The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 2486 What kind of ending is worthy of this bumpy road?

Zheng Tuo was so proactive and did this obviously for his own purposes, but for the people present, they did not know that Zheng Tuo already controlled three original Dao patterns.

and so.

At this moment, they couldn't understand why Zheng Tuo wanted to give up the original Dao pattern.

However, since Zheng Tuo wanted to give up, they had no reason to disagree.

"Since the Immortal Killing City Lord is planning to give up, I'm afraid someone else may need to give up. At least for you and me, we need a real plan."

Except for Zheng Tuo, the remaining few people looked at each other, and none of them wanted to give up.

"I can give up." The Earth God spoke at this moment, "Of course, I need conditions to give up. The initial conditions are the same as those of the Immortal Killing City Lord. I hope you can help me obtain a new original Dao pattern. At the same time, I hope you can help me when I am in danger. Then, I hope someone of you can cooperate with me to explore the original Dao pattern."

Hearing this, the remaining three people, the God of Weirdness, Baili Dongxian, and Old Pangolin, looked at each other.

Now there are only three of them left. For them, if they agree to this condition, they will most likely have three original Dao patterns.

"No problem, there is nothing wrong with your conditions, I can agree to it."

The God of Weirdness spoke first. Now in the field, he was the one who needed the Original Dao Pattern the most. If his body did not have the blessing of the Original Dao Pattern of the second day, he would probably really die.

"I agree."

"I'm OK."

Baili Dongxian and Old Pangolin both said there was no problem.

So, there are only three of them left, and two of them need to make sacrifices.

"You two, I can make a promise right now. If you give up, I can guarantee your lives. At the same time, I will help you find new original Dao patterns. As you know, my original body is a wall breaker. If I can fuse two original Dao patterns, I will naturally be several times stronger."

The God of Weirdness speaks at this moment.

"Your true form is a wall breaker!" Baili Dongxian didn't know this information. Now when he heard what the God of Weirdness said, he immediately seemed a little excited.

"That's right, I am the God of Weirdness, a wall-breaker-level existence." The God of Weirdness did not hide his identity and spoke directly to Baili Dongxian.

"The weird god, the weird god in the legend!"

Baili Dongxian had read the story of the Weird God in various ancient books. He was a powerful and cunning being, but he seemed to be injured for some reason and it was rumored that he was beheaded. Unexpectedly, the Weird God was still alive.

"I agree."

The old pangolin understood that even if he obtained the original Dao pattern, he would not be able to break through without someone's protection.

To know.

When you use the original Dao pattern to break through to the Wall Breaker, there will be a huge commotion. At that time, there will be many Wall Breakers spying, and someone might take action. No, it should be said that there is a 100% chance that Wall Breakers will take action to snatch it.

He needed a guardian to protect himself, and the God of Weirdness was obviously a very good guardian.

"I agree."

Baili Dongxian was very smart. He knew that his position was the same as that of the old pangolin, so he decisively agreed to this.

The problem of the original Dao pattern distribution has now been solved, and what remains are some trivial matters. After they are confirmed, their camp becomes more solid.

Some people made sacrifices, some people made promises, and the power of the original fairy world descended at this moment and blessed them, making all the promises fulfilled.

Although the strange god is only a Taoist body now, there is a wisp of his original soul in his soul at this moment, so the promise he made can fully represent his own original body. If he breaks his promise, he will probably suffer very terrible punishment from the original fairy world's heavenly way.

The God of Weirdness now only wants to survive. He does not want to break his promise and bring himself fatal disaster. After all, he has witnessed with his own eyes that there were wall breakers who broke their oaths and were directly wiped out by the original fairyland.

As long as you are targeted by the original fairyland, no matter where you escape, you will be hunted down and killed by the heaven of the original fairyland.

and so.

The power of the oath has now been formed and he can trust each other.

"lets go!"

A few people wanted to set off, but it was already dark.

"Everyone, I think you and I should wait until daybreak before setting off." The God of Earth reminded everyone present. Except for Zheng Tuo, everyone else agreed.

Zheng Tuo was puzzled and looked towards the God of Earth.

"Lord of the Immortal Killing City, this is your first time here. Believe me, you will know why."

As the voice of the God of Earth fell, the whole world slowly fell into darkness.

The dark world does not seem completely dark, because there are flickering lights, coating the entire world with a faint glow.

Look carefully.

In Brother Zheng’s world, all kinds of creatures appeared.

They looked like they were dead, but they were not completely dead. They were wandering around the world like zombies.

This is?

When Zheng Tuo saw this scene, he frowned slightly.

"Where did these things come from?" Zheng Tuo had never seen any such creatures appear before.

"They are all divine souls. Because of the special power of this place, they are buried here and have become immortal and soulless creatures, just like chaotic creatures. They are immortal here, and there are many of them. They are powerful. If you and I provoke them, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to deal with them."

When Zheng Tuo heard this, he felt a sense of déjà vu.

Tomb of Immortal?

When he first started practicing cultivation, he entered the Tomb of the Jedi Immortals in the world of immortal cultivation.

There are such immortal creatures in the Tomb of Immortals. The situation here and now is exactly the same as that in the Tomb of Immortals.

However, the strength of the undead creatures here is far stronger than that of the Tomb of Immortals. It can be said that any creature here can sweep the Tomb of Immortals.

No wonder I felt familiar with it, that's why.

Thinking of this, he did not feel anxious at all and followed everyone to a forest on the ground.

Undead creatures only appear at night, so they just need to wait until the night is over and set out during the day.


Zheng Tuo asked Baili Dongxian about the situation in the ancient land of True Immortals.

Although several other people have also been to the Ancient Land of True Immortals, Baili Dongxian lives here after all, and knows everything about this place and can obtain first-hand information.

Because they had formed an alliance, Baili Dongxian answered all the questions and told Zheng Tuo all about the situation in the place.

After learning enough information, Zheng Tuo began to understand why several people present were not optimistic about this action.

The place they were going to was the place where True Immortals fell. Logically speaking, the place where True Immortals fell was a place that only those who had broken through the walls could go to explore. The level was very high, and they had no qualifications or ability to go there for the adventure.

However, the matter was already before them, and they had to go and take a look. Even if they really couldn't enter the place where the True Immortals fell, they still had to go and try it out.

The quiet wait did not last long.


There was a sound of violent vibration, and it seemed that someone was fighting in the distance.

Because the ancient land of true immortals is rich in spiritual energy, immortal cultivators will come here to practice and some will even live here all year round.

It's no surprise that some people fight nowadays.

Looking up, I saw that the battle in the distance was quite intense, with several strong men attacking each other. Although I couldn't see who was fighting, I could feel the powerful waves coming.


The undead creatures around them seemed to be touched and rushed towards the center of the battle.




As the battle continued in the distance, Zheng Tuo and others all had serious expressions and tried their best to hide their aura.

They did not want to get involved in any battle, and even less did they want the other side to attract the fluctuations of the battle to them.

The reason why the immortal creatures are called immortal creatures is because they are immortal. Faced with so many immortal creatures, although they are not afraid, they do not want to cause trouble.

In the distance, the roar of battle gradually faded away, and it seemed that the battle was moving away from them.

"He's really crazy. He actually dares to fight at night." Baili Dongxian shook his head, and expressed that he might be sick about the battle that just happened.

The Ancient Land of True Immortals is so dangerous at night that even the Wall Breakers don't want to come into contact with it, because too many people have died in this Ancient Land of True Immortals. The souls of these people will be imprisoned here forever after their death, like the walking dead, moving around in this world. Whenever they encounter any external force, they will jump out to fight with you.

Actually, even if a Wall Breaker-level being takes action, it is impossible to wipe out all the undead creatures. This is also the origin of the undead creatures.

It is indeed hard to imagine how terrifying a being that even the Wall Breaker cannot kill is.


In fact, it is true that the Wall Breakers are unable to kill the undead creatures living here.

Perhaps, from a certain perspective, the immortal creatures living here have obtained eternal immortality, but the price they paid is too great, that is, freedom and wisdom.

The battle just now was slowly moving away from everyone, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. They really didn't want to get involved in a meaningless battle, let alone facing dangerous undead creatures. If they were entangled by the undead creatures, it would be very dangerous and they might even be buried here.

This statement is not an exaggeration. The undead creatures are like Zerg, endless and everywhere. They are likely to exhaust people to death.

Although they are very powerful, they have not reached the level of Wall Breakers, and are only at the peak of Half-Step Wall Breakers.

Faced with such a situation, naturally one does not want to get involved.

The nights in the ancient land of True Immortals were very long. While waiting, Zheng Tuo was full of curiosity about everything around him.

This feeling was really familiar, as if he had returned to the past, to the situation in the Tomb of Immortals. Everything around him was full of danger. He hid here, feeling everything around him, hoping that nothing unfortunate would happen.

It seemed that his prayers were heard by the Heaven, so when they were resting here, they found that there were powerful undead creatures approaching their location.

It was an immortal elephant, with a gigantic body that made a rumbling sound when it walked, and the whole person exuded an inexplicable sense of power.

Looking at this scene, several people immediately held their breath and looked at the immortal elephant approaching them.

The immortal elephant also has no intelligence. It wanders here aimlessly, not knowing what it is looking for or what it is doing.

Seeing this scene, everyone present had a serious expression, except Zheng Tuo.

  what's the situation?

He felt a familiar breath from the Undead Elephant, a breath that he was very familiar with, but he suddenly couldn't remember what this breath was.


The aura of the Immortal Elephant was different from the surrounding aura. It felt very familiar, as if it had come into contact with him before.

But he was sure that he had absolutely no contact with the Undead Elephant.

He just watched the immortal elephant walk away.

at last.

After they waited for a long time, day finally came.

Baili Dongxian took out the spaceship very professionally, and several people sat up and flew towards the target quickly.

On the road.

They saw the appearance of many living creatures.

In this ancient land of true immortals, there are not only humans, but also many other races.

Those races have strange appearances and each one looks quite eye-catching, but Zheng Tuo is used to it.

There are also various creatures in his Samsara City, and those creatures living in Samsara City are similar to the creatures here.

Come on.

There seems to be no connection between the original fairyland and the big world where he lives. Why are the creatures living here so similar to the creatures in the big world where he lives, with almost no difference?

He had in mind that it should be some group of wall breakers.

The original fairyland has existed for a very long time, and during this long period of time, countless wall breakers have been born.

This group of wall breakers are constantly replacing each other, because the wall breakers' lifespan is not immortal, and their lifespan also has a limit.

And the life of the wall breakers seems to be long, but in the face of time, it is just a blink of an eye.

  What is the end of spiritual practice?

Zheng Tuo suddenly had such a thought.

He has met too many people and seen too many things along the way.

Some people he had only met once and never saw again. Some people he had even forgotten and could hardly remember them even if he tried hard.

What kind of ending would be worthy of all the ups and downs along the way?

Zheng Tuo couldn't help feeling sad as he thought about it.

I remember when I first learned about the existence of wall breakers, the excitement and joy filled my whole body, making me eager to practice.


Knowing that the Wall Breaker was not the ultimate and that there was still an unclear road ahead, he actually fell into confusion.

I have no idea where this road will end. All I can do is walk the path I’m on as I did before.

Zheng Tuo felt something in his heart and suddenly felt relaxed all over, as if he had experienced a baptism. His whole body was emitting auspicious light, which shocked everyone present and made them stare in amazement, unable to understand what had happened to Zheng Tuo.

You were clearly on your way, but how come you suddenly emitted a bright light, as if you had made a breakthrough! (End of this chapter)

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