The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 301 That year, the sea of ​​anger, the pre-war meeting, sat like a minion

Chapter 301 That year, the sea of ​​anger, the pre-war meeting, sat like a minion


Waiting quietly for a few Qiankun bags to explode, and one after another, demon corpses will appear.

Zheng Tuo didn't do it himself, and directly suppressed it with Zhenmo Mountain.

Although the Demon Suppressing Mountain is only a third-tier middle-grade magic weapon, it possesses the power to suppress demons.

Fall now.

All the thousands of demons present were suppressed and remained motionless.

The devilish energy on them was crazily absorbed by Zhenmo Mountain to bless them.

Zheng Tuo drank the spiritual tea and watched Zhenmo Mountain continue to improve, and finally upgraded to a third-order top-grade magic weapon.

Tier [-] top-grade magic weapon, there is no problem in the general Qi Sea stage, and it can show its power first and bring huge troubles to the opponent in the late Qi Sea stage. If you are not careful, you will be shocked to death by Zhenmo Mountain.

Raising his hand to take back Zhenmo Mountain, Zheng Tuo called Bury Mo to clean up the mess.

Burying Demon looked expressionless, with an ordinary figure and height, quietly stepped forward, and threw one after another demon corpses into the demon refining furnace for refining.

No one knows what happened in Demon City.

After all, it is a forbidden place, a place that no one wants to come to.

a day later.

News came from Zheng Tuo's gold bracelet that the Golden City held a post-war meeting and invited him to attend.


Zheng Tuo was actually quite helpless about this matter.

He is doing well in Demon Refining City, no one disturbs him, and he can concentrate on his studies.

But after all, he was the only one in the Demon Refining City, and the Demon Refining Army was counted in the Golden City as an independent army.

and so.


He is actually the general of Demon Refining City, also known as the polished commander as the saying goes.

above all.

After the post-war meeting, he needs to represent the Demon Refining Army to participate.

No way.

He could only pack up and head to the Golden Hall.

The City Lord's Mansion of the Golden City looks resplendent and resplendent, as if everything is made of gold.

Although gold is not that precious in the world of cultivating immortals, it feels like a big word.

After Zheng Tuo showed the Tiger Talisman, the guards did not make things difficult for him.

After successfully entering the Golden City, Zheng Tuo kept a low profile as much as possible, all the way to the Golden Hall.

Above the main hall, someone has arrived ahead of schedule.

All the generals were familiar with each other, chatting with each other about the situation of this battle, but ignored Zheng Tuo.

However, he still felt a few strands of divine consciousness sweeping across his body.

The strength of spiritual consciousness is not high, presumably several people are also afraid that this place is the Golden Palace, and dare not make a big fanfare to investigate themselves.

After all, my identity is a general, representing the city of refining demons, if I conduct a comprehensive investigation on myself when I first arrived, it is easy to offend the Golden King.

The Golden King doesn't like intrigue among his subordinates, because those things are likely to kill a group of talented soldiers.

Zheng Tuo thought about it.

in fact.

The general of Demon Refining City is one of the most special generals.

Because of the Demon Refining City, no one is willing to touch it, and at the same time, no one really hates it.

After all, the role of the Demon Refining City is quite huge. Without the existence of the Demon Refining City, the demon energy alone would cause a lot of headaches.

And if the demons recycle the demon corpses, they will use the magic spring to create monsters that only have the desire to kill.

Although the monsters did not appear in the battle just now, they have seen the strength of the monster army with their own eyes.

How many young and talented cultivators were torn apart by the army of monsters.

and so.

The existence of the demon army is inevitable, and they have no reason to hate it, they just don't like contact.

In the Golden Hall, the generals are gathered.

Zheng Tuo sat in the last seat without saying a word, quietly closing his eyes and meditating.


He could clearly feel that the eyes of almost all the generals around him had once been on him.

Zheng Tuo thought to himself at this moment.

I shouldn't be so calm, I should be a little scared.

Those present were all generals, each of whom was a ruthless man who had been killed for a long time, and each of them was in charge of one military branch, and some even managed two military branches.

If I, a fledgling kid, behaved too calmly and calmly on such an occasion, it would obviously attract attention.

in this way.

His body began to shake slowly and restlessly.

The shaking was actually very slight, as if trying to restrain himself.

But the lowest strength of the people present is also the golden core stage, so it is easy to catch his uneasy abnormality.

in this way.

Those eyes that looked over quickly became taken for granted.

want to come.

In their hearts, Zheng Tuo, like those generals in the Demon Refining City, would instinctively feel afraid in such an occasion.

The gazes looking at Zheng Tuo gradually became rarer and finally disappeared.

Everyone has no reason to devote too much energy to Zheng Tuo.

On top of the throne, the Golden King sat high, looking several statures taller than everyone present.

"Old rules, let's talk about your thoughts about this battle."

King Mu presided over the meeting and spoke first.

"For a big victory, it is natural to add military exploits and use it to motivate everyone."

General Baihu said the most straightforward thing, nothing is more motivating than military exploits.

"That's right, it's time to add battle merit. Come to think of it, we haven't won a battle for ten years."

There was anger in General Qinglong's voice.

For ten years, they were suppressed by the Demon Race.

Even sometimes there is really no way, the human side will give up fighting and let the demons attack the golden city's defensive formation.

Although the demons were unable to break through the formation, the yelling and cursing in front of the formation made everyone feel ashamed.

As generals, they endured that humiliation for ten years.


Everyone also expressed their thoughts.

More than half of them agreed to increase the military exploits, while some people disagreed, saying that it should remain unchanged, otherwise the soldiers would easily arouse arrogance, which would be detrimental to the next battle.

Zheng Tuo was dumbfounded as the two sides insisted on their own words and had a chaotic discussion. They looked like they might fight at any time.

The word general in the Golden City represents a person under one person and above tens of thousands of people.

They are respected elders, and they are heroes who have made great contributions to the human race.

But it was such a group of people who were spitting and flying all over the place at this moment, rolling up their arms and sleeves, looking like they might fight at any time.

On the other hand, the Golden King didn't intend to stop him.

Even Zheng Tuo felt that the Golden King was particularly enjoying this moment, enjoying this kind of quarrel.


Only when there are differences of opinion can continuous progress be made.

As if everyone holds the same opinion and agrees with everything, that is the tragedy of the Golden City and the tragedy of the human race.

After discussing for a long time, King Mu spoke to stop the quarrel.

"The rewards and punishments are clear, ten years of great victories, you should be rewarded."

In the end, King Mu made a final decision, and as a reward, he would give the fighters who fought this heroic battle more meritorious service.

After discussing the matter, everyone stopped mentioning it.


King Mu went to the next meeting to discuss.

"The ghost and mouse army recently found some traces of golden fruits at the location of the Golden Cliff, and they will probably ripen in a few days. Any of you will recommend yourself and send strong people to fight for it."

There are not only recruits in the Golden City, but also veterans.

Veterans are also key training targets.

and so.

There will be some very special missions with huge rewards released at the meeting.

Each general will choose to accept the task according to the difference of their trainers.

A group of generals arranged the training of trainers here.

Zheng Tuo heard it in his ears and silently remembered it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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