The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 2472: Countermeasures: Killing Several Eagles with One Arrow

Chapter 2472: Countermeasures: Killing Several Eagles with One Arrow

The Sword Sect's Laozi became a Taoist and died completely.

The battle was over. After checking it out, Zheng Tuo looked at the attributeless original Dao pattern in front of him and fell into deep thought.

After the news of the sword sect elder being beheaded spreads, I believe that those old antiques in the outside world who are eyeing him covetously will definitely set their eyes on the original Dao pattern in my hand. At that time, even if I stay in the original fairy city, it will be quite dangerous.

Not only that.

I don't have any real backing.

The backer of one of them is Jian Wuxin. Jian Wuxin's strength is only at the first level of the Wall Breaker. At most, he can help him hold back the two Wall Breakers. If the remaining old antiques make a move, he will surely die.

Even if he fought with the supreme Dao pattern, he would probably be killed.

Those old antiques hiding in the dark are probably countless times more terrifying than the Sword Sect's ancestor's demon fetus.

He needs to think of a plan before he can get out.

at the same time.

Above the original fairy city.

The Sword Sect's Grand Elder seemed to sense the death of the Sword Sect's leader.

His eyes flickered as he looked towards the location of the Immortal Fighting Arena with disbelief.


In his opinion, it was totally unbelievable that the ancestor of the Sword Sect could be killed by a mere half-step wall breaker.

But in his perception, everything had already happened.

He remained calm and waited quietly, trying to take back the original Dao pattern from the Sword Sect's ancestor's body.

Just now.


There were fluctuations in the Immortal Fighting Arena, and then Zheng Tuo appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw Zheng Tuo appear, everyone present had different expressions.

Some people were happy because Zheng Tuo defeated the ancestor of the Sword Sect, and it seemed that the ancestor of the Sword Sect had been killed.

But some people are highly alert.

The ancestor of the Sword Sect wanted to take over the chaotic body. Now that the ancestor of the Sword Sect has disappeared, doesn’t it mean that the ancestor of the Sword Sect has already succeeded in taking over the chaotic body?

Various sounds appeared in the original fairy city.

Everyone looked towards where Zheng Tuo was, trying to figure out whether the current Zheng Tuo was the same Zheng Tuo as before, or if he had been possessed by another body and became the ancestor of the Sword Sect.

Just when everyone was watching the situation on the field.


Ye Xian appeared in front of Zheng Tuo.

"Friend Lan, are you okay?"

Ye Xian felt the righteousness of the Sword Sect. If he was possessed by another body, it would be impossible for the righteousness to remain in his body.

and so.

She dared to conclude that the Taoist Lan in front of her was the Taoist Lan she knew.

When everyone saw Ye Xian appear in front of Zheng Tuo, they still had their doubts and remained highly vigilant.

The Sword Sect's ancestor is too special, which makes everyone feel insecure. Without complete certainty, no one wants anything to go wrong.

"Don't worry, Fairy Ye, I'm fine."

Zheng Tuo spoke and seemed quite normal.


Jian Wuxin descended upon the scene.

He looked at Zheng Tuo in front of him, and immediately revealed his thoughts, "Haoran righteousness?"

Hearing these four words, everyone's heart moved.

“Fellow Daoist Lan, you actually possess the righteous spirit of my Sword Sect. It seems that you have indeed defeated the ancestor. Not only that, I think you must have seen the ancestor’s divinity.”

Jian Wuxin is a wall breaker and knows the condition of the Sword Sect's ancestor, so he revealed the secret in his words.

"That's right. The Sword Sect Patriarch's divinity awakened, and he killed the demon fetus together with me. Now the Sword Sect Patriarch has become a Taoist, and is completely dead."

There was a hint of sadness in Zheng Tuo's words, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it.

The ancestor of the Sword Sect finally died, and they escaped.


What they don't know is that the danger still exists.

In secret, many old antiques turned their gazes towards Zheng Tuo, or rather, their original gazes were on Zheng Tuo, that is, Zheng Tuo's chaotic body.

What's more.

Now that the ancestor of the Sword Sect is dead, the original Dao patterns belonging to the ancestor of the Sword Sect should also be under the control of Zheng Tuo.

These two things combined made many old antiques in the dark want to take action and use powerful means to target Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo naturally knew that he was being targeted.

Obviously, perhaps because of Jian Wuxin's existence, no one would take action directly, but as long as the original Dao pattern was on his body, someone would always be thinking about him.

and so.

He turned and looked at Ye Xian.

Such a scene made Ye Xian's heart skip a beat, and he felt that something was about to happen.

"Fairy Ye, I fell in love with you when I first saw you. Now, I hope you can marry me."


Ye Xian stood there in a daze.

Jian Wuxin stood there in a daze.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

No one expected that Zheng Tuo would propose to Ye Xian at this time.

Just as Ye Xian was stunned, Zheng Tuo raised his hand and the original Dao pattern of the Sword Sect's ancestor appeared in his hand.

The moment the original Dao pattern appeared, the atmosphere of the entire original fairy city became different.

"Senior Jian Wuxin, as Ye Xian's master, I have the courage to present you with a betrothal gift. We will choose an auspicious day to complete the wedding."

Zheng Tuo had no other choice.

He could only hand over the original Dao pattern in order to save his life.

And who can the original Dao pattern be given to? It can only be given to Ye Xian.

First of all, he really wanted to marry Ye Xian. Besides, Ye Xian was a disciple of the Sword Sect and was a man of great integrity and righteousness, and was an absolutely upright person.

If I can help him break through and become a wall breaker, and then let him help me break through, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

In There.

If he married Ye Xian, then she would be a family member. Giving the original Dao pattern to his own wife would not be a loss in any way.

The turn of events caught Ye Xian off guard. She did have a crush on Fellow Daoist Lan, but it had not escalated to the stage of marriage.

She was originally very calm, but now she was so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

"no problem!"

Jian Wuxin laughed loudly, and took the original Dao pattern from Zheng Tuo's hand directly as an old father. "You are worthy of my girl with the original Dao pattern as a betrothal gift. You are a Chaos Body and have killed a Wall Breaker. With your status and achievements, you are worthy of my girl. It's settled. I will officiate the wedding and you can get married. Hahaha..."

Jian Wuxin laughed heartily, and his whole happy look made the various wall breakers who were secretly watching him feel helpless.

If Zheng Tuo was holding the original Dao pattern, they would definitely try to snatch it away. You know, if a Wall Breaker attacks a Half-Step Wall Breaker by surprise, it would be almost an instant kill. Even Zheng Tuo would not be able to react.

But now the original Dao pattern is in Jian Wuxin's hands. Jian Wuxin is not an ordinary wall breaker. He possesses extremely strong combat power. If you want to sneak attack Jian Wuxin, there is no chance at all.


If he wanted to kill Jian Wuxin, there would be no chance at all.

In There.

Zheng Tuo is now engaged to Ye Xian, and he is considered the son-in-law of Jian Zong. Jian Wuxin has reason to protect Zheng Tuo.

In this way, Zheng Tuo's crisis was resolved. I believe that the wall breaker who was secretly spying on him would not dare to take forceful action at this moment.

I have to say that Zheng Tuo's move was a brilliant one.

Just a proposal would allow him to escape death and marry a person like Ye Xian, which was really killing two birds with one stone.

Not long after.

Everyone who reacted shook their heads and could only express how powerful Zheng Tuo's methods were. He was worthy of being a chaotic body that could kill the ancestor of the Sword Sect. This reaction was truly amazing.


Ye Xian also reacted, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Zheng Tuo was filled with displeasure.


She felt that Zheng Tuo used her to save his life, but she could understand the seriousness of the matter.

If it weren't for this method, Fellow Daoist Lan would have been besieged by various wall breakers by now, and might have died by now.

She was deeply conflicted and didn't know what to do.

Above the void.

When the Sword Sect's Great Elder saw this scene, he immediately took the three people away, and no one knew where he went.

Jian Wuxin watched the other party leave, looking very angry, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the other party had four wall breakers, not to mention the powerful Great Elder.

Even if I attack in anger, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat the other party.

The surprise attack on the Primordial Immortal City by the Sword Clan's ancestor has come to an end. In the huge Primordial Immortal City, there is now a bustling crowd. I am afraid that this matter will have to be discussed for many years.

a few days later.

Ye Xian stood in front of the pond, staring at the quiet water in a daze.

not far away.

Zheng Tuo's injuries have been completely healed, and he has found Ye Xian at this moment.

"Fairy Ye, the situation was urgent that day and I used you as a shield. I hope you can forgive me." Zheng Tuo apologized quickly, fearing that the other party would misunderstand him.

"It's okay. I understand your difficulties. There were so many wall breakers spying on you that day. If you didn't do this, you would have been killed on the spot."

Ye Xian seemed very calm, as if the matter had already passed in her mind.

"Is it really okay?" Zheng Tuo took a step closer.

Just this one scene completely broke Ye Xian's peaceful heart.

She thought of the days when she and Zheng Tuo practiced dual cultivation in the Stone Realm. She had to admit that those were the happiest days of her life.

Thinking back on it now, it’s all sweet.

But now they are no longer in the Stone World. They have returned to this primitive fairyland full of struggles. Everything that once happened may never go back.

Zheng Tuo looked at Ye Xian in such a posture and couldn't help but smile, "Since Fairy Ye said it's okay, then it's a good thing. I will choose an auspicious day and marry Fairy Ye."

Hearing this, Fairy Ye's heart beat rapidly.

"Friend Lan, I was just helping you that day. How could you take advantage of me?" Ye Xian was a little angry.

"What are you talking about, Fairy Ye? I proposed to you that day and you didn't refuse. Your master also agreed. Besides, you have already accepted the betrothal gifts. It was in front of billions of creatures in the Primitive Fairy City. You can't go back on your word." Zheng Tuo said shamelessly.

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count. I was really helping you that day, how can it count? Moreover, you fought hard to get that original Dao pattern, how can I accept it? Don't worry, I will go find Master now and ask him to return the original Dao pattern to you."

Ye Xian was extremely flustered. She had never thought about marriage before, so she seemed extremely panicked.

"No need." Zheng Tuo stepped forward and immediately grabbed Ye Xian's hand.

Ye Xian wanted to struggle, but found it difficult to break free.

"That original Dao pattern was originally given to you." Zheng Tuo leaned close to Ye Xian's ear and said, "What I said that day seemed to be forced, but it was actually from the heart. If it wasn't from the heart, I wouldn't have defeated Yidaoxian to help you escape. You don't like the wedding this time. If I didn't really like it, how could I have taken such a risk."

Zheng Tuo shamelessly took Ye Xian's hand and stared at her without any sign of joking.

Ye Xian's heart was beating wildly, her mind was blank, and she seemed to be completely out of control. She herself didn't know what was going on.

It seemed that it was because of the surging righteousness of Zheng Tuo that made her feel at ease placing her hand in his palm.

No persuasion, just a nod.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Tuo raised his hand and took Ye Xian into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Come to think of it, you and I haven't practiced dual cultivation for a long time. It would be a good idea to do it today." Zheng Tuo picked up Ye Xian.

"it's not good!"

Ye Xian frowned, and his whole body exuded a strange aura.

"What's the good thing? You are already my wife." Zheng Tuo said, and carried Ye Xian directly into the house.

The Ten Directions Divine Formation was activated, shielding everything. Even if there was a wall breaker, he would not be able to spy on anything.

Nothing happened that night. On the second day, Zheng Tuo held Ye Xian's hand and strolled among the mountains and rivers.

"Ye'er, now that you have the original Dao pattern, when do you plan to break through and become a wall breaker?" Zheng Tuo asked this while holding Ye Xian in his arms.

"I don't want to break through. I will only break through when I can beat you. Otherwise, I will not be willing to give up." Ye Xian has her own goal. Her goal is to defeat Zheng Tuo. She will not break through if she doesn't defeat Zheng Tuo.

"Defeat me?" Zheng Tuo smiled bitterly, "You already defeated me once yesterday, do you think you can defeat me again?"

"When!" Ye Xian was stunned, and then seemed to think of something, "Can you...can you be serious and talk about business?"

Ye Xian had a shy look on her face. Only Zheng Tuo could see her beauty.

"Ye'er, honestly, I understand that you want to defeat me, but are you sure you can really defeat me?"

Zheng Tuo didn't want to attack Ye Xian, after all, she was his wife, but the problem was that this thing was impossible to happen.

Ye Xian was silent.

She knew the gap between herself and Zheng Tuo better than anyone else, but how could she give up her pride so easily?

"Everything depends on human effort. I am the most talented person in the history of the Sword Sect. I believe that one day I will be able to defeat you."

Ye Xian, lying in Zheng Tuo's arms, said this solemnly, and it seemed that he already believed it.

Zheng Tuo had no choice but to hug Ye Xian tightly and comfort her, saying that if she worked hard, she would definitely be able to defeat him.

The two of them lived a simple life like a young couple in love. In a trance, it was as if they had returned to the stone world.

They no longer paid attention to everything around them. They would occasionally practice dual cultivation to improve their skills, eat some delicious food, or go shopping as ordinary people.

They enjoyed each other's tenderness, just like two people stranded on a desert island who met each other, and no one could separate them with such affection.

Everything was so beautiful, but after living like this for a while, Jian Wuxin found Zheng Tuo and Ye Xian with a serious face and said that he had something important to discuss with them.

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