The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 450 Why do all monkeys have a soft spot for sticks

Chapter 450 Why do all monkeys have a soft spot for sticks

The news is very short, it's about the long-lived old ghost.

It is said that someone once saw a long-lived old ghost on a certain island in the Linghai Sea.

At that time, he was walking on the road with a beautiful woman in a black robe and bare feet.

The sources are very reliable.

In other words, the long-lived old ghost really went to Linghai.

Linghai and Dongyu are completely two worlds.

The Linghai has the ecosystem of the Linghai, and because most of the fish in the Linghai are refined, the cruelty is far more than that of the Eastern Territory.

Send a message to the twelve generals, telling them to continue to investigate the movements of the old ghost of longevity, and if they find it, they will notify themselves as soon as possible.

The longevity old ghost must be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

After arranging the matters, he went to the golden ring first.

The golden arena was shining brightly, and it was divided into several areas. There were people fighting on it [-] hours a day.

Not bad.

The golden arena has indeed absorbed a lot of spirit patterns over the years, and the golden arena, which is a fourth-order magic weapon, has become more and more extraordinary while absorbing the spirit patterns.

can be seen.

There are already various dense spiritual patterns intertwined on it.

Although those spirit patterns are not strong enough, even in the eyes of ordinary strong people, they are not strong enough.

The spirit pattern formed by the fusion of densely packed various spirit patterns is more mysterious than ordinary spirit patterns, and its strength is naturally more extraordinary.

I believe that with continuous absorption of spirit patterns and continuous self-improvement, the golden arena will one day reach the level of innate spirit treasures.

He has confidence in the golden ring and the Luoxianzong.

After seeing the golden arena, he went to see the Luoxian Pagoda.

have to say.

The promotion speed of Luoxian Pagoda is not weaker than the golden arena, and even has a slight suppression.

After all, it is a place where every disciple must practice, and in terms of order of magnitude, it is more than the golden arena.


Based on the knowledge he has learned in four years, he has made a big upgrade patch to the two.

After the upgrade, the strength of the two is higher, the protection is better, and the speed of absorbing the aura of the spirit pattern is faster, which can be described as an overall speedup.

After three days of trial run.

Both the Golden Arena and the Luoxian Pagoda are steadily improving without any mistakes.


Zheng Tuo is very satisfied with the improvement of the two magic weapons.

After dealing with the upgrading work of the two magic weapons, he returned to Luoxian Mountain.

The changes in Luoxian Mountain are not insignificant.

The sycamore tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, there are fairy winds flying on it, and a hundred birds are contending. In Luoxian Lake, there are fairy dragons swimming and all kinds of fish are jubilant.

In the Luoxian Forest, there are elks jumping, tigers descending the mountain, and beside the Luoxian Waterfall, there are macaques sitting upright, as if they are feeling the world and want to psychic.

None of these spirit beasts are real, but they are even more surprising than real.

The entire Luoxianzong is shrouded in mist, and the colorful clouds take off, just like a fairyland, making people mesmerized.

Looking at Luoxian Mountain at this moment, Zheng Tuo felt a sense of peace and tranquility in his heart.

Not bad.

Not bad.

It seems that the underground spiritual veins of the Fallen Immortal Sect are growing well, and this is almost catching up to one-tenth of the concentration of spiritual energy in the mirror world.

While lamenting the changes in Luoxian Mountain, I found that there was no one on the mountain.

Jiu Li'er left Luoxianzong shortly after he went to the imperial capital, and continued to return to the Golden City to study. After all, his current status is a general, and he cannot easily leave the Golden City for too long.

Senior Sister Lou said it was because she was too busy.

Luo Xianzong's exchange office has to deal with all the big and small matters, and he never gets tired of it when he is exhausted.

As for the fairy.

Zheng Tuo sighed.

After all, his little padded jacket still leaked air.

Since Xian'er became an elder, she has been really beautiful.

I'm afraid that others will not know that I am an elder, so I hang around outside every day.

Moreover, I don't know what kind of rhetoric and delicious food Xian'er used to lure her little sisters into the Luoxianzong and become disciples of the Luoxianzong. After adding God Xuanyuan, the Rainbow Sisters gathered. The major Jedi in the Eastern Territory are fighting, and they can be called a big evil force.

The three women were not there, and Luoxian Mountain was much quieter.

Zheng Tuo was so happy.

Turn around and enter the ancient bronze mirror, and start a comprehensive practical session based on the theoretical knowledge of the past four years.

Learning is definitely necessary. If he doesn't study for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

The situation in Mirror Realm is similar to that of Luoxian Mountain.

It's just that the aura in the mirror world is more intense, and there are more treasures.

He came straight to the studio.

First of all, what he wants to fight in actual combat is not puppets or formations, but spirit wine.

Uncle Yun Qianli's depression has become more serious in the past few years, and it seems to be developing towards depression.

If a cultivator suffers from depression, it is not as simple as just killing it by himself.

The depression of immortal cultivators has a [-]% chance of turning into demons.

Under the control of the demon, the ghost knows what Uncle Yun Qianli can do.

Take out all kinds of precious spiritual herbs that have been prepared, and replace the dragon blood and phoenix blood with your own colorless.

The winemaking process is not very complicated, but the materials are more precious.

three days later.

He brewed a jar of spiritual wine.

Zheng Tuo looked serious as he looked at the spirit wine that was emitting green light in his hand.

This thing won't drink to death.

It stands to reason that they are all spiritual things, and their colorless aura is not harmful.

and so.

In order to test his conjecture, he recruited a little golden monkey.

The golden monkey is a very popular breed, and it seems to have a little bit of spirituality.

"Er Tiao, I won't force you. There are two bowls of spiritual wine in front of you. Do you drink the left one or the right one."

Er Tiao raised his head, blinked his big eyes, and seemed to understand what Zheng Tuo said.

The look on your face, master, you are cheating a monkey, really made Zheng Tuo blush.

"Cough cough..."

Zheng Tuo coughed dryly.

When he saw two pieces, he thought of nine tubes.

This Jiutong, who suffered a thousand knives, has been out in the wild for many years, why hasn't he come back, so that he doesn't know who to experiment with now.

"Ahem... come on, Ertiao, drink it."

Ertiao looked at his master ignorantly. After all, he was a proto-monkey who hadn't really psychic. He would eat whatever the master gave him.

Ertiao picked up a bowl of spirit wine, and gulped down the bowl of spirit wine into his belly.

It is obvious that Erjo's body is evolving, and it looks quite obvious.

Its fur, which was originally golden, became even more golden after drinking the spirit wine.


His big eyes, which were already full of spirituality, rolled around at this moment, looking full of spirituality.

Not bad.

It seems that the effect of spirit wine is much better than expected.

After just one bowl, Er Tiao seemed to be about to break through the mortal monkey and become a spirit monkey.

On the other hand, after Er Tiao drank a bowl of spirit wine, he burped suddenly, and his little face, which seemed slightly drunk, flushed.


Qi didn't know where to get a stick, and played it in front of Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo looked at Er Tiao who was getting high with a stick, and thought to himself, why do all monkeys have a soft spot for sticks.

(End of this chapter)

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