The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 408 Babies, come out and take a bath!

Chapter 408 Babies, come out and take a bath!

The Seven-Colored Immortal is transforming into the Dao, returning her entire body to the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Zheng Tuo looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

This was the first time he saw someone transformed into a Dao. Although the other person might not be human, it didn't matter.

The other party is indeed transforming.

The Seven-Colored Immortal transformed into a Dao, and his Seven-Colored Spiritual Qi penetrated into the fragments of the ancient bronze mirror while breathing.

The ancient bronze mirror flickered with colorful light in an instant, completing the restoration.

On the other hand, the Seven-Colored Immortal had completely disappeared without knowing when.

Enlightenment peak.

Wudao looked at the dark cloud in the sky with his hands behind his back.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, origin and extinction, nothing in the end, alas..."

Wudao sighed, seemingly helpless, melancholy, unwilling...

Inside the dark clouds.

The bronze mirror is still the same bronze mirror, it doesn't seem to be any different.

Zheng Tuo knew it.

There is nothing wrong with this breath.

It is an innate spiritual treasure.

Zheng Tuo looked at the ancient bronze mirror, which was not different in any way, and indeed felt the same aura as the two swords of falling immortals.


Above the sky, the old father screamed in mourning.

Transforming the Tao is the highest ritual in the world of cultivating immortals, and everyone must surrender.

After screaming, he aimed his breath at Zheng Tuo.

Time to do the right thing.


There was a loud bang without warning.

A thick heavenly tribulation struck Zheng Tuo fiercely.

In an instant!
The bronze mirror appeared and stood in front of Zheng Tuo, easily devouring the Heavenly Tribulation.

Zheng Tuo looked at the bronze mirror that had no pressure against Tianjie, and even ate Tianjie as spicy noodles, he was speechless!
Are all Xiantian Lingbao so overbearing?


Is that a catastrophe?
This is eaten?
Zheng Tuo looked at the ancient bronze mirror that devoured the catastrophe just like playing with it, and suddenly had a brilliant idea.

look up.

Looking at the old father Tian Jie who would never leave in the void.

"Hey hey hey..."


The old father had a catastrophe, and it seemed that danger was coming.

"Come, come, don't patronize eating alone, share some with your brothers and sisters."

Zheng Tuo raised his hand and moved the Burial Soldiers Mountain over.

"Old father Tianjie, if you are afraid, just leave, otherwise, if you see the magic weapon on our mountain, I will kill you."

Zheng Tuo took a picture of a brick and weighed it in his hand, looking at his old father Tian Jie provocatively.

The old father Tianjie looked very irritable.

The little golden core dared to openly fight against the catastrophe and rebel!

Thousands of thunder condensed and poured down in an instant.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo immediately smiled.

Motivate the ancient bronze mirror, use the ancient bronze mirror as a medium to filter the catastrophe, and then refine the buried soldier mountain and the magic weapon on the buried soldier mountain.

The rainbow wheel was spinning wildly in excitement, and it was the first to withstand the catastrophe filtered by the bronze mirror.

Although it was a filtered Heavenly Tribulation, it was also outrageously tyrannical.

The split rainbow wheel frantically fled, looking like it was dying of pain.

The corpse furnace is not afraid, open the furnace cover, and eat as many catastrophes as there are days.

After you are full, cover the stove.


The whole stove was buzzing like popcorn popping inside his body.

Devouring Demon Guan hides despondently aside, looking like he wants to eat but is afraid of being hacked, quite wretched.

Thousands of gold bricks form a huge lightning rod, guiding all the punishments from heaven to attack him.

The puppet hut, the magic weapon hut, the interrogation hut, the hunting suit... all the magic weapons took off, overwhelmingly welcoming the baptism of the old father's catastrophe.

All of them are scrambling to be the first, really like the scud aunts during the big sale in the supermarket.

Not only that.

As the mother who gave birth to all the magic weapons, Zangbing Mountain specially guided several catastrophes to baptize it with the bronze mirror.

Zangbing Mountain is still calm, and when it was baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation, it felt like it was enjoying itself.


The colorful immortal shark was released by Zheng Tuo.

The little ones were suffocated.

After coming out, seeing Tian Jie, he immediately bypassed the bronze mirror and confronted his old father Tian Jie directly.

When the old father Tianjie saw the immortal sharks, he obviously felt that his emotions were not right. He seemed to recall that at a certain time in a certain year, a certain month, a guy who looked the same as this group of immortal sharks swallowed one of his distant cousins ​​alive .


He unleashed countless cataclysms to kill the swarm of immortal sharks.

No matter what.

The mighty Heavenly Tribulation was as fragile as chips in front of the Immortal Killing Shark, and was swallowed up by a group of little guys in minutes.

The ferocious appearance of the group of seven-colored immortal sharks was as frightening as a fairy fighting Jiutong for the last chicken leg.

The baptism of the whole people, the scene is quite spectacular.

The old father Tianjie blasted for half an hour, nothing happened to the bronze mirror, and all other magic weapons were in a saturated state.

After all, it is a catastrophe.

The ancient bronze mirrors of Houtian Lingbao just now have been blasted into scum, not to mention a group of fourth-order magic weapons that don't even reach fourth-order.

If you can withstand the baptism, you can thank the eight generations of ancestors in heaven.

Take back the magic weapon.

I believe that after this baptism, the potential of all magic weapons will be greatly improved.

As long as they are properly nurtured in the future, they will definitely be good seedlings of the Houtian Lingbao, and it is not impossible to find a suitable opportunity to be promoted to Xiantian.

The magic weapon is recalled, only the group of colorful immortal sharks are still carrying the catastrophe, and they are about to fight the old father with the catastrophe.

Too raw.

Zheng Tuo expressed his satisfaction at the tyranny of the colorful shark group.

As a descendant of the subspecies of the Immortal Slaughter King among the ten kings of ancient times, his level of dominance is really worthy of the king's blood in his body.

That's hell, it's not french fries.

"Come back, otherwise, the catastrophe will scare you away."

After hearing Zheng Tuo's order, the Colorful Immortal Killing Shark came back obediently and got into Zheng Tuo's sleeve.

All the colorful immortal sharks grew up eating Zheng Tuo's colorless aura, which can be said to be a part of Zheng Tuo's body, like the feeling of waving his arms.

Taking back the Seven-Color Immortal Killing Shark, Zheng Tuo looked at the bronze mirror that he hadn't taken back.

"Come on, come on, come out and take a shower."

Zheng Tuo summoned twelve generals and a group of puppets to let their souls also undergo baptism.

"Boss, boss, is that... Heavenly Tribulation?"

Fat Tiger looked at the old father Tianjie flickering in the sky with a lisp.

"It is indeed a catastrophe. I am honored to hear my third uncle and grandpa say it once, and I am deeply impressed."

The thin monkey was trembling all over, looking at Tian Jie very frightened.

They are all puppets, and their physical bodies are only composed of spirit iron and formations, so they cannot protect their spirits at all.

To them, Heavenly Tribulation is like women and cockroaches, cockroaches and men, men and women, natural nemesis.

"Go, let your souls endure the baptism of the catastrophe, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of your strength."

"Boss, you are serious, that is a catastrophe, not a lightning bolt."

Fat Tiger said that it is dangerous and needs to be cautious, boss, you can't use us as guinea pigs.

"If your strength can't keep up with mine, I will consider dismantling you and burning you as firewood."

Zheng Tuo said seriously.

"Boss, what posture do you think I should use?"

Fat Tiger didn't know when he had appeared under the bronze mirror, changing various postures that he thought were handsome.

As for the thin monkey, this guy has already taken the initiative to find Tianjie to baptize his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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