Chapter 2115

The god of weirdness went crazy, and the whole person fell into a rage.

"Why is this, Shixian, you shouldn't be like this, you see your closest friend being tortured, you should be angry, you should have killing intent, you should be roaring, why are you smiling, why, why are you so Ruthless, why!"

The strange god's voice was very loud, as if he had been wronged so much, he fell into a state of mad roar.

"You don't understand anything?"

Zheng Tuo couldn't help but shook his head as he looked at such a strange god.

"God of Strangeness, although you are an existence at the level of a wallbreaker, you have lost yourself, you have become a slave to power, and you have lost too much in the process of pursuing power, and because of this, I say you When my power can't help me, you will be furious, and you will be crazy, because what you said is right, what is on your mind."

Zheng Tuo said calmly, because he had seen through the current state of the God of Strangeness.

He can understand a practitioner's desire for power, but if there is only power in his heart, he will easily be cursed by power and become a slave to power.

Such is the case with the god of weirdness.

Look at today's weird world, everything around is so deserted, and the weird creatures living in this weird world don't have their own intelligence.

They are wandering in this weird world like walking meat, how can a completely lifeless world become a strong one.

Such as the ultimate reincarnation world.

The creatures living in the world of ultimate reincarnation, except for the gatekeepers, they all have their own thoughts, and they are all individuals that exist independently in the world.

Only such a vibrant world can have hope. Looking back at the weird world, such a world will not have any hope, nor will it give birth to any reliable strong.

This is indeed the case. The half-step wall breakers in this weird world are obviously much weaker than those outside.

The only strong person in the entire weird world is the strange god's dao body, and the only being who can speak and have independent thinking is the weird god's dao body.

In this way, Zheng Tuo understood why the strange Shendao body was in such a crazy state.

Any intelligent creature living in this weird world will probably go crazy after a long time, even if you are the Tao body of the weird god.

"Shixian, you don't need to educate me here. What are you? I am the god of weirdness. You are just a half-step breaker. Kneel down for me."

The God of Strangeness made a strong move, trying to forcibly use the power of strangeness to suppress Zheng Tuo. However, as Zheng Tuo said, he had seen through the methods of the God of Weirdness, and now the strange power he controlled was completely unable to harm himself.

"Anger is an expression of incompetence. By the way, god of weirdness, do you have any friends?"

Zheng Tuo suddenly asked such a question, and the weird god who asked directly froze in place.

He thought for a moment, and was shocked to find that he didn't have a friend, and he didn't have a friend around him.

"Friend, what friend, do you think an existence of my level needs friends?" The God of Weird was very confident, saying that he didn't need any friends.

"No wonder you don't understand my relationship with Xiaobai. It turns out that you don't have any friends, and you are alone." Zheng Tuo spoke like an elder.

"Shixian, friends are just stumbling blocks on the road to practice. I don't have friends, but I have the power that countless people envy. With such power, anyone can be my friend, right?"

The God of Weird still maintains his self-confidence.

Looking at the God of Weird's confident appearance, Zheng Tuo shook his head.

"If you don't have friends, you don't have friends. If you don't have family, you don't have family. Why bother looking for those high-sounding reasons."

"Shi Xian, what exactly do you want to say, or do you think that you can get out of trouble if you delay here. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible before I change my mind. If not, today will be your last good day."

Looking at such a powerful and strange god, Zheng Tuo knew that no matter what he said or how he said, the other party would not understand his state of mind.

But now, with such a state of mind, I am no longer at a disadvantage when facing the strange god.

"God of the weird, now that your weird power can't help me, what other means can you use? Could it be that you can't wake up your own body."

This is the only way Zheng Tuo can think of now.

If the strange god awakens his own body, he will have no choice but to become the opponent's puppet, but does the strange god dare?

"No, you don't need to wake up my main body. I alone is enough to suppress and refine you."

The God of Strangeness knows that he has nothing to do with Zheng Tuo now, so he simply intends to consume Zheng Tuo for a long time.

He believed.

As long as the time is long enough and far enough, it will be able to wear down the other party's will and make the other party completely surrender to me.

"Yes, you plan to consume it with me, but you can consume it with me. What about the Earth God, does the Earth God have time to consume it with me?"

Zheng Tuo smiled.

"Earth God, you should be very clear. My people know your existence. If I don't go back for a long time, my people will go to your site to look for you. Of course, I also know that your site of the Earth God is called broken. If you want to kill your body, I am afraid that as many wallbreakers as you want will be buried in it, but there is one person that you may not be able to fight against at all, and that is Bai Ze."

When the word Bai Ze came out, let alone the earth god trembled slightly, even the expression of the strange god changed.


The name Bai Ze is very special to them. They provoke many existences at the level of Wall Breakers, but Bai Ze and the others will never take the initiative to provoke them, because they really can't afford to provoke them.


Bai Ze comes from the original fairy world, and is the core figure of a powerful ethnic group in the original fairy world.


As the core figure of that powerful group, Bai Ze has the ability to drive that group.

The original fairyland was originally a place where monsters and creatures gathered, and in that place, being able to have a huge force was enough to show its own strength.

"Shixian, don't use Bai Ze to scare us. Do you think that with your identity and status, you can ask Bai Ze to save you?"

The God of Weird is not optimistic about Zheng Tuo's identity.

"No, of course Bai Ze won't come to save me, but Senior Bai Ze will come to save Xiao Bai, because Xiao Bai is Senior Bai Ze's granddaughter!"


The strange god looks like he has seen it before.

"Don't you know that Xiao Bai is the granddaughter of Senior Bai Ze?"

Hearing this, the God of Strangeness neither admitted nor denied it, but he acted as if he knew it himself.

"It's okay."

The Earth God above the high position finally spoke.

"I have a set of formations that can slow down the flow of time. I am using it right now. An hour here is ten years outside. I believe that you will compromise soon."

When the Earth God spoke like this, the God of Strangeness immediately burst out laughing.

"Shixian, what, you have met an opponent. The formations of the earth gods are all kinds of strange, all kinds, not only the formations that reduce the speed of time, but also various formations that can force you to submit. Don't worry, one by one. Come, I believe, there will eventually be a formation that makes you surrender."

Zheng Tuo ignored the God of Weirdness.

He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the earth god, trying to establish a call with the other party.


The Earth God didn't seem to want to communicate with him.

"Earth God, why are you avoiding me? Don't you feel ashamed to talk to me?" Zheng Tuo tried to communicate with Earth God, but he didn't receive any response from Earth God.

"Shi Xian, don't ask, the Earth God has already betrayed you, or, it has no intention of cooperating with you at all, only you take everything seriously, after all, the tears of the wall-breaker are the least valuable."

The God of Strangeness knows what happened, and now that he has such a good opportunity to target Zheng Tuo, he will certainly not let it go.


Earth God didn't say anything, but Zheng Tuo frowned slightly.

He had expected that the Earth God would betray him, but the other party did not communicate with him, obviously there was a problem.


He thought about it, he is trapped here now, he can't die, he can't get out, he can't be here, he must find a way to die, or escape from here.

Thinking of this, he looked at the God of Strangeness first.

"Shixian, look at what I am doing, do you think I will kindly let you go?"

The God of Strangeness continued to attack and exert strange powers, and continued to frantically attack Zheng Tuo's soul, trying to take it down early.

Zheng Tuo endured such attacks all the time.


He calmed himself down and began to think about countermeasures.

Whether he is buried here or left here, he needs one thing, and that is strength.

He needs to restore his strength to its peak state. However, he is now deep in the strange world, and if he wants to return his strength to its peak, he must absorb the strange power.

Refining the strange power in front of the strange god?
Thinking of this, Zheng Tuo couldn't help feeling that there was no problem.

The God of Strangeness doesn't seem to have a good brain, and he can take advantage of this, and then quietly refine the power of weirdness.

Thinking of this, he began to design countermeasures.

After a while.

He thought of a very risky move, but if this method is more careful, there shouldn't be any problems.

Thinking of this, he didn't make any changes, and continued to defend against the strange force. In the process, he even started chatting with the strange force.

"God of Weird, by the way, how did your body get hurt?" Zheng Tuo, who seemed to be doing nothing, frowned.

"Shixian, your heart is really big, and you are still so relaxed at this moment."

"Why, you are embarrassed to say, or you were treated badly back then." Zheng Tuo continued to chat.

The God of Strangeness didn't bother to pay attention to Zheng Tuo.

As a strange god who has become accustomed to loneliness, he is as quiet as a stone sculpture, without any abnormalities.

On the other hand, Zheng Tuo, from the beginning of chatting, to slowly shutting up, and then there was a certain uneasy fluctuation in the whole person.

"Why, how long has it been, can you bear it?"

The God of Strangeness obviously noticed Zheng Tuo's strangeness, and he was very happy in his words, because he just discovered that the defense of the other party's power of light showed signs of loosening.

Since there are signs of looseness, it means that it may be broken.

"How is it possible, what are you talking about, I am also a person who has experienced a lot of wind and rain, how could I be so impatient."

Zheng Tuo said so, but his own defense began to loosen consciously.

"Hahaha..." The God of Strangeness noticed Zheng Tuo's strangeness, "It seems that you are just at the end of your battle now. I believe that you will be taken down by me soon."

The god of weirdness continued to make strong moves, and the weird power wrapped Zheng Tuo, constantly invading Zheng Tuo's altar.

On the other hand, Zheng Tuo's defense with the Power of Light, which was originally strong, began to retreat steadily at this moment.

"No, I said before that your power is useless. As long as I have light in my heart, you can't suppress me." Zheng Tuo said, trying to resist, but he didn't. The power poured into his spiritual platform.

"You say one thing with your mouth, and another thing in secret, Shi Xian, you are really an interesting guy."

The God of Strangeness will not let this opportunity go, he is patient, but now that he has this opportunity, he will not let it go, even, he is completely unaware that this is a trap set by Zheng Tuo.

The Lingtai was occupied step by step by strange forces, and Zheng Tuo seemed very disturbed.

His current spirit is trapped in this small space, surrounded by strange forces that surround him.

It seems that everything has become a definite number, and it seems that everything will end with the passage of time.

"Shi Xian, sometimes, even if there is light in your heart, it is useless, because you are surrounded by darkness. When you stay in the darkness long enough, you will adapt to the darkness, and light becomes the only sin. "

The god of weirdness finally looks like a god. His calm nature or what he thinks is the truth, at the same time, he ruthlessly erodes Zheng Tuo's spirit.

Victory is just around the corner, and the God of Strangeness will not think that there is a trap in it. Confident, he will only think that everything is because of his own strength.

"Light is the only sin?"

Zheng Tuo didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all, but he needed an opportunity to make himself seem unable to hold on.

and so.

He kept repeating the words, repeating the words, as if he had understood the essence of it, and then quietly lowered his defense of the power of light, allowing the strange power to keep pouring in.

in a blink.

The strange force has already filled the entire Lingtai.

Feeling the power in the Lingtai, Zheng Tuo felt that it was still not enough.

Now if he directly uses the supreme dao pattern to refine the strange power, he will probably be discovered by the strange god immediately, so he needs to put himself in a desperate situation.

Only in this way can the attention of the strange god be attracted.

Only in this way can we cultivate the plank road secretly and secretly refine the strange power.

Now that such a plan has been determined, the next step is to carry it out to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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