tuo.


The speed of Zheng Tuo's fist dropped significantly, even to a very slow point.

Everyone understood that if Zheng Tuo's fist stopped, he would not continue to swing it, and everything would end at this moment.


At such a moment, all the powerful people are just browsing the Internet, and no one wants to help Zheng Tuo, except... that one person.

(End of this chapter)

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