The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 374 Accidentally dig out a big fear

Chapter 374 Accidentally dug out a statue of fear
Golden ancient bridge, you think you can't cross the river if you don't let me set foot on it, what a joke.

Zheng Tuo continued to complain about the stinginess of the Golden Ancient Bridge.

The process of refining the big ship went very smoothly.

Because there is no spirit pattern on the golden spirit iron, it can be refined in any way like a piece of plasticine.

During the refining process, Zheng Tuo had a thought and had a bold idea.

Not only did he use the golden spirit iron to forge a few large boats to cross the river, but he also used the golden spirit iron to forge a golden pot, the kind used to hold hot water.

And he engraved the Qiankun Lingwen used to make Qiankun bags in the golden pot.

The Qiankun Lingwen has the characteristic of squeezing space, allowing a palm-sized golden pot to hold the entire Tongtian River.

The refining process took a lot of time. After all, the Qiankun Spirit Pattern is very complicated, so there must be no carelessness.

Seven days later.

Zheng Tuo looked at the golden pot in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Leave the safe house and come to the golden river.

He took out the golden pot, put the mouth of the pot into the river water, and then activated the golden pot.

At the mouth of the golden pot, a strong suction appeared, and it began to crazily absorb the water of the golden river in front of it.

Zheng Tuo was closely observing the whole process.

The height of the golden pot is also a fourth-order magic weapon, and the strength of its crazy absorption is beyond imagination.

The golden river in front of me is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is decreasing.

The strong absorption of the golden pot lasted for three full days.

After three days, the water of the Golden River was directly reduced by one-fifth.

Zheng Tuo fetched the golden pot, watched the golden lake water tumbling in it, and nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that the water of the Golden River itself has a special spirituality, even if it is isolated, it is as rough as usual.

Looking back, placing this thing around Luoxian Mountain is simply a natural defensive barrier.

Put away the golden pot, take out the big boat, and prepare to cross the river.

and many more!

He stopped what he was doing.

First of all.

Crossing the river in this way is a bit risky.

In such a wide river, Bao Buqi has a powerful creature with a relatively large head.

If there is a fight on the golden river, it is someone else's territory, and I will definitely suffer.

In There.

I have a grudge against the Golden Ancient Bridge, so I won't trip myself up when I cross the river.

Even though the chaotic body is miraculous, there is no need to use it for such a boring adventure.

Look up.

Look at the great river of gold that has fallen by a fifth.

He suddenly had a plan.


Instead of crossing the river with a big boat, he went back to the safe house and refined four more golden pots with golden spirit iron.

Since it is dangerous to cross the river with a big boat, why don't I drain the river and cross the river.

Judging from the situation that the Golden River has just been extracted, it is obviously a dead river. The river water that has been extracted is the river water that has been extracted, and there will be no river water from other places to fill the gap.

and so.

As long as there are enough golden pots, the golden river should be able to be drained.

With this in mind, he took out four golden pots in one go, and began to drain the Golden River.

It's also thanks to his sufficient reserves of chaotic body aura, otherwise it would be very difficult to urge the four golden pots to work together in one breath.


He sent a puppet to squat near the ancient golden bridge to observe whether anyone returned from the other side of the ancient golden bridge.

If someone appeared and found out what he was doing, he would not treat himself as a monster and arrest him.

The good news is that the group of Jindan powerhouses were only thinking about the golden fruit, so they didn't know how far they ran, and it was impossible for anyone to come back.

The Golden Ancient Bridge didn't seem to be moving at all, as if it had nothing to do with the Golden River.

Zheng Tuo was so happy that he pumped water from the golden river with peace of mind.

Just right.

Let the cannon fodder continue to help you find the way. The best scenario is that the cannon fodder has already found the golden fruit, and then the two sides fight, and after both lose, you can easily pick the golden fruit away.

three days later.

With the unrelenting efforts of the four golden pots, the entire golden river was pumped out in sevens and eights.

Looking at the golden river that has exposed the bottom of the river.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Not only did he get five pots full of river water, but he also opened up such a safe way to cross the river.

Send a team of puppets to set foot on the golden river at this moment, and conduct a thunder-like exploration.


A team of golems did find something wrong.

That is the bottom of the Golden River, and some of the silt has a special spirituality.

Zheng Tuo took out the magic weapon of the glasses on the shore, adjusted the angle, and carefully observed the mud, be careful!
Fragmented Golden Immortal Soil?

The silt looked exactly like the Broken Golden Immortal Soil.

Asking the puppet to bring him a piece of mud, he carefully observed it for a long time on the shore and came to the conclusion that it was really broken golden fairy soil.

He once got some good things like Broken Gold Immortal Soil from the Tomb of the Immortals, and it is definitely one of the top immortal soils for planting spirit grass and spirit trees.

After all, it is the spiritual land that even Ren Wangshu would personally choose.

Unexpectedly, at the bottom of this golden river, so many broken golden fairy soils were born.

Zheng Tuo had to sigh, his luck seemed to be a little bit better.

Raise your hand.

The twelve gods will appear.

The twelve gods will set up an array to dig out all the broken golden fairy soil with a diameter of [-] meters and a depth of a thousand meters.

If you don't take the baby in front of you, it's obviously disrespectful.

During the whole process, he was observing from the shore, ready to run away at any time, because he knew a piece of information about the Broken Golden Immortal Soil.

Broken Gold Immortal Soil is similar to a spiritual vein, and it is very difficult to be born.

And the birth environment of this thing needs something uncomfortable, that is... a corpse.

The more corpses there are, the easier it is to produce Broken Golden Immortal Soil.

Such as the tomb of a fairy.

There are legendary undead creatures there, and all creatures, like the undead, belong to another kind of life.

and so.

He was not surprised that the Broken Gold Immortal Soil was born in the Immortal Tomb.

But here.

This closed space, this golden river that gallops like wild horses but has no sound, how could such a huge piece of broken golden fairy soil be born? How many corpses must gather together for a long time to have such an effect.

So he said that if there is danger, he will run away immediately.

The excavation process went smoothly. Zheng Tuo could only temporarily throw such a huge piece of broken golden fairy soil into the world of ten directions. After all, the bronze mirror was not with him, and he had nothing else that could hold such a large amount of fairy soil.


Wei Yang's voice came.

"what's up."

"Master, I found something strange, and I need you to come and see it yourself."

Zheng Tuo was puzzled!

Carefully come to the edge of the big pit.

The big pit was a thousand meters deep, and the bottom was dark.

With his eyesight, he could see the bottom of the big pit.

There is a stone tablet in the deepest part of the pit.

The stone tablet is densely white, like a piece of white bone, with a big yellow character written in ancient Chinese on it.

Seeing that yellow character, Zheng Tuo obviously felt his spirit tremble, as if there was a mysterious force enveloping his spirit, wanting to drag him into the deep pit in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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